Category:American Ice Football 2024

American Ice Football 2024

The "American Ice Football" event is brand new to German TV entertainment, which is why most people are still unclear about how this ice spectacle will unfold.
Four teams will compete for the title in American Football on Ice wearing non-profiled bowling shoes and protective football clothing. The four teams are the "Westside Wessis", the "Eastside Ossis", the "Northcoast Naughties" and the "Southside Smoothies".
Each team consists of eight players. In addition to the seven celebrities, each of the four Ice Football teams also includes an active German football player

Northcoast Naughties (red)

(r23) Pascal Hens
Marco Cerullo
(r13) René Caselly
Moritz Fürste
Paco Herb
Paul Janke
Niklas Gorny
Max von Garnier

Eastsie Eastie Boys (white)

Felix van Deventer
(w44) Jörn Schlönvoigt
(w71) Lars Pape
(w11) Eric Stehfest
Kevin Kuske
Philip Boy
(w69) Jared Hasselhoff
(w1) Hendrik Scharnbacher
Shuan Fatah

Weside Wessis (blue)

(b31) Nico Legat
(b87) Fabian Hambüchen
(b92) Calvin Kleinen
(b15) Tobias Wegner
(b19) Kevin Großkreutz
(b82) Axel Stein
Mike Leon Grosch
(b1) Alexander Haupert
Jona Winkel
(b99) Benjamin Heinrich

Southside Smoothies (green)

(g18) Mimi Kraus
Adriano Salvaggio
(g27) Serkan Yavuz
Marcel Nguyen
(g33) Frank Stäbler
(g89) Stefan Mross
Moritz Hans
Ian Gehrke
Christian Rothe