Work with JSON data

This page describes how to work with JSON using Spanner.

The JSON data type is a semi-structured data type used for holding JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data. The specifications for the JSON format are described in RFC 7159.

JSON is useful to supplement a relational schema for data that is sparse or has a loosely-defined or changing structure. However, the query optimizer relies on the relational model to efficiently filter, join, aggregate, and sort at scale. Queries over JSON will have fewer built-in optimizations and fewer affordances to inspect and tune performance.


Spanner JSON type stores a normalized representation of the input JSON document.

  • JSON can be nested to a maximum of 80 levels.
  • Whitespace is not preserved.
  • Comments are not supported. Transactions or queries with comments will fail.
  • Members of a JSON object are sorted lexicographically.
  • JSON array elements have their order preserved.
  • If a JSON object has duplicate keys, only the first one is preserved.
  • Primitive types (string, boolean, number, and null) have their type and value preserved.
    • String type values are preserved exactly.
    • Number type values are preserved, but may have their textual representation changed as a result of the normalization process. For example, an input number of 10000 may have a normalized representation of 1e 4. Number value preservation semantics are as follows:
      • Signed integers in the range of [INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX] are preserved.
      • Unsigned integers in the range of [0, UINT64_MAX] are preserved.
      • Double values that can be roundtripped from string to double to string without precision loss are preserved. If a double value cannot round trip in this manner, the transaction or query fails.
        • For example, SELECT JSON '2.2412421353246235436' fails.
        • A functional workaround is PARSE_JSON('2.2412421353246235436', wide_number_mode=>'round'), which returns JSON '2.2412421353246237'.
  • Use the TO_JSON(), JSON_OBJECT(), and the JSON_ARRAY() functions to construct JSON documents in SQL. These functions implement the necessary quoting and escaping characters.

The maximum permitted size of the normalized document is 10 MB.


JSON null values are treated as SQL non-NULL.

For example:

SELECT (JSON '{"a":null}').a IS NULL; -- Returns FALSE
SELECT (JSON '{"a":null}').b IS NULL; -- Returns TRUE

SELECT JSON_QUERY(JSON '{"a":null}', "$.a"); -- Returns a JSON 'null'
SELECT JSON_QUERY(JSON '{"a":null}', "$.b"); -- Returns a SQL NULL


JSON documents must be encoded in UTF-8. Transactions or queries with JSON documents encoded in other formats return an error.

Create a table with JSON columns

A JSON column can be added to a table when the table is created. JSON type values can be nullable.

  VenueId   INT64 NOT NULL,
  VenueName  STRING(1024),
  VenueAddress STRING(1024),
  VenueFeatures JSON,
  DateOpened  DATE,

Add and remove JSON columns from existing tables

A JSON column can also be added to and dropped from existing tables.


The following sample shows how to add a JSON column called VenueDetails to the Venues table using the Spanner client libraries.


void AddJsonColumn(google::cloud::spanner_admin::DatabaseAdminClient client,
                   std::string const& project_id,
                   std::string const& instance_id,
                   std::string const& database_id) {
  google::cloud::spanner::Database database(project_id, instance_id,
  auto metadata = client
                      .UpdateDatabaseDdl(database.FullName(), {R"""(
                        ALTER TABLE Venues ADD COLUMN VenueDetails JSON)"""})
  if (!metadata) throw std::move(metadata).status();
  std::cout << "`Venues` table altered, new DDL:\n" << metadata->DebugString();


using Google.Cloud.Spanner.Data;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class AddJsonColumnAsyncSample
    public async Task AddJsonColumnAsync(string projectId, string instanceId, string databaseId)
        string connectionString = $"Data Source=projects/{projectId}/instances/{instanceId}/databases/{databaseId}";
        string alterStatement = "ALTER TABLE Venues ADD COLUMN VenueDetails JSON";

        using var connection = new SpannerConnection(connectionString);
        using var updateCmd = connection.CreateDdlCommand(alterStatement);
        await updateCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("Added the VenueDetails column.");


import (

	database ""
	adminpb ""

