Change streams partitions, records, and queries

This page describes the following attributes of change streams in detail:

  • Its split-based partitioning model
  • The format and content of change stream records
  • The low-level syntax used to query those records
  • An example of the query workflow

The information on this page is most relevant for using the Spanner API to query change streams directly. Applications that instead use Dataflow to read change stream data do not need to work directly with the data model described here.

For a broader introductory guide to change streams, see Change streams overview.

Change stream partitions

When a change occurs on a table that is watched by a change stream, Spanner writes a corresponding change stream record in the database, synchronously in the same transaction as the data change. This guarantees that if the transaction succeeds, Spanner has also successfully captured and persisted the change. Internally, Spanner co-locates the change stream record and the data change so that they are processed by the same server to minimize write overhead.

As part of the DML to a particular split, Spanner appends the write to the corresponding change stream data split in the same transaction. Because of this colocation, change streams do not add extra coordination across serving resources, which minimizes the transaction commit overhead.


Spanner scales by dynamically splitting and merging data based on database load and size, and distributing splits across serving resources.

To enable change streams writes and reads to scale, Spanner splits and merges the internal change stream storage along with the database data, automatically avoiding hotspots. To support reading change stream records in near real-time as database writes scale, the Spanner API is designed for a change stream to be queried concurrently using change stream partitions. Change stream partitions map to change stream data splits that contain the change stream records. A change stream's partitions change dynamically over time and are correlated to how Spanner dynamically splits and merges the database data.

A change stream partition contains records for an immutable key range for a specific time range. Any change stream partition can split into one or more change stream partitions, or be merged with other change stream partitions. When these split or merge events happen, child partitions are created to capture the changes for their respective immutable key ranges for the next time range. In addition to data change records, a change stream query returns child partition records to notify readers of new change stream partitions that need to be queried, as well as heartbeat records to indicate forward progress when no writes have occurred recently.

When querying a particular change stream partition, the change records are returned in commit timestamp order. Each change record is returned exactly once. Across change stream partitions, there is no guaranteed ordering of change records. Change records for a particular primary key are returned only on one partition for a particular time range.

Due to the parent-child partition lineage, in order to process changes for a particular key in commit timestamp order, records returned from child partitions should be processed only after records from all parent partitions have been processed.

Change stream read functions and query syntax


You query change streams by using the ExecuteStreamingSql API. Spanner automatically creates a special read function along with the change stream. The read function provides access to the change stream's records. The read function naming convention is READ_change_stream_name.

Assuming a change stream SingersNameStream exists in the database, the query syntax for GoogleSQL is the following:

SELECT ChangeRecord
FROM READ_SingersNameStream (

The read function accepts the following arguments:

Argument name Type Required? Description
start_timestamp TIMESTAMP Required Specifies that records with commit_timestamp greater than or equal to start_timestamp should be returned. The value must be within the change stream retention period, and should be less than or equal to the current time, and greater than or equal to the timestamp of the change stream's creation.
end_timestamp TIMESTAMP Optional (Default: NULL) Specifies that records with commit_timestamp less than or equal to end_timestamp should be returned. The value must be within the change stream retention period and greater or equal than the start_timestamp. The query finishes either after returning all ChangeRecords up to end_timestamp or the user terminates the connection. If NULL or not specified, the query executes until all ChangeRecords are returned or the user terminates the connection.
partition_token STRING Optional (Default: NULL) Specifies which change stream partition to query, based on the content of child partitions records. If NULL or not specified, this means the reader is querying the change stream for the first time, and has not obtained any specific partition tokens to query from.
heartbeat_milliseconds INT64 Required Determines how frequently a heartbeat ChangeRecord is returned in case there are no transactions committed in this partition. The value must be between 1,000 (one second) and 300,000 (five minutes).
read_options ARRAY Optional (Default: NULL) Additional read options reserved for the future use. Currently, the only allowed value is NULL.

