Category:Prisoners in paintings
This category has the following 28 subcategories, out of 28 total.
Media in category "Prisoners in paintings"
The following 103 files are in this category, out of 103 total.
BattistelloPeter.jpg 770 × 1,132; 92 KB
Vicente de Zaragoza (School of Francisco Ribalta) XVII century.jpeg 672 × 1,012; 245 KB
Corbinian-panel-prisioner.jpg 425 × 567; 78 KB
William Hogarth 018.jpg 2,024 × 1,673; 254 KB
Johann Heinrich Füssli 055.jpg 2,024 × 1,608; 97 KB
Jean-Louis Laneuville - Citizen Tallien in a cell in La Force Prison.jpg 2,775 × 3,200; 378 KB
François Marius Granet - Stella en prison.jpg 2,188 × 2,972; 922 KB
Blake Hell 33 Ugolino.jpg 800 × 607; 431 KB
DelacroixTasso.jpg 750 × 895; 78 KB
Norwid In prison.jpg 580 × 774; 182 KB
Mihály Zichy Captive in the Prison.jpeg 618 × 834; 69 KB
Carl Spitzweg - Aschermittwoch.jpg 1,576 × 2,384; 1.14 MB
1862 Flavitsky Prinzessin Tarakanow anagoria.JPG 3,367 × 4,897; 1.87 MB
1866 Jeff Davies Prisoner Illus.jpg 1,068 × 626; 188 KB
Wojciech-Gerson-Kiejstut i Witold.jpg 800 × 565; 155 KB
Nicolae Grigorescu 058.jpg 2,048 × 1,334; 339 KB
Chlebowski-Bajazyt w niewoli.jpg 1,600 × 980; 366 KB
Makovsky osugdenny.jpg 600 × 405; 67 KB
Gerson Assassination of Przemysł II.jpg 775 × 521; 297 KB
Wojciech Gerson, Śmierć Przemysława - hi-res tiff.tif 8,592 × 6,635; 98.15 MB
Wojciech Gerson, Śmierć Przemysława.jpg 8,142 × 5,507; 9.66 MB
Makovsky uznuk.jpg 668 × 1,000; 100 KB
Marie Antoinette under arrest by Oscar Rex.jpg 516 × 660; 109 KB
José maìa lòpez mezquita, cordata dei prigionieri, 1901.jpg 4,800 × 3,264; 6.27 MB
The Prisoner.jpg 591 × 789; 128 KB
A pedestrian tour in Calabria & Sicily - Illustration.jpg 1,135 × 1,902; 1.1 MB
Alexandr Ivanov 025.jpg 1,741 × 1,463; 243 KB
Appointment of a prisoner with his family.jpg 1,000 × 763; 56 KB
Arest gugenotki by Vasiliy Polenov.jpg 2,323 × 3,529; 8.4 MB
Baditz Asszonyok a börtönben.jpg 598 × 774; 71 KB
Benjamin Cuyp Joseph interpreting dreams 1630-1652.jpg 807 × 960; 460 KB
Boyarina Morozova de V.Surikov galerie Tretyakov.jpg 4,696 × 2,446; 2.21 MB
Boyaryna Morozova by V.Surikov (1884-1887, Tretyakov gallery).jpg 2,917 × 1,493; 3.19 MB
Captive by Bijan Jazani.jpg 1,265 × 1,169; 502 KB
Carducho. Pinturas del claustro de El Paular 09.jpg 520 × 595; 52 KB
Carl von Haeberlin - Räuberbande.jpg 640 × 381; 41 KB
Edouard Detaille - La Salue aux Blessés.jpg 800 × 488; 193 KB
Emil Stumpp Bei Carl von Ossietzky im Gefängnis 1932.jpg 1,108 × 1,562; 411 KB
Erskine Nicol Kept In.jpg 3,648 × 2,818; 2.91 MB
Esmeralda in the tower of Notre-Dame (1863), by Giulio Cesare Ferrari.jpg 1,912 × 2,447; 510 KB
Franz Nadorp - Assassination of the Sons of Edward IV.jpg 800 × 600; 139 KB
Fugitive by S.V.Ivanov (1886, GTG).jpg 700 × 972; 122 KB
G Genga Rescate de prisioneros Pin Naz Siena.jpg 634 × 600; 127 KB
