Best practices for the Live Stream API

This page contains a summary of best practices for the Live Stream API. If you are just starting out with the Live Stream API, refer to one of the Quickstarts.

Use the SRT protocol if possible

When creating the input endpoint, there are two options for the source stream protocol: RTMP_PUSH and SRT_PUSH. The SRT protocol is preferred over RTMP because SRT is more advanced and provides additional features such as the following:

  • Packet drop recovery
  • Forward error correction
  • Support for multiple audio elementary streams
  • Higher bandwidth

The choice of streaming protocol requires a proper encoder/transcoder that provides that feature. Most professional-grade encoders support SRT.

Use the following bitrates depending on the source resolution and framerate. Higher bitrates directly correlate to higher quality.

Resolution (ScanMode)/Framerate H.264 Bitrate (Mbps)
576i/25 and 480i/29.97 3
720p/25/30 8
720p/50/60 15
1080i/25 and 1080i/29.97 12
1080p/50 and 1080p/60 20

For the output channel resolution and bitrate, depending on the input resolution/frame rate (60 FPS), add the higher frame rate step for 60 FPS if it applies. Note that adding additional steps requires more computing power. The following is the recommended ladder:

Resolution (ScanMode)/Framerate H.264 High Profile Bitrate (Kbps)
416x234 p25/30 150
640x360 p25/30 400
768x432 p25/30 750
768x432 p25/30 1100
960x540 p25/30 2200
1280x720 p25/30 3300
1280x720 p50/60 5500
1920x1080 p25/30 6000
1920x1080 p50/60 9500

For audio, the recommendations are based on the number of channels:

Channels AAC Bitrate (Kbps)
2.0 64
2.0 160
5.1 384