We recommend making a convenience method for building the text of the read function query and binding parameters to it, as shown in the following example.


private static final String SINGERS_NAME_STREAM_QUERY_TEMPLATE =
        "SELECT ChangeRecord FROM READ_SingersNameStream"
              "   start_timestamp => @startTimestamp,"
              "   end_timestamp => @endTimestamp,"
              "   partition_token => @partitionToken,"
              "   heartbeat_milliseconds => @heartbeatMillis"

// Helper method to conveniently create change stream query texts and bind parameters.
public static Statement getChangeStreamQuery(
      String partitionToken,
      Timestamp startTimestamp,
      Timestamp endTimestamp,
      long heartbeatMillis) {
  return Statement.newBuilder(SINGERS_NAME_STREAM_QUERY_TEMPLATE)


You query change streams by using the ExecuteStreamingSql API. Spanner automatically creates a special read function along with the change stream. The read function provides access to the change stream's records. The read function naming convention is spanner.read_json_change_stream_name.

Assuming a change stream SingersNameStream exists in the database, the query syntax for PostgreSQL is the following:

FROM "spanner"."read_json_SingersNameStream" (

The read function accepts the following arguments:

Argument name Type Required? Description
start_timestamp timestamp with time zone Required Specifies that change records with commit_timestamp greater than or equal to start_timestamp should be returned. The value must be within the change stream retention period, and should be less than or equal to the current time, and greater than or equal to the timestamp of the change stream's creation.
end_timestamp timestamp with timezone Optional (Default: NULL) Specifies that change records with commit_timestamp less than or equal to end_timestamp should be returned. The value must be within the change stream retention period and greater or equal than the start_timestamp. The query finishes either after returning all change records up to end_timestamp or the user terminates the connection. If NULL the query executes until all change records are returned or the user terminates the connection.
partition_token text Optional (Default: NULL) Specifies which change stream partition to query, based on the content of child partitions records. If NULL or not specified, this means the reader is querying the change stream for the first time, and has not obtained any specific partition tokens to query from.
heartbeat_milliseconds bigint Required Determines how frequently a heartbeat ChangeRecord will be returned in case there are no transactions committed in this partition. The value must be between 1,000 (one second) and 300,000 (five minutes).
null null Required Reserved for future use

We recommend making a convenience method for building the text of the read function and binding parameters to it, as shown in the following example.


private static final String SINGERS_NAME_STREAM_QUERY_TEMPLATE =
        "SELECT * FROM \"spanner\".\"read_json_SingersNameStream\""
              "($1, $2, $3, $4, null)";

// Helper method to conveniently create change stream query texts and bind parameters.
public static Statement getChangeStreamQuery(
      String partitionToken,
      Timestamp startTimestamp,
      Timestamp endTimestamp,
      long heartbeatMillis) {

  return Statement.newBuilder(SINGERS_NAME_STREAM_QUERY_TEMPLATE)

Change streams record format


The change streams read function returns a single ChangeRecord column of type ARRAY<STRUCT<...>>. In each row, this array always contains a single element.

The array elements have the following type:

  data_change_record ARRAY<STRUCT<...>>,
  heartbeat_record ARRAY<STRUCT<...>>,
  child_partitions_record ARRAY<STRUCT<...>>

There are three fields in this struct: data_change_record, heartbeat_record and child_partitions_record, each of type ARRAY<STRUCT<...>>. In any row that the change stream read function returns, only one of these three fields contains a value; the others two are empty or NULL. These array fields contain, at most, one element.

The following sections examine each of these three record types.


The change streams read function returns a single ChangeRecord column of type JSON with the following structure:

  "data_change_record" : {},
  "heartbeat_record" : {},
  "child_partitions_record" : {}

There are three possible keys in this object: data_change_record, heartbeat_record and child_partitions_record, the corresponding value type is JSON. In any row that the change stream read function returns, only one of these three keys exists.

The following sections examine each of these three record types.

Data change records

A data change record contains a set of changes to a table with the same modification type (insert, update, or delete) committed at the same commit timestamp in one change stream partition for the same transaction. Multiple data change records can be returned for the same transaction across multiple change stream partitions.

