Category:Reformed Church (Szokolya)
- Reformed church. Its tower and the part of the tower under the ledge are Gothic of 14th century origin, the church is classicist in its present form. Its oldest bell is a 1775 works. It was founded by the Pauline Monastic Order. In 1397 it belonged to the Diocese of Esztergom. In 1542, his parish priest paid tribute to the Turks. The congregation of Sokolya returned to the Helvetian Reformation in the second half of the 16th century. Nave is rectangular shaped. The pillars on the corners of the tower, Arch gate, the Gothic tower windows are 14th century works. The church was demolished in 1856,-except the tower,- and the nave that is currently visible was built (Architect: Károly Éhman from Levice, Slovakia). In 1905, an organ was built on the towerside choir. In the middle of the façade there is a simple entrance with a stone framed iron door, above a restored window with 'cascading' closure, above it there is the baroque window. In 1984, excavated the church and its enviroment, at this time found the remains of the original chuch nave, sacristy, grave yard and stone fence. This last just partly same as the current line (the old stone wall now buried) Within the walls of this church, pastor János Mányoki, educated in Debrecen, Leyden, Franeker, preached the word. His son, Ádám Mányoki, the world-famous master of the Reformed Baroque, was a court painter and diplomat of Ferenc Rákóczi II, prince of Transylvania, born here in Parochia in 1673 and died in Dresden on 6 August 1757 at the age of 84. /Translated by Microsoft Translator based on website/ - 7 Mányoki Street, Szokolya, Pest County, Hungary.
Református templom, Ref. templom, tornya gótikus, 14. (máshol 15.) századi eredetű. Mai alakjában klasszicista, 1858. Kórus/karzati orgona 1905. Műemléki védelem, azonosító: 7420, törzsszám: 7348 - Pest megye, Szokolya, Mányoki utca 7 helyrajzi szám: 162, 161/4
This is a category about a monument in Hungary. Identifier: 7420 |
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Media in category "Reformed Church (Szokolya)"
The following 23 files are in this category, out of 23 total.
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Reformierte Kirche, Dach, Turm, Sterne, Maueranker, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,659 × 2,213; 601 KB
Reformierte Kirche, Gotik Fenster, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 715 KB
Reformierte Kirche, Maueranker, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 811 KB
Reformierte Kirche, NO, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 999 KB
Reformierte Kirche, O Bogenfenster, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 957 KB
Reformierte Kirche, O Fassade, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1,019 KB
Reformierte Kirche, S Bogenfenster, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 864 KB
Reformierte Kirche, S Eingang, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 1,013 KB
Reformierte Kirche, S Eingang, Türklinke, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1 MB
Reformierte Kirche, S Zauneingang, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1.38 MB
Reformierte Kirche, S, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1 MB
Reformierte Kirche, SSO, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1.02 MB
Reformierte Kirche, SW, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1,015 KB
Reformierte Kirche, Turm S, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1,023 KB
Reformierte Kirche, Turmfenster, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 759 KB
Reformierte Kirche, Turmuhr, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 838 KB
Reformierte Kirche, Tür, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1 MB
Reformierte Kirche, vergitterte Fenster, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,899 × 1,140; 340 KB
Reformierte Kirche, W, Turm 14. Jahrhundert, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,645 × 2,193; 585 KB
Reformierte Kirche, W, Turm 19. Jahrhundert, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 808 KB
Reformierte Kirche, Zauntor, 2021 Szokolya.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 996 KB
Református templom (7420. számú műemlék).jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 681 KB