Create shared future reservation requests

This document explains how to create shared future reservation requests.

If Google Cloud approves your shared future reservation request, then, at the start time specified in your request, Compute Engine automatically creates reservations that are shared across multiple projects. These auto-created shared reservations are consumed by matching VMs and existing reservations in the project that hosts the future reservation (owner project) and the projects the future reservation is shared with (consumer projects). For more information about how the auto-created shared reservations work and can be consumed, see Create shared reservations.

Before you begin

  • If you haven't already:
  • If you haven't already, set up authentication. Authentication is the process by which your identity is verified for access to Google Cloud services and APIs. To run code or samples from a local development environment, you can authenticate to Compute Engine as follows.

    Select the tab for how you plan to use the samples on this page:


    When you use the Google Cloud console to access Google Cloud services and APIs, you don't need to set up authentication.


    1. Install the Google Cloud CLI, then initialize it by running the following command:

      gcloud init
    2. Set a default region and zone.


    To use the REST API samples on this page in a local development environment, you use the credentials you provide to the gcloud CLI.

      Install the Google Cloud CLI, then initialize it by running the following command:

      gcloud init

    For more information, see Authenticate for using REST in the Google Cloud authentication documentation.

Required roles

To get the permissions that you need to create shared future reservation requests, ask your administrator to grant you the Compute Future Reservation User (roles/compute.futureReservationUser) IAM role on the project. For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

This predefined role contains the permissions required to create shared future reservation requests. To see the exact permissions that are required, expand the Required permissions section:

Required permissions

The following permissions are required to create shared future reservation requests:

  • To create a future reservation request: compute.futureReservations.create on the project
  • To let Compute Engine auto-create reservations: compute.reservations.create on the project
  • To specify an instance template: compute.instanceTemplates.useReadOnly on the instance template

You might also be able to get these permissions with custom roles or other predefined roles.


In addition to the general restrictions for future reservations, creating shared future reservation requests has the following restrictions:

  • The project you use to create shared future reservation requests (the owner project) must be added to the allowlist for the Shared Reservations Owner Projects (compute.sharedReservationsOwnerProjects) organization policy constraint by an organization policy administrator. For more information, see Allow and restrict projects to create and modify shared reservations in the Compute Engine reservations documentation.

  • If you move a project that created a shared future reservation request to a different organization, the shared future reservation is deleted. The project is not automatically removed from the Shared Reservations Owner Projects (compute.sharedReservationsOwnerProjects) organizational policy constraint, but you can remove the project from this constraint if desired.

  • Each shared future reservation request can be shared with up to 100 consumer projects.

  • For each organization, you can create up to 100 shared future reservation requests for each unique combination of VM properties.

Create a draft request

When creating a future reservation request, you can either save the request as a draft and later submit it to Google Cloud for review, or directly submit the request for review. Google recommends creating a draft request first as this lets you determine the number of VMs that Compute Engine will provision for your request instead of manually estimating this number, and optionally modify the number of reserved VMs in the request before submitting it for review.

To consume an auto-created reservation for a future reservation, a VM must have properties that exactly match that reservation. To specify the properties of the VMs that you want to request to reserve by creating a draft future reservation request, use one of the following methods:

  • Recommended: Specify an instance template

    You can use an existing instance template to define the properties of a draft future reservation request. By using an instance template, you can define the properties of a future reservation request and the VMs that can consume the auto-created reservations in the same place. However, because templates are project-specific, you can't use the same template to create VMs that can consume the auto-created reservations outside of the project that created the future reservation request. For the projects the future reservation is shared with, you must create similar templates in those projects or create VMs by specifying properties directly.

  • Specify an existing VM

    You can use an existing VM to define the properties of a future reservation request. By using the properties of an existing VM, you can consume the auto-created reservations provisioned for the future reservation by creating VMs with properties that match the reference VM.

  • Specify properties directly

    You can directly define the properties of a draft future reservation request. This method requires you to manually ensure that the properties of your VMs and the auto-created reservations exactly match—any mismatched properties prevent consumption.

An auto-created reservation for a future reservation can be automatically consumed by any VM with matching properties. If you want to avoid a VM to consume any of these auto-created reservations, see how to create VMs without consuming reservations.

Specify an instance template

When creating a shared future reservation request by specifying an instance template, consider the following:

  • An instance template contains project-specific settings, so you can only access and use an instance template within the same project. If you create a shared future reservation request by specifying an instance template, you must create similar templates to create VMs, or create VMs by specifying matching properties directly, to consume the auto-created reservations in each consumer project.