All data change records have commit_timestamp, server_transaction_id, and record_sequence fields, which together determine the order in the change stream for a stream record. These three fields are sufficient to derive the ordering of changes and provide external consistency.

Note that multiple transactions can have the same commit timestamp if they touch non-overlapping data. The server_transaction_id field offers the ability to distinguish which set of changes (potentially across change stream partitions) were issued within the same transaction. Pairing it with the record_sequence and number_of_records_in_transaction fields allows you buffer and order all the records from a particular transaction, as well.

The fields of a data change record include the following:


Field Type Description
commit_timestamp TIMESTAMP The timestamp in which the change was committed.
record_sequence STRING The sequence number for the record within the transaction. Sequence numbers are guaranteed to be unique and monotonically increasing (but not necessarily contiguous) within a transaction. Sort the records for the same server_transaction_id by record_sequence to reconstruct the ordering of the changes within the transaction. This ordering might be optimized by Spanner for better performances and it might not always match the original ordering that users provide.
server_transaction_id STRING A globally unique string that represents the transaction in which the change was committed. The value should only be used in the context of processing change stream records and is not correlated with the transaction id in Spanner's API.
is_last_record_in_transaction_in_partition BOOL Indicates whether this is the last record for a transaction in the current partition.
table_name STRING Name of the table affected by the change.
value_capture_type STRING

Describes the value capture type that was specified in the change stream configuration when this change was captured.

The value capture type can be "OLD_AND_NEW_VALUES", "NEW_ROW", "NEW_VALUES", or "NEW_ROW_AND_OLD_VALUES". By default, it is "OLD_AND_NEW_VALUES". For more information, see value capture types.

column_types ARRAY<STRUCT<
name STRING,
 type JSON,
 is_primary_key BOOL,
 ordinal_position INT64
The name of the column, the column type, whether it is a primary key, and the position of the column as defined in the schema (`ordinal_position`). The first column of a table in the schema would have an ordinal position of `1`. The column type may be nested for array columns. The format matches the type structure described in the Spanner API reference.
keys JSON,
 new_values JSON,
 old_values JSON
Describes the changes that were made, including the primary key values, the old values, and the new values of the changed or tracked columns. The availability and content of the old and new values will depend on the configured value_capture_type. The new_values and old_values fields only contain the non-key columns.
mod_type STRING Describes the type of change. One of INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
number_of_records_in_transaction INT64 The number of data change records that are part of this transaction across all change stream partitions.
number_of_partitions_in_transaction INT64 The number of partitions that will return data change records for this transaction.
transaction_tag STRING Transaction tag associated with this transaction.
is_system_transaction BOOL Indicates whether the transaction is a system transaction.


Field Type Description
commit_timestamp STRING The timestamp at which the change was committed.
record_sequence STRING The sequence number for the record within the transaction. Sequence numbers are guaranteed to be unique and monotonically increasing (but not necessarily contiguous) within a transaction. Sort the records for the same `server_transaction_id` by `record_sequence` to reconstruct the ordering of the changes within the transaction.
server_transaction_id STRING A globally unique string that represents the transaction in which the change was committed. The value should only be used in the context of processing change stream records and is not correlated with the transaction id in Spanner's API
is_last_record_in_transaction_in_partition BOOLEAN Indicates whether this is the last record for a transaction in the current partition.
table_name STRING Name of the table affected by the change.
value_capture_type STRING

Describes the value capture type that was specified in the change stream configuration when this change was captured.

The value capture type can be "OLD_AND_NEW_VALUES", "NEW_ROW", "NEW_VALUES", or "NEW_ROW_AND_OLD_VALUES". By default, it is "OLD_AND_NEW_VALUES". For more information, see value capture types.

