GL events Greater China

GL events Greater China


Shanghai,Shanghai 1,786 位关注者

Bringing People Together


GL events Greater China (GLGC) is operating as the regional branch of GL events, a world-class leading provider of integrated solutions and services for events operating across the 3 major core divisions: Venues (venue management), Exhibitions (exhibition organizing) and Live (event services). With more than 20 branches and 750 employees, GL events Greater China have tapped into more than 15 major cities in China. Currently GL events Greater China provide comprehensive services for over 300 events and sports and organized more than 15 proprietary exhibitions and events annually. In addition, GL events Greater China manages 3 venues and provide venue consulting and services to more than 10 venues in China.

501-1,000 人
Event Organisation、Venue Management、Exhibition Solution、Booth Design、Booth Construction、Event Management、Show Organizers、Event Planning、Corporate Events、Sports Events、Venue Services、Event Consulting和Event Industry


  • 主要

    No. 1118 West Yan'an Road

    Room 2201, Cloud Nine Plaza



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    #Paris2024 Today is the day 🎉 Exceptional achievement of the year ✨ Congratulations to the entire team who "MAKE IT HAPPEN!"

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    Président chez GL events

    Nous y sommes !   Demain aura lieu la cérémonie d’ouverture des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Paris 2024. En tant que Partenaire Officiel, notre Groupe est fier de contribuer à cet événement unique à travers la fourniture de 160 000 places de tribunes, d’énergie temporaire et de prestations d’hospitalité. Réalisés par des femmes et des hommes engagés, nos ouvrages répondent à des objectifs RSE ambitieux.   Quelle démonstration du savoir-faire de la filière événementielle et de la filière sport !   Je souhaite remercier, personnellement et au nom du Groupe GL events, toutes les équipes mobilisées sur le projet, nos sous-traitants ainsi que nos partenaires qui œuvrent pour délivrer des Jeux exceptionnels et bien sûr Paris 2024 - Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de 2024 pour sa confiance.   Ensemble nous aurons conçu et bâti des sites exceptionnels, temporaires et durables.   Ensemble, nous aurons contribué à faire de cet événement une manifestation gravée dans les mémoires.   Ensemble nous aurons œuvré pour le rayonnement de Paris, de la France et du sport dans le monde.   A nos athlètes, à vous de jouer, nous sommes derrière vous !

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    [Looking Back on the First Half of 2024] 🚀💫From groundbreaking projects to inspiring collaborations, this year has been nothing short of extraordinary. As we reach the halfway point of 2024, let's take a moment to reflect on the achievements and milestones our Greater China team has reached worldwide.👇 🔍 Find out more at Or contact [email protected] for more information. #GLeventsGreaterChina #GLGC #WeAreGLevents #BringingPeopleTogether #HalfYearReview #Highlights #TeamSuccess #Tradeshows #EventIndustry #EventProfs

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    [RÉSULTATS DU 1ER SEMESTRE] GL events réalise une croissance de 19% de son chiffre d'affaires au 1er semestre 2024 et revoit à la hausse son objectif de croissance pour 2024. Cette performance démontre à nouveau l’agilité et la robustesse du Groupe portées par l'expertise de ses équipes engagées au quotidien. C’est ce savoir-faire qui lui permet notamment de relever les défis hors norme des chantiers remarquables des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Paris 2024. Résolument tourné vers l'avenir, le Groupe avance confiant tout en poursuivant le déploiement de sa politique ESG. GL events tient à remercier l'ensemble de ses collaborateurs, en France et à l'international, pour leur détermination et leur savoir-faire qui donnent vie et sens aux projets événementiels réalisés par le Groupe. Merci également aux clients et partenaires pour leur confiance. Retrouvez ici le dernier communiqué financier 👉 ___ [H1 2024 REVENUE] GL events achieved 19% growth in H1 2024 revenue and has raised its guidance for the full year. This performance once again demonstrates the Group's agility and strength, supported by the expertise of its teams, who are involved every day. This expertise is what has enabled the Group to successfully meet the outstanding challenges of the remarkable worksites for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024. Looking to the future with confidence, the Group continues to implement its ESG policy. GL events would like to thank all its employees, in France and abroad, for their determination and expertise, which give life and meaning to the events projects carried out by the Group. We would also like to thank our customers and partners for their trust. Click here for the latest financial press release 👉 #GLevents #financialrelease #pressrelease

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    🎉 Please join us in welcoming our new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Romain Peiffert and Chief Operating Officer (COO) Stephen Wangbin Lu