  • You must create your future reservation request in the same region and zone as the resources within the instance template. Any regional or zonal resources that are specified in an instance template—such as a machine type or a Persistent Disk—restrict the use of the template to the locations where those resources are located. For example, if your instance template specifies an existing Persistent Disk in the us-central1-a zone, then you must create your future reservation request in the same zone. Otherwise, creating the future reservation request fails.

    To check if an existing template specifies any resources that bind the template to a specific region or zone, view the details of the template and look for references to regional or zonal resources inside of it.

  • If you want to attach the auto-created reservations provisioned for a future reservation to a commitment, then you must disable the auto-delete option. For more information, see Restrictions after creation.

After creating a future reservation request, you can't modify the future reservation request to override the template's VM properties or specify another template. Instead, if you need to change the VM properties specified in the request, you must create a new future reservation request.

To create a shared future reservation by specifying an existing instance template, select one of the following options:


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Reservations page.

    Go to Reservations

  2. Click the Future reservations tab.

  3. Click Create future reservation.

    The Create a future reservation page opens.

  4. For Name, enter a name for your future reservation request.

  5. For Prefix, enter a name prefix. The name of each auto-created reservation from this future reservation request starts with this prefix.

  6. For Region and Zone, select the region and zone in which to reserve resources.

  7. For Start time, enter a start time for the reservation period. The start time can't be later than one year from the date and time at which you submit a future reservation request for review. To have sufficient time to optionally modify, cancel, or delete the future reservation before it enters its lock time, specify a recommended value for the start time.

  8. For End time, enter an end time for the reservation period. The reservation period must last at least 24 hours.

    In the Duration summary section, you can see the length of the reservation period. To increase the likelihood that Google Cloud approves your future reservation request after submitting it for review, make sure to specify a recommended value for the reservation period.

  9. In the Share type section, do the following:

    1. To specify a shared future reservation request, select Shared.

    2. Click Add projects, and then select the projects from the current project's organization that you want to share the future reservation request with. You can select up to 100 projects.

  10. For Number of VM instances, enter the total count of VMs that you want reserved for the period, VM configuration, and projects specified in this future reservation request.

  11. In the Machine configuration section, do the following:

    1. Select Use instance template.

    2. For Instance template, select the instance template of your choice. If you select a regional instance template, then you can only reserve resources within the same region as the template's region.

  12. In the Auto-generated reservations auto-delete time section, do one of the following:

    • To enable Compute Engine to automatically delete the auto-created reservations for your future reservation request, do the following:

      1. Click the Enable auto-delete toggle to the on position if it isn't already set to it.

      2. Optional: For Auto-delete time, enter a date and time when to delete the auto-created reservations. The date and time must be after the end time of the reservation period. If you leave this field empty, then the auto-created reservations are deleted within two hours after the reservation period's end time.

    • Otherwise, click the Enable auto-delete toggle to the off position.

  13. To finish creating the draft future reservation request, click Save draft.

The Reservations page opens. Creating the future reservation request can take up to a minute to complete.


To create a shared future reservation request by specifying an instance template, use the gcloud beta compute future-reservations create command with the --share-setting=projects and --share-with flags.

To create a draft future reservation request by specifying an instance template without including any optional flags, and auto-delete the auto-created reservation at the end of the reservation period, run the following command:

gcloud beta compute future-reservations create FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
    --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
    --share-setting=projects \
    --share-with=CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS \
    --source-instance-template=projects/PROJECT_ID/LOCATION/instanceTemplates/INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME \
    --start-time=START_TIME \
    --end-time=END_TIME \
    --total-count=TOTAL_COUNT \

Replace the following:

  • FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME: the name of the future reservation request.

  • MACHINE_TYPE: the machine type to use for each reserved VM.

  • CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS: a comma-separated list of IDs of projects that you want to allow to consume the auto-created reservations for this future reservation request—for example, project-1,project-2. You can specify up to 100 projects. These projects must be in the same organization as the project where the future reservation request is created (the owner project). Don't specify the owner project. By default, it's already allowed to consume the auto-created reservations for this future reservation request.
  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project where you want to reserve resources and where the instance template is located.

  • LOCATION: the location of the instance template. Specify one of the following values:

    • For a regional instance template: regions/REGION. Replace REGION with the region where the instance template is located. If you specify a regional instance template, then you can only create the future reservation request within the same region as the template's region.

