gcloud beta firebase test android run

gcloud beta firebase test android run - invoke a test in Firebase Test Lab for Android and view test results
gcloud beta firebase test android run [ARGSPEC] [--app=APP] [--device=DIMENSION=VALUE,[…]] [--test=TEST] [--timeout=TIMEOUT] [--type=TYPE] [--additional-apks=APK,[APK,…]] [--app-package=APP_PACKAGE] [--async] [--auto-google-login] [--client-details=[KEY=VALUE,…]] [--directories-to-pull=[DIR_TO_PULL,…]] [--environment-variables=[KEY=VALUE,…]] [--grant-permissions=PERMISSIONS] [--network-profile=PROFILE_ID] [--num-flaky-test-attempts=int] [--obb-files=OBB_FILE,[OBB_FILE]] [--other-files=DEVICE_PATH=FILE_PATH,[…]] [--performance-metrics] [--record-video] [--results-bucket=RESULTS_BUCKET] [--results-dir=RESULTS_DIR] [--results-history-name=RESULTS_HISTORY_NAME] [--num-uniform-shards=int     | --test-targets-for-shard=TEST_TARGETS_FOR_SHARD] [--scenario-labels=LABEL,[LABEL,…]] [--scenario-numbers=int,[int,…]] [--test-package=TEST_PACKAGE] [--test-runner-class=TEST_RUNNER_CLASS] [--test-targets=TEST_TARGET,[TEST_TARGET,…]] [--use-orchestrator] [--resign] [--robo-directives=[TYPE:RESOURCE_NAME=INPUT,…]] [--robo-script=ROBO_SCRIPT] [--device-ids=MODEL_ID,[MODEL_ID,…], -d MODEL_ID,[MODEL_ID,…]] [--locales=LOCALE,[LOCALE,…], -l LOCALE,[LOCALE,…]] [--orientations=ORIENTATION,[ORIENTATION], -o ORIENTATION,[ORIENTATION]] [--os-version-ids=OS_VERSION_ID,[…], -v OS_VERSION_ID,[…]] [--filter=EXPRESSION] [--limit=LIMIT] [--page-size=PAGE_SIZE] [--sort-by=[FIELD,…]] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(BETA) gcloud beta firebase test android run invokes and monitors tests in Firebase Test Lab for Android.

Three main types of Android tests are currently supported:

  • robo: runs a smart, automated exploration of the activities in your Android app which records any installation failures or crashes and builds an activity map with associated screenshots and video.
  • instrumentation: runs automated unit or integration tests written using a testing framework. Firebase Test Lab for Android currently supports the Espresso and UI Automator 2.0 testing frameworks.
  • game-loop: executes a special intent built into the game app (a "demo mode") that simulates the actions of a real player. This test type can include multiple game loops (also called "scenarios"), which can be logically organized using scenario labels so that you can run related loops together. Refer to https://firebase.google.com/docs/test-lab/android/game-loop for more information about how to build and run Game Loop tests.

The type of test to run can be specified with the --type flag, although the type can often be inferred from other flags. Specifically, if the --test flag is present, the test --type defaults to instrumentation. If --test is not present, then --type defaults to robo.

All arguments for gcloud beta firebase test android run may be specified on the command line and/or within an argument file. Run $ gcloud topic arg-files for more information about argument files.

To invoke a robo test lasting 100 seconds against the default device environment, run:
gcloud beta firebase test android run --app=APP_APK --timeout=100s

When specifying devices to test against, the preferred method is to use the --device flag. For example, to invoke a robo test against a virtual, generic MDPI Nexus device in landscape orientation, run:

gcloud beta firebase test android run --app=APP_APK --device=model=NexusLowRes,orientation=landscape

To invoke an instrumentation test against a physical Nexus 6 device (MODEL_ID: shamu) which is running Android API level 21 in French, run:

gcloud beta firebase test android run --app=APP_APK --test=TEST_APK --device=model=shamu,version=21,locale=fr

