gcloud compute routers update

gcloud compute routers update - update a Compute Engine router
gcloud compute routers update NAME [--advertisement-mode=MODE] [--asn=ASN] [--async] [--bgp-identifier-range=BGP_IDENTIFIER_RANGE] [--keepalive-interval=KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL] [--region=REGION] [--set-advertisement-groups=[GROUP,…]] [--set-advertisement-ranges=[CIDR_RANGE=DESC,…]] [--add-advertisement-groups=[GROUP,…]     | --add-advertisement-ranges=[CIDR_RANGE=DESC,…]     | --remove-advertisement-groups=[GROUP,…]     | --remove-advertisement-ranges=[CIDR_RANGE,…]] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
gcloud compute routers update is used to update a Compute Engine router.
Name of the router to update.
The new advertisement mode for this router. MODE must be one of:
Custom (user-configured) BGP advertisements.
Default (Google-managed) BGP advertisements.
The optional BGP autonomous system number (ASN) for this router. Must be a 16-bit or 32-bit private ASN as defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6996, for example --asn=64512.
Return immediately, without waiting for the operation in progress to complete.
The range of valid BGP Identifiers for this Router. Must be a link-local IPv4 range from, of size at least /30, even if the BGP sessions are over IPv6. It must not overlap with any IPv4 BGP session ranges. This is commonly called "router ID" by other vendors.
The interval between BGP keepalive messages that are sent to the peer. If set, this value must be between 20 and 60 seconds. The default is 20 seconds. See $ gcloud topic datetimes for information on duration formats.

BGP systems exchange keepalive messages to determine whether a link or host has failed or is no longer available. Hold time is the length of time in seconds that the BGP session is considered operational without any activity. After the hold time expires, the session is dropped.

Hold time is three times the interval at which keepalive messages are sent, and the hold time is the maximum number of seconds allowed to elapse between successive keepalive messages that BGP receives from a peer. BGP will use the smaller of either the local hold time value or the peer"s hold time value as the hold time for the BGP connection between the two peers.

Region of the router to update. If not specified, you might be prompted to select a region (interactive mode only).

To avoid prompting when this flag is omitted, you can set the compute/region property:

gcloud config set compute/region REGION

A list of regions can be fetched by running:

gcloud compute regions list

To unset the property, run:

gcloud config unset compute/region

Alternatively, the region can be stored in the environment variable CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_REGION.

The list of pre-defined groups of IP ranges to dynamically advertise on this router. This list can only be specified in custom advertisement mode.

GROUP must be (only one value is supported):

Automatically advertise all available subnets. This excludes any routes learned for subnets that use VPC Network Peering.
The list of individual IP ranges, in CIDR format, to dynamically advertise on this router. Each IP range can (optionally) be given a text description DESC. For example, to advertise a specific range, use --set-advertisement-ranges= To store a description with the range, use --set-advertisement-ranges= This list can only be specified in custom advertisement mode.
At most one of these can be specified:
A list of pre-defined groups of IP ranges to dynamically advertise on this router. This list is appended to any existing advertisements. This field can only be specified in custom advertisement mode.

GROUP must be (only one value is supported):

Automatically advertise all available subnets. This excludes any routes learned for subnets that use VPC Network Peering.
A list of individual IP ranges, in CIDR format, to dynamically advertise on this router. This list is appended to any existing advertisements. Each IP range can (optionally) be given a text description DESC. For example, to advertise a specific range, use --advertisement-ranges= To store a description with the range, use --advertisement-ranges= This list can only be specified in custom advertisement mode.
A list of pre-defined groups of IP ranges to remove from dynamic advertisement on this router. Each group in the list must exist in the current set of custom advertisements. This field can only be specified in custom advertisement mode.

GROUP must be (only one value is supported):

Automatically advertise all available subnets. This excludes any routes learned for subnets that use VPC Network Peering.
A list of individual IP ranges, in CIDR format, to remove from dynamic advertisement on this router. Each IP range in the list must exist in the current set of custom advertisements. This field can only be specified in custom advertisement mode.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

These variants are also available:
gcloud alpha compute routers update
gcloud beta compute routers update