// addJsonColumn creates a column in the database of type JSON
func addJsonColumn(w io.Writer, db string) error {
	// db = `projects/<project>/instances/<instance-id>/database/<database-id>`
	matches := regexp.MustCompile("^(.*)/databases/(.*)$").FindStringSubmatch(db)
	if matches == nil || len(matches) != 3 {
		return fmt.Errorf("addJsonColumn: invalid database id %s", db)

	ctx := context.Background()
	adminClient, err := database.NewDatabaseAdminClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer adminClient.Close()

	op, err := adminClient.UpdateDatabaseDdl(ctx, &adminpb.UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest{
		Database: db,
		Statements: []string{
			"ALTER TABLE Venues ADD COLUMN VenueDetails JSON",
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := op.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Added VenueDetails column\n")
	return nil


import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

class AddJsonColumnSample {

  static void addJsonColumn() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "my-project";
    String instanceId = "my-instance";
    String databaseId = "my-database";

    addJsonColumn(projectId, instanceId, databaseId);

  static void addJsonColumn(String projectId, String instanceId, String databaseId)
      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    try (Spanner spanner =
        DatabaseAdminClient databaseAdminClient = spanner.createDatabaseAdminClient()) {
      // Wait for the operation to finish.
      // This will throw an ExecutionException if the operation fails.
          DatabaseName.of(projectId, instanceId, databaseId),
          ImmutableList.of("ALTER TABLE Venues ADD COLUMN VenueDetails JSON")).get();
      System.out.printf("Successfully added column `VenueDetails`%n");


 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

// creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

const databaseAdminClient = spanner.getDatabaseAdminClient();

const request = ['ALTER TABLE Venues ADD COLUMN VenueDetails JSON'];

// Alter existing table to add a column.
const [operation] = await databaseAdminClient.updateDatabaseDdl({
  database: databaseAdminClient.databasePath(
  statements: request,

console.log(`Waiting for operation on ${databaseId} to complete...`);

await operation.promise();

  `Added VenueDetails column to Venues table in database ${databaseId}.`


use Google\Cloud\Spanner\Admin\Database\V1\Client\DatabaseAdminClient;
use Google\Cloud\Spanner\Admin\Database\V1\UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest;

