Size and Complexity Rules (“rulesets/size.xml”)

AbcMetric Rule

Calculates the ABC size metric for methods/classes and checks against configured threshold values.

The maxMethodAbcScore property holds the threshold value for the ABC score for each method. If this value is non-zero, a method with an ABC score greater than this value is considered a violation. The value does not have to be an integer (e.g., 1.7 is allowed).

The maxClassAverageMethodAbcScore property holds the threshold value for the average ABC score for each class. If this value is non-zero, a class with an average ABC score value greater than this value is considered a violation. The value does not have to be an integer.

The maxClassAbcScore property holds the threshold value for the total ABC score value for each class. If this value is non-zero, a class with a total ABC score greater than this value is considered a violation. The value does not have to be an integer.

This rule treats “closure fields” as methods. If a class field is initialized to a Closure (ClosureExpression), then that Closure is analyzed and checked just like a method.

Property Description Default Value
maxMethodAbcScore The maximum ABC score allowed for a single method (or “closure field”). If zero or null, then do not check method-level scores. 60
maxClassAverageMethodAbcScore The maximum average ABC score allowed for a class, calculated as the average score of its methods or “closure fields”. If zero or null, then do not check class-level average scores. 60
maxClassAbcScore The maximum ABC score allowed for a class, calculated as the total ABC score of its methods or “closure fields”. If zero or null, then do not check class-level scores. 0
ignoreMethodNames Specifies one or more (comma-separated) method names that that should not cause a rule violation. The names may optionally contain wildcards (*,?). Note that the ignored methods still contribute to the class complexity value. null

ABC Size Metric Calculation Rules

The ABC score is calculated as follows: The ABC metric measures size by counting the number of Assignments (A), Branches (B) and Conditions (C) and assigns a single numerical score calculated as:

` ABC = sqrt((AA) (BB) (C*C)) `

The ABC Metric calculation rules for Groovy:


ClassSize Rule

Checks if the size of a class exceeds the number of lines specified by the maxLines property.

Property Description Default Value
maxLines The maximum number of lines allowed in a class definition. 1000

CrapMetric Rule

Calculates the C.R.A.P. (Change Risk Anti-Patterns) metric score for methods/classes and checks against configured threshold values.

The CRAP metric score is based on the cyclomatic complexity and test coverage for individual methods. A method with a CRAP value greater than the maxMethodCrapScore property causes a violation. Likewise, a class that has an (average method) CRAP value greater than the maxClassAverageMethodCrapScore property causes a violation.

NOTE: This rule requires the GMetrics[3] jar, version 0.5 (or later), on the classpath, as well as a Cobertura[4]-[6] XML coverage file. If either of these prerequisites is not available, this rule logs a warning messages and exits (i.e., does nothing).

The maxMethodCrapScore property holds the threshold value for the CRAP value for each method. If this value is non-zero, a method with a cyclomatic complexity value greater than this value is considered a violation.

The maxClassAverageMethodCrapScore property holds the threshold value for the average CRAP value for each class. If this value is non-zero, a class with an average cyclomatic complexity value greater than this value is considered a violation.

NOTE: This rule does NOT treat closure fields as methods (unlike some of the other size/complexity rules).

Property Description Default Value
coberturaXmlFile The path to the Cobertura XML coverage file for the Groovy code By default, the path is relative to the classpath. But the path may be optionally prefixed by any of the valid prefixes, such as “file:” (to load from a relative or absolute path on the filesystem), or “http:”. This property is REQUIRED. null
maxMethodCrapScore The maximum CRAP metric value allowed for a single method. If zero or null, then do not check method-level complexity. 30
maxClassAverageMethodCrapScore The maximum CRAP average metric value allowed for a class, calculated as the average CRAP value of its methods. If zero or null, then do not check the average class-level CRAP value. 30
maxClassCrapScore The maximum total CRAP metric value allowed for a class, calculated as the total CRAP value of its methods. If zero or null, then do not check class-level CRAP value. 0
ignoreMethodNames Specifies one or more (comma-separated) method names that that should not cause a rule violation. The names may optionally contain wildcards (*,?). Note that the ignored methods still contribute to the class complexity value. null

CRAP Formula

Given a Groovy method m, C.R.A.P. for m is calculated as follows:

  C.R.A.P.(m) = comp(m)^2 * (1 - cov(m)/100)^3   comp(m)

Where comp(m) is the cyclomatic complexity of method m, and cov(m) is the test code coverage provided by automated tests.