To test against multiple devices, specify --device more than once:

gcloud beta firebase test android run --app=APP_APK --test=TEST_APK --device=model=Nexus4,version=19 --device=model=Nexus4,version=21 --device=model=NexusLowRes,version=25

To invoke a robo test on an Android App Bundle, pass the .aab file using the --app flag.

gcloud beta firebase test android run --app=bundle.aab

You may also use the legacy dimension flags (deprecated) to specify which devices to use. Firebase Test Lab will run tests against every possible combination of the listed device dimensions. Note that some combinations of device models and OS versions may not be valid or available in Test Lab. Any unsupported combinations of dimensions in the test matrix will be skipped.

For example, to execute a series of 5-minute robo tests against a very comprehensive matrix of virtual and physical devices, OS versions, locales and orientations, run:

gcloud beta firebase test android run --app=APP_APK --timeout=5m --device-ids=shamu,NexusLowRes,Nexus5,g3,zeroflte --os-version-ids=19,21,22,23,24,25 --locales=en_GB,es,fr,ru,zh --orientations=portrait,landscape

The above command will generate a test matrix with a total of 300 test executions, but only the subset of executions with valid dimension combinations will actually run your tests.

To help you identify and locate your test matrix in the Firebase console, run:

gcloud beta firebase test android run --app=APP_APK --client-details=matrixLabel="Example matrix label"

Controlling Results Storage

By default, Firebase Test Lab stores detailed test results for a limited time in a Google Cloud Storage bucket provided for you at no charge. If you wish to use a storage bucket that you control, or if you need to retain detailed test results for a longer period, use the --results-bucket option. See https://firebase.google.com/docs/test-lab/analyzing-results#detailed for more information.

Detailed test result files are prefixed by default with a timestamp and a random character string. If you require a predictable path where detailed test results are stored within the results bucket (say, if you have a Continuous Integration system which does custom post-processing of test result artifacts), use the --results-dir option. Note that each test invocation must have a unique storage location, so never reuse the same value for --results-dir between different test runs. Possible strategies could include using a UUID or sequence number for --results-dir.

For example, to run a robo test using a specific Google Cloud Storage location to hold the raw test results, run:

gcloud beta firebase test android run --app=APP_APK --results-bucket=gs://my-bucket --results-dir=my/test/results/<unique-value>

To run an instrumentation test and specify a custom name under which the history of your tests will be collected and displayed in the Firebase console, run:

gcloud beta firebase test android run --app=APP_APK --test=TEST_APK --results-history-name='Excelsior App Test History'

Argument Files

All test arguments for a given test may alternatively be stored in an argument group within a YAML-formatted argument file. The ARG_FILE may contain one or more named argument groups, and argument groups may be combined using the include: attribute (Run $ gcloud topic arg-files for more information). The ARG_FILE can easily be shared with colleagues or placed under source control to ensure consistent test executions.

To run a test using arguments loaded from an ARG_FILE named excelsior_args, which contains an argument group named robo-args:, use the following syntax:

gcloud beta firebase test android run path/to/excelsior_args:robo-args
An ARG_FILE:ARG_GROUP_NAME pair, where ARG_FILE is the path to a file containing groups of test arguments in yaml format, and ARG_GROUP_NAME is the particular yaml object holding a group of arg:value pairs to use. Run $ gcloud topic arg-files for more information and examples.
The path to the application binary file. The path may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage using gs:// notation. Android App Bundles are specified as .aab, all other files are assumed to be APKs.
A list of DIMENSION=VALUE pairs which specify a target device to test against. This flag may be repeated to specify multiple devices. The four device dimensions are: model, version, locale, and orientation. If any dimensions are omitted, they will use a default value. The default value, and all possible values, for each dimension can be found with the list command for that dimension, such as $ gcloud beta firebase test android models list. --device is now the preferred way to specify test devices and may not be used in conjunction with --devices-ids, --os-version-ids, --locales, or --orientations. Omitting all of the preceding dimension-related flags will run tests against a single device using defaults for all four device dimensions.