      "name": <STRING>,
      "type": {
        "code": <STRING>
      "is_primary_key": <BOOLEAN>,
      "ordinal_position": <NUMBER>
The name of the column, the column type, whether it is a primary key, and the position of the column as defined in the schema (`ordinal_position`). The first column of a table in the schema would have an ordinal position of `1`. The column type may be nested for array columns. The format matches the type structure described in the Spanner API reference.
    "keys": {<STRING> : <STRING>},
    "new_values": {
      <STRING> : <VALUE-TYPE>,
    "old_values": {
      <STRING> : <VALUE-TYPE>,
Describes the changes that were made, including the primary key values, the old values, and the new values of the changed or tracked columns. The availability and content of the old and new values will depend on the configured value_capture_type. The new_values and old_values fields only contain the non-key columns.
mod_type STRING Describes the type of change. One of INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
number_of_records_in_transaction INT64 The number of data change records that are part of this transaction across all change stream partitions.
number_of_partitions_in_transaction NUMBER The number of partitions that will return data change records for this transaction.
transaction_tag STRING Transaction tag associated with this transaction.
is_system_transaction BOOLEAN Indicates whether the transaction is a system transaction.

A pair of example data change records follow. They describe a single transaction where there is a transfer between two accounts. Note that the two accounts are in separate change stream partitions.

"data_change_record": {
  "commit_timestamp": "2022-09-27T12:30:00.123456Z",
  // record_sequence is unique and monotonically increasing within a
  // transaction, across all partitions.
  "record_sequence": "00000000",
  "server_transaction_id": "6329047911",
  "is_last_record_in_transaction_in_partition": true,

  "table_name": "AccountBalance",
  "column_types": [
      "name": "AccountId",
      "type": {"code": "STRING"},
      "is_primary_key": true,
      "ordinal_position": 1
      "name": "LastUpdate",
      "type": {"code": "TIMESTAMP"},
      "is_primary_key": false,
      "ordinal_position": 2
       "name": "Balance",
       "type": {"code": "INT"},
       "is_primary_key": false,
       "ordinal_position": 3
  "mods": [
      "keys": {"AccountId": "Id1"},
      "new_values": {
        "LastUpdate": "2022-09-27T12:30:00.123456Z",
        "Balance": 1000
      "old_values": {
        "LastUpdate": "2022-09-26T11:28:00.189413Z",
        "Balance": 1500
  "mod_type": "UPDATE", // options are INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
  "value_capture_type": "OLD_AND_NEW_VALUES",
  "number_of_records_in_transaction": 2,
  "number_of_partitions_in_transaction": 2,
  "transaction_tag": "app=banking,env=prod,action=update",
  "is_system_transaction": false,
"data_change_record": {
  "commit_timestamp": "2022-09-27T12:30:00.123456Z",
  "record_sequence": "00000001",
  "server_transaction_id": "6329047911",
  "is_last_record_in_transaction_in_partition": true,

  "table_name": "AccountBalance",
  "column_types": [
      "name": "AccountId",
      "type": {"code": "STRING"},
      "is_primary_key": true,
      "ordinal_position": 1
      "name": "LastUpdate",
      "type": {"code": "TIMESTAMP"},
      "is_primary_key": false,
      "ordinal_position": 2
      "name": "Balance",
      "type": {"code": "INT"},
      "is_primary_key": false,
      "ordinal_position": 3
  "mods": [
      "keys": {"AccountId": "Id2"},
      "new_values": {
        "LastUpdate": "2022-09-27T12:30:00.123456Z",
        "Balance": 2000
      "old_values": {
        "LastUpdate": "2022-01-20T11:25:00.199915Z",
        "Balance": 1500
  "mod_type": "UPDATE", // options are INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
  "value_capture_type": "OLD_AND_NEW_VALUES",
  "number_of_records_in_transaction": 2,
  "number_of_partitions_in_transaction": 2,
  "transaction_tag": "app=banking,env=prod,action=update",
  "is_system_transaction": false,

The following data change record is an example of a record with the value capture type "NEW_VALUES". Note that only new values are populated. Only the "LastUpdate" column was modified, so only that column was returned.

