Setting up zonal NEGs

This document contains instructions for configuring zonal network endpoint groups (NEGs). Before you configure zonal NEGs, read Network endpoint groups overview.

Zonal NEGs with GCE_VM_IP endpoints

These can be used as backends for backend services in internal passthrough Network Load Balancers and external passthrough Network Load Balancers. For details, see Zonal NEGs overview: Load balancing.

For end-to-end examples, see the following:

Zonal NEGs with GCE_VM_IP_PORT endpoints

These can be used as backends for backend services in the following types of load balancers:

The primary use case for GCE_VM_IP_PORT zonal NEGs is container-native load balancing so that you can distribute traffic among microservices running in containers on your VMs. Container-native load balancing enables load balancers to target Pods directly and to make load distribution decisions at the Pod-level instead of at the VM-level.

There are two ways to configure container-native load balancing: either use NEGs managed by GKE Ingress, or use standalone NEGs.

For instructions, see:

Configuring zonal NEGs

The rest of this page describes how to configure zonal NEGs before or after you've already created a load balancer. Note that some of these actions don't apply to zonal NEGs created and managed by Ingress.

Create a zonal network endpoint group


To create a zonal network endpoint group:

  1. Go to the Network Endpoint Groups page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Network Endpoint Groups page
  2. Click Create network endpoint group.
  3. For the Network endpoint group type, select Network endpoint type: Zonal.
  4. Enter the Name of the network endpoint group.
  5. For Network endpoint type, select Network endpoint group (Zonal).
  6. Select the Endpoints type depending on the type of load balancer you're using.
  7. Select the Network.
  8. Select the Subnetwork.
  9. Select the Zone.
  10. For zonal negs with GCE_VM_IP_PORT endpoints only, enter a Default port.
  11. Click Create.


Create a GCE_VM_IP_PORT zonal NEG

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create NEG_NAME \
    --zone=ZONE \

In this command, the flags are defined as follows:

  • NEG_NAME is the name of the new network endpoint group. The name must be unique within the zone.
  • ZONE is the name of the zone in which the NEG is created.
  • NETWORK is the name of the network in which the NEG is created. If omitted, Google Cloud uses a network named default.
  • SUBNET is the name of the subnet to which the network endpoints belong. This flag is optional if the network is an auto mode VPC network. If omitted, the NEG resides in the automatically created subnet of the selected zone's region. The flag is required if the network is a custom mode VPC or if you need to specify a manually created subnet.
  • DEFAULT_PORT is the default port associated with the NEG. This flag is optional. If omitted, all endpoints must be specified by IP:port. If included, the port portion can be omitted from the endpoint specification and the default port is assumed.

Create a GCE_VM_IP zonal NEG

To create a GCE_VM_IP zonal network endpoint group you must specify the network-endpoint-type as shown here: gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create NEG_NAME \
    --network-endpoint-type=gce-vm-ip \
    --zone=ZONE \

In this command, the flags are defined as follows:

  • NEG_NAME is the name of the new network endpoint group. The name must be unique within the zone.
  • ZONE is the name of the zone in which the NEG is created.
  • NETWORK is the name of the network in which the NEG is created.
  • SUBNET is the name of the subnet to which the network endpoints belong.

Adding endpoints to a network endpoint group


To add endpoints to a network endpoint group:

  1. Go to the Network Endpoint Groups page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Network Endpoint Groups page
  2. Click the Name of the network endpoint group to which you want to add endpoints. You see the Network endpoint group details page.
  3. In the Network endpoints in this group section, click Add network endpoint. You see the Add network endpoint page.
  4. Select a VM instance to add its internal IP addresses as network endpoints and click Add. You see the Network interface, zone, subnet, and the internal IP address of the VM interface assigned to the endpoint.
  5. For zonal negs with GCE_VM_IP_PORT endpoints only, perform the following steps:
    1. Enter the IP address or range of the new network endpoint.
    2. Select the Port type.
    3. If you select Default, the endpoint uses the default port for all endpoints in the network endpoint group.
    4. If you select Custom, enter the Port number for the endpoint to use.
  6. To add more endpoints, click Add network endpoint and repeat steps 5 and 6.
  7. After you add all the endpoints that you need, click Add.