 * Adds a JSON column to a table.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * add_json_column($projectId, $instanceId, $databaseId);
 * ```
 * @param string $projectId The Google Cloud project ID.
 * @param string $instanceId The Spanner instance ID.
 * @param string $databaseId The Spanner database ID.
function add_json_column(string $projectId, string $instanceId, string $databaseId): void
    $databaseAdminClient = new DatabaseAdminClient();
    $databaseName = DatabaseAdminClient::databaseName($projectId, $instanceId, $databaseId);

    $request = new UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest([
        'database' => $databaseName,
        'statements' => ['ALTER TABLE Venues ADD COLUMN VenueDetails JSON']

    $operation = $databaseAdminClient->updateDatabaseDdl($request);

    print('Waiting for operation to complete...' . PHP_EOL);

    printf('Added VenueDetails as a JSON column in Venues table' . PHP_EOL);


def add_json_column(instance_id, database_id):
    """Adds a new JSON column to the Venues table in the example database."""
    # instance_id = "your-spanner-instance"
    # database_id = "your-spanner-db-id"

    from import \

    spanner_client = spanner.Client()
    database_admin_api = spanner_client.database_admin_api

    request = spanner_database_admin.UpdateDatabaseDdlRequest(
            spanner_client.project, instance_id, database_id
        statements=["ALTER TABLE Venues ADD COLUMN VenueDetails JSON"],

    operation = database_admin_api.update_database_ddl(request)

    print("Waiting for operation to complete...")

        'Altered table "Venues" on database {} on instance {}.'.format(
            database_id, instance_id


# project_id  = "Your Google Cloud project ID"
# instance_id = "Your Spanner instance ID"
# database_id = "Your Spanner database ID"

require "google/cloud/spanner"
require "google/cloud/spanner/admin/database"

db_admin_client = Google::Cloud::Spanner::Admin::Database.database_admin

database_path = db_admin_client.database_path project: project_id,
                                              instance: instance_id,
                                              database: database_id

statements = ["ALTER TABLE Venues ADD COLUMN VenueDetails JSON"]
job = db_admin_client.update_database_ddl database: database_path,
                                          statements: statements

puts "Added VenueDetails column to Venues table in database #{database_id}"

Modify JSON data

The following sample shows how to update JSON data using the Spanner client libraries.


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

void UpdateDataWithJson(google::cloud::spanner::Client client) {
  namespace spanner = ::google::cloud::spanner;
  auto venue19_details = spanner::Json(R"""(
        {"rating": 9, "open": true}
      )""");  // object
  auto venue4_details = spanner::Json(R"""(
          {"name": "room 1", "open": true},
          {"name": "room 2", "open": false}
      )""");  // array
  auto venue42_details = spanner::Json(R"""(
          "name": null,
          "open": {"Monday": true, "Tuesday": false},
          "tags": ["large", "airy"]
      )""");  // nested
  auto update_venues =
          "Venues", {"VenueId", "VenueName", "VenueDetails", "LastUpdateTime"})
          .EmplaceRow(19, "Venue 19", venue19_details,
          .EmplaceRow(4, "Venue 4", venue4_details, spanner::CommitTimestamp())
          .EmplaceRow(42, "Venue 42", venue42_details,

  auto commit_result = client.Commit(spanner::Mutations{update_venues});
  if (!commit_result) throw std::move(commit_result).status();
  std::cout << "Insert was successful [spanner_update_data_with_json_column]\n";


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

using Google.Cloud.Spanner.Data;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class UpdateDataWithJsonAsyncSample
    public class Venue
        public int VenueId { get; set; }
        public string VenueDetails { get; set; }

    public async Task UpdateDataWithJsonAsync(string projectId, string instanceId, string databaseId)
        List<Venue> venues = new List<Venue>
            // If you are using .NET Core 3.1 or later, you can use System.Text.Json for serialization instead.
            new Venue
                VenueId = 19,
                VenueDetails = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                    rating = 9,
                    open = true,
            new Venue
                VenueId = 4,
                VenueDetails = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new object[]
                        name = "room 1",
                        open = true,
                        name = "room 2",
                        open = false,
            new Venue
                VenueId = 42,
                VenueDetails = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                    name = "Central Park",
                    open = new
                        Monday = true,
                        Tuesday = false,
                    tags = new string[] {"large", "airy" },
        // Create connection to Cloud Spanner.
        string connectionString = $"Data Source=projects/{projectId}/instances/{instanceId}/databases/{databaseId}";
        using var connection = new SpannerConnection(connectionString);
        await connection.OpenAsync();

        await Task.WhenAll(venues.Select(venue =>
            // Update rows in the Venues table.
            using var cmd = connection.CreateUpdateCommand("Venues", new SpannerParameterCollection
                    { "VenueId", SpannerDbType.Int64, venue.VenueId },
                    { "VenueDetails", SpannerDbType.Json, venue.VenueDetails }
            return cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

        Console.WriteLine("Data updated.");


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

import (


// updateDataWithJsonColumn updates database with Json type values
func updateDataWithJsonColumn(w io.Writer, db string) error {
	// db = `projects/<project>/instances/<instance-id>/database/<database-id>`
	matches := regexp.MustCompile("^(.*)/databases/(.*)$").FindStringSubmatch(db)
	if matches == nil || len(matches) != 3 {
		return fmt.Errorf("addJsonColumn: invalid database id %s", db)

	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := spanner.NewClient(ctx, db)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer client.Close()

	type VenueDetails struct {
		Name   spanner.NullString   `json:"name"`
		Rating spanner.NullFloat64  `json:"rating"`
		Open   interface{}          `json:"open"`
		Tags   []spanner.NullString `json:"tags"`