"data_change_record": {
  "commit_timestamp": "2022-09-27T12:30:00.123456Z",
  // record_sequence is unique and monotonically increasing within a
  // transaction, across all partitions.
  "record_sequence": "00000000",
  "server_transaction_id": "6329047911",
  "is_last_record_in_transaction_in_partition": true,
  "table_name": "AccountBalance",
  "column_types": [
      "name": "AccountId",
      "type": {"code": "STRING"},
      "is_primary_key": true,
      "ordinal_position": 1
      "name": "LastUpdate",
      "type": {"code": "TIMESTAMP"},
      "is_primary_key": false,
      "ordinal_position": 2
  "mods": [
      "keys": {"AccountId": "Id1"},
      "new_values": {
        "LastUpdate": "2022-09-27T12:30:00.123456Z"
      "old_values": {}
  "mod_type": "UPDATE", // options are INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
  "value_capture_type": "NEW_VALUES",
  "number_of_records_in_transaction": 1,
  "number_of_partitions_in_transaction": 1,
  "transaction_tag": "app=banking,env=prod,action=update",
  "is_system_transaction": false

The following data change record is an example of a record with the value capture type "NEW_ROW". Only the "LastUpdate" column was modified, but all tracked columns are returned.

"data_change_record": {
  "commit_timestamp": "2022-09-27T12:30:00.123456Z",
  // record_sequence is unique and monotonically increasing within a
  // transaction, across all partitions.
  "record_sequence": "00000000",
  "server_transaction_id": "6329047911",
  "is_last_record_in_transaction_in_partition": true,

  "table_name": "AccountBalance",
  "column_types": [
      "name": "AccountId",
      "type": {"code": "STRING"},
      "is_primary_key": true,
      "ordinal_position": 1
      "name": "LastUpdate",
      "type": {"code": "TIMESTAMP"},
      "is_primary_key": false,
      "ordinal_position": 2
       "name": "Balance",
       "type": {"code": "INT"},
       "is_primary_key": false,
       "ordinal_position": 3
  "mods": [
      "keys": {"AccountId": "Id1"},
      "new_values": {
        "LastUpdate": "2022-09-27T12:30:00.123456Z",
        "Balance": 1000
      "old_values": {}
  "mod_type": "UPDATE", // options are INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
  "value_capture_type": "NEW_ROW",
  "number_of_records_in_transaction": 1,
  "number_of_partitions_in_transaction": 1,
  "transaction_tag": "app=banking,env=prod,action=update",
  "is_system_transaction": false

The following data change record is an example of a record with the value capture type "NEW_ROW_AND_OLD_VALUES". Only the "LastUpdate" column was modified, but all tracked columns are returned. This value capture type captures the new value and old value of LastUpdate.

"data_change_record": {
  "commit_timestamp": "2022-09-27T12:30:00.123456Z",
  // record_sequence is unique and monotonically increasing within a
  // transaction, across all partitions.
  "record_sequence": "00000000",
  "server_transaction_id": "6329047911",
  "is_last_record_in_transaction_in_partition": true,

  "table_name": "AccountBalance",
  "column_types": [
      "name": "AccountId",
      "type": {"code": "STRING"},
      "is_primary_key": true,
      "ordinal_position": 1
      "name": "LastUpdate",
      "type": {"code": "TIMESTAMP"},
      "is_primary_key": false,
      "ordinal_position": 2
       "name": "Balance",
       "type": {"code": "INT"},
       "is_primary_key": false,
       "ordinal_position": 3
  "mods": [
      "keys": {"AccountId": "Id1"},
      "new_values": {
        "LastUpdate": "2022-09-27T12:30:00.123456Z",
        "Balance": 1000
      "old_values": {
        "LastUpdate": "2022-09-26T11:28:00.189413Z"
  "mod_type": "UPDATE", // options are INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
  "value_capture_type": "NEW_ROW_AND_OLD_VALUES",
  "number_of_records_in_transaction": 1,
  "number_of_partitions_in_transaction": 1,
  "transaction_tag": "app=banking,env=prod,action=update",
  "is_system_transaction": false

Heartbeat records

When a heartbeat record is returned, it indicates that all changes with commit_timestamp less than or equal to the heartbeat record's timestamp have been returned, and future data records in this partition must have higher commit timestamps than that returned by the heartbeat record. Heartbeat records are returned when there are no data changes written to a partition. When there are data changes written to the partition, data_change_record.commit_timestamp can be used instead of heartbeat_record.timestamp to tell that the reader is making forward progress in reading the partition.