To add endpoints to a network endpoint group:

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups update NEG_NAME \
    --zone=ZONE \
    --add-endpoint 'instance=INSTANCE_NAME,[ip=IP_ADDRESS],[port=PORT]' \
    [--add-endpoint ...]

Replace the following:

  • NEG_NAME: the name of the NEG
  • ZONE: the name of the zone in which the NEG resides.
  • INSTANCE_NAME: the name of the VM to which the IP address belongs.
  • IP_ADDRESS: an optional IP address for the network endpoint being added. If you omit the IP address, Google Cloud selects the primary internal IP address of the VM instance that matches the subnetwork of the NEG.
  • PORT: the port of the network endpoint being added. The port is optional if default port is specified in the NEG. This field is not supported for zonal NEGs with GCE_VM_IP endpoints.

For more details, see Zonal network endpoint groups overview.

For example, to add endpoints to a GCE_VM_IP_PORT zonal NEG:

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups update my-lb-neg \
    --zone=asia-southeast1-a \
    --add-endpoint 'instance=my-vm1,ip=,port=80'

Adding a zonal NEG to a backend service


To add a network endpoint group to a backend service:

  1. Go to the Load balancing page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Load balancing page
  2. Click the name of the load balancer whose backend service you want to edit.
  3. On the Load balancer details page, click Edit .
  4. On the Edit load balancer page, click Backend configuration.
  5. On the Backend configuration page, click Edit .
  6. Click Add backend.
  7. Select a Zonal network endpoint group and click Done.
  8. Click Update.


To add a NEG to a backend service:

gcloud compute backend-services add-backend BACKEND_SERVICE \
     --network-endpoint-group=NETWORK_ENDPOINT_GROUP \

For example, to add a GCE_VM_IP_PORT zonal NEG to a backend service:

gcloud compute backend-services add-backend my-lb \
   --network-endpoint-group my-lb-neg \
   --network-endpoint-group-zone=asia-southeast1-a \
   --global \
   --balancing-mode=RATE \

Removing a NEG from a backend service


  1. Go to the Load balancing page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Load balancing page
  2. Click the name of the load balancer whose backend service you want to edit.
  3. On the Load balancer details page, click Edit .
  4. On the Edit load balancer page, click Backend configuration.
  5. On the Backend configuration page, click Edit for the backend service from which you are removing the NEG.
  6. In the Backend section, locate the NEG you want to remove and click the trash can icon for that NEG.
  7. Click Update.


To remove a NEG from a backend service:

gcloud compute backend-services remove-backend BACKEND_SERVICE \
    --network-endpoint-group=NETWORK_ENDPOINT_GROUP \

For example:

gcloud compute backend-services remove-backend my-lb \
    --network-endpoint-group=my-lb-neg \

Removing endpoints from a network endpoint group

When a network endpoint is removed from a load balancing NEG, it triggers connection draining based on the drain parameters specified in the backend service. If multiple backend services refer to the same NEG, the maximum drain interval across all backend services is applied.


To remove endpoints from a network endpoint group:

  1. Go to the Network Endpoint Groups page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Network Endpoint Groups page
  2. Click the Name of the network endpoint group from which you want to delete endpoints. You see the Network endpoint group detail page.
  3. Select the network endpoints you want to delete and click Remove endpoint.


To remove endpoints from a network endpoint group:

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups update NEG_NAME \
--zone=ZONE \
--remove-endpoint 'instance=INSTANCE_NAME,[ip=IP],[port=PORT]' \
[--remove-endpoint ...]

