View and manage metric usage

This document describes the Cloud Monitoring Metrics Management page, which helps you get the most from your billable metrics. Your Google Cloud project has access to all the metrics visible to its metrics scope. You can use the Metrics Management page to do the following:

The Metrics Management page does not report user-defined log-based metrics. These metrics, which are derived by counting values in log entries, have the prefix

Before you begin

To view the charts and logs included on the Metrics Management page, to create alerting policies, and to create metric-exclusion rules, you must have the correct authorization.

The Metrics Management analyzes metrics in terms of data collection and usage. For more information about these categories, see Terminology.


  • To get the permissions that you need to view audit logs, ask your administrator to grant you the Private Logs Viewer (roles/logging.privateLogViewer) IAM role on your project. For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

    You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

    For more information about roles, see Control access with Identity and Access Management.

  • To view the audit logs generated by the metrics on the Metrics Management page, you must have enabled audit logging in your Google Cloud project. To enable your project to generate audit logs when data is read or written, do the following:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Audit Logs page:

      Go to Audit Logs

      If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is IAM & Admin.

    2. Enter Stackdriver Monitoring API on the filter bar.
    3. Select Stackdriver Monitoring API.
    4. In the Log type tab, select Data write and Data read, and then click Save.

    For more information, see Configure Data Access audit logs.


The Metrics Management page uses the following terminology to describe the status of metrics and to describe how you are using the metrics:

  • Status of the metrics
    • Active metrics are billable metrics from which your project has ingested data in the last 25 hours. These metrics incur costs.
    • Inactive metrics are billable metrics from which your project hasn't ingested data in the last 25 hours. These metrics don't incur costs.
  • Usage of the metrics

    • Used metrics are metrics that have been queried in the last 30 days by the Cloud Monitoring API or other tools, or that are used in a custom dashboard or alerting policy.

      It is possible have charts and alerting policies that refer to metrics with no data (inactive metrics) and to query such metrics; on the Metrics Management page, these metrics are considered used metrics, even though any read operations return no data.

    • Unused billable metrics are active metrics that have not been queried in the last 30 days and are not used in a custom dashboard or alerting policy. These metrics incur ingestion costs but are not providing observability benefits. If these metrics represent observability gaps, you can create charts or alerting policies for them. If these metrics don't represent observability gaps, then you can exclude them and eliminate the cost of ingesting them.

    • Idle metrics are inactive metrics that are have not been queried in the last 30 days and are not used in a custom dashboard or alerting policy. These metrics don't incur costs.

The usage status for metrics is computed every 24 hours, to reflect the most recent query history and changes to dashboards and alerting policies.

View summaries of metric usage

To view summaries of the number of billable metrics, rates of metric ingestion, and error rate, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. In the toolbar, select your time window. By default, the Metrics Management page displays information about the metrics collected in the previous one day. The following screenshot shows an example:

    The summary pane tells you about metric usage across projects in your metrics scope.

    • To see a summary of how many billable metrics are currently active in the projects in your metrics scope, refer to the the Active Metrics scorecard. A metric is active if data has been written to it in the last 25 hours.

    • To determine how many of the active billable metrics are being queried or used in charts or alerting policies, refer to the Metric Usage scorecard. Unused billable metrics represent possible observability gaps that might be filled by creating custom dashboards or alerting policies, or opportunities to reduce costs by excluding the metric entirely.

    • To determine what is contributing to your costs, Use the Billable bytes ingested and Billable samples ingested scorecards. For more information, see View overall trends in metric ingestion.

    • To find information that might help you identify problems with thes design or usage of your billable metrics, use the Metric Write Errors scorecard. For more information, see Investigate problems with your metrics.

The Metrics Management page shows you the amount of data you are ingesting, not actual costs. To view current billing information, click View Billing in the toolbar.

View information about your metrics scope

The set of metrics displayed in the Metrics Management page depends on the metrics scope of your project. If your project has only itself in its metrics scope, then the metrics on the Metrics Management page are from the current project. If your project has multiple projects in its metrics scope, then the metrics shown on the Metrics Management page include the metrics from all of those projects. It might be that metric contributing the most to your cost originates in a different project.

