Configure Kerberos for Dataproc Metastore Thrift endpoints

This page explains how to configure Kerberos for your Dataproc Metastore service that uses the Thrift endpoint protocol. If your Dataproc Metastore service uses the gRPC endpoint protocol, see Configure Kerberos for gRPC endpoints.

Before you begin

  • Understand the basics of Kerberos.

    In these instructions, you use a Dataproc cluster to create the following Kerberos assets:

    • A Keytab file.
    • A krb5.conf file.
    • A Kerberos principal.

    For more information about how these Kerberos assets work with a Dataproc Metastore service, see About Kerberos.

  • Create and host your own Kerberos KDC or learn how to use the local KDC of a Dataproc cluster.

  • Create a Cloud Storage bucket or get access to an existing one. You must store your krb5.conf file in this bucket.

Network considerations

Before configuring Kerberos, consider the following network settings:

  • Set up an IP connection between your VPC network and KDC. You must do this to authenticate your KDC file with Dataproc Metastore service.

  • Set up any necessary Firewall rules on your KDC. These rules are necessary to permit traffic from Dataproc Metastore. For more information, see Firewall rules for your services.

  • If you're using VPC Service Controls, then the Secret Manager secret and krb5.conf Cloud Storage object must belong to a project that resides in the same service perimeter as the Dataproc Metastore service.

  • Decide what VPC peering network that you want to use. You must configure your Dataproc cluster and Dataproc Metastore service with the same VPC peering network.

Required Roles

To get the permission that you need to create a Dataproc Metastore with Kerberos, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles on your project, based on the principle of least privilege:

For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

This predefined role contains the permission, which is required to create a Dataproc Metastore with Kerberos.

You might also be able to get this permission with custom roles or other predefined roles.

For more information about specific Dataproc Metastore roles and permissions, see Manage access with IAM.

For more information, see Dataproc Metastore IAM and access control.

Enable Kerberos for Dataproc Metastore

The following instructions show you how to configure Kerberos for a Dataproc Metastore service that is attached to a Dataproc cluster.

Create a Dataproc cluster and enable Kerberos


To set up a Dataproc cluster with Kerberos, run the following gcloud dataproc clusters create command:

gcloud dataproc clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \
    --image-version=2.0 \
    --enable-kerberos \
    --scopes ''

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: the name of your Dataproc cluster.

Configure the Dataproc cluster for kerberos

The following instructions show you how to use SSH to connect to a primary Dataproc cluster that's associated with your Dataproc Metastore service.

After, you modify the hive-site.xml file and configure Kerberos for your service.

  1. In the Google Cloud console go to the VM Instances page.
  2. In the list of virtual machine instances, click SSH in the row of the Dataproc primary node (your-cluster-name-m).

    A browser window opens in your home directory on the node.

  3. Open the /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml file.

    sudo vim /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml

    You see an output similar to the following:



    • PRINCIPAL_NAME: A principal name, in the following format primary/instance@REALM. For example, hive/[email protected].
    • METASTORE_PRINCIPAL_KEYTAB: the location of your Hive Metastore keytab file. Use the following value /etc/security/keytab/metastore.service.keytab.

Create a keytab file

The following instructions show you how to create a keytab file.

A keytab file contains a pair of Kerberos principals and a pair of encrypted keys. This is used to authenticate a service principal with a Kerberos KDC.

To create a keytab file

  1. In the Dataproc SSH session, create the keytab and principal.

    sudo kadmin.local -q "addprinc -randkey PRINCIPAL_NAME"
    sudo kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k /etc/security/keytab/metastore.service.keytab PRINCIPAL_NAME"
  2. In the Dataproc SSH session, create and upload the keytab file to Secret Manager.

    gcloud secrets create SECRET_NAME --replication-policy automatic
    sudo gcloud secrets versions add SECRET_NAME --data-file /etc/security/keytab/metastore.service.keytab

    Replace the following:

    • SECRET_NAME: the name of your secret.