	details_1 := spanner.NullJSON{Value: []VenueDetails{
		{Name: spanner.NullString{StringVal: "room1", Valid: true}, Open: true},
		{Name: spanner.NullString{StringVal: "room2", Valid: true}, Open: false},
	}, Valid: true}
	details_2 := spanner.NullJSON{Value: VenueDetails{
		Rating: spanner.NullFloat64{Float64: 9, Valid: true},
		Open:   true,
	}, Valid: true}

	details_3 := spanner.NullJSON{Value: VenueDetails{
		Name: spanner.NullString{Valid: false},
		Open: map[string]bool{"monday": true, "tuesday": false},
		Tags: []spanner.NullString{{StringVal: "large", Valid: true}, {StringVal: "airy", Valid: true}},
	}, Valid: true}

	cols := []string{"VenueId", "VenueDetails"}
	_, err = client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
		spanner.Update("Venues", cols, []interface{}{4, details_1}),
		spanner.Update("Venues", cols, []interface{}{19, details_2}),
		spanner.Update("Venues", cols, []interface{}{42, details_3}),

	if err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Updated data to VenueDetails column\n")

	return nil


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.


class UpdateJsonDataSample {

  static void updateJsonData() {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "my-project";
    String instanceId = "my-instance";
    String databaseId = "my-database";

    try (Spanner spanner =
        SpannerOptions.newBuilder().setProjectId(projectId).build().getService()) {
      DatabaseClient client =
          spanner.getDatabaseClient(DatabaseId.of(projectId, instanceId, databaseId));

  static void updateJsonData(DatabaseClient client) {
                        "[{\"name\":\"room 1\",\"open\":true},"
                              "{\"name\":\"room 2\",\"open\":false}]"))
    System.out.println("Venues successfully updated");


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Imports the Google Cloud client library.
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client.
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database.
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

// Instantiate Spanner table objects.
const venuesTable = database.table('Venues');

const data = [
    VenueId: '19',
    VenueDetails: {rating: 9, open: true},
    LastUpdateTime: 'spanner.commit_timestamp()',
    VenueId: '4',
    // VenueDetails must be specified as a string, as it contains a top-level
    // array of objects that should be inserted into a JSON column. If we were
    // to specify this value as an array instead of a string, the client
    // library would encode this value as ARRAY<JSON> instead of JSON.
    VenueDetails: `[
        "name": null,
        "open": true
        "name": "room 2",
        "open": false
        "main hall": {
          "description": "this is the biggest space",
          "size": 200
    LastUpdateTime: 'spanner.commit_timestamp()',
    VenueId: '42',
    VenueDetails: {
      name: null,
      open: {
        Monday: true,
        Tuesday: false,
      tags: ['large', 'airy'],
    LastUpdateTime: 'spanner.commit_timestamp()',
// Updates rows in the Venues table.
try {
  await venuesTable.update(data);
  console.log('Updated data.');
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);
} finally {
  // Close the database when finished.


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

use Google\Cloud\Spanner\SpannerClient;

 * Updates sample data in a table with a JSON column.
 * Before executing this method, a new column Revenue has to be added to the Venues
 * table by applying the DDL statement "ALTER TABLE Venues ADD COLUMN VenueDetails JSON".
 * Example:
 * ```
 * update_data_with_json_column($instanceId, $databaseId);
 * ```
 * @param string $instanceId The Spanner instance ID.
 * @param string $databaseId The Spanner database ID.
function update_data_with_json_column(string $instanceId, string $databaseId): void
    $spanner = new SpannerClient();
    $instance = $spanner->instance($instanceId);
    $database = $instance->database($databaseId);

    $database->transaction(['singleUse' => true])
        ->updateBatch('Venues', [
                'VenueId' => 4,
                'VenueDetails' =>
                    '[{"name":"room 1","open":true},{"name":"room 2","open":false}]'
                'VenueId' => 19,
                'VenueDetails' => '{"rating":9,"open":true}'
                'VenueId' => 42,
                'VenueDetails' =>

    print('Updated data.' . PHP_EOL);


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

def update_data_with_json(instance_id, database_id):
    """Updates Venues tables in the database with the JSON

    This updates the `VenueDetails` column which must be created before
    running this sample. You can add the column by running the
    `add_json_column` sample or by running this DDL statement
     against your database:

        ALTER TABLE Venues ADD COLUMN VenueDetails JSON
    spanner_client = spanner.Client()
    instance = spanner_client.instance(instance_id)

    database = instance.database(database_id)

    with database.batch() as batch:
            columns=("VenueId", "VenueDetails"),
                            JsonObject({"name": "room 1", "open": True}),
                            JsonObject({"name": "room 2", "open": False}),
                (19, JsonObject(rating=9, open=True)),
                            "name": None,
                            "open": {"Monday": True, "Tuesday": False},
                            "tags": ["large", "airy"],

    print("Updated data.")


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

# project_id  = "Your Google Cloud project ID"
# instance_id = "Your Spanner instance ID"
# database_id = "Your Spanner database ID"

require "google/cloud/spanner"

spanner = project: project_id
client  = spanner.client instance_id, database_id

rows = [{
  VenueId: 1,
  VenueDetails: { rating: 9, open: true }
client.update "Venues", rows

# VenueDetails must be specified as a string, as it contains a top-level
# array of objects that should be inserted into a JSON column. If we were
# to specify this value as an array instead of a string, the client
# library would encode this value as ARRAY<JSON> instead of JSON.
venue_details_string = [
    name: "room 1",
    open: true
    name: "room 2",
    open: false

rows = [{
  VenueId: 2,
  VenueDetails: venue_details_string
client.update "Venues", rows

puts "Rows are updated."

Query JSON data

The following sample shows how to query JSON data using the Spanner client libraries.


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

void QueryWithJsonParameter(google::cloud::spanner::Client client) {
  namespace spanner = ::google::cloud::spanner;
