Famous sculptures
Löwenmensch, from Hohlenstein-Stadel, now in Ulmer Museum, Ulm, Germany, the oldest known anthropomorphic animal-human statuette, Aurignacian era, c. 35–40,000 BP
Venus of Laussel, c. 27,000 BP, an Upper Palaeolithic carving, Bordeaux museum, France
Venus of Willendorf. Around 25,000-30,000 years ago (Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria)
Venus of Brassempouy, dated circa 25,000 BC
9th millennium BC
Urfa Man, c. 9,000 BCE (Şanlıurfa Museum)
Ain Sakhri lovers]] (British museum)
3nd millennium BC
Guennol Lioness, c. 3000–2800 BC (Private collection)
28th century BC
Tell Asmar male worshiper votive sculpture. 2750−2600 BCE (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Head from the figure of a woman, Spedos type, Early Cycladic II, Keros culture. (Head of woman-Ma 2709). 2700 BC (Louvre)
27th century BC
Harpist of Keros. Cycladic, ca.2600 BC (National Archaeological Museum of Athens)
Rahotep and Nofret statues, 2650-2610 BC (Egyptian Museum in Cairo)
26th century BC
Great Sphinx of Giza. C. 2558–2532 BC
Statue of Kaaper, Old Kingdom, (around 2500 BCE) (Egyptian Museum)
Goulandris Master - Cycladic Female Figurine, 2500–2400 BC (Walters)
25th century BC
Menkaura (Mycerinus) and queen, Old Kingdom, Dynasty 4, 2490–2472 BCE
The Seated Scribe, the period of the Old Kingdom, from either the 5th Dynasty, c. 2450–2325 BCE or the 4th Dynasty, 2620–2500 BCE (Louvre)
24th century BC
Bronze head of a king of the Old Akkadian dynasty, most likely Naram-Sin or Sargon of Akkad. C. 2300 (National Museum of Iraq, Baghdad)
Dancing Girl, Mohenjo-daro, c. 2300–1750 BC (National Museum, New Delhi, Delhi)
22th century BC
Statues of Gudea, c. 2144–2124 BC
2nd millennium BC
Priest-King, c. 2000–1900 BCE (National Museum of Pakistan, Karachi)
19th century BC
The Trundholm sun chariot, perhaps 1800–1500 BCE (National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen)
Burney Relief, 19th-18th century BC (British Museum)
18th century BC
Code of Hammurabi, 1755—1752 BC, basalt (Louvre)
17th century BC
Snake Goddess, 1650-1550 BC (Archaeological Museum of Heraklion)
16th century BC
Rhyton in the form of a bulls head from Knossos, ca. 1550-1500 BC (Archaeological Museum of Heraklion)
14th century BC
Colossal Statue of Amenhotep IV from Karnak, 1356-1350 BCE (Cairo museum)
Nefertiti Bust, C. 1351–1334 BC (Neues Museum)
Mask of Tutankhamun, c. 1323 BC (Egyptian Museum)
13th century BC
The Great Temple of Abu Simbel (ca. 1280 BCE)
Lion Gate (Mycenae), 1250 BC
1st millennium BC
Olmec colossal heads. Before 900 BC.
A Jōmon dogū figure, late Jomon period (1,000- 400 BC), Tokyo National Museum
9th century BC
Assyrian lamassu gate guardian from Khorsabad, circa 800–721 BCE (Oriental Institute Museum at the University of Chicago)
"Winged genie", Nimrud c. 870 BC, with inscription running across his midriff.