--device model=Nexus6
--device version=23,orientation=portrait
--device model=shamu,version=22,locale=zh_CN,orientation=default
The path to the binary file containing instrumentation tests. The given path may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage using a URL beginning with gs://.
The max time this test execution can run before it is cancelled (default: 15m). It does not include any time necessary to prepare and clean up the target device. The maximum possible testing time is 45m on physical devices and 60m on virtual devices. The TIMEOUT units can be h, m, or s. If no unit is given, seconds are assumed. Examples:
  • --timeout 1h is 1 hour
  • --timeout 5m is 5 minutes
  • --timeout 200s is 200 seconds
  • --timeout 100 is 100 seconds
The type of test to run. TYPE must be one of: instrumentation, robo, game-loop.
A list of up to 100 additional APKs to install, in addition to those being directly tested. The path may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage using gs:// notation.
(REMOVED) The Java package of the application under test. By default, the application package name is parsed from the APK manifest.

Flag --app-package has been removed.

Invoke a test asynchronously without waiting for test results.
Automatically log into the test device using a preconfigured Google account before beginning the test. Enabled by default, use --no-auto-google-login to disable.
Comma-separated, KEY=VALUE map of additional details to attach to the test matrix. Arbitrary KEY=VALUE pairs may be attached to a test matrix to provide additional context about the tests being run. When consuming the test results, such as in Cloud Functions or a CI system, these details can add additional context such as a link to the corresponding pull request.



To help you identify and locate your test matrix in the Firebase console, use the matrixLabel key.


--client-details=matrixLabel="Example matrix label"
A list of paths that will be copied from the device's storage to the designated results bucket after the test is complete. These must be absolute paths under /sdcard, /storage, or /data/local/tmp (for example, --directories-to-pull /sdcard/tempDir1,/data/local/tmp/tempDir2). Path names are restricted to the characters a-zA-Z0-9_-./ . The paths /sdcard and /data will be made available and treated as implicit path substitutions. E.g. if /sdcard on a particular device does not map to external storage, the system will replace it with the external storage path prefix for that device. Note that access to some directories on API levels 29 and later may also be limited by scoped storage rules.
A comma-separated, key=value map of environment variables and their desired values. The environment variables are mirrored as extra options to the am instrument -e KEY1 VALUE1 … command and passed to your test runner (typically AndroidJUnitRunner). Examples:

Enable code coverage and provide a directory to store the coverage results when using Android Test Orchestrator (--use-orchestrator):

--environment-variables clearPackageData=true,coverage=true,coverageFilePath=/sdcard/Download/

Enable code coverage and provide a file path to store the coverage results when not using Android Test Orchestrator (--no-use-orchestrator):

--environment-variables coverage=true,coverageFile=/sdcard/Download/coverage.ec

Note: If you need to embed a comma into a VALUE string, please refer to gcloud topic escaping for ways to change the default list delimiter.

Whether to grant runtime permissions on the device before the test begins. By default, all permissions are granted. PERMISSIONS must be one of: all, none.
The name of the network traffic profile, for example --network-profile=LTE, which consists of a set of parameters to emulate network conditions when running the test (default: no network shaping; see available profiles listed by the $ gcloud beta firebase test network-profiles list command). This feature only works on physical devices.
Specifies the number of times a test execution should be reattempted if one or more of its test cases fail for any reason. An execution that initially fails but succeeds on any reattempt is reported as FLAKY.

The maximum number of reruns allowed is 10. (Default: 0, which implies no reruns.) All additional attempts are executed in parallel.

A list of one or two Android OBB file names which will be copied to each test device before the tests will run (default: None). Each OBB file name must conform to the format as specified by Android (e.g. [main|patch].0300110.com.example.android.obb) and will be installed into <shared-storage>/Android/obb/<package-name>/ on the test device.
A list of device-path=file-path pairs that indicate the device paths to push files to the device before starting tests, and the paths of files to push.

Device paths must be under absolute, approved paths (${EXTERNAL_STORAGE}, or ${ANDROID_DATA}/local/tmp). Source file paths may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage (gs://…).