    • For a global instance template: global.

  • INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME: the name of an existing instance template.

  • START_TIME: the start time of the reservation period as an RFC 3339 timestamp, which must be formatted as follows:


    Replace the following:

    • YYYY-MM-DD: a data formatted as a 4-digit year, 2-digit month, and a 2-digit day of the month, separated by hyphens (-).

    • HH:MM:SS: a time formatted as a 2-digit hour using a 24-hour time, 2-digit minutes, and 2-digit seconds, separated by colons (:).

    • OFFSET: the time zone formatted as an offset of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For example, to use the Pacific Standard Time (PST), specify -08:00. Alternatively, to use no offset, specify Z.

    The start time can't be later than one year from the date and time at which you submit a future reservation request for review. To have sufficient time to optionally cancel, delete, or modify a future reservation request after it's approved and before it enters its lock time, specify a recommended value for the start time.

  • END_TIME: the end time of the reservation period formatted as an RFC 3339 timestamp. The reservation period must last at least 24 hours. Alternatively, you can replace the --end-time flag with the --duration=END_DURATION flag. Replace END_DURATION with the duration of the reservation period in seconds. For example, specify 1209600 for 1,209,600 seconds (14 days).

    To increase the likelihood that Google Cloud approves a future reservation request after submitting it for review, specify a recommended minimum duration.

  • TOTAL_COUNT: the total count of VMs that you want reserved.

  • ZONE: the zone in which to reserve resources.

For example, suppose that you want to create a draft future reservation request named fr-02 in zone us-central1-a with the following properties:

  • A reservation period that starts at midnight on November 10, 2024 UTC, and ends at midnight on December 10, 2024 UTC.

  • A total count of 80 VMs.

  • A regional instance template from region us-central1.
  • The auto-delete option enabled. The auto-created reservations are deleted at the end of the reservation period.
  • The future reservation request is shared with project-1 and project-2.

To create fr-02, run the following command:

gcloud beta compute future-reservations create fr-02 \
    --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
    --share-setting=projects \
    --share-with=project-1,project-2 \
    --source-instance-template=projects/example-project/regions/us-central1/instanceTemplates/example-template \
    --start-time=2024-11-10T00:00:00Z \
    --end-time=2024-12-10T00:00:00Z \
    --total-count=80 \

Optionally, you can do one or more of the following:

  • To delete the auto-created reservations after the end time of the reservation period, select one of the following methods:

    • To delete the auto-created reservations at a specific date and time after the end time of the reservation period, include the --auto-created-reservations-delete-time flag.

      gcloud beta compute future-reservations create FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
          --auto-created-reservations-delete-time=AUTO_CREATED_RESERVATIONS_DELETE_TIME \
          --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
          --share-setting=projects \
          --share-with=CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS \
          --source-instance-template=projects/PROJECT_ID/LOCATION/instanceTemplates/INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME \
          --start-time=START_TIME \
          --end-time=END_TIME \
          --total-count=TOTAL_COUNT \

      Replace AUTO_CREATED_RESERVATIONS_DELETE_TIME with a date and time formatted as an RFC 3339 timestamp.

    • To delete the auto-created reservations after a specific duration after the end time of the reservation period, include the --auto-created-reservations-duration flag.

      gcloud beta compute future-reservations create FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
          --auto-created-reservations-duration=DURATION_BEFORE_DELETE \
          --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
          --share-setting=projects \
          --share-with=CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS \
          --source-instance-template=projects/PROJECT_ID/LOCATION/instanceTemplates/INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME \
          --start-time=START_TIME \
          --end-time=END_TIME \
          --total-count=TOTAL_COUNT \

      Replace DURATION_BEFORE_DELETE with a duration in days, hours, minutes or seconds. For example, specify 30m for 30 minutes, or 1d2h3m4s for one day, two hours, three minutes, and four seconds.

  • To disable the auto-delete option for the auto-created reservations, replace the --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations flag with the --no-auto-delete-auto-created-reservations flag.

    gcloud beta compute future-reservations create FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
        --no-auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
        --share-setting=projects \
        --share-with=CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS \
        --source-instance-template=projects/PROJECT_ID/LOCATION/instanceTemplates/INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME \
        --start-time=START_TIME \
        --end-time=END_TIME \
        --total-count=TOTAL_COUNT \
  • To specify a name prefix for the auto-created reservations, include the --name-prefix flag.

    gcloud beta compute future-reservations create FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
        --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
        --name-prefix=NAME_PREFIX \
        --share-setting=projects \
        --share-with=CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS \
        --source-instance-template=projects/PROJECT_ID/LOCATION/instanceTemplates/INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME \
        --start-time=START_TIME \
        --end-time=END_TIME \
        --total-count=TOTAL_COUNT \

    Replace NAME_PREFIX with the name prefix for each auto-created reservation. To help you identify the auto-created reservations for this future reservation request, Google Cloud recommends to specify a unique name prefix.