To view a summary of the scoping information for your project, click Metrics scope. This summary includes the following:

  • IAM principals with access to the project. The set of principals includes users, groups, and service accounts.
  • The number of both free and billable metrics that are visible to the metrics scope.
  • A list of the projects that are monitored by the current project. The billable metrics from all these projects are available on the Metrics Management page.
  • Information about any projects that can view the metrics of the current project.

For more information about metrics scopes, see Configure a multi-project view.

Investigate your billable metrics

The Metrics Management page provides a table that includes each billable metric in your metrics scope. You can use this table to do the following:

  • Determine any metric's contribution to billable volume.
  • Determine how often a metric has been read in the last 30 days. Metric reads include API read requests and requests generated by charts.
  • Identify metrics that are collected but not used in any alerting policy or dashboard. Metric data that is not used might represent a gap in observability or an opportunity for cost saving by excluding the metric.
  • Create an alerting policy or chart for metrics that don't have an associated alerting policy or custom dashboard.
  • Identify the project in which metric data originated. The table includes metrics from all the projects in your metrics scope, and you might need to know from in project a particular metric is collected.
  • Review label and cardinality information about each metric. This information can be helping when you are investigating problems with metric design or usage.

To view the table of usage data for each billable metric, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. In the toolbar, select your time window. By default, the Metrics Management page displays information about the metrics collected in the previous one day. The following screenshot shows an example of the metrics table:

    The metrics table shows you information about each metric in the projects in your metrics scope.

Select the metrics to view

To manage your costs, you need to understand which billable metrics are generating the most traffic. It isn't sufficient to only know, for example, that 60 MiB of data are being ingested every hour. However, when you know that most of your billable data is due to one or two metrics, you can investigate the usage of those metrics.

To list your billable metrics, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. In the toolbar, select your time window. By default, this tab displays information about the metrics collected in the previous one day.
  3. To limit the display to specific groups of metrics, use the quick filters or filter the table directly. Looking at categories of metrics might reveal patterns that are hard to detect when looking at all the metrics in the table.

The metrics table lists the billable metrics that are in the metrics scope of the current Google Cloud project. For each metric, the table displays that metric's constribution to billable volume and provides links to to the alerting policies and custom dashboards associated with the metric, as shown in the following screenshot. If there is no alerting policy or dashboard associated with a metric, the table includes a button you can click to create one.

The metrics table shows you information about each metric in the projects in your metrics scope.

To sort metrics by their contribution to billable volume, click the column header for Bytes billable volume/Total and Samples billable volume/Total.

The metrics table also shows the domain of the metric, the set of labels for the metric, the project from which the metric was ingested, and the cardinality of the metric. The following screenshot shows an example of these columns.

The metrics table reports the metric domain, labels, project ID, and cardinality for metrics in your metrics scope.

The label and cardinality information might be useful in identifying the cause of increases in billable volume. In Cloud Monitoring, cardinality refers to the number of time series associated a metric and a resource, and is related to the labels and their values; there is one time series for each combination of label values. For more information, see Cardinality.

Changes in billable volume mean you are ingesting more data, and if the changes are sudden or unexpected, the cause might be a change in the the number of labels associated with a metric or a change in the way the values for the labels are set. Either of these can increase the cardinality of a metric, with the result of a higher billable volume. For information about using the Metrics Management to help identify problems with metrics, see Investigate problems with your metrics.

Use quick filters

To view only the metrics in the following groups, select an entry on the Quick filters pane:

Use the filter pane to select metrics by the filterable characteristics.

  • Metric status includes active and inactive metrics. Active metrics have ingested time-series data in the last 25 hours. For more information about these statuses, see Terminology.

  • Metric usage. This category classifies metrics by the following:

    • Used, unused, and inactive metrics.

      • Used metrics have been accessed by a metric read or are used in a custom dashboard or alerting policy.
      • Unused billable metrics haven't been accessed by a metric read or are used in a custom dashboard or alerting policy.
      • Idle metrics are both "inactive" and "unused".

      For more information about these usage categories, see Terminology.

    • Metrics used or not used in an alerting policy in the current Google Cloud project.