For example, to remove an endpoint from a GCE_VM_IP_PORT zonal NEG:

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups update my-lb-neg \
     --remove-endpoint 'instance=my-vm1,ip=,port=80' \

Listing network endpoint groups


To view a list of network endpoint groups, go to the Network Endpoint Groups page in the Google Cloud console.
Go to the Network Endpoint Groups page


To list network endpoint groups:

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups list

Describing a specific network endpoint group


To get the details of a specific network endpoint group:

  1. Go to the Network Endpoint Groups page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Network Endpoint Groups page
  2. Click the name of the network endpoint group whose details you want to see.


To get the details of a specific network endpoint group:

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups describe NEG_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • NEG_NAME: the name of the network endpoint group
  • ZONE: the optional name of the zone where the NEG was created.

For example, the following gcloud command lists information about the network endpoint group my-lb-neg.

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups describe my-lb-neg \

The output of the command is the following:

    creationTimestamp: '2018-04-09T14:51:34.381-07:00'
    id: '5260475207627726473'
    kind: compute#networkEndpointGroup
      defaultPort: 80

Removing network endpoint groups

A network endpoint group cannot be deleted if it is attached to a backend service. Before you delete a NEG, ensure that it is detached from the backend service.

Deleting a VM immediately causes all network endpoints on the VM to be removed from the NEG, closing all connections. Deleting a NEG after deleting a backend service also removes all endpoints in that NEG without connection draining.


To remove a network endpoint group from a backend service:

  1. Go to the Load balancing page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Load balancing page
  2. Click the name of the load balancer whose backend service you want to edit.
  3. On the Load balancer details page, click Edit .
  4. On the Edit load balancer page, click Backend configuration.
  5. On the Backend configuration page, click Edit for the backend service from which you are removing the NEG.
  6. In the Backend section, locate the NEG you want to remove and click the trash can icon for that NEG.
  7. Click Update.

To delete a network endpoint group:

  1. Go to the Network Endpoint Groups page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Network Endpoint Groups page
  2. Locate the network endpoint group you want to delete.
  3. Click the trash can icon in that row.


To remove a network endpoint group from a backend service:

gcloud compute backend-services remove-backend BACKEND_SERVICE \
     --network-endpoint-group=NETWORK_ENDPOINT_GROUP \

To delete a network endpoint group:

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups delete NEG_NAME \

For example:

gcloud compute backend-services remove-backend my-neg-backend \
    --network-endpoint-group=my-lb-neg \
gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups delete my-lb-neg \

Listing endpoints in a network endpoint group


To view a list of endpoints in a network endpoint group:

  1. Go to the Network Endpoint Groups page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Network Endpoint Groups page
  2. Click the Name of the network endpoint group from which you want to delete endpoints. You see the Network endpoint group detail page, on which the endpoints for the endpoint group are listed.
  3. To filter the endpoints, create key:value pairs in the text field under Network endpoints in this group.


To list all of the network endpoints in a network endpoint group:

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups list-network-endpoints NEG_NAME \

Custom filtering when you list endpoints in a network endpoint group

You can use a custom filter to limit which endpoints in a network endpoint group are listed. Custom filtering is enabled only for the REST API. You cannot use custom filtering from the Google Cloud console or using the gcloud command-line interface.

For details, see the documentation for the method networkEndpointGroups.listNetworkEndpoints.

Health checking network endpoints

Backend services with zonal NEG backends must use a health check whose port specification is either:

  • a fixed (numbered) port (--port)
  • configured to use the serving port of the network endpoint (--use-serving-port)

The example that follows creates an HTTP health check that uses the serving port of the network endpoint with the --use-serving-port flag. Note that the --use-serving-port flag is implemented with gcloud compute health-checks create, but not with gcloud compute health-checks update.

gcloud compute health-checks create http HTTP_HEALTH_CHECK_NAME

You cannot use a legacy health check with a zonal NEG backend. For more information, see Health Check Concepts.