--other-files /sdcard/dir1/file1.txt=local/file.txt,/storage/dir2/file2.jpg=gs://bucket/file.jpg

This flag only copies files to the device. To install files, like OBB or APK files, see --obb-files and --additional-apks.

Monitor and record performance metrics: CPU, memory, network usage, and FPS (game-loop only). Enabled by default, use --no-performance-metrics to disable.
Enable video recording during the test. Enabled by default, use --no-record-video to disable.
The name of a Google Cloud Storage bucket where raw test results will be stored (default: "test-lab-<random-UUID>"). Note that the bucket must be owned by a billing-enabled project, and that using a non-default bucket will result in billing charges for the storage used.
The name of a unique Google Cloud Storage object within the results bucket where raw test results will be stored (default: a timestamp with a random suffix). Caution: if specified, this argument must be unique for each test matrix you create, otherwise results from multiple test matrices will be overwritten or intermingled.
The history name for your test results (an arbitrary string label; default: the application's label from the APK manifest). All tests which use the same history name will have their results grouped together in the Firebase console in a time-ordered test history list.
Sharding options.

At most one of these can be specified:

Specifies the number of shards across which to distribute test cases. The shards are run in parallel on separate devices. For example, if your test execution contains 20 test cases and you specify four shards, the instrumentation command passes arguments of -e numShards 4 to AndroidJUnitRunner and each shard executes about five test cases. Based on the sharding mechanism AndroidJUnitRunner uses, there is no guarantee that test cases will be distributed with perfect uniformity.

The number of shards specified must always be a positive number that is no greater than the total number of test cases. When you select one or more physical devices, the number of shards specified must be <= 50. When you select one or more Arm virtual devices, the number of shards specified must be <= 200. When you select only x86 virtual devices, the number of shards specified must be <= 500.

Specifies a group of packages, classes, and/or test cases to run in each shard (a group of test cases). Each time this flag is repeated, it creates a new shard. The shards are run in parallel on separate devices. You can repeat this flag up to 50 times when you select one or more physical devices, up to 200 times when you select one or more Arm virtual devices, and up to 500 times when you select only x86 virtual devices.

Note: If you include the flags --environment-variable or --test-targets when running --test-targets-for-shard, the former flags are applied to all of the shards you create.


You can also specify multiple packages, classes, or test cases in the same shard by separating each item with a comma. For example:

"package com.package1.for.shard1,com.package2.for.shard1"
"class com.foo.ClassForShard2#testMethod1,com.foo.ClassForShard2#testMethod2"

To specify both package and class in the same shard, separate package and class with semicolons:

"class com.foo.ClassForShard3;package com.package.for.shard3"
A list of game-loop scenario labels (default: None). Each game-loop scenario may be labeled in the APK manifest file with one or more arbitrary strings, creating logical groupings (e.g. GPU_COMPATIBILITY_TESTS). If --scenario-numbers and --scenario-labels are specified together, Firebase Test Lab will first execute each scenario from --scenario-numbers. It will then expand each given scenario label into a list of scenario numbers marked with that label, and execute those scenarios.
A list of game-loop scenario numbers which will be run as part of the test (default: all scenarios). A maximum of 1024 scenarios may be specified in one test matrix, but the maximum number may also be limited by the overall test --timeout setting.
(REMOVED) The Java package name of the instrumentation test. By default, the test package name is parsed from the APK manifest.

Flag --test-package has been removed.