    • Metrics used or not used in a custom dashboard in the current Google Cloud project.These filters don't include metrics that are used in predefined dashboards provided by Cloud Monitoring.

    The usage status for metrics is computed every 24 hours, to reflect the most recent query history and changes to dashboards and alerting policies.

  • Sets of metrics by domain, as described in summary of billable metrics.

If you have metrics that aren't used in an alerting policy or a custom dashboard and are never queried, then you might be paying for metrics and not be getting any observability benefit from them. You can list metrics that appear in no alerting policy or in no custom dashboard defined in the current Google Cloud project by selecting the No alert policies or No custom dashboards quick filter.

Filter the table directly

You can use the  Filter bar to search the set of metrics when there is no suitable quick filter. For example, if you have a multi-project metrics scope and you want to to list only the metrics from that project, then you can't use a quick filter. To list only the metrics from a specific project, select Project from the filter list and enter the identifier of a project.

You can also use explicit filters to search for metrics that match combinations of filters. You can only select one quick filter at a time, so you can't list only active metrics that appear in neither an alerting policy or a custom dashboard by using quick filters. To search for metrics that match a combination of requirements, add filters to the filter bar. For example, to list active metrics that appear in no alerting policies and in no custom dashboards, add the following filters to the filter bar:

  • Status: Active
  • Alert Policies: (Empty)
  • Custom Dashboards: (Empty)

By default, when you add multiple filters, the table includes a row when the row meets all filters. However, you can insert an OR-filter between two other filter elements.

View information about metric reads

The row for each metric in the table includes an entry for the number of metric reads in the last 30 days. You can use this entry to identify how the queries were made. The query sources are categorized as "console" or "other". Reads from Metrics Explorer or charts on custom dashboards are "console" reads, and API reads from other sources are "other".

  • To see a compact summary of the sources of metric reads, click the  Down arrow next to the entry.
  • To view a chart showing the sources of metric reads over time, click the number of metric reads. This value is also a link to the chart.

Create an alerting policy for an unmonitored metric

When a metric in the table has no associated alerting policy, the table provides a Create alert button. To create an alerting policy for a metric, click Create alert in the row for the metric.

The alert policy dialog opens with the condition fields populated. We recommend that you review all settings and make the following modifications:

  • Update the condition threshold value. The default value might not be satisfactory.
  • Add the notification channels to the policy.
  • Name the policy.

You can also create alerting policies for any metric by clicking  Actions and then clicking Create alert for metric.

For more information, see Create an alerting policy.

To view alerting policies for a metric in your metrics scope but defined in a different project, use the project picker to select the Google Cloud project that stores the metric.

Create a chart for an unmonitored metric

When a metric in the table has no associated custom dashboard, the table provides a Create chart button. You can use this button to create a chart and place it on a custom dashboard. To create a chart for a metric, do the following:

  1. Click Create chart in the row for the metric.

    The Explorer panel opens and is preconfigured to display the selected metric. You can modify the chart configuration. For more information about using Metrics Explorer, see Create charts with Metrics Explorer.

  2. To save the chart on a custom dashboard, click Save to dashboard.

  3. On the Save Chart panel, do the following:

    1. Accept or modify the default title for the chart.
    2. Select the existing custom dashboard to which you want to save the chart, or select New Dashboard to create a new dashboard for the chart.
    3. Click Save chart.

To view custom dashboards for a metric in your metrics scope but defined in a different project, use the project picker to select the Google Cloud project that stores the metric.

Work with metrics

While you can use the Metrics Management page to view some information about a metric, you might want more information. For example, you might want to view a chart of a specific metric or create an alerting policy to notify you when that metric's ingestion rate is unexpected.

To get more details about a specific metric, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. Find the metric in the table, and then click  Actions to do any of the following:

    • To view a chart that displays the current metric, select View in Metrics Explorer.

      Metrics Explorer opens and is preconfigured to display the selected metric. You can modify the chart configuration, discard it, or you can add it to a custom dashboard.

    • To create an alerting policy that monitors the metric, select Create alert for metric.

      The alert policy dialog opens with the condition fields populated. We recommend that you review all settings and make the following modifications:

      • Update the condition threshold value. The default value might not be satisfactory.
      • Add the notification channels to the policy.
      • Name the policy.