8th century BC
edit7th century BC
Lady of Auxerre. c. 650 - 625 BC (Louvre)
6th century BC
Polymedes of Argos. Kleobis and Biton. C. 580 BC (Delphi Archaeological Museum)
Chryselephantine torso of Apollo. C. 550 BC (Archaeological Museum of Delphi)
Peplos Kore, c. 530 BCE(Athens, Acropolis Museum)
Sarcophagus of the Spouses. 530-510 BC (National Etruscan Museum, Rome)
Bull capital Apadana AOD1, Palace of Darius in Susa, c. 510 (Louvre)
Bicha of Balazote, 6th century (National Archaeological Museum of Spain)
Apollo of Veii, c. 510 - 500 BC (National Etruscan Museum, Rome)
5th century BC
Chimera of Arezzo. C. 400 BCE (Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Florence)
Kritios and Nesiotes. Harmodius and Aristogeiton (original was 476 BC, current - Roman copy, Naples museum)
Charioteer of Delphi, bronze, c. 478 BC
Ludovisi Throne, 490-450 BC (Museo Nazionale Romano)
Artemision God from the Sea. 460—450 BC (National Archaeological Museum of Athens)
Riace bronzes. 460–450 BC (Museo Nazionale della Magna Grecia, Reggio Calabria)
Myron. Discobolus (original c. 450 BC, current - many copies)
Myron. Athena and Marsyas (original c. 450 BC, current - many copies)
Elgin Marbles, c. 447–433 BCE (British museum)
Polykleitos. Doryphoros, (original c. 440 BC, current - many copies)
Amazon of Sciarra (original c. 430 BC, current - many copies)
Kresilas. Herm of Pericles (original ca. 430 BC., some copies)
Phidias. Statue of Zeus at Olympia. 430 BC. Original lost
Polykleitos. Diadumenos, (original c. 420 BC, current - many copies)
Caryatides - The Porch of the Maidens. Erechtheion, 420 — 406 BC
Relief "Nike Fixing Her Sandal", from Temple of Athena Nike, 410-400 BC (Acropolis Museum)
4th century BC
Praxiteles. Apollo Sauroctonos, (original ca. 350s BC - many copies)
Praxiteles. Hermes and the Infant Dionysus, 350-330 BC (Olimpia museum)
Praxiteles. Resting Satyr (original 4th century BC, many copies)
Praxiteles. Aphrodite of Knidos. 350—330, original lost, many copies.
Timotheus. Leda and the swan.
Horses of Saint Mark. Between 4th century BC (by Lysippos) and 2-3nd centuries AC.
Lysippos. Eros bending his bow. Lost original, many copies
Lady of Elche. Possibly 4th century (National Archaeological Museum of Spain)
3nd century BC
Varvakeion Athena, 200–250 AD (National Archaeological Museum of Athens). Copy of Phidias' Athena Parthenos (5th century)
Terracotta Army, 210–209 BC
Ashoka Pillar, Vaishali, Bihar, c. 250 BCE
2nd century BC
Barberini Faun. Possibly c. 200 BC (Glyptothek, Munich)
Winged Victory of Samothrace. C. 200–190 BC (Louvre)
Pasquino Group. Lost Hellenistic bronze original, dating to ca. 200–150 BCE. Many Roman copies.
Gigantomachy frieze of the Pergamon Altar - Athena contra Alcyoneus, first half of the 2nd century BC (Pergamon Museum in Berlin).
Venus de Milo, 130-100 BC / 150-125 BC (Louvre)
Polycles. Sleeping Hermaphroditus, c. 155 BC. Original is lost
Hellenistic Prince, 2nd century (Palazzo Massimo alle Terme)
Artemis of Ephesus. Many copies of lost original
Three Graces. Original is lost, many copies and reliefs
1st century BC
Agesander, Athenodoros and Polydorus from Rhodes. Laocoön and His Sons. Possibly arble copy 1st century BC from bronze original c. 200 BC
Apollonios. Belvedere Torso. Copy from the 1st century BC or AD of an older statue, probably to be dated to the early 2nd century BC (Vatican Museums)
San Ildefonso Group (1st century, Prado)
Uffizi Wrestlers. 1st century BC Roman copy of 3rd century BC Hellenistic lost original, possibly by Lysippos.
Venus Callipyge. Late 1st century BC from 300 BC lost Greek original. (National Archaeological Museum, Naples)
Venus de' Medici. 1st century BC (Uffizi)
Boxer of the Quirinal. Various dates within the period of about 330 to 50 BCE (Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Massimo alle Terme)
1st millennium AC
edit1st century AC
Il Spinario. Rome bronze copy 1st century BC from Greek origiinal 3rd century BC. (Musei Capitolini)
Juno Ludovisi. (Palazzo Altemps)
Caligula. Before 41 AC (Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek)
Portrait of Socrates. Roman artwork (1st century), perhaps a copy of a lost bronze statue made by Lysippos (4th century BC).