The fully-qualified Java class name of the instrumentation test runner (default: the last name extracted from the APK manifest).
A list of one or more test target filters to apply (default: run all test targets). Each target filter must be fully qualified with the package name, class name, or test annotation desired. Any test filter supported by am instrument -e … is supported. See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/test/runner/AndroidJUnitRunner for more information. Examples:
  • --test-targets "package com.my.package.name"
  • --test-targets "notPackage com.package.to.skip"
  • --test-targets "class com.foo.ClassName"
  • --test-targets "notClass com.foo.ClassName#testMethodToSkip"
  • --test-targets "annotation com.foo.AnnotationToRun"
  • --test-targets "size large notAnnotation com.foo.AnnotationToSkip"
Whether each test runs in its own Instrumentation instance with the Android Test Orchestrator (default: Orchestrator is not used, same as specifying --no-use-orchestrator). Orchestrator is only compatible with AndroidJUnitRunner v1.1 or higher. See https://developer.android.com/training/testing/junit-runner.html#using-android-test-orchestrator for more information about Android Test Orchestrator.
Make Robo re-sign the app-under-test APK for a higher quality crawl. If your app cannot properly function when re-signed, disable this feature. When an app-under-test APK is not re-signed, Robo crawl is slower and Robo has access to less information about the state of the crawled app, which reduces crawl quality. Consequently, if your Roboscript has actions on elements of RecyclerView or AdapterView, and you disable APK re-signing, those actions might require manual tweaking because Robo does not identify RecyclerView and AdapterView in this mode. Enabled by default, use --no-resign to disable.
A comma-separated (<type>:<key>=<value>) map of robo_directives that you can use to customize the behavior of Robo test. The type specifies the action type of the directive, which may take on values click, text or ignore. If no type is provided, text will be used by default. Each key should be the Android resource name of a target UI element and each value should be the text input for that element. Values are only permitted for text type elements, so no value should be specified for click and ignore type elements. No more than one click element is allowed.

To provide custom login credentials for your app, use

--robo-directives text:username_resource=username,text:password_resource=password

To instruct Robo to click on the sign-in button, use

--robo-directives click:sign_in_button=

To instruct Robo to ignore any UI elements with resource names which equal or start with the user-defined value, use

--robo-directives ignore:ignored_ui_element_resource_name=

To learn more about Robo test and robo_directives, see https://firebase.google.com/docs/test-lab/android/command-line#custom_login_and_text_input_with_robo_test.

Caution: You should only use credentials for test accounts that are not associated with real users.

The path to a Robo Script JSON file. The path may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage using gs:// notation. You can guide the Robo test to perform specific actions by recording a Robo Script in Android Studio and then specifying this argument. Learn more at https://firebase.google.com/docs/test-lab/robo-ux-test#scripting.
--device-ids=MODEL_ID,[MODEL_ID,…], -d MODEL_ID,[MODEL_ID,…]
The list of MODEL_IDs to test against (default: one device model determined by the Firebase Test Lab device catalog; see TAGS listed by the $ gcloud beta firebase test android models list command).
--locales=LOCALE,[LOCALE,…], -l LOCALE,[LOCALE,…]
The list of LOCALEs to test against (default: a single locale determined by the Firebase Test Lab device catalog).
The device orientation(s) to test against (default: portrait). Specifying 'default' will pick the preferred orientation for the app. ORIENTATION must be one of: portrait, landscape, default.
--os-version-ids=OS_VERSION_ID,[…], -v OS_VERSION_ID,[…]
The list of OS_VERSION_IDs to test against (default: a version ID determined by the Firebase Test Lab device catalog).
Apply a Boolean filter EXPRESSION to each resource item to be listed. If the expression evaluates True, then that item is listed. For more details and examples of filter expressions, run $ gcloud topic filters. This flag interacts with other flags that are applied in this order: --flatten, --sort-by, --filter, --limit.
Maximum number of resources to list. The default is unlimited. This flag interacts with other flags that are applied in this order: --flatten, --sort-by, --filter, --limit.
Some services group resource list output into pages. This flag specifies the maximum number of resources per page. The default is determined by the service if it supports paging, otherwise it is unlimited (no paging). Paging may be applied before or after --filter and --limit depending on the service.
Comma-separated list of resource field key names to sort by. The default order is ascending. Prefix a field with ``~´´ for descending order on that field. This flag interacts with other flags that are applied in this order: --flatten, --sort-by, --filter, --limit.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. These variants are also available:
gcloud firebase test android run
gcloud alpha firebase test android run