      For more information, see Create an alerting policy.

    • Exclude the metric. For more information about this option, see Exclude unneeded metrics.

    • To view audit logs associated with the metric, select View metric audit logs.

Exclude unneeded metrics

You can create a metric-exclusion rule to prevent selected metrics from being ingested into Cloud Monitoring. If, for example, you have a set of unused billable metrics that you don't need, you can exclude those metrics to eliminate the cost of ingesting them. You can later edit or delete exclusion rules if your needs change.

To create a metric-exclusion rule, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. Click  Exclude metric. You can also create exclusions from the Excluded Metrics tab or  Actions in the row for each metric.
  3. Select the metrics to exclude.
    1. To exclude a single metric, select it from the Metric name table.
    2. To exclude a group of metrics, do the following:
      1. Click Regex
      2. Enter a regular expression. For example, to exclude all of the metrics, you can enter* or agent.*/apache.*
      3. Click Show matches to verify that the expression matches the intended metrics
    3. Click Create rule.

It takes about 5 minutes for the rule to go into effect.

The following table includes regular expressions that might be useful for excluding metrics from statsd or similar dynamically named metrics:

Block metrics with names containing Regex
more than one underscore in a row .*_{2,}.*
more than 7 digits in a row (likely timestamp) .*\d{7,}.*
really long segments (likely label-parsing errors) .*[a-zA-Z0-9]{20,}.*
hexadecimal substrings, including GUIDs .*[A-F0-9]{10,}.*
IP-address substrings .*\d{1,3}_\d{1,3}_\d{1,3}_\d{1,3}.*
any digit (might be useful for Prometheus metrics) .*\d .*

Edit a metric-exclusion rule

To edit a metric-exclusion rule, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. Click the Excluded Metrics tab.
  3. In the row for the rule you want to delete, click  Actions and select Edit rule.
  4. Clear the selected metric or the regular expression
  5. Select a new metric or create a new regular expression.
  6. Click Update rule.

Editing a rule deletes the old rule and creates a new one.

Delete a metric-exclusion rule

To delete a metric-exclusion rule, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. Click the Excluded Metrics tab.
  3. In the row for the rule you want to delete, click  Actions and select Delete rule.

View the volume of excluded metrics

To see the volume of excluded bytes or samples as a chart in Metrics Explorer, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. Click the Excluded Metrics tab.
  3. Click history Exclusion timeline.

The chart is pre-configured to display the metric-exclusion data for you. You can also save the chart to a custom dashboard by clicking Save to dashboard.

View and alert on trends in billable metrics

The number of billable bytes and billable samples ingested determines the majority of your costs. To predict your monthly costs due to use of billable metrics, you need to know the rate of data ingestion. The Metrics Management page provides summaries of metric usage, which can help you do the following:

  • View trends in your usage of billable metrics.
  • Determine if a project in your metrics scope is sending more or less metric data than you expect.
  • Identify the metrics that are generating the most data.
  • Identify the namespaces that are responsible for generating the most Prometheus data.
  • View the rate of write errors in your metrics. The error rate is the percentage of metric writes that return an error status relative to the total number of metric writes.

The summary pane for metric usage provides links to more detailed information about trends over time and links to preconfigured, customizable alerting policies for usage trends.

The summary pane revisted.

View overall trends in metric ingestion

To determine whether your applications are generating a consistent amount of data, which is expected behavior for stable applications, view the collection rates by using the ingestion scorecards. By changing the time window over which you view metrics, you might see dips, peaks, or trends.

To view collection rates over time, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. In the toolbar, select your time window.
  3. Click View charts on the scorecard for bytes or samples ingested. This discussion refers to charts for billable samples, but the charts for billable bytes work the same way. You see a set of charts like the following:

    Example of the charts that summarize metric ingestion.

    By default, chart legends are collapsed. To view the list of time series shown in a chart, click  Legend. For information about how to set time references or expand the chart over a specific time window, see Explore charted data.

For example, if you set the time window to a week and you see a constant but unexpected increase in the data ingested over time, then you might look to see if the increase is coming from one specific metric or as a general trend across a group of metrics. If one metric is reponsible, then you could investigate to see if the metric's cardinality is also increasing.