Resting Hermes from the Villa of the Papyri (Herculaneum). Roman copy made before 79 AD, possibly copy from Lysippos (3-4th century BC). Bronze
Cupid and Psyche. 1st or 2nd century Roman copy of a late Hellenistic original (Capitoline Museums)
Vatican Nile, 1st century AD copy of 3rd century BC Hellenistic lost original (Vatican Museums)
Standing Buddha from Gandhara, 1-2nd century (Tokyo National Museum)
Bronze Head of Hypnos from Civitella d'Arna, 1st-2nd Century AD (British museum)
2nd century AC
Apollo Belvedere, c. 120–140 AD (Louvre). Possibly copy of Leochares (4th century BC).
Diana of Versailles. Partially restored Roman copy (1st or 2nd century AD) of a lost Greek bronze original attributed to Leochares, c. 325 BC (Louvre)
Sleeping Ariadne. Roman Hadrianic copy of a Hellenistic sculpture of the Pergamene school of the 2nd century BC. (Vatican museums)
Epigonus. Ludovisi Gaul (National Roman Museum - Palazzo Altemps, Rome). Roman copy of the early second century AD, of a Hellenistic original, ca 230-20 BC.
Bust of Homer. Antonine period (138 — 161) copy of Hellenistic original (2nd century BC). Naples
Ares Ludovisi. 2nd century AC Roman copy from 4th or 2th century BC Greek lost original, associated with Scopas or Lysippus (National Museum of Rome, Rome)
Farnese Atlas, around AD 150, possibly copy of 2nd century BC. (Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples)
Commodus as Hercules. 191-192 (Musei Capitolini)
Medusa Rondanini. May be a Roman copy of a classical work of the 5th century BC or modeled after a classicising Hellenistic work of the late 4th century BC (Glyptothek Munich)
Crouching Venus. Roman copy after Hellinistic original
3rd century AC
Farnese Bull, Severian period (222-235 AC) copy of a Hellenistic sculpture (end of the 2nd century BC). Naples museum
Farnese Hercules. By Glykon (c. 216 AD), reproduced from the original by Lysippos (4th century BC for original). (Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples)
The Good Shepherd (Vatican Museums)
4th century AC
Portrait of the Four Tetrarchs. Around 300 (St Mark's Basilica in Venice)
Colossus of Constantine. 315—330 (Capitoline Museums)
5th century AC
The Barberini Diptych, 5-6th century (Louvre)
6th century AC
Throne of Maximian, c.500-550 (Archiepiscopal Museum, Ravenna, Italy)
8th century AC
Nara Daibutsu, c. 752, Nara, Japan
2nd millennium AC
edit10th century
Gero Cross, c. 965–970 (Cologne Cathedral)
11th century
Capitoline Wolf. 1021-1153 AC statue, possibly copy of 5th century BC Etruscan original. Statues of children added in 15th century
12th century
Chartres. C. 1145
Brunswick Lion, 1166 (Dankwarderode Castle, Brunswick)
Last Judgment by Gislebertus in the west tympanum at the Autun Cathedral
Lewis chessmen, 12th century
13th century
The Church and The Synagogue, statues on the facade of Strasbourg Cathedral, c. 1230 (Musée de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame)
Bamberg Horseman, 1237 (cathedral of Bamberg)
Master of Saint Joseph. Smiling Angel (Le Sourire de Reims). Circa 1245—1255
Naumburger Stifterfiguren, Ekkehard II. und Uta. Circa 1250
Adam, attributed to Pierre de Montreuil, originally on the facade of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. C. 1260 (Musée de Cluny)
Moai. Easter Island, between the years 1250 and 1500
14th century
Virgin of Paris (Notre-Dame de Paris). Early 14th century
Mary Magdalen and angels, end 14th century (?), from the Hanseatic city of Toruń in Poland
Claus Sluter. Puits de Moïse. C. 1395—1406
15th century
Donatello. David. C. 1440 (Museo Nazionale del Bargello)
Donatello. Penitent Magdalene. 1453–1455 (Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence)
Donatello. Equestrian statue of Gattamelata. 1447-1453
