Clouds in art
See also: Clouds, Category:Clouds in art
Beach View With Boats, 19th century
The Stone Bridge, ~ 1638
The wanderer above the sea of fog, 1818
Drifting Clouds, ~1820
Evening with Clouds, 1824
Greifswalder Bodden, 1830-1834
The Grand Canal - Venice, ~ 1835
Raby Castle, the Seat of the Earl of Darlington, 1817
Marine, 17th century
Merwede bei Dordrecht
View of the Haarlemermeer, 1656
Landschaft mit zwei Eichbäumen
Schloß Montfort
Sommer am Fluß
Zirruswolken (Federwolkenstudie), 1821-1822
Pas-de-Calais, 19th century
Kao K'o-kung: Nebel in bewaldeten Bergen, 1333
Andrea Mantegna: St. Sebastian, detail, ~1470
Aivasovsky Ivan Constantinovich: Brig "Mercury" after a victory over Two Turkish Ships, 1848
Fjodor Alexandrowitsch Wassiljew: Cloud, 1860
Thomas Cooper Gotch: Clouds, 1880s
Iwan Konstantinowitsch Aiwasowskij: Clouds over the sea, 1889
Paul Signac: The Pink Cloud, Antibes, 1916