  • To view the rate of billable samples ingested into the current metrics scope, use the Total billable samples ingested chart.

  • To view the contributions of each project in your metrics scope to the total billable value, use the Projects by billable samples ingested chart. This chart can tell you which projects are sending the most data, and if any project is sending an increasing or decreasing amount of data.

  • (Billable samples only) To find the namespaces that are sending metrics with the largest contributions to the billable values, use the Namespace Volume Ingestion chart.

  • To view the metrics in your metrics scope with the largest contributions to the billable values, use the Top 10 metrics by billable samples ingested chart. You might look for spikes, dips, or trends in the collection rates, or for a metric with a much different line from all the others.

  • To view the contributions to the billable value of all metrics in your metrics scope, use the All metrics by billable samples ingested chart. This chart includes the metrics in the Top 10 chart and can show you the overall distribution of collection rates from your metrics.

To analyze any of these charts in more detail, click  More options and select View in Metrics Explorer. For examples that start with the Namespace Volume Ingestion chart and use Metrics Explorer to perform ingestion-volume attribution, see the following:

For more information about using Metrics Explorer to analyze data, including actions like comparing the current month's behavior to the last month's behavior, see Explore charted data.

Create alerts based on metric ingestion

To be notified of a spike, dip, or trend in the metric collection rates for your billable metrics, create an alerting policy. For example, a dip in collection of metrics might indicate that your application is performing poorly. Similarly, a spike might result in unexpected charges. Lastly, a upward trend might indicate that a metric has too many labels or is increasing in cardinality. In all situations, an alerting policy can notify you of the unusual behavior, and then you can resolve the situation.

If you have both metrics billed by bytes ingested and metrics billed by samples ingested, you need to create an alerting policy for both billing values.

To create an alerting policy that monitors a metric collection rate, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. In the toolbar, select your time window.
  3. Click View charts on the scorecard for bytes or samples ingested.
  4. In the chart whose data you want to monitor, click Create alerting policy.

    The alert policy dialog opens with the condition fields populated. We recommend that you review all settings and make the following modifications:

    • Update the condition threshold value. The default value might not be satisfactory.
    • Add the notification channels to the policy.
    • Name the policy.

    For more information, see Create an alerting policy.

Investigate problems with your metrics

You can use the Metrics Management page to investigate problems with structure or usage of your billable metrics. For example, you might be experiencing the following:

  • An increase in billable volume that can be attributed to a specific metric.
  • Reports of increasing latency of queries for a specific metric.
  • Errors in writing metric data, which might result from reaching limits on the amount or rate of data being written.

The occurrence of errors in writing metric data might correlate with other problems like an unexpected increase in billable volume or increasing query latency. For example, a change in the configuration of a metric might result in a cardinality problem, which can affect both the volume of data ingested and query latency, and might also result in metric-write errors.

View metric-write errors

From the Metric Write Errors scorecard, you can do the following:

  • View the status of metric-write requests.
  • Create an alerting policy to notify you if the rate of metric-write errors exceeds a threshold value.
  • View the audit logs for metric-write errors, if you have enabled audit logs. These logs can provide insight into the causes of the metric-write errors.

To view information about errors in writing metric data, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. In the toolbar, select your time window.
  3. Click View errors on the Metric Write Errors scorecard.

    • To view the status of metric-write requests to the Cloud Monitoring API, use the API - Create Time Series (Status Codes) chart. This chart shows calls to the timeSeries.create method.

      Each time series shows the rate of writes for a specific HTTP status code. When the chart displays a single line for 2xx status results, you have no metric-write errors. The following screenshot shows both 2xx status results and a small number of 4xx and 5xx status results:

      The **Metric write errors** chart shows the error rate for writing time
-series data.

      If you see an increase in the number of metric-write requests, then you might be seeing a cardinality issue.

    • If the chart displays status codes for errors, and if you have enabled audit logs for your project, then you can use the logs to investigate the causes of the errors. The preconfigured query for the logs looks for errors associated with the Monitoring API method timeSeries.create. This method is called each time a metric is written.

