Cloud Storage batch source

This page provides guidance about configuring the Cloud Storage batch source plugin in Cloud Data Fusion.

The Cloud Storage batch source plugin lets you read data from Cloud Storage buckets and bring it into Cloud Data Fusion for further processing and transformation. It lets you load data from multiple file formats, including the following:

  • Structured: CSV, Avro, Parquet, ORC
  • Semi-structured: JSON, XML
  • Others: Text, Binary

Before you begin

Cloud Data Fusion typically has two service accounts:

Before using the Cloud Storage batch source plugin, grant the following role or permissions to each service account.

Cloud Data Fusion API Service Agent

This service account already has all the required permissions and you don't need to add additional permissions.

Compute Engine Service Account

In your Google Cloud project, grant the following IAM roles or permissions to the Compute Engine Service Account:

  • Storage Legacy Bucket Reader (roles/storage.legacyBucketReader). This predefined role contains the required storage.buckets.get permission.
  • Storage Object Viewer (roles/storage.legacyBucketReader). This predefined role contains the following required permissions:

    • storage.objects.get
    • storage.objects.list

Configure the plugin

  1. Go to the Cloud Data Fusion web interface and click Studio.
  2. Check that Data Pipeline - Batch is selected (not Realtime).
  3. In the Source menu, click GCS. The Cloud Storage node appears in your pipeline.
  4. To configure the source, go to the Cloud Storage node and click Properties.
  5. Enter the following properties. For a complete list, see Properties.

    1. Enter a Label for the Cloud Storage node—for example, Cloud Storage tables.
    2. Enter the connection details. You can set up a new, one-time connection, or an existing, reusable connection.

      New connection

      To add a one-time connection to Cloud Storage, follow these steps:

      1. Keep Use connection turned off.
      2. In the Project ID field, leave the value as auto-detect.
      3. In the Service account type field, leave the value as File path and the Service account file path as auto-detect.

      Reusable connection

      To reuse an existing connection, follow these steps:

      1. Turn on Use connection.
      2. Click Browse connections.
      3. Click the connection name—for example, Cloud Storage Default.

      4. Optional: if a connection doesn't exist and you want to create a new reusable connection, click Add connection and refer to the steps in the New connection tab on this page.

    3. In the Reference name field, enter a name to use for lineage—for example, data-fusion-gcs-campaign.

    4. In the Path field, enter the path to read from—for example, gs://BUCKET_PATH.

    5. In the Format field, select one of the following file formats for the data being read:

      • avro
      • blob (the blob format requires a schema that contains a field named body of type bytes)
      • csv
      • delimited
      • json
      • parquet
      • text (the text format requires a schema that contains a field named body of type string)
      • tsv
      • The name of any format plugin that you have deployed in your environment
    6. Optional: to test connectivity, click Get schema.

    7. Optional: in the Sample size field, enter the maximum rows to check for the selected data type—for example, 1000.

    8. Optional: in the Override field, enter the column names and their respective data types to skip.

    9. Optional: enter Advanced properties, such as a minimum split size or a regular expression path filter (see Properties).

