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A 2022 Assessment of Metals, Legacy Contaminants, ...

Mussel Watch team processing Dressenid mussel samples in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Credit: NOAA. The Mussel Watch Program has monitored the nation’s coastal waters for chemical contaminants since 1986 and in ...

Benthic Mapping, Ground-Truthing, and Habitat Mode...

We are part of a collaborative multi-agency effort that is developing high-resolution benthic habitat maps in key areas of the Great Lakes. Our maps inform decisions to address a range ...

Great Lakes Mussel Watch Sites Land-use Characteri...

Land use is an important parameter in the assessment of coastal waters, as land-based activities and land-based pollution affect the quality of downstream environments. Land uses and land-use change around ...

Great Lakes Mussel Watch Supports the President’s ...

The President’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative began in 2010 and provided the financial support for the Great Lakes Mussel Watch, one of several projects of contaminant monitoring with Great Lakes ...


NCCOS Helps Bridge Divide Between Science and Mana...

A shoreline hardened with riprap (rubble). Credit: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Scientists want their research to be helpful to managers and policymakers. However, this wish does not always translate to ...

NCCOS Provides Training to a Centralized Algal Tox...

NCCOS scientists provided training and technical guidance to scientific staff of the Sitka Tribe of Alaska Environmental Regulatory Laboratory (STAERL) on the extraction and detection of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PST) ...

NOAA, Partners Predict Severe Harmful Algal Bloom ...

On July 9, NOAA and its research partners, using an ensemble modeling approach, predict that the 2015 western Lake Erie harmful algal bloom season will be among the most severe ...

New Molecular Tool Screens Bait Fish for Invasive ...

Sixty-nine of180 aquatic invasive species (AIS) in the Great Lakes region are fish, many of which pose threats to native species and ecosystem functioning. One potential pathway for AIS introductions ...

Invasive Asian Carp Could Establish in Lake Erie w...

A recent study found that if Asian carp establishes in Lake Erie, the native fisheries might not be significantly affected. Based on consultations with Great Lakes and fisheries specialists, the ...

Invasive Grass Carp and Impacts to Great Lakes

Non-native Grass Carp, introduced to U.S. ponds and lakes by federal and state agencies in the early 1960s, were considered a low cost, nonchemical alternative for aquatic weed control. Despite ...

Managing America's Corn Belt to Restore the Gulf o...

NCCOS is participating in a public-private program to reduce nutrient inputs to the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic ('dead') zone that managers expect to simultaneously benefit threatened native grassland bird species ...

New Tool to Assess Invasive Aquatic Plant Species ...

Despite the long history of invasion by aquatic nuisance species to the Great Lakes, deciding which invasive species poses the biggest threat has proved to be a big challenge for ...

Invasive Asian Carp Movements Tracked Using 'eDNA'

Asian carp are infiltrating major American waterways with the potential to greatly alter entire freshwater ecosystems. Where are they going? A National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science-sponsored scientist--Dr. David Lodge ...

Workshop Provides Recommendations on Great Lakes F...

On December 9-10, 2010, NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Scienceled a pivotal workshop aimed at developing a long-term framework for collaboration and coordination of ecosystem modeling and forecasting activities ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Cruise Report: Spring 2006 Survey of Ecological Conditions of the U.S. Middle Atlantic Bight, NOAA Ship Nancy Foster NF-06-06-NCCOS

This cruise report is a summary of a field survey conducted in coastal-ocean waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight from Nags Head, North Carolina to Cape Cod, Massachusetts and from approximately 1 nautical mile (nm) of shore seaward to the shelf ...

Cruise report: Spring 2007 survey of ecological conditions along the continental shelf off Florida from Anclote Key to West Palm Beach, NOAA ship Nancy Foster Cruise NF-07-08-NCCOS (May 15 - May 28, 2007)

This cruise report is a summary of a field survey conducted in coastal-ocean waters off Florida from Anclote Key to West Palm Beach and from approximately 1 nautical mile (nm) offshore seaward to the shelf break (100 m). The survey ...

Environmental toxicology data collected by the National Status and Trends Program for monitoring contaminants in coastal United States marine water bodies from 01 Jan 1960 to 05 May 2010 (NODC Accession 0074376)

The National Status and Trends Program is comprised of three nationwide programs: Benthic Surveillance, Mussel Watch, and Bioeffects. These programs are in place to observe estuarine and coastal waters nationwide to describe the current status and detect changes in the ...

Great Lakes Mussel Watch: Assessment of Contaminants of Emerging Concern

The current report summarizes Great Lakes mussel tissue contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) data obtained between 2013-2015. The study design informs MWP management, stakeholders and general public about the frequency of occurrence, and the magnitude of CECs in mussels. We ...

Long-term monitoring of ecological conditions in Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary: Comparison of soft-bottom benthic assemblages and contaminant levels in sediments and biota in spring 2000 and 2005

As part of an ongoing program of benthic sampling and related assessments of sediment quality at Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) off the coast of Georgia, a survey of soft-bottom benthic habitats was conducted in spring 2005 to characterize ...

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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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