To create a shared future reservation request by specifying an instance template, make a POST request to the beta.futureReservations.insert method.

To create a draft future reservation request by specifying an instance template without including any optional fields, make a POST request as follows:


  "autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations": AUTO_DELETE_AUTO_CREATED_RESERVATIONS,
  "shareSettings": {
    "projects": [
    "shareType": "SPECIFIC_PROJECTS"
  "specificSkuProperties": { 
    "sourceInstanceTemplate": "projects/PROJECT_ID/LOCATION/instanceTemplates/INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME",
    "totalCount": TOTAL_COUNT
  "timeWindow": {
    "startTime": "START_TIME",
    "endTime": "END_TIME"

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project in which you want to reserve resources and where the instance template is located.

  • ZONE: the zone in which to reserve resources.

  • AUTO_DELETE_AUTO_CREATED_RESERVATIONS: if you set this field to true, then Compute Engine automatically deletes the auto-created reservations for this future reservation within two hours from the end time of reservation period. If you want to attach your auto-created reservations to a commitment, then set this field to false.

  • CONSUMER_PROJECT_ID_1 and CONSUMER_PROJECT_ID_2: the IDs of projects that this future reservation request can be shared with. You can specify up to 100 projects. These projects must be in the same organization as the project where the future reservation request is created (the owner project). Don't specify the owner project. By default, it's already allowed to consume the auto-created reservations for this future reservation request.
  • LOCATION: the location of the instance template. Specify one of the following values:

    • For a regional instance template: regions/REGION. Replace REGION with the region where the instance template is located. If you specify a regional instance template, then you can only create the future reservation request within the same region as the template's region.

    • For a global instance template: global.

  • INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME: the name of an existing instance template.

  • TOTAL_COUNT: the total count of VMs that you want reserved.

  • START_TIME: the start time of the reservation period as an RFC 3339 timestamp, which must be formatted as follows:


    Replace the following:

    • YYYY-MM-DD: a data formatted as a 4-digit year, 2-digit month, and a 2-digit day of the month, separated by hyphens (-).

    • HH:MM:SS: a time formatted as a 2-digit hour using a 24-hour time, 2-digit minutes, and 2-digit seconds, separated by colons (:).

    • OFFSET: the time zone formatted as an offset of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For example, to use the Pacific Standard Time (PST), specify -08:00. Alternatively, to use no offset, specify Z.

    The start time can't be later than one year from the date and time at which you submit a future reservation request for review. To have sufficient time to optionally cancel, delete, or modify a future reservation request after it's approved and before it enters its lock time, specify a recommended value for the start time.

  • END_TIME: the end time of the reservation period formatted as an RFC 3339 timestamp. The reservation period must last at least 24 hours. Alternatively, you can replace the endTime field with the duration field to specify a specific duration from the start time of the reservation period:

    "duration": {
      "seconds": END_DURATION

    Replace END_DURATION with a duration in seconds. For example, specify 1209600 for 1,209,600 seconds (14 days).

    To increase the likelihood that Google Cloud approves a future reservation request after you submit it for review, specify one of the recommended values for your reservation period.

For example, suppose that you want to create a draft future reservation request named fr-02 in zone us-central1-a with the following properties:

  • A reservation period that starts at midnight on November 10, 2024 UTC, and ends at midnight on December 10, 2024 UTC.

  • A total count of 80 VMs.

  • A regional instance template from region us-central1.
  • The auto-delete option enabled. The auto-created reservations are deleted at the end of the reservation period.
  • The future reservation request is shared with project-1 and project-2.

To create fr-02, make a POST request as follows:


  "autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations": true,
  "name": "fr-02",
  "specificSkuProperties": { 
    "sourceInstanceTemplate": "projects/example-project/regions/us-central1/instanceTemplates/example-template",
    "totalCount": 80
  "shareSettings": {
    "projects": [
    "shareType": "SPECIFIC_PROJECTS"
  "timeWindow": {
    "startTime": "2024-11-10T00:00:00Z",
    "endTime": "2024-12-10T00:00:00Z"

Optionally, you can do one or more of the following:

  • To specify a name prefix for the auto-created reservations, include the namePrefix field.