    10. Optional: in the Temporary bucket name field, enter a name for the Cloud Storage bucket.

  6. Optional: click Validate and address any errors found.

  7. Click Close. Properties are saved and you can continue to build your data pipeline in the Cloud Data Fusion Studio.


Property Macro enabled Required property Description
Label No Yes The name of the node in your data pipeline.
Use connection No No Browse for a reusable connection to the source. For more information about adding, importing, and editing the connections that appear when you browse connections, see Manage connections.
Connection Yes Yes If Use connection is turned on, the name of the reusable connection you select appears in this field.
Project ID Yes No Used only when Use connection is turned off. A globally unique identifier for the project.
Default is auto-detect.
Service account type Yes No Select one of the following options:
  • File path: the path where the service account is located.
  • JSON: JSON content of the service account.
Service account file path Yes No Used only when the Service account type value is File path. The path on the local file system of the service account key used for authorization. If jobs run on Dataproc clusters, set the value to auto-detect. If jobs run on other types of clusters, the file must be present on every node in the cluster.
Default is auto-detect.
Service account JSON Yes No Used only when the Service account type value is JSON. The JSON file content of the service account.
Reference name No Yes Name that uniquely identifies this source for other services, such as lineage and annotating metadata.
Path Yes Yes Path to the files to be read. If a directory is specified, terminate the path with a backslash (/). For example, gs://bucket/path/to/directory/. To match a filename pattern, you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. If no files are found or matched, the pipeline fails.
Format No Yes Format of the data to read. The format must be one of the following:
  • avro
  • blob (the blob format requires a schema that contains a field named body of type bytes)
  • csv
  • delimited
  • json
  • parquet
  • text (the text format requires a schema that contains a field named body of type string)
  • tsv
  • The name of any format plugin that you have deployed in your environment
  • If the format is a macro, only the pre-packaged formats can be used
Sample size Yes No The maximum number of rows that are investigated for automatic data type detection. Default is 1000.
Override Yes No A list of columns with the corresponding data from which the automatic data type detection gets skipped.
Delimiter Yes No Delimiter to use when the format is delimited. This property is ignored for other formats.
Enable quoted values Yes No Whether to treat content between quotes as a value. This property is only used for the csv, tsv, or delimited formats. For example, if this property is set to true, the following outputs two fields: 1, "a, b, c". The first field has 1 as its value. The second has a, b, c. The quotation mark characters are trimmed. The newline delimiter cannot be within quotes.
The plugin assumes the quotes are correctly enclosed, for example, "a, b, c". Not closing a quote ("a,b,c,) causes an error.
Default value is False.
Use first row as header Yes No Whether to use the first line of each file as the column header. Supported formats are text, csv, tsv, and delimited.
Default is False.
Minimum split size Yes No Minimum size, in bytes, for each input partition. Smaller partitions increase the level of parallelism, but require more resources and overhead.
If the Format value is blob, you cannot split the data.
Maximum split size Yes No Maximum size, in bytes, for each input partition. Smaller partitions increase the level of parallelism, but require more resources and overhead.
If the Format value is blob, you cannot split the data.
Default is 128 MB.
Regex path filter Yes No Regular expression that file paths must match to be included in the input. The full path is compared, not just the filename. If no file is given, no file filtering is done. For more information about regular expression syntax, see Pattern.
Path field Yes No Output field to place the path of the file that the record was read from. If not specified, the path isn't included in output records. If specified, the field must exist in the output schema as a string.
Path filename only Yes No If a Path field property is set, use only the filename and not the URI of the path.
Default is False.
Read files recursively Yes No Whether files are to be read recursively from the path.
Default is False.
Allow empty input Yes No Whether to allow an input path that contains no data. When set to False, the plugin will error when there is no data to read. When set to True, no error is thrown and zero records are read.
Default is False.
Data file encrypted Yes No Whether files are encrypted. For more information, see Data file encryption.
Default is False.
Encryption metadata file suffix Yes No The filename suffix for the encryption metadata file.
Default is metadata.
File system properties Yes No Additional properties to use with the InputFormat when reading the data.
File encoding Yes No The character encoding for the files to be read.
Default is UTF-8.
Output schema Yes No If a Path field property is set, it must be present in the schema as a string.

Data file encryption

This section describes the Data file encryption property. If you set it to true, files are decrypted using the Streaming AEAD provided by the Tink library. Each data file must be accompanied with a metadata file that contains the cipher information. For example, an encrypted data file at gs://BUCKET/PATH_TO_DIRECTORY/file1.csv.enc must have a metadata file at gs://BUCKET/ PATH_TO_DIRECTORY/file1.csv.enc.metadata. The metadata file contains a JSON object with the following properties:

Property Description
kms The Cloud Key Management Service URI that was used to encrypt the Data Encryption Key.
aad The Base64 encoded Additional Authenticated Data used in the encryption.
key set A JSON object representing the serialized keyset information from the Tink library.


    /* Counting example */

      "kms": "gcp-kms://projects/my-key-project/locations/us-west1/keyRings/my-key-ring/cryptoKeys/mykey",

      "aad": "73iT4SUJBM24umXecCCf3A==",

      "keyset": {

          "keysetInfo": {

              "primaryKeyId": 602257784,

              "keyInfo": [{

                  "typeUrl": "",

                  "outputPrefixType": "RAW",

                  "keyId": 602257784,

                  "status": "ENABLED"



          "encryptedKeyset": "CiQAz5HH nUA0Zuqnz4LCnBEVTHS72s/zwjpcnAMIPGpW6kxLggSrAEAcJKHmXeg8kfJ3GD4GuFeWDZzgGn3tfolk6Yf5d7rxKxDEChIMWJWGhWlDHbBW5B9HqWfKx2nQWSC zjM8FLefVtPYrdJ8n6Eg8ksAnSyXmhN5LoIj6az3XBugtXvCCotQHrBuyoDY j5ZH9J4tm/bzrLEjCdWAc oAlhsUAV77jZhowJr6EBiyVuRVfcwLwiscWkQ9J7jjHc7ih9HKfnqAZmQ6iWP36OMrEn"



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