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    [GOUVERNANCE 🇨🇳] Le Groupe annonce la structuration de la gouvernance de GL events China. Romain Peiffert prend ainsi les fonctions de Chief Executive Officer (CEO) et Stephen Lu de Chief Operating Officer (COO), aux côtés d'Inès Ginon, Présidente de GL events Greater China. Ces nominations s'inscrivent dans la volonté du Groupe de développer son activité en Chine sur le long terme et d’accompagner au mieux l’ensemble des Joint ventures. ___ [GOVERNANCE 🇨🇳] The Group announces a new governance structure for GL events China. Romain Peiffert has been appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Stephen Lu Chief Operating Officer (COO), alongside Inès Ginon, President of GL events Greater China. These appointments reflect the Group's desire to develop its business in China over the long term, and to provide optimum support for all its joint ventures. #GLevents #governance #CEO #COO #china

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    📍 [MICE DESTINATION - BEIJING] Discover Beijing: Your Ultimate MICE Destination✨ As a global player in the world of events, GL events’ business covers more than 20 countries across five continents, with over 90 branches. CIEC GL events is one of the subsidiaries of GL events Greater China, located in Beijing, mainly focusing on the exhibitions of Building & Decoration industry. Every year, a series of home furnishing exhibitions (#BJBD, #BWFE, #CIDE, #ISH China&CIHE) are held in Beijing. With an exhibition space of 700,000 square meters, the shows gather over 8,000 esteemed brand exhibitors and 800,000 professional visitors. As one of China’s most rapidly developing city with great potential and prominent standing to hold MICE events, #Beijing has a more comprehensive ability and capacity. With the advantages of aggregated resources, CIEC GL events aims to empower and lead industry development and transformation. 📈💫 📩 For more details please follow us or email [email protected] #GLeventsGreaterChina #GLGC #Beijing #Destination #MICE #tradeshow #exhibition #GLevents #WeAreGLevents #BringingPeopleTogether

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    The 10th Chengdu Seed Industry Expo (CDSIE) was successfully concluded at the Century City New International Exhibition Center in Chengdu.🌾🎉 ✳ 500 domestic and foreign enterprises ✳ 5,000 new, excellent and unique products ✳ 21,326 visitors across the country "A small seed in Chengdu can lead to a big industry." CDSIE persists to its original aspiration. The team is committed to providing high-quality, high-yielding, and high-standard seed products for China's agricultural production. For more information, welcome to contact us at [email protected] #GLevents #GLeventsGreaterChina #GLGC #CDSIE #agriculture #tradeshow #exhibition #event #BringingPeopleTogether #WeAreGLevents

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    📅 President of GL events Greater China, Ms. Inès Ginon, attended the Global Exhibition CEO Shanghai Summit 2024 at the National Exhibition and Convention Centre (NECC). An insightful speech was presented on the focus of enhancing the attractiveness of destinations by leveraging the synergy between expertise and adaptability in events industry.💡📊 🌏 With the theme of "Elevating and Advancing - Seizing Strategic Opportunities in a World of Challenges", the CEO Summit this year is connecting industry peers from local and abroad to seek on delineate strategies for secure growth amidst flux of exhibition & events industry. #GLevents #GLeventsGreaterChina #GLGC #LIVE #EXHIBITIONS #VENUES #CEOSummit2024 #GlobalExhibition #ExhibitionIndustry #MICE #eventprofs

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    ✨Discover Event Solutions in Hong Kong Established in 2000, GL events Hong Kong is a subsidiary of GL events Greater China. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Hong Kong team specializes in total event solutions and implement unique range of skills and materials to equip all events: corporate events, brand events, exhibitions, conferences, pop-up events and etc. A Total Event Management for All Your Events! ✔ All Rounded Services Support by Imagine Lab: creative field marketing, design, event production and graphic design. New media such as interactive programming, computer graphics and animation arts are also our focus. ✔ Events Furniture Rental Service by Furniture Asia: thousands of different furniture imported mainly from Europe, also environmentally friendly. ✔ Event Staffing Solution by French Touch: professional hostesses & hosts, event helpers, models and any other kinds of events’ staff. ✔ Audiovisual Equipment Rental Service: 1000 AV equipment, 5000 sqm warehouse in Hong Kong. At the recently concluded Art Basel in Hong Kong, French Touch team had provided hospitality services for the event, while the Imagine Lab team had provided booth creative design and construction, audiovisual equipment and digital solutions for the BMW booth. 🤝🙌 In addition, Imagine Lab has curated an unforgettable ambiance for the Glenrothes New Pack VIP event in May, infusing every aspect with the essence of the details. 💫🧡 These comprehensive services compose our one-stop solutions, making our team your ideal choice. For more details and information, please email [email protected] #GLevents #GLeventsGreaterChina #HongKong #MICEdestination #BMW #BMWHK #ArtBaselHongKong #Glenrothes #Live #WeAreGLevents #BringingPeopleTogether
