Announcement of pricing change for egress traffic

This page covers egress price changes that become effective on February 1, 2024.

Starting February 1, 2024, we'll change the pricing for some SKUs for the following:

  • Premium Tier internet egress (VM-to-internet)
  • Inter-region egress (VM-to-VM and VM-to-Google service)

If you are on an existing fixed contract, your prices do not change for the lifetime of the contract or until renewal.

For current Premium Tier pricing, see Internet egress rates. For current inter-region egress pricing, see VM-VM egress pricing within Google Cloud.

Premium Tier internet egress pricing changes

The following table summarizes the changes for Premium Tier internet pricing.

Egress type Source Destination Price (per GiB in USD)
Premium Tier internet egress Any Google Cloud region Any region in Asia (excluding Indonesia and Korea)
  • 0-1 TiB: $0.12 (no change)
  • 1-10 TiB: $0.11 (no change)
  • 10 TiB : $0.085
Premium Tier internet egress Any Google Cloud region
  • Indonesia
  • Korea
  • 0-1 TiB: $0.19
  • 1-10 TiB: $0.18
  • 10 TiB : $0.15
Premium Tier internet egress Any Google Cloud region South America
  • 0-1 TiB: $0.19
  • 1-10 TiB: $0.18
  • 10 TiB : $0.15
Premium Tier internet egress South America Any Google Cloud region
  • 0-1 TiB: $0.19
  • 1-10 TiB: $0.18
  • 10 TiB : $0.15
Premium Tier internet egress North America Europe
  • 0-1 TiB: $0.12 (no change)
  • 1-10 TiB: $0.11 (no change)
  • 10 TiB : $0.085
Premium Tier internet egress Europe North America
  • 0-1 TiB: $0.12 (no change)
  • 1-10 TiB: $0.11 (no change)
  • 10 TiB : $0.085

Inter-region egress pricing changes

The following table summarizes the changes for inter-region egress pricing.

Egress type Source Destination Price (per GiB in USD)
Inter-region egress North America North America $0.02
Inter-region egress North America Europe $0.05
Inter-region egress Europe North America $0.05
Inter-region egress Asia Asia $0.08
Inter-region egress Any Google Cloud region (excluding South America)
  • Australia
  • Indonesia
Inter-region egress
  • Australia
  • Indonesia
Any Google Cloud region (excluding South America) $0.10
Inter-region egress Any Google Cloud region South America $0.14
Inter-region egress South America Any Google Cloud region $0.14