You can use heartbeat records returned on partitions to synchronize readers across all partitions. Once all readers have received either a heartbeat greater than or equal to some timestamp A or have received data or child partition records greater than or equal to timestamp A, the readers know they have received all records committed at or before that timestamp A and can start processing the buffered records—for example, sorting the cross-partition records by timestamp and grouping them by server_transaction_id.

A heartbeat record contains only one field:


Field Type Description
timestamp TIMESTAMP The heartbeat record's timestamp.


Field Type Description
timestamp STRING The heartbeat record's timestamp.

An example heartbeat record, communicating that all records with timestamps less or equal than this record's timestamp have been returned:

heartbeat_record: {
  "timestamp": "2022-09-27T12:35:00.312486Z"

Child partitions records

A child partitions record returns information about child partitions: their partition tokens, the tokens of their parent partitions, and the start_timestamp that represents the earliest timestamp that the child partitions contain change records for. Records whose commit timestamps are immediately prior to the child_partitions_record.start_timestamp are returned in the current partition. After returning all the child partitions records for this partition, this query will return with a success status, indicating all records have been returned for this partition.

The fields of a child partitions record include the following:


Field Type Description
start_timestamp TIMESTAMP Data change records returned from child partitions in this child partition record have a commit timestamp greater than or equal to start_timestamp. When querying a child partition, the query should specify the child partition token and a start_timestamp greater than or equal to child_partitions_token.start_timestamp. All child partitions records returned by a partition have the same start_timestamp and the timestamp always falls between the query's specified start_timestamp and end_timestamp.
record_sequence STRING A monotonically increasing sequence number that can be used to define the ordering of the child partitions record when there are multiple child partitions records returned with the same start_timestamp in a particular partition. The partition token, start_timestamp and record_sequence uniquely identify a child partitions record.
child_partitions ARRAY<STRUCT<
token STRING,
Returns a set of child partitions and their associated information. This includes the partition token string used to identify the child partition in queries, as well as the tokens of its parent partitions.


Field Type Description
start_timestamp STRING Data change records returned from child partitions in this child partitions record have a commit timestamp greater than or equal to start_timestamp. When querying a child partition, the query should specify the child partition token and a start_timestamp greater than or equal to child_partitions_token.start_timestamp. All child partitions records returned by a partition have the same start_timestamp and the timestamp always falls between the query's specified start_timestamp and end_timestamp.
record_sequence STRING A monotonically increasing sequence number that can be used to define the ordering of the child partitions record when there are multiple child partitions records returned with the same start_timestamp in a particular partition. The partition token, start_timestamp and record_sequence uniquely identify a child partitions record.
    "token": <STRING>,
    "parent_partition_tokens": [<STRING>],
  }, [...]
Returns an array of child partitions and their associated information. This includes the partition token string used to identify the child partition in queries, as well as the tokens of its parent partitions.

The following is an example of a child partition record:

child_partitions_record: {
  "start_timestamp": "2022-09-27T12:40:00.562986Z",
  "record_sequence": "00000001",
  "child_partitions": [
      "token": "child_token_1",
      // To make sure changes for a key is processed in timestamp
      // order, wait until the records returned from all parents
      // have been processed.
      "parent_partition_tokens": ["parent_token_1", "parent_token_2"]

Change streams query workflow

Run change stream queries using the ExecuteStreamingSql API, with a single-use read-only transaction and a strong timestamp bound. The change stream read function lets you specify the start_timestamp and end_timestamp for the time range of interest. All change records within the retention period are accessible using the strong read-only timestamp bound.

All other TransactionOptions are invalid for change stream queries. In addition, if TransactionOptions.read_only.return_read_timestamp is set to true, a special value of kint64max - 1 will be returned in the Transaction message that describes the transaction, instead of a valid read timestamp. This special value should be discarded and not used for any subsequent queries.

