Kolektor Mobility

Kolektor Mobility


We are one of the leading global players in mobility.


We are one of the leading global players in mobility Long tradition and experience in the field of development and production of mobility components and systems place us among the most reliable global providers of integrated automotive industry solutions. We are led by responsibility towards the environment and the principles of sustainable development from the conceptual designs of our products. At the same time, we proactively respond to the megatrends of electrification of vehicle propulsion, autonomous driving and interconnectivity in the car. We develop and supply all the key components for most of the cars that make our everyday life on the road easier. We provide first-class solutions in the field of pipe insulation. We develop, produce and market high-quality products for fire insulation, sound insulation and thermal insulation. We strive for sustainable goals such as fire protection, noiseless living and energy efficiency of buildings. With our products, we achieve the characteristics of buildings that are friendly to people and the environment.

5,001-10,000 人
factory automation、smart factory、industry 4.0、automated product inspection、mobility、drives、hybrid components、commutators、magnetics、rotors、stators、sensors、e-drives、e-pumps、electronics、robotics、agriculture、marine、medical、mobile robotics、AGV、AMR和motors


  • 主要

    Vojkova ulica 10


  • Philipp-Weber-Str. 3

    DE,D-75177 ,Pforzheim

  • Industrijska cesta 2


  • Svetosavska 138

    BA,Serb Republic,Laktaši,78252

  • Ulica Primorska 86

    RS,Vojvodina,Novi Sad,21127

  • Via G. Di Vittorio 5


  • Pfannenstielstraße 10


  • Hruskove Dvory 53


  • 24, Sanho-daero 45-gil, Sandong-myeon, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-dož


  • West side of 2nd floor, Building 4, No.166 Mindong Road,

    CN,Pudong New Area, Shanghai,Shanghai


Kolektor Mobility员工


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    Visit our colleague Ruediger Czolk attencing International VDI Congress Dritev in Baden-Baden! 😀 💥 Kolektor Mobility

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    We are excited to share that our partner Kolektor Mobility is currently attending the International VDI Congress Dritev in Baden-Baden, promoting the Harmony project. This prestigious event brings together hundreds of R&D experts annually to discuss the latest advancements and technologies which are likely to shape the series development of powertrain and transmission in future. HARMONY aims to make our new magnet recycling process part of these fascinating developments. Don’t miss the opportunity to connect and learn more about HARMONY. Visit the Kolektor Mobility booth and pick up a flyer. 📜 If you can’t attend, you can still learn about HARMONY by downloading the flyer here: https://lnkd.in/d2bcXnJW #Dritev2024 #Powertrain #MagnetRecycling

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    🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 Next week, Kolektor Mobility will be present at the Dritev conference in Baden Baden! 📅✨ Join us for in-depth discussions by industry experts, strategic insights from key speakers, and selected contributions on social and geopolitical topics. 🌍 We're thrilled to announce that Dr. Rüdiger Czolk from Kolektor will be there! 🎤👨🔬 Network with OEMs, Tier 1s, and related suppliers in a pleasant atmosphere. 🤝 Learn from colleagues, discover the latest trends, and discuss potential solutions. 🗣️📈 Key Topics: 🚗 Design and Architecture of Vehicle Drives 🔥 Thermal Management, Operating Behavior, Acoustics ⚡ E-Machine and Power Electronics 🛠️ Methods and Simulation ⚙️ Transmissions and Operating Fluids 🌿 CO2 Neutrality and Sustainability Don't miss this opportunity to connect and innovate! 🚀🔧

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    📢 We’re thrilled to announce that we will be exhibiting at the PCIM Europe from 📅 11 – 13 June 2024 in 📍 Nuremberg, Germany. The PCIM Europe is the leading exhibition and conference for power electronics, intelligent motion, renewable energy and energy management. Here, you can connect with experts from industry and academia, passionate about driving research and development along the entire value chain. 💚 We will be showcasing our latest products and services and can’t wait to meet you. We're looking forward to your visit at our stand. #pcimeurope #WeArePCIMEurope #powerelectronics https://lnkd.in/epHvQgWa

    We're exhibiting at the PCIM Europe 2024!

    We're exhibiting at the PCIM Europe 2024!