Update the krb5.conf file

Next, you must update the krb5.conf file to associate it with your Dataproc cluster.

  1. Determine the primary internal IP address of the Dataproc cluster's primary instance.

    gcloud compute instances list

    For example, running this command produces a similar output:

    ~$ gcloud compute instances list --project kerberos-project
    NAME                                                 ZONE           MACHINE_TYPE   PREEMPTIBLE  INTERNAL_IP    EXTERNAL_IP     STATUS
    cluster-236-m                                        us-central1-c  n2-standard-4           *.*.*.*         RUNNING

    In this case, the internal IP address of the cluster is

  2. Open the krb5.conf file.

    sudo vim /etc/krb5.conf
  3. In the file, replace the existing KDC parameter and admin_server parameter with the internal IP address of your Dataproc cluster.

    For example, using the IP address value from the previous steps looks similar to this output.

       kdc =
       admin_server =
  4. Upload the /etc/krb5.conf file from your Dataproc primary VM to your Cloud Storage bucket.

    gcloud storage cp /etc/krb5.conf gs://PATH_TO_KRB5


    • PATH_TO_KRB5: The Cloud Storage URI that contains your krb5.conf file.

    After the upload finishes, copy the path of the upload. You need to use it when you create your Dataproc Metastore service.

Grant IAM roles and permissions

  1. Provide the Dataproc Metastore service account with permission to access the keytab file. This account is Google-managed and listed on the IAM permissions UI page by selecting Include Google-provided role grants.

      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
          --member \
          --role roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor

  2. Provide the Dataproc Metastore service account with permission to access the krb5.conf file.

      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
          --member \
          --role roles/storage.objectViewer

Create a Dataproc Metastore service with Kerberos

Create a new Dataproc Metastore service that's configured with your Kerberos files.

Make sure you create your service in the VPC network as your Dataproc cluster.

gcloud metastore services create SERVICE \
   --location=LOCATION \
   --instance-size=medium \
   --network=VPC_NETWORK \
   --kerberos-principal=KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL \
   --krb5-config=KRB5_CONFIG \

Replace the following:

  • SERVICE: the name of your Dataproc Metastore service.
  • LOCATION: the location of your Dataproc Metastore service.
  • VPC_NETWORK:the name of your VPC network. Use the same network that's configured in your Dataproc cluster.
  • KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL: the name of the kerberos principal that you created earlier.
  • KRB5_CONFIG: the location of the krb5.config file. Use the Cloud Storage object URI that points to your file.
  • CLOUD_SECRET: the relative resource name of a Secret Manager secret version.

After you create your cluster, Dataproc Metastore attempts to connect with your kerberos credentials using the provided principal, keytab, and krb5.conf file. If the connection fails, then the Dataproc Metastore creation also fails.

After the Dataproc Metastore service has been created, find your Thrift endpoint URI and warehouse directory.

  1. SSH into the primary instance of your Dataproc cluster.

  2. In the SSH session, open the /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml file.

    sudo vim /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml
  3. Modify /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml on the Dataproc cluster.

    <!-- Update this value. -->
    <!-- Add this property entry. -->
  4. Restart HiveServer2:

    sudo systemctl restart hive-server2.service

Configure Dataproc before submitting jobs

To run your Dataproc jobs, you must add the hive user to the allowed.system.users property in the Hadoop container-executor.cfg file. This lets users run queries to access data, such as select * from.

  1. In the ssh session, open the Hadoop container-executor.cfg file.

    sudo vim /etc/hadoop/conf/container-executor.cfg

    Add the following line on every Dataproc node.


Get a kerberos ticket

  1. Get the kerberos ticket, before connecting to the Dataproc Metastore instance.

    sudo klist -kte /etc/security/keytab/metastore.service.keytab
    sudo kinit -kt /etc/security/keytab/metastore.service.keytab PRINCIPAL_NAME
    sudo klist # gets the ticket information.
    sudo hive

    Replace the following:

    • PRINCIPAL_NAME: the name of your principal.

What's next