Each change stream query can return any number of rows, each containing either a data change record, heartbeat record, or child partitions record. There is no need to set a deadline for the request.


The streaming query workflow begins with issuing the very first change stream query by specifying the partition_token to NULL. The query needs to specify the read function for the change stream, start and end timestamp of interest, and the heartbeat interval. When the end_timestamp is NULL, the query keeps returning data changes until the partition ends.


SELECT ChangeRecord FROM READ_SingersNameStream (
  start_timestamp => "2022-05-01T09:00:00Z",
  end_timestamp => NULL,
  partition_token => NULL,
  heartbeat_milliseconds => 10000


FROM "spanner"."read_json_SingersNameStream" (
) ;

Process data records from this query until child partition records are returned. In the example below, two child partition records and three partition tokens are returned, then the query terminates. Child partition records from a specific query always shares the same start_timestamp.

child_partitions_record: {
  "record_type": "child_partitions",
  "start_timestamp": "2022-05-01T09:00:01Z",
  "record_sequence": 1000012389,
  "child_partitions": [
      "token": "child_token_1",
      // Note parent tokens are null for child partitions returned
        // from the initial change stream queries.
      "parent_partition_tokens": [NULL]
      "token": "child_token_2",
      "parent_partition_tokens": [NULL]
child partitions record: {
  "record_type": "child_partitions",
  "start_timestamp": "2022-05-01T09:00:01Z",
  "record_sequence": 1000012390,
  "child_partitions": [
      "token": "child_token_3",
      "parent_partition_tokens": [NULL]

To process future changes after 2022-05-01T09:00:01Z, create three new queries and run them in parallel. The three queries together return future data changes for the same key range their parent covers. Always set the start_timestamp to the start_timestamp in the same child partition record and use the same end_timestamp and heartbeat interval to process the records consistently across all queries.


SELECT ChangeRecord FROM READ_SingersNameStream (
  start_timestamp => "2022-05-01T09:00:01Z",
  end_timestamp => NULL,
  partition_token => "child_token_1",
  heartbeat_milliseconds => 10000
SELECT ChangeRecord FROM READ_SingersNameStream (
  start_timestamp => "2022-05-01T09:00:01Z",
  end_timestamp => NULL,
  partition_token => "child_token_2",
  heartbeat_milliseconds => 10000
SELECT ChangeRecord FROM READ_SingersNameStream (
  start_timestamp => "2022-05-01T09:00:01Z",
  end_timestamp => NULL,
  partition_token => "child_token_3",
  heartbeat_milliseconds => 10000


FROM "spanner"."read_json_SingersNameStream" (
FROM "spanner"."read_json_SingersNameStream" (
FROM "spanner"."read_json_SingersNameStream" (

After a while, the query on child_token_2 finishes after returning another child partition record, this records indicates that a new partition will be covering future changes for both child_token_2 and child_token_3 starting at 2022-05-01T09:30:15Z. The exact same record will be returned by the query on child_token_3, because both are the parent partitions of the new child_token_4. To guarantee a strict ordered processing of data records for a particular key, the query on child_token_4 must only start after all the parents have finished, which in this case are child_token_2 and child_token_3. Only create one query for each child partition token, the query workflow design should appoint one parent to wait and schedule the query on child_token_4.

child partitions record: {
  "record_type": "child_partitions",
  "start_timestamp": "2022-05-01T09:30:15Z",
  "record_sequence": 1000012389,
  "child_partitions": [
      "token": "child_token_4",
      "parent_partition_tokens": [child_token_2, child_token_3],


SELECT ChangeRecord FROM READ_SingersNameStream(
  start_timestamp => "2022-05-01T09:30:15Z",
  end_timestamp => NULL,
  partition_token => "child_token_4",
  heartbeat_milliseconds => 10000


FROM "spanner"."read_json_SingersNameStream" (

Find examples of handling and parsing change stream records in the Apache Beam SpannerIO Dataflow connector on GitHub.