  auto rating9_details = spanner::Json(R"""(
        {"rating": 9}
      )""");  // object
  spanner::SqlStatement select(
      "SELECT VenueId, VenueDetails"
      "  FROM Venues"
      " WHERE JSON_VALUE(VenueDetails, '$.rating') ="
      "       JSON_VALUE(@details, '$.rating')",
      {{"details", spanner::Value(std::move(rating9_details))}});
  using RowType = std::tuple<std::int64_t, absl::optional<spanner::Json>>;

  auto rows = client.ExecuteQuery(std::move(select));
  for (auto& row : spanner::StreamOf<RowType>(rows)) {
    if (!row) throw std::move(row).status();
    std::cout << "VenueId: " << std::get<0>(*row) << ", ";
    auto venue_details = std::get<1>(*row).value();
    std::cout << "VenueDetails: " << venue_details << "\n";


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

using Google.Cloud.Spanner.Data;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class QueryDataWithJsonParameterAsyncSample
    public class Venue
        public int VenueId { get; set; }
        public string VenueDetails { get; set; }

    public async Task<List<Venue>> QueryDataWithJsonParameterAsync(string projectId, string instanceId, string databaseId)
        string connectionString = $"Data Source=projects/{projectId}/instances/{instanceId}/databases/{databaseId}";
        using var connection = new SpannerConnection(connectionString);

        // If you are using .NET Core 3.1 or later, you can use System.Text.Json for serialization instead.
        var jsonValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { rating = 9 });
        // Get all venues with rating 9.
        using var cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand(
            @"SELECT VenueId, VenueDetails
              FROM Venues
              WHERE JSON_VALUE(VenueDetails, '$.rating') = JSON_VALUE(@details, '$.rating')",
            new SpannerParameterCollection
                { "details", SpannerDbType.Json, jsonValue }

        var venues = new List<Venue>();
        using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
        while (await reader.ReadAsync())
            venues.Add(new Venue
                VenueId = reader.GetFieldValue<int>("VenueId"),
                VenueDetails = reader.GetFieldValue<string>("VenueDetails")
        return venues;


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

import (


// queryWithJsonParameter queries data on the JSON type column of the database
func queryWithJsonParameter(w io.Writer, db string) error {
	// db = `projects/<project>/instances/<instance-id>/database/<database-id>`
	matches := regexp.MustCompile("^(.*)/databases/(.*)$").FindStringSubmatch(db)
	if matches == nil || len(matches) != 3 {
		return fmt.Errorf("addJsonColumn: invalid database id %s", db)
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := spanner.NewClient(ctx, db)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer client.Close()

	type VenueDetails struct {
		Name   spanner.NullString   `json:"name"`
		Rating spanner.NullFloat64  `json:"rating"`
		Open   interface{}          `json:"open"`
		Tags   []spanner.NullString `json:"tags"`

	stmt := spanner.Statement{
		SQL: `SELECT VenueId, VenueDetails FROM Venues WHERE JSON_VALUE(VenueDetails, '$.rating') = JSON_VALUE(@details, '$.rating')`,
		Params: map[string]interface{}{
			"details": spanner.NullJSON{Value: VenueDetails{
				Rating: spanner.NullFloat64{Float64: 9, Valid: true},
			}, Valid: true},
	iter := client.Single().Query(ctx, stmt)
	defer iter.Stop()
	for {
		row, err := iter.Next()
		if err == iterator.Done {
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			return err
		var venueID int64
		var venueDetails spanner.NullJSON
		if err := row.Columns(&venueID, &venueDetails); err != nil {
			return err
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "The venue details for venue id %v is %v\n", venueID, venueDetails)


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.


class QueryWithJsonParameterSample {

  static void queryWithJsonParameter() {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "my-project";
    String instanceId = "my-instance";
    String databaseId = "my-database";

    try (Spanner spanner =
        SpannerOptions.newBuilder().setProjectId(projectId).build().getService()) {
      DatabaseClient client =
          spanner.getDatabaseClient(DatabaseId.of(projectId, instanceId, databaseId));

  static void queryWithJsonParameter(DatabaseClient client) {
    String exampleJson = "{\"rating\": 9}";
    Statement statement =
                "SELECT VenueId, VenueDetails\n"
                      "FROM Venues\n"
                      "WHERE JSON_VALUE(VenueDetails, '$.rating') = "
                      "JSON_VALUE(@details, '$.rating')")
    try (ResultSet resultSet = client.singleUse().executeQuery(statement)) {
      while ( {
            "VenueId: %s, VenueDetails: %s%n",
            resultSet.getLong("VenueId"), resultSet.getJson("VenueDetails"));


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Imports the Google Cloud client library.
const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'my-project-id';
// const instanceId = 'my-instance';
// const databaseId = 'my-database';

// Creates a client
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,

// Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and database.
const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
const database = instance.database(databaseId);

const fieldType = {
  type: 'json',

const jsonValue = {rating: 9};

const query = {
  sql: `SELECT VenueId, VenueDetails FROM Venues
          WHERE JSON_VALUE(VenueDetails, '$.rating') = JSON_VALUE(@details, '$.rating')`,
  params: {
    details: jsonValue,
  types: {
    details: fieldType,

// Queries rows from the Venues table.
try {
  const [rows] = await;

  rows.forEach(row => {
    const json = row.toJSON();
      `VenueId: ${json.VenueId}, Details: ${JSON.stringify(
} catch (err) {
  console.error('ERROR:', err);
} finally {
  // Close the database when finished.


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

use Google\Cloud\Spanner\Database;
use Google\Cloud\Spanner\SpannerClient;

 * Queries sample data from the database using SQL with a NUMERIC parameter.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * query_data_with_json_parameter($instanceId, $databaseId);
 * ```
 * @param string $instanceId The Spanner instance ID.
 * @param string $databaseId The Spanner database ID.
function query_data_with_json_parameter(string $instanceId, string $databaseId): void
    $spanner = new SpannerClient();
    $instance = $spanner->instance($instanceId);
    $database = $instance->database($databaseId);