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    International Technical Fair Belgrade is the oldest technical and technological exhibition event in this part of Europe, specialized in the field of production technologies. https://lnkd.in/gZYXwjmV Kolektor will present components for electric motors and sensors. Join us at: 66. International Technical Fair Belgrade 📍Booth Nr. 1111 in Hall 1 🗓️ 21. - 24. Maj 2024

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    🚀🌟 We hosted Member of the European Parliament Matjaž Nemec! 🌟🚀 During his visit, he explored Kolektor's cutting-edge endeavors in reshaping the Slovenian automotive landscape. Member of the European Parliament Nemec emphasized the significance of EU partnerships in combating global competition, especially against the surge of Chinese market forces. Kolektor's commitment to innovation, highlighted by robust digitalization and system-oriented strategies, underscores its pivotal role as a global automotive supplier. Their transformative journey, spanning over 60 years, showcases their resilience and adaptability, ensuring a sustainable future in the ever-evolving automotive industry! 🌟🚀 🚀🌟 Gostili smo evropskega poslanca Matjaža Nemca! 🌟🚀 Med obiskom je raziskoval revolucionarne projekte Kolektorja pri preoblikovanju slovenske avtomobilske pokrajine. Poslanec Nemec je poudaril pomen partnerstev EU pri boju proti globalni konkurenci, še posebej proti naraščajočemu kitajskemu tržnemu pritisku. Kolektorjeva predanost inovacijam, izražena z močno digitalizacijo in sistemskimi strategijami, potrjuje njegovo ključno vlogo kot globalnega dobavitelja avtomobilske industrije. Njihova preobrazba, ki sega več kot 60 let nazaj, prikazuje njihovo vzdržljivost in prilagodljivost, zagotavljajoč trajnostno prihodnost v vedno spreminjajoči se avtomobilski industriji! 🌟🚀 #europeanparliament #future #Teamwork

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    🌟 Inspiring meeting with the Superior Engineering team! 🏎️💨 Today we hosted students from the Superior Engineering - Formula Student Team Ljubljana, who served as an exemplary model of perseverance and innovation. 🔧 Together, we explored and learned about the technologies we employ in our projects. Sharing knowledge and experiences is crucial for progress, and we are grateful for this experience and collaboration. 👏 Thank you to the Formula Student Team Ljubljana for visiting! We look forward to further collaboration and co-creation in the future! 💪 #Kolektor #KolektorMobility #Innovation #Collaboration #FormulaStudentTeamLjubljana 🌟 Navdihujoče srečanje z ekipo Superior Engineering! 🏎️💨 Danes smo gostili študente ekipe Superior Engineering - Formula Student Team Ljubljana, ki so nam služili kot vzoren primer vztrajnosti in inovativnosti. 🔧 Skupaj smo raziskali in spoznali tehnologije, ki jih uporabljamo pri naših projektih. Deljenje znanja in izkušenj je ključno za napredek, zato smo hvaležni za to izkušnjo in sodelovanje. 👏 Hvala Formula Student Team Ljubljana za obisk! Veselimo se nadaljnjega sodelovanja in soustvarjanja v prihodnosti! 💪 #Kolektor #KolektorMobility #Inovacije #Sodelovanje #FormulaStudentTeamLjubljana

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    🌟 Exciting News Alert! 🌟 With our support, Robi Kogovšek is heading to the World Championship in Japan! Marjan Drmota, the director of Kolektor Mobility, and Damijan Lazar, the president of the Association for Sports of the Disabled Slovenia – Slovenian Paralympic Committee, have signed a contract enabling Robi Kogovšek to participate in the World Para Athletics Championship in Japan. Together with his guide Žan Rudolf, Robi achieved the qualifying standard for the championship in Japan and a conditional B-standard for the Paralympic Games in Paris. Marjan Drmota expressed support and wished him a safe journey and success in the competition. 🏃♂️🏆 🌟 Navdušujoča novica! 🌟 Tudi z našo pomočjo Robi Kogovšek potuje na svetovno prvenstvo v Japonsko! Marjan Drmota, direktor Kolektor Mobility, in Damijan Lazar, predsednik Zveze za šport invalidov Slovenije – Slovenski paraolimpijski komite, sta podpisala pogodbo, ki omogoča Robiju Kogovšku udeležbo na svetovnem prvenstvu paraatletike na Japonskem. Skupaj z njegovim spremljevalcem Žanom Rudolfom je Robi dosegel normo za prvenstvo v Japonskem in pogojno normo B za paraolimpijske igre v Parizu. Marjan Drmota je izrazil podporo in zaželel srečno pot ter uspeh na tekmovanju.