      "autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations": AUTO_DELETE_AUTO_CREATED_RESERVATIONS,
      "namePrefix": "NAME_PREFIX",
      "shareSettings": {
        "projects": [
        "shareType": "SPECIFIC_PROJECTS"
      "specificSkuProperties": { 
        "sourceInstanceTemplate": "projects/PROJECT_ID/LOCATION/instanceTemplates/INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME",
        "totalCount": TOTAL_COUNT
      "timeWindow": {
        "startTime": "START_TIME",
        "endTime": "END_TIME"

    Replace NAME_PREFIX with the name prefix for each auto-created reservation. To help you identify the auto-created reservations for this future reservation request, Google Cloud recommends to specify a unique name prefix.

  • To delete the auto-created reservations after the end time of the reservation period, select one of the following methods:

    • To delete the auto-created reservations after a specific time after the end of your reservation period, set the autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations to true and include the autoCreatedReservationsDeleteTime field.

        "autoCreatedReservationsDeleteTime": "DELETE_TIME",
        "autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations": true,
        "name": "FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME",
        "shareSettings": {
          "projects": [
          "shareType": "SPECIFIC_PROJECTS"
        "specificSkuProperties": { 
          "sourceInstanceTemplate": "projects/PROJECT_ID/LOCATION/instanceTemplates/INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME",
          "totalCount": TOTAL_COUNT
        "timeWindow": {
          "startTime": "START_TIME",
          "endTime": "END_TIME"

      Replace DELETE_TIME with a date and time when Compute Engine deletes the auto-created reservations. The date and time must be formatted as an RFC 3339 timestamp.

    • To delete the auto-created reservations after a specific duration from the start time of the reservation period, set the autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations to true and include the autoCreatedReservationsDuration field.

        "autoCreatedReservationsDuration": {
          "seconds": "DURATION_BEFORE_DELETE"
        "autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations": true,
        "name": "FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME",
        "shareSettings": {
          "projects": [
          "shareType": "SPECIFIC_PROJECTS"
        "specificSkuProperties": { 
          "sourceInstanceTemplate": "projects/PROJECT_ID/LOCATION/instanceTemplates/INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME",
          "totalCount": TOTAL_COUNT
        "timeWindow": {
          "startTime": "START_TIME",
          "endTime": "END_TIME"

      Replace DURATION_BEFORE_DELETE with a duration in seconds. For example, specify 604800 for 604,800 seconds (7 days).

After creating a draft future reservation request, you can determine the number of VMs that Compute Engine will provision for the request.

Specify an existing VM

You can only create a draft future reservation request based on an existing VM in the same project and zone as the VM.

After the future reservation request is approved by Google Cloud and it enters its reservation period, you can consume its auto-created reservations by creating VMs with properties that match the reference VM. You can do this by doing one of the following:

  • Create and use an instance template as follows:

    1. Create an instance template based on the reference VM without overriding the reference VM's properties.

    2. Create VMs using the newly-created template by doing one or both of the following:

  • Create a VM with properties that exactly match the reference VM as follows:

    • In the owner project, create a VM based on the reference VM without changing the properties of the VM that you're creating.

    • In the consumer projects, create a VM while manually ensuring that its properties and the reference VM's properties match.

To create a shared future reservation request that uses the properties of an existing VM, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Reservations page.

    Go to Reservations

  2. Click the Future reservations tab.

  3. Click Create future reservation.

    The Create a future reservation page opens.

  4. For Name, enter a name for your future reservation request.

  5. For Prefix, enter a name prefix. The name of each auto-created reservation from this future reservation request starts with this prefix.

  6. For Region and Zone, select the region and zone in which to reserve resources.

  7. For Start time, enter a start time for the reservation period. The start time can't be later than one year from the date and time at which you submit a future reservation request for review. To have sufficient time to optionally modify, cancel, or delete the future reservation before it enters its lock time, specify a recommended value for the start time.

  8. For End time, enter an end time for the reservation period. The reservation period must last at least 24 hours.

    In the Duration summary section, you can see the length of the reservation period. To increase the likelihood that Google Cloud approves your future reservation request after submitting it for review, make sure to specify a recommended value for the reservation period.