      Logs for timeSeries.create errors can tell you more about the reason for error status codes. The method can fail if, for example, you try to write too much data at once, or if you exceed a limit on the number of active time series. For more information, see the User-defined-metrics section in the Monitoring quotas document.

Investigate metric creation errors

Another method related to metrics that might fail is the metricDescriptors.create method. The metricDescriptors.create method is called the first time you write time-series data for a new metric, or if you change the structure of the metric data, most likely by adding new labels. The audit logs for errors from this method are available from the entry for each metric in the metric table.

To view audit logs for a specific metric, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. In the toolbar, select your time window.
  3. Find the metric in the table, and then click  Actions.
  4. Select View metric audit logs.

    The preconfigured query for the logs looks for errors associated with the Monitoring API method metricDescriptors.create.

Errors from the metricDescriptors.create method can help you identify possible problems in the design of your metrics. You might see errors from this method if you exceed the allowable number of metric descriptors or on the number of labels in a metric descriptor. For more information, see the User-defined-metrics section in the Monitoring quotas document.

Pricing models for billable metrics

In general, Cloud Monitoring system metrics are free, and metrics from external systems or applications are not. Billable metrics are billed by either the number of bytes or the number of samples ingested. This section describes byte- and sample-based ingestion.

For detailed information about chargeable features in Cloud Monitoring, see Cloud Monitoring in the pricing document. For pricing information, see Cloud Monitoring pricing summary.

Billing by bytes or samples ingested

Billable metrics are billed either by the number of bytes or by the number of samples that are ingested. Each time a metric is written, the write operation includes a data value. The data value can be a scalar, like an integer or a floating-point number, or it can be distribution, a complex data type that includes several different values. For more information on the types of values a metric might write, see Value type.

Both the frequency with which the metric is written—the sampling rate—and the type of data the metric writes—scalars or distributions—affect the amount of data ingested, regardless of whether ingestion is charged by bytes ingested or samples ingested.

  • "Bytes ingested" means that charges are based on the volume of data ingested, measured in bytes. For pricing purposes, each scalar value is counted as 8 bytes, and each distribution is counted as 80 bytes. For more information and examples, see Metrics charged by bytes ingested.

  • "Samples ingested" means that charges are based on the number of measurements ingested. For pricing purposes, each scalar value is counted as one sample, and each distribution is counted as two samples plus one for each histogram bucket that has a non-zero count. For more information and examples, see Metrics charged by samples ingested.

The biggest difference between the two pricing models is for distribution values. Byte-based ingestion charges a flat rate for distributions, but sample-based ingestion takes into account the data in the distribution; distributions with sparse histograms—few histogram buckets with non-zero values—count as fewer samples than distributions with dense histograms, in which most buckets have non-zero values.

Billable metrics on the Metrics Management page

The Metrics Management page reports billable metrics by domain. The domain gives you information about how the metric was collected and from where.

The following table describes the categories of billable metrics available on the Metrics Management page and whether they are measured by bytes or samples ingested:

Domain Metric prefix Pricing model Meaning
Agent Bytes Metrics that are collected from external resources by agents. For lists of these metrics, see Ops Agent metrics and Legacy Monitoring and Logging metrics. Metrics from third-party integrations that are collected by the legacy Monitoring agent are also reported as "agent" metrics; see Third-party application metrics.

The metrics are charged at 5% of the volume rate of other chargeable metrics. For example, ingesting 100 MiB of process metrics costs the same as ingesting 5 MiB of other chargeable metrics.

The agents also collect metrics about themselves. These metrics, identified by the prefix, aren't billable and don't appear on the Metrics Management page.

User-defined, custom Bytes Metrics that you define.
External Bytes Metrics from some open source libraries or third-party providers. For more information, see External metrics.
Workload Bytes Metrics from third-party integrations that are written by the Ops Agent. For a list of these metrics, see Third-party application metrics.
Prometheus Samples Metrics collected by using Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus, or by using the Ops Agent and the Prometheus receiver or the OTLP receiver.

Other billable metrics

The Metrics Management page does not report user-defined log-based metrics. These metrics, which are derived by counting values in log entries, have the prefix User-defined log-based metrics are charged by bytes ingested.

What's next