CyclomaticComplexity Rule

Calculates the Cyclomatic Complexity for methods/classes and checks against configured threshold values.

The maxMethodComplexity property holds the threshold value for the cyclomatic complexity value for each method. If this value is non-zero, a method with a cyclomatic complexity value greater than this value is considered a violation.

The maxClassAverageMethodComplexity property holds the threshold value for the average cyclomatic complexity value for each class. If this value is non-zero, a class with an average cyclomatic complexity value greater than this value is considered a violation.

This rule treats “closure fields” as methods. If a class field is initialized to a Closure (ClosureExpression), then that Closure is analyzed and checked just like a method.

Property Description Default Value
maxMethodComplexity The maximum cyclomatic complexity value allowed for a single method (or “closure field”). If zero or null, then do not check method-level complexity. 20
maxClassAverageMethodComplexity The maximum average cyclomatic complexity value allowed for a class, calculated as the average complexity of its methods or “closure fields”. If zero or null, then do not check average class-level complexity. 20
maxClassComplexity The maximum total cyclomatic complexity value allowed for a class, calculated as the total complexity of its methods or “closure fields”. If zero or null, then do not check total class-level complexity. 0
ignoreMethodNames Specifies one or more (comma-separated) method names that that should not cause a rule violation. The names may optionally contain wildcards (*,?). Note that the ignored methods still contribute to the class complexity value. null

Cyclomatic Complexity Metric Calculation Rules

The cyclomatic complexity value is calculated as follows:

Start with a initial (default) value of one (1). Add one (1) for each occurrence of each of the following:

 * `if` statement

 * `while` statement

 * `for` statement

 * `case` statement

 * `catch` statement

 * `&&` and `||` boolean operations

 * `?:` ternary operator and `?:` *Elvis* operator.

 * `?.` null-check operator


MethodCount Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.11

Checks if the number of methods within a class exceeds the number of lines specified by the maxMethod property.

A class with too many methods is probably a good suspect for refactoring, in order to reduce its complexity and find a way to have more fine grained objects.

Property Description Default Value
maxMethods The maximum number of methods allowed in a class definition. 30

MethodSize Rule

Checks if the size of a method exceeds the number of lines specified by the maxLines property.

Property Description Default Value
maxLines The maximum number of lines allowed in a method definition. 100
ignoreMethodNames Specifies one or more (comma-separated) method names that should be ignored (i.e., that should not cause a rule violation). The names may optionally contain wildcards (*,?). null

Known Limitations:

NestedBlockDepth Rule

Checks for blocks or closures nested more deeply than a configured maximum number. Blocks include if, for, while, switch, try, catch, finally and synchronized blocks/statements, as well as closures.

Methods calls, constructor calls, and property access through Builder objects are ignore. For instance, this code does not cause a violation:

    myBuilder.root {
        foo {
            bar {
                baz {
                    quix {
                        qux {
                            quaxz {
Property Description Default Value
maxNestedBlockDepth The maximum number of nesting levels. A block or closure nested deeper than that number of levels is considered a violation. 5
ignoreRegex Determines what is a builder call. For instance, closures nested on a method named createBuilder, a property named myBuilder, or a constructor call to object MyBuilder() do not produce violations. .*(b|B)uilder

ParameterCount Rule

Since CodeNarc 0.23

Checks if the number of parameters in method/constructor exceeds the number of parameters specified by the maxParameters property.

Example of violations:

    void someMethod(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6) { // violation

    void someMethod(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7) { // no violation if ignoreOverriddenMethods == true

    class SampleClass {
        SampleClass(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7) { // violation
Property Description Default Value
maxParameters The maximum number of parameters in method/constructor 5
ignoreOverriddenMethods Ignore number of parameters for methods with @Override annotation true