Lorenzo Ghiberti. The Gates of Paradise. 1452 (Santa Maria del Fiore)
Verrocchio. David. 1473-1475 (Museo nazionale del Bargello, Firenze)
Probably after a model by Andrea del Verrocchio and Orsino Benintendi. Lorenzo de' Medici terracotta portrait, 1478-1521 (National Gallery of Art, Washington)
Antoine Le Moiturier. Tomb of Philippe Pot. C. 1480 (Louvre)
Verrocchio. Equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni. 1480–1488
Michelangelo. Pietà. 1497–1500 (St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City)
Michelangelo. Bacchus. C. 1497—1501. (Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence)
16th century
Michelangelo. David. 1501—1504 (Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence; formerly Loggia dei Lanzi)
Aztec sun stone. Between 1502 and 1520. National Anthropology Museum (Mexico City)
Michelangelo. Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici. 1520-1534
Benvenuto Cellini. Perseus with the Head of Medusa. 1545—1554 (Loggia dei Lanzi)
Michelangelo. Moses. 1513-1516 (San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome)
Benvenuto Cellini. Nymph of Fontainebleau. 1542-43. (Louvre)
Ligier Richier, Cadaver Tomb of René of Chalon, c. 1545–47
Jean Goujon. Reliefs from Fontaine des Innocents, 1547-1549 (Louvre).
Michelangelo. Bandini Pieta. 1550-1555
Gregor Erhart: Saint Mary Magdalene. Polychrome wood, first half of the 16th century
Giambologna. Abduction of a Sabine Woman, 1579–1583 (Loggia dei Lanzi)
Giambologna. Mercurius. C. 1580
Giambologna, Rape of the Sabine Women, 1579–1583 (Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence)
Giambologna. Apennine Colossus. 1580s
Sculpture of a 'Queen Mother' from Benin, 16th century. (Ethnological Museum Berlin)
Queen Mother Pendant Mask- Iyoba, Benin. 16th century (Metropolitan)
17th century
Jérôme Duquesnoy the Elder. Manneken Pis. 1613
Bernini, The Rape of Proserpina, 1621–1622 (Galleria Borghese)
Bernini, Apollo and Daphne, 1622–1625 (Galleria Borghese)
Bernini. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa. 1647–1652 (Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome)
Girardon. Apollo being served by the nymphs, Grotto of the grove of the baths of Apollo, Palace of Versailles (1666-1675)
18th century
Giuseppe Mazzuoli. The Death of Adonis. 1700—1710 (Hermitage)
Antonio Corradini - Dama Velata (Puritas). 1722 (Ca' Rezzonico, Venice)
Trevi Fountain, 1732–1762
Johann August Nahl. Grabmal der Maria Magdalena Langhans. 1750s
Giuseppe Sanmartino. Veiled Christ. 1753
Étienne-Maurice Falconet. Pygmalion et Galatee (1763)
Étienne Maurice Falconet. Bronze Horseman. 1768—1770
Franz Xaver Messerschmidt. The Hanged Man (no. 25 in a character head series). after 1770
Houdon. Voltaire. 1770s
Canova. Psyche Revived by Love's Kiss, 1787
19th century
Canova. Hebe. 1800–05
Canova, Perseus with the Head of Medusa, 1804–6
Canova. Venus Victrix. 1805–1808
Canova. Three Graces. 1813-1816.
Bertel Thorvaldsen. Ganymede Waters Zeus as an Eagle, Thorvaldsen Museum. 1917
Bertel Thorvaldsen. Christus (1824), Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen
Hiram Powers. The Greek Slave. 1844
Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Lassus and Eugène Viollet-le-Duc. Gargoyle of the Notre-Dame de Paris. 1844
Guillaume Geefs. Le génie du mal. 1848
Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, , 1857–1860, Metropolitan Museum of Art
George Gilbert Scott and others. en:Albert Memorial. 1870s
Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi. Statue of Liberty. 1876—1886
Anonymous. Mephistopheles and Margaretta. c. 1876
Rodin. The Thinker. 1880—1882
Degas. Little Dancer of Fourteen Years. C. 1880
Rodin. The Kiss. 1882.
