Create a custom metric

Demonstrates how to create a custom metric.

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Code sample


To authenticate to Monitoring, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

        public static object CreateMetric(string projectId,
            string metricType = "")
            // Create client.
            MetricServiceClient metricServiceClient = MetricServiceClient.Create();

            // Prepare custom metric descriptor.      
            MetricDescriptor metricDescriptor = new MetricDescriptor();
            metricDescriptor.DisplayName = "Daily Sales";
            metricDescriptor.Description = "Daily sales records from all branch stores.";
            metricDescriptor.MetricKind = MetricKind.Gauge;
            metricDescriptor.ValueType = MetricDescriptor.Types.ValueType.Double;
            metricDescriptor.Type = metricType;
            metricDescriptor.Unit = "{USD}";
            LabelDescriptor labels = new LabelDescriptor();
            labels.Key = "store_id";
            labels.ValueType = LabelDescriptor.Types.ValueType.String;
            labels.Description = "The ID of the store.";
            CreateMetricDescriptorRequest request = new CreateMetricDescriptorRequest
                ProjectName = new ProjectName(projectId),
            request.MetricDescriptor = metricDescriptor;
            // Make the request.
            MetricDescriptor response = metricServiceClient.CreateMetricDescriptor(request);
            Console.WriteLine("Done creating metric descriptor:");
            return 0;


To authenticate to Monitoring, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

import (

	monitoring ""
	metricpb ""

// createCustomMetric creates a custom metric specified by the metric type.
func createCustomMetric(w io.Writer, projectID, metricType string) (*metricpb.MetricDescriptor, error) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	c, err := monitoring.NewMetricClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer c.Close()
	md := &metric.MetricDescriptor{
		Name: "Custom Metric",
		Type: metricType,
		Labels: []*label.LabelDescriptor{{
			Key:         "environment",
			ValueType:   label.LabelDescriptor_STRING,
			Description: "An arbitrary measurement",
		MetricKind:  metric.MetricDescriptor_GAUGE,
		ValueType:   metric.MetricDescriptor_INT64,
		Unit:        "s",
		Description: "An arbitrary measurement",
		DisplayName: "Custom Metric",
	req := &monitoringpb.CreateMetricDescriptorRequest{
		Name:             "projects/"   projectID,
		MetricDescriptor: md,
	m, err := c.CreateMetricDescriptor(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create custom metric: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Created %s\n", m.GetName())
	return m, nil


To authenticate to Monitoring, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Your Google Cloud Platform project ID
final String projectId = System.getProperty("projectId");

try (final MetricServiceClient client = MetricServiceClient.create();) {
  ProjectName projectName = ProjectName.of(projectId);

  MetricDescriptor descriptor =
          .setDescription("This is a simple example of a custom metric.")

  CreateMetricDescriptorRequest request =

  descriptor = client.createMetricDescriptor(request);
  System.out.println("Created descriptor "   descriptor.getName());


To authenticate to Monitoring, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const monitoring = require('@google-cloud/monitoring');

// Creates a client
const client = new monitoring.MetricServiceClient();

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment and edit the following lines of code.
// const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
async function createMetricDescriptor() {
  const request = {
    name: client.projectPath(projectId),
    metricDescriptor: {
      description: 'Daily sales records from all branch stores.',
      displayName: 'Daily Sales',
      type: '',
      metricKind: 'GAUGE',
      valueType: 'DOUBLE',
      unit: '{USD}',
      labels: [
          key: 'store_id',
          valueType: 'STRING',
          description: 'The ID of the store.',

  // Creates a custom metric descriptor
  const [descriptor] = await client.createMetricDescriptor(request);
  console.log('Created custom Metric:\n');
  console.log(`Name: ${descriptor.displayName}`);
  console.log(`Description: ${descriptor.description}`);
  console.log(`Type: ${descriptor.type}`);
  console.log(`Kind: ${descriptor.metricKind}`);
  console.log(`Value Type: ${descriptor.valueType}`);
  console.log(`Unit: ${descriptor.unit}`);
  descriptor.labels.forEach(label => {
    console.log(`  ${label.key} (${label.valueType}) - ${label.description}`);


To authenticate to Monitoring, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

use Google\Api\LabelDescriptor;
use Google\Api\MetricDescriptor;
use Google\Cloud\Monitoring\V3\Client\MetricServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Monitoring\V3\CreateMetricDescriptorRequest;

 * Create a new metric in Stackdriver Monitoring.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * create_metric($projectId);
 * ```
 * @param string $projectId Your project ID
function create_metric($projectId)
    $metrics = new MetricServiceClient([
        'projectId' => $projectId,

    $projectName = 'projects/' . $projectId;

    $descriptor = new MetricDescriptor();
    $descriptor->setDescription('Daily sales records from all branch stores.');
    $descriptor->setDisplayName('Daily Sales');
    $label = new LabelDescriptor();
    $label->setDescription('The ID of the store.');
    $labels = [$label];
    $createMetricDescriptorRequest = (new CreateMetricDescriptorRequest())

    $descriptor = $metrics->createMetricDescriptor($createMetricDescriptorRequest);
    printf('Created a metric: ' . $descriptor->getName() . PHP_EOL);


To authenticate to Monitoring, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

from google.api import label_pb2 as ga_label
from google.api import metric_pb2 as ga_metric
from import monitoring_v3

client = monitoring_v3.MetricServiceClient()
project_name = f"projects/{project_id}"
descriptor = ga_metric.MetricDescriptor()
descriptor.type = ""   str(uuid.uuid4())
descriptor.metric_kind = ga_metric.MetricDescriptor.MetricKind.GAUGE
descriptor.value_type = ga_metric.MetricDescriptor.ValueType.DOUBLE
descriptor.description = "This is a simple example of a custom metric."

labels = ga_label.LabelDescriptor()
labels.key = "TestLabel"
labels.value_type = ga_label.LabelDescriptor.ValueType.STRING
labels.description = "This is a test label"

descriptor = client.create_metric_descriptor(
    name=project_name, metric_descriptor=descriptor
print("Created {}.".format(


To authenticate to Monitoring, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

# Your Google Cloud Platform project ID
# project_id = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"

# Example metric type
# metric_type = ""

client = Google::Cloud::Monitoring.metric_service
project_name = client.project_path project: project_id

descriptor =
  type:        metric_type,
  metric_kind: Google::Api::MetricDescriptor::MetricKind::GAUGE,
  value_type:  Google::Api::MetricDescriptor::ValueType::DOUBLE,
  description: "This is a simple example of a custom metric."

result = client.create_metric_descriptor name:              project_name,
                                         metric_descriptor: descriptor
p "Created #{}"
p result

What's next

To search and filter code samples for other Google Cloud products, see the Google Cloud sample browser.