  9. In the Share type section, do the following:

    1. To specify a shared future reservation request, select Shared.

    2. Click Add projects, and then select the projects from the current project's organization that you want to share the future reservation request with. You can select up to 100 projects.

  10. For Number of VM instances, enter the total count of VMs that you want reserved for the period, VM configuration, and projects specified in this future reservation request.

  11. In the Machine configuration section, do the following:

    1. Select Use existing VM.

    2. For Existing VM, select the VM which properties you want to use to create the reservation.

  12. In the Auto-generated reservations auto-delete time section, do one of the following:

    • To enable Compute Engine to automatically delete the auto-created reservations for your future reservation request, do the following:

      1. Click the Enable auto-delete toggle to the on position if it isn't already set to it.

      2. Optional: For Auto-delete time, enter a date and time when to delete the auto-created reservations. The date and time must be after the end time of the reservation period. If you leave this field empty, then the auto-created reservations are deleted within two hours after the reservation period's end time.

    • Otherwise, click the Enable auto-delete toggle to the off position.

  13. To finish creating the draft future reservation request, click Save draft.

The Reservations page opens. Creating the future reservation request can take up to a minute to complete.

After creating a draft future reservation request, you can determine the number of VMs that Compute Engine will provision for the request.

Specify properties directly

If you want to attach the auto-created reservations provisioned for a future reservation to a commitment, then you must disable the auto-delete option. For more information, see Restrictions after creation.

To create a shared future reservation request by specifying properties directly, select one of the following options:


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Reservations page.

    Go to Reservations

  2. Click the Future reservations tab.

  3. Click Create future reservation.

    The Create a future reservation page opens.

  4. For Name, enter a name for your future reservation request.

  5. For Prefix, enter a name prefix. The name of each auto-created reservation from this future reservation request starts with this prefix.

  6. For Region and Zone, select the region and zone in which to reserve resources.

  7. For Start time, enter a start time for the reservation period. The start time can't be later than one year from the date and time at which you submit a future reservation request for review. To have sufficient time to optionally modify, cancel, or delete the future reservation before it enters its lock time, specify a recommended value for the start time.

  8. For End time, enter an end time for the reservation period. The reservation period must last at least 24 hours.

    In the Duration summary section, you can see the length of the reservation period. To increase the likelihood that Google Cloud approves your future reservation request after submitting it for review, make sure to specify a recommended value for the reservation period.

  9. In the Share type section, do the following:

    1. To specify a shared future reservation request, select Shared.

    2. Click Add projects, and then select the projects from the current project's organization that you want to share the future reservation request with. You can select up to 100 projects.

  10. For Number of VM instances, enter the total count of VMs that you want reserved for the period, VM configuration, and projects specified in this future reservation request.

  11. In the Machine configuration section, do the following:

    1. Select Specify machine type if it isn't already selected.

    2. Specify the machine type to use for the reserved VMs.

  12. In the Auto-generated reservations auto-delete time section, do one of the following:

    • To enable Compute Engine to automatically delete the auto-created reservations for your future reservation request, do the following:

      1. Click the Enable auto-delete toggle to the on position if it isn't already set to it.

      2. Optional: For Auto-delete time, enter a date and time when to delete the auto-created reservations. The date and time must be after the end time of the reservation period. If you leave this field empty, then the auto-created reservations are deleted within two hours after the reservation period's end time.

    • Otherwise, click the Enable auto-delete toggle to the off position.

  13. To finish creating the draft future reservation request, click Save draft.

The Reservations page opens. Creating the future reservation request can take up to a minute to complete.


To create a shared future reservation request by specifying properties directly, use the gcloud beta compute future-reservations create command with the --share-setting=projects and --share-with flags.

To create a draft future reservation request by specifying properties directly without including any optional flags, and auto-delete the auto-created reservation at the end of the reservation period, run the following command:

gcloud beta compute future-reservations create FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
    --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
    --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE \
    --share-setting=projects \
    --share-with=CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS \
    --start-time=START_TIME \
    --end-time=END_TIME \
    --total-count=TOTAL_COUNT \

Replace the following:

  • FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME: the name of the future reservation request.

  • MACHINE_TYPE: the machine type to use for each reserved VM.

  • CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS: a comma-separated list of IDs of projects that you want to allow to consume the auto-created reservations for this future reservation request—for example, project-1,project-2. You can specify up to 100 projects. These projects must be in the same organization as the project where the future reservation request is created (the owner project). Don't specify the owner project. By default, it's already allowed to consume the auto-created