Understanding symmetric aggregates

Symmetric aggregates in Looker are a very powerful feature. However, because symmetric aggregates can look a bit intimidating and mostly happen behind the scenes, it can be a bit confusing to encounter them. This page provides the following information about symmetric aggregates:

Why symmetric aggregates are needed

SQL, the language of data analysis, is extremely powerful. But with great power comes great responsibility, and analysts have a responsibility to avoid accidentally calculating incorrect aggregates, such as sums, averages, and counts.

It is surprisingly easy to perform these calculations incorrectly, and these types of incorrect calculations can be a source of great frustration for analysts. The following example illustrates how you can go wrong.

Imagine you have two tables, orders and order_items. The order_items table records one row for each item in an order, so the relationship between the tables is one-to-many. The relationship is one-to-many because one order can have many items, but each item can only be part of one order. See the Getting the relationship parameter right Best Practices page for guidance on determining the correct relationship for a join.

In this example, suppose the orders table looks like this:

order_id user_id total order_date
1 100 $ 50.36 2017-12-01
2 101 $ 24.12 2017-12-02
3 137 $ 50.36 2017-12-02

In this orders table, the sum of the values in the total column (SUM(total)) equals 124.84.

Suppose the order_items table contains six rows:

order_id item_id quantity unit_price
1 50 1 $ 23.00
1 63 2 $ 13.68
2 63 1 $ 13.68
2 72 1 $ 5.08
2 79 1 $ 5.36
3 78 1 $ 50.36

Getting the count of items ordered is easy. The sum of the values in the quantity column (SUM(quantity)) is 7.

Now, suppose you join the orders table and the order_items table using their shared column, order_id. This results in the following table:

order_id user_id total order_date item_id quantity unit_price
1 100 $ 50.36 2017-12-01 50 1 $ 23.00
1 100 $ 50.36 2017-12-01 63 2 $ 13.68
2 101 $ 24.12 2017-12-02 63 1 $ 13.68
2 101 $ 24.12 2017-12-02 72 1 $ 5.08
2 101 $ 24.12 2017-12-02 79 1 $ 5.36
3 137 $ 50.36 2017-12-02 78 1 $ 50.36

The preceding table provides new information, such as that two items were ordered on December 1 (2017-12-01 in the order_date column) and four items were ordered on December 2 (2017-12-02). Some of the previous calculations, such as the SUM(quantity) calculations, are still valid. However, you will encounter a problem if you try to calculate the total spent.

If you use the previous calculation, SUM(total), the total value 50.36 in the new table for rows where the value of order_id is 1 will be counted twice, since the order includes two different items (with item_id values of 50 and 63). The total of 24.12 for rows where the order_id is 2 will be counted three times, since this order includes three different items. As a result, the result of the calculation SUM(total) for this table is 223.44 instead of the correct answer, which is 124.84.

While it's easy to avoid this kind of mistake when you are working with two tiny example tables, solving this problem would be far more complicated in real life, with lots of tables and lots of data. This is exactly the kind of miscalculation someone could make without even realizing. This is the problem symmetric aggregates solve.

How symmetric aggregates work

Symmetric aggregates prevent analysts — and anyone else who uses Looker — from accidentally miscalculating aggregates such as sums, averages, and counts. Symmetric aggregates help take a huge burden off analysts' shoulders, because analysts can trust that the users won't charge ahead with incorrect data. Symmetric aggregates do this by making sure to count each fact in the calculation the correct number of times as well as by keeping track of what you're calculating.

In the previous example, the symmetric aggregates function recognizes that total is a property of orders (not order_items), so it needs to count each order's total only once to get the correct answer. The function does this by using a unique primary key that the analyst has defined in Looker. That means that when Looker is doing calculations on the joined table, it recognizes that even though there are two rows where the value of order_id is 1, it shouldn't count the total twice because that total has already been included in the calculation, and that it should only count the total once for the three rows where the value of order_id is 2.

It's worth noting that symmetric aggregates depend on a unique primary key and the correct join relationship being specified in the model. So, if the results you're getting look wrong, talk to an analyst to make sure that everything is set up correctly.

Why symmetric aggregates look complicated

The appearance of symmetric aggregates can be a bit mystifying. Without symmetric aggregates, Looker typically writes nice, well-behaved SQL, such as in the following example:

  order_items.order_id AS "order_items.order_id",
  order_items.sale_price AS "order_items.sale_price"
FROM order_items AS order_items


With symmetric aggregates, the SQL Looker writes might look something like the following example:

  order_items.order_id AS "order_items.order_id",
  order_items.sale_price AS "order_items.sale_price",
  *(1000000*1.0)) AS DECIMAL(38,0)))  
  * 1.0e8   CAST(STRTOL(RIGHT(MD5(CONVERT(VARCHAR,users.id )),15),16) AS DECIMAL(38,0)) )
  / CAST((1000000*1.0) AS DOUBLE PRECISION), 0)
  ELSE NULL END), 0)) AS "users.average_age
FROM order_items AS order_items
LEFT JOIN users AS users ON order_items.user_id = users.id


The exact format that symmetric aggregates take depends on the dialect of SQL that Looker is writing, but all formats do the same basic thing: If multiple rows have the same primary key, the symmetric aggregates function only counts them one time. It does this by using the little-known SUM DISTINCT and AVG DISTINCT functions that are part of the SQL standard.

To see how this happens, you can take the calculation you did previously and work it through with symmetric aggregates. Of the seven columns in the joined tables, you only need two: the one you are aggregating (total) and the unique primary key for orders (order_id).

order_id total
1 $ 50.36
1 $ 50.36
2 $ 24.12
2 $ 24.12
2 $ 24.12
3 $ 50.26

Symmetric aggregates take the primary key (order_id, in this case) and create a very large number for each, which is guaranteed to be unique and always give the same output for the same input. (It generally does this with a hashing function, the details of which are beyond the scope of this page.) That result would look something like the following:

big_unique_number total
802959190063912 $ 50.36
802959190063912 $ 50.36
917651724816292 $ 24.12
917651724816292 $ 24.12
917651724816292 $ 24.12
110506994770727 $ 50.36

Then, for each row, Looker does this:

SUM(DISTINCT big_unique_number   total) - SUM(DISTINCT big_unique_number)

This reliably gives you the correctly aggregated totals, counting each total exactly the right number of times. The Looker symmetric aggregates function isn't fooled by repeated rows or by multiple orders that have the same total. You can try doing the math yourself to get a better feel for how symmetric aggregates works.

The SQL required to do this isn't the prettiest to look at: With CAST(), and md5(), and SUM(DISTINCT), and STRTOL(), you certainly wouldn't want to write the SQL by hand. But, luckily, you don't have to — Looker can write the SQL for you.

When an aggregation will work properly without the need for symmetric aggregates, Looker detects this automatically and doesn't use the function. Because symmetric aggregates impose some performance costs, Looker's ability to discern when to use, and when to not use, symmetric aggregates further optimizes the SQL that Looker generates and makes it as efficient as possible while still guaranteeing the right answer.