Google Cloud Observability deprecations

The Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service (section 1.4(d), "Discontinuation of Services") defines the deprecation policy that applies to Google Cloud Observability. The deprecation policy only applies to the services, features, or products listed therein. For Google Cloud Observability agents, refer to the Google Cloud Observability agents deprecation policy.

After a service, feature, or product is officially deprecated, it continues to be available for at least the period of time defined in the Terms of Service. After this period of time, the service is scheduled for shutdown.

The following table lists features and functionality that are deprecated, along with their related shutdown schedules:

Feature (status) Deprecated date Shutdown date Details
Monitoring Query Language (MQL) October 22, 2024
July 22, 2025
N/A See Monitoring Query Language (MQL) for details.
AWS CloudWatch metrics in Connector projects August 21, 2023 August 21, 2024 See AWS CloudWatch metrics in Connector projects for details.
Cloud Debugger (shut down) May 16, 2022 May 31, 2023 See Cloud Debugger deprecation for details.
Obsolete resource metadata labels May 21, 2020 July 31, 2020 Obsolete or redundant resource metadata labels are being removed. See Obsolete resource metadata labels for details.
Legacy installation scripts for the Monitoring agent April 27, 2020 February 17, 2022 The legacy installation scripts are deprecated. See the Legacy installation scripts for Monitoring agent page for details.
Legacy installation script for the Logging agent April 27, 2020 February 17, 2022 The legacy installation script is deprecated. See the Legacy installation script for Logging agent page for details.
Legacy versions of the Monitoring agent See the Legacy versions of the Cloud Monitoring agent page for details.
Legacy Monitoring and Logging support for GKE December 12, 2019 March 31, 2021 See the Legacy Monitoring and Logging support for GKE page for details.
Various integrations for third-party applications in legacy Monitoring agent February 28, 2019 April 09, 2020 See the Integrations deprecation page for details.