Mark Antokolsky. Mephistopheles, 1884
Rodin, The Three Shades, before 1886
Rodin. The Burghers of Calais. 1889, Calais, France
Camille Claudel, The Waltz, 1889-1905
Jules Dalou. fr:Le Triomphe de la République. 1899
20th century
Aristide Maillol. La Méditerranée. 1900-1902
Medardo Rosso. Ecce puer, 1905
Constantin Brâncuși, 1907–08, The Kiss
Rodin. The Cathedral (The Arc of the Covenant). 1908
Antoine Bourdelle. Hercules the Archer. 1909
Umberto Boccioni, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913
Edvard Eriksen. The Little Mermaid. 1913
Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, 1917
Tatlin. Monument to the Third International (1919–20)
Daniel Chester French, Abraham Lincoln (1920) in the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.
El Lissitzky. Proun Room, 1923
Kurt Schwitters. de:Merzbau, 1923-36
Paul Manship. en:The Flight of Europa, 1925
Gutzon Borglum and his son, Lincoln Borglum, Mount Rushmore, 1927–1941
Christ the Redeemer. 1931
Paul Manship. Prometheus, 1934
Lee Lawrie. Atlas. 1937
Vera Mukhina. Worker and Kolkhoz Woman. 1937
Henry Moore. en:Reclining Figure 1938
Constantin Brancusi. Endless Column, 1938
Arno Breker. Fackelträger. 1938
Julio Gonzales, Mnsieur Cactus (L'uomo Cactus I), 1939
Barbara Hepworth. Pelagos, 1946
Alexander Calder. Sumac II, 1952
Felix de Weldon. Marine Corps War Memorial. 1954
Antonio Navarro Santafé. Statue of the Bear and the Strawberry Tree. 1967
Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd. Non-Violence. 1984
Robert Rauschenberg. Riding Bikes, Objektkunst, 1998, Berlin.
- Pablo Picasso. Head of a Woman (Fernande), 1909[1]
- Henri Matisse. en:The Back Series, 1909-30
- Pablo Picasso, Guitar, 1912
- Pablo Picasso. Glass of Absinthe, 1914
- Man Ray. Enigma of Isidore Ducasse, 1920
- Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. Light Space Modulator, 1922-30
- Constantin Brâncuși. Bird in Space. 1923
- Constantin Brancusi. The Beginning of the World, 1924
- Alberto Giacometti. Suspended Ball, 1930-01
- Meret Oppenheim. Object, 1936
- David Smith. Hudson River Landscape, 1951
- Reg Butler. Monument to the Unknown Political Prisoner, 1951-2
- Robert Rauschenberg. Monogram, 1955-6
- Yevgeny Vuchetich, Nikolai Nikitin. The Motherland Calls. 1967
- Mark di Suvero. Che Faro Senza Eurydice, 1959
- Jean Tinguely. Homage to New York, 1960
- Jasper Johns. Painted Bronze (Ale Cans), 1960
- Claes Oldenburg. The Store, 1961
- Anthony Caro. Early One Morning, 1962
- Alberto Giacometti. L'Homme qui marche I. 1962
- Joseph Beuys. Fat Chair, 1964
- Joseph Kosuth. One and Three Chairs, 1965
- Carl Andre. Equivalent VIII, 1966
- Donald Judd. Untitled (Stack), 1967
- Eva Hesse. Contingent, 1968
- Richard Serra. Verb List, 1968-9
- Robert Smithson. Spiral Jetty, 1970
- Robert Indiana. Love. 1970
- Arturo Di Modica. Charging Bull. 1989
- Damien Hirst. The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living. 1991
- Jeff Koons. Balloon Dog. 1994-2000
- Louise Bourgeois.Spider. 1996 / Maman. 1999
- Antony Gormley, The Angel of the North, 1998
3rd millennium AC
edit21st century
Seward Johnson. Unconditional Surrender 2005-current
- Anish Kapoor. Cloud Gate. 2006
- Damien Hirst. For the Love of God. 2007
- Maurizio Cattelan. America. 2016
- Kristen Visbal, Fearless Girl. 2017