    $exampleJson = [
        'rating' => 9,
        'open' => true,

    $results = $database->execute(
        'SELECT VenueId, VenueDetails FROM Venues ' .
        'WHERE JSON_VALUE(VenueDetails, \'$.rating\') = JSON_VALUE(@venueDetails, \'$.rating\')',
            'parameters' => [
                'venueDetails' => json_encode($exampleJson)
            'types' => [
                'venueDetails' => Database::TYPE_JSON

    foreach ($results as $row) {
            'VenueId: %s, VenueDetails: %s' . PHP_EOL,


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

# instance_id = "your-spanner-instance"
# database_id = "your-spanner-db-id"
spanner_client = spanner.Client()
instance = spanner_client.instance(instance_id)
database = instance.database(database_id)

example_json = json.dumps({"rating": 9})
param = {"details": example_json}
param_type = {"details": param_types.JSON}

with database.snapshot() as snapshot:
    results = snapshot.execute_sql(
        "SELECT VenueId, VenueDetails "
        "FROM Venues "
        "WHERE JSON_VALUE(VenueDetails, '$.rating') = "
        "JSON_VALUE(@details, '$.rating')",

    for row in results:
        print("VenueId: {}, VenueDetails: {}".format(*row))


To learn how to install and use the client library for Spanner, see Spanner client libraries.

To authenticate to Spanner, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

# project_id  = "Your Google Cloud project ID"
# instance_id = "Your Spanner instance ID"
# database_id = "Your Spanner database ID"

require "google/cloud/spanner"

spanner = project: project_id
client = spanner.client instance_id, database_id

query = "SELECT VenueId, VenueDetails FROM Venues
  WHERE JSON_VALUE(VenueDetails, '$.rating') = JSON_VALUE(@details, '$.rating')"
result = client.execute_query query,
                              params: { details: { rating: 9 } },
                              types: { details: :JSON }

result.rows.each do |row|
  puts "VenueId: #{row['VenueId']}, VenueDetails: #{row['VenueDetails']}"


  • JSON columns cannot be used in ORDER BY.
  • JSON type columns do not support indexing. However, an index can be created on a generated column that extracts a scalar value from a JSON element.

In the example below, an index VenueMisc is created on the generated column Details which extracts a scalar value from the JSON element VenueDetails. The editable json_path is a STRING value in JSONPath format.

  VenueId   INT64 NOT NULL,
  VenueName  STRING(1024),
  VenueAddress STRING(1024),
  DateOpened  DATE,
  VenueDetails JSON,
  Details STRING(MAX) AS (JSON_VALUE(VenueDetails, json_path)) STORED

CREATE INDEX VenueMisc ON Venues(Details);
