Offering datasets

Dataset products are a quick way to provide datasets for your customers or users of Google Cloud to use.

Product-specific requirements

You must ensure that your data products don't contain any "personally identifiable sensitive information" as defined in the Protecting Americans' Data from Foreign Adversaries Act of 2024.

Technical requirements

  • You must sign up to become a Google Cloud partner. Learn about the requirements to become a partner.
  • Your Google Cloud project name. If you haven't already done so, create a project. We recommend YOUR_ORGANIZATION-public as your projectID.
  • Complete the project info form that the Cloud Marketplace team sends you.
  • You must have a logo or icon for the Cloud Marketplace listing, in the PNG format. The background of the logo must be transparent, and not contain any text within it.

Resource requirements

Google: Partner Manager

Partner (your organization): Product Manager or Product Marketing Lead

Roles and responsibilities

Google's Partner Manager:

  • Assists partner with signing Google Cloud partnership agreement.
  • Provides guidance on the marketing content.
  • Approves the marketing content before it goes live.

If you don't have an assigned Partner Manager, send questions and completed requirements to [email protected].

Partner's Product Manager or Product Marketing Lead:

  • Responsible for creating content for Cloud Marketplace product page and landing page.

Expected customer experience

Your customer experience should be consistent with the browse/select/deploy buying experience on Cloud Marketplace. We want customers to get started with the product with minimal friction.

Your dataset listing on Cloud Marketplace must ensure that users coming to the Cloud Marketplace dataset page are able to clearly understand the offering, including service plans, their benefits, and their costs, as applicable.

Onboarding process

The onboarding process begins after the requirements are met. The initial steps are as follows:

  1. You provide a partner description, project ID, and other information to Google.
  2. The Cloud Marketplace team creates your partner entity in the Cloud Marketplace system.
  3. The Cloud Marketplace team adds your project to the allowlist for Producer Portal.

Create your product in Cloud Marketplace

To create and publish your product in Cloud Marketplace, you use Producer Portal. The Cloud Marketplace team enables it for you after you complete the Cloud Marketplace product information form.

To publish your product in Producer Portal, you submit the following information for review:

  • Product Details: Add listing and marketing information for your product.
  • Dataset Details: Submit details and specifications for your dataset product.

You can submit these reviews at any time and in any order. Some reviews might take up to two weeks for approval, so we recommend reviewing the requirements and getting started as early as possible.

At this stage, if you want to proceed with the Dataset Details review, you only need to create a Cloud Marketplace entry for your product. You can complete and submit the remaining Product Details for review at any time.

To create your product's Cloud Marketplace entry:

  1. Open Producer Portal in the Google Cloud console:

    Replace YOUR_PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID with the ID for the public project that you created for Cloud Marketplace—for example, my-organization-public.

  2. At the top of the page, click Add product.

  3. Depending on where your dataset is hosted, select either BigQuery Dataset or Cloud Storage Hosted Data.

  4. Under Product name, name your product and check the Product ID. The Product ID is used in the URL for your Cloud Marketplace listing.

  5. Click Create. It might take a few seconds to create your product.

Add product details

Your product details include your product listing on Cloud Marketplace, marketing information, and links to documentation. You can start adding details now and submit for review later.

To provide information for your Product Details review:

  1. In the list of products, click the name of your product.
  2. Under Review: Product Details, click EDIT.
  3. In the Product Info tab, complete the details that appear in your product listing on Cloud Marketplace:
    • Enter a name, tagline, image, and overview description for your product.
    • Select Category IDs to allow customers to find your product under product categories or filters as they search Cloud Marketplace. You can select up to two Category IDs for a product.
  4. Under Documentation, enter a link to the documentation for your dataset.
  5. Complete the rest of the Documentation and Product Metadata sections.

It takes approximately 2-5 business days for the Cloud Marketplace team to review and approve your product details.

Create a Getting Started document

Every product must be accompanied by a Google Cloud-specific Getting Started document that helps your customers with detailed usage and configuration instructions for your product. The documentation must be created and maintained by you on your website. We suggest that you co-brand the page with the Google Cloud logo, available at the Partner Advantage site.

The document should provide step-by-step guidance for the customer's journey, starting with the product listing page on Cloud Marketplace and extending all the way through the deployment, usage, and maintenance of the product. We recommend including screenshots throughout the document, in addition to the text instructions.

Submit your document

After you've finished the draft of your Getting Started document, email the URL of your draft to your assigned Cloud Marketplace team member for review and feedback.

Add dataset details

You must also provide details about your dataset that end users see on the product details page. To provide your dataset's details:

  1. Within Producer Portal, go to the Dataset details section.

  2. Specify if your product is a full dataset or a subset of the data. If it's a sample, you must also provide the Signup URL for the full dataset.

  3. If your dataset is a BigQuery Dataset, specify the resource name of your dataset in the format projects/project_id/datasets/dataset_id.

    If your dataset Cloud Storage Hosted Data, specify the resource name of the Cloud Storage bucket for your dataset in the format buckets/bucket_id.

  4. Under Getting started guide, provide a code snippet or images that demonstrate intended usage of the dataset.

  5. Specify your dataset's Update frequency.

  6. Provide the Terms of use for your dataset.

  7. Submit your Dataset details for review in Producer Portal. After you submit the details for review, it can take up to two weeks for Google to review and approve them.

Publish your product

To publish your product on Cloud Marketplace, you must:

After all reviews have been approved, you can publish and launch the product within a few minutes. To publish your product:

  1. In the list of products, click the product ID.

  2. On the Overview page of your product, click Publish.

  3. Contact the Cloud Marketplace team through the Partner Support Desk so that they can review your submission and publish your product publicly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I update my product's content or product image?

Answer: Use the Producer Portal. Edit your product, update the content or product image, and submit the product.

How do I contact you if I have more questions?
Answer: Use the Partner Support Desk to request assistance, and include the word "Marketplace" in your description. For more information about Partner Support Desk, visit Request assistance with Cloud Marketplace.

How do I de-list my product in an emergency?
Answer: Use the Partner Support Desk to request assistance, and include the word "Marketplace" in your description. For more information about Partner Support Desk, visit Request assistance with Cloud Marketplace.