George Hare - Victory of Faith.jpg 1,968 × 1,200; 807 KB
Gilded Cage-George Hare.jpg 644 × 800; 96 KB
Giocchino Toma - Luisa Sanfelice in carcere.jpg 600 × 461; 178 KB
Glatt-Räuber8080-freigestellt.jpg 2,200 × 3,341; 1.14 MB
Glatt-Räuber8080.jpg 2,592 × 3,268; 1.71 MB
Godfried Guffens - The children of Edward.Jpeg 1,024 × 864; 326 KB
Goya y Lucientes, Francisco - St Hermenegild in Prision - Google Art Project.jpg 2,511 × 4,001; 2.39 MB
Guido reni, san rocco in carcere, 1617-18, 01.jpg 1,810 × 2,988; 2.86 MB
Guido reni, san rocco in carcere, 1617-18, 03.jpg 2,432 × 3,648; 3.45 MB
Heinrich Modersohn Ein unterhaltsamer Arrest.jpg 1,200 × 905; 843 KB
Hendrik Frans Schaefels - Young prisoner in his cell.png 388 × 500; 315 KB
Henrik Weber - King Solomon in the Prison - WGA25505.jpg 1,092 × 800; 83 KB
Henry Justice Ford Caged 1919.jpg 578 × 779; 138 KB
Henryk Siemiradzki 007.jpeg 1,000 × 555; 112 KB
Heuernte der Gefangenen.jpg 424 × 530; 149 KB
Hl Leonhard als Schutzpatron der Gefangenen 18 Jh.jpg 3,516 × 4,770; 3.47 MB
Sarah Malcolm by William Hogarth.jpg 1,200 × 1,556; 240 KB
Sarah Malcolm by William Hogarth2.jpg 2,024 × 2,547; 302 KB
Im Kerker.jpg 5,000 × 2,812; 3.07 MB
Jean-Leon Gerome - Louis XI of France visiting Cardinal Balue in his iron cage.jpg 1,600 × 2,170; 1.99 MB
José de Ribera 023.jpg 1,895 × 1,437; 825 KB
Karl Hermann Schmolze Im Kerker.jpg 2,705 × 3,339; 1.47 MB
Konrad Witz 011.jpg 2,024 × 1,736; 343 KB
Laurens - Hostages.jpg 988 × 772; 221 KB
Laurent Galileo in prigione.jpg 382 × 512; 30 KB
Leonora Christina by Kristian Zahrtmann.jpg 768 × 809; 365 KB
Margaret Dicksee The children of Charles I.jpg 1,200 × 1,536; 2.46 MB
Master of Eggenburg - St Wenceslaus Frees the Prisoners.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 2.35 MB
Hope in a Prison of Despair.jpg 900 × 796; 301 KB
Moritz von Schwind Der Traum des Gefangenen.jpg 962 × 1,200; 106 KB
Mykola Yaroshenko – The Head of the Prisoner (1878).jpg 2,730 × 3,458; 6.05 MB
Pepper&Carrot en episode 36 page 02.jpg 2,481 × 3,503; 1.96 MB
Pier Francesco Mola - St Peter Freed from Prison - WGA16089.jpg 675 × 943; 66 KB
Pyle Howard Joan of Arc in Prison.jpg 411 × 700; 109 KB
Raja Ravi Varma, Lady in Prison.jpg 496 × 868; 77 KB
Ribera - San Pedro libertado por un ángel, P001073.jpg 1,920 × 1,459; 1.86 MB
Samson Imprisoned by Annibale Carracci.jpg 919 × 1,313; 885 KB
Sebastiano Ricci 010.jpg 2,024 × 3,130; 396 KB
T.Prytherch Gruffudd ap Cynan.JPG 775 × 1,094; 310 KB
Teller Gefangener Feldherr KGM.jpg 2,190 × 2,225; 3.74 MB
Toma Luisa Sanfelice.jpg 500 × 377; 39 KB
V.Sourikov.- Boyarina Morozova (5).JPG 4,096 × 3,058; 3.35 MB
Volmar The Captive VA.jpg 762 × 944; 99 KB
Étienne Jeaurat 001.jpg 4,470 × 3,610; 1.87 MB
Заключенный.jpg 1,373 × 2,048; 674 KB
Зыгмунт Серакоўскі ў вязніцы.jpg 399 × 500; 126 KB