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    Bistvo strokovne prakse je, da se v šolo vrneš modrejši, drži? 🎓💡 Dijakom Gimnazije Jurija Vege Idrija smo omogočili opravljanje tritedenske strokovne prakse na nekoliko drugačen način. Spakirali so kovčke, zavihali rokave in se na učenje odpravili k našim sodelavcem v Nemčijo! 🧳💼🌍 V Kolektor strokovno mentorstvo nudimo praktikantom različnih študijskih programov. Naš prag prestopajo tako dijaki kot tudi študentje. In čeprav so si strokovne prakse po vsebini in tudi lokaciji dela zelo različne, jih je možno združiti pod en skupni imenovalec: vsi so enkrat oddali prijavo https://lnkd.in/eT2s-wJw Prestopi naša vrata kot praktikant tudi ti! 🚪✨" The essence of professional practice is to return to school wiser, right? 🎓💡 We enabled the students of Gimnazija Jurija Vege Idrija to undertake a three-week professional practice in a slightly different way. They packed their bags, rolled up their sleeves, and went to learn from our colleagues in Germany! 🧳💼🌍 At Kolektor, we offer professional mentoring to interns from various study programs. Our doors are crossed by both high school students and college students. And although the content and location of internships vary greatly, they can be united under one common denominator: they all once submitted an application https://lnkd.in/eT2s-wJw Step through our doors as an intern too! 🚪✨ #intern #students #internship #progress #knowledge

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    🌟 Meet boris saje, the brilliant application engineer from Kolektor Mobility! 🔧🔩 🔥 In HARMONY, Kolektor isn't just making magnets; we're revolutionizing the game by crafting commercial-scale magnets from recycled materials! Boris and his team are pushing limits, testing mechanical properties, and ensuring durability. 🚀 Their game-changing work will supercharge Pilots 7 and 8, taking magnet production to new heights. Dive into the excitement: https://bit.ly/43UPQ9E Join us in reshaping sustainability in our industry! 🧲♻️ Stay tuned for more electrifying updates on Harmony Project EU's dynamic partnerships! #innovations #teamwork #success #inventiveness

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    We're excited to introduce boris saje, an exceptional application engineer from Kolektor Mobility, a leading company in polymer-bonded magnet production. In HARMONY, Kolektor isn't just making magnets; they're pioneering the production of test specimens and commercial-scale magnets from recycled magnetic materials. Boris and his team are pushing boundaries, characterizing mechanical properties, and testing corrosion and heat resistance of these recycled magnets. 🔧🔩 🔥 Their invaluable contributions are set to amplify the success of Pilots 7 and 8 in the magnet production phase of our transformative project. Dive into the exciting details of these pilots on our website: https://lnkd.in/e3VUh_s9 Magnet recycling, a vital aspect of #sustainability, is at the core of our project and we aim to develop practical and innovative approaches for material reuse within our industry. 🧲♻️ Stay updated with us for more on HARMONYs exciting partnerships! #rareearths #rareearthelements #RecycledMaterials #EngineeringExcellence

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    🚀💡 Innovation, Competitiveness, and Collaboration: Keys to Success for the Slovenian Automotive Industry on the Global Stage! 💡🚀 A turbulent year for the automotive industry has brought challenges but also opportunities for forward-thinking companies. At the recent GREMO Innovation Conference, where representatives of the most important Slovenian automotive suppliers gathered, we discussed key development strategies, innovations, and competitiveness. "Aggressive entry of Chinese into electrification and the slow pace of change in the European automotive industry demand swift responses," emphasized Radovan Bolko, a member of Kolektor's supervisory board. Kolektor stands out as one of the key innovators in the Slovenian automotive landscape, spearheading groundbreaking solutions. The GREMO project, a testament to collaborative efforts between companies, science, and the state, plays a pivotal role in driving these innovations forward. The conference showcased innovations demonstrating the diversity and adaptability of the Slovenian automotive industry. Marjan Drmota from Kolektor Mobility presented an innovative multi-functional vehicle dynamics sensor that enhances safety and driving comfort while reducing environmental impact. Prime Minister Robert Golob highlighted the crucial role of innovation and collaboration for the competitive development of the automotive industry. "The Slovenian automotive industry has already recognized new trends and incorporated them into products. This is crucial for our competitiveness in the global market," he said. Turbulent global conditions present opportunities for advanced companies that can adapt and innovate."With innovation, we will undoubtedly be winners," concluded Prime Minister Golob. #Innovation #AutomotiveIndustry #Collaboration #Competitiveness #Trends #GREMO #Progress #Opportunities

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