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Issue 12772043: Issues 373 (Execute Bug), 374 (Remove Tests.Utility) and 375 (Clean warnings) (Closed)

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10 years, 11 months ago by peleyal
10 years, 11 months ago
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Issues 373 (Execute Bug), 374 (Remove Tests.Utility) and 375 (Clean warnings)

Patch Set 1 #

Patch Set 2 : Error in uploading the first time #

Total comments: 1
Unified diffs Side-by-side diffs Delta from patch set Stats ( 432 lines, -617 lines) Patch
M GoogleApisClient.sln View 2 chunks 2 lines, -14 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Authentication.OAuth2.Tests/GoogleApis.Authentication.OAuth2.Tests.csproj View 3 chunks 32 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Authentication.OAuth2.Tests/packages.config View 1 chunk 4 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Authentication.OAuth2/DotNetOpenAuth/NativeApplicationClient.cs View 3 chunks 7 lines, -7 lines 0 comments Download
Src/GoogleApis.Authentication.OAuth2/GoogleApis.Authentication.OAuth2.csproj View 2 chunks 13 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Authentication.OAuth2/packages.config View 1 chunk 2 lines, -1 line 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.DotNet4/GoogleApis.DotNet4.csproj View 2 chunks 33 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.DotNet4/packages.config View 1 chunk 4 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
R Src/GoogleApis.Tests.Utility/GoogleApis.Tests.Utility.csproj View 1 chunk 0 lines, -109 lines 0 comments Download
R Src/GoogleApis.Tests.Utility/MockParameter.cs View 1 chunk 0 lines, -35 lines 0 comments Download
R Src/GoogleApis.Tests.Utility/MoreAsserts.cs View 1 chunk 0 lines, -74 lines 0 comments Download
R Src/GoogleApis.Tests.Utility/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs View 1 chunk 0 lines, -41 lines 0 comments Download
R Src/GoogleApis.Tests.Utility/packages.config View 1 chunk 0 lines, -7 lines 0 comments Download
Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Download/MediaDownloaderTest.cs View 2 chunks 5 lines, -2 lines 0 comments Download
Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Http/ConfigurableMessageHandlerTest.cs View 6 chunks 17 lines, -8 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Json/JsonReaderTests.cs View 0 chunks -1 lines, --1 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Json/JsonTokenTests.cs View 0 chunks -1 lines, --1 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Json/TokenStreamTest.cs View 0 chunks -1 lines, --1 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Requests/ClientServiceRequestTest.cs View 11 chunks 44 lines, -19 lines 0 comments Download
Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Requests/ParameterValidatorTest.cs View 2 chunks 2 lines, -2 lines 1 comment Download
Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Services/BaseClientServiceTest.cs View 1 chunk 11 lines, -3 lines 0 comments Download
R Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Testing/MoreAssertsTests.cs View 1 chunk 0 lines, -52 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Upload/ResumableUploadTest.cs View 6 chunks 10 lines, -6 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Tests/GoogleApis.Tests.csproj View 3 chunks 8 lines, -9 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Tests/[Mock]/CountableMessageHandler.cs View 0 chunks -1 lines, --1 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Tests/[Mock]/MockBackOffHandler.cs View 0 chunks -1 lines, --1 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Tests/[Mock]/MockClientService.cs View 0 chunks -1 lines, --1 lines 0 comments Download
Src/GoogleApis.Tests/[Mock]/MockHttpClientFactory.cs View 0 chunks -1 lines, --1 lines 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis.Tests/packages.config View 1 chunk 1 line, -1 line 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis/Apis/Requests/ClientServiceRequest.cs View 3 chunks 15 lines, -4 lines 0 comments Download
Src/GoogleApis/GoogleApis.csproj View 1 chunk 1 line, -1 line 0 comments Download
M Src/GoogleApis/packages.config View 1 chunk 1 line, -1 line 0 comments Download
R packages/Microsoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.7/tools/Microsoft.Bcl.Build.targets View 1 chunk 0 lines, -227 lines 0 comments Download
A packages/Microsoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.8/tools/Microsoft.Bcl.Build.targets View 1 chunk 227 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download


Total messages: 1
10 years, 11 months ago (2013-08-12 17:09:50 UTC) #1
LGTM (self review)   one comment

File Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Requests/ParameterValidatorTest.cs (right):

Src/GoogleApis.Tests/Apis/Requests/ParameterValidatorTest.cs:35: var parameter =
new Parameter() { Pattern = ". ", Name = "test" };
remove (), only new Parameter { is enough
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