<nowiki>Gran Cometa de Enero (Daylight) de 1910; C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1; Johannesburger Komet; C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); 1910年1月大彗星; C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); 1910年1月大彗星; C/1910 A1; C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); 1910年1月大彗星; C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); 1910년 1월의 대혜성; C/1910 A1; C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); Grande cometa del 1910; Grande comète de janvier 1910; C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); Lielā 1910. gada janvāra komēta; 1910年1月の大彗星; C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); Veliki komet iz leta 1910; C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); Great January comet of 1910; Johannesbuerger Koméit; C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); C/1910 A1; C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); השביט הגדול של ינואר 1910; Great January comet of 1910; Sao chổi lớn tháng 1 năm 1910; 1910年1月大彗星; C/1910 A1 (Great January comet); cometa; üstökös; komet; cometa; Komet; cometa; камета; Комета; kometa; komet; comet; komet; comète; komet; kometa; комета; komeet; cometa; kometo; komèt; komeetta; cometa; kometo; comet; kométa; C 1910 A1; Gran Cometa Daylight; C/1910 A1; 1月の大彗星(1910年); C/1910 A1; Большая январская комета 1910 года; Großer Komet von 1910; C/1910 A1; C/1910 A1; The Great Daylight Comet of 1910; C/1910 A1; 1910年一月大彗星; 1910年白晝大彗星; 1910白日大彗星; 一月大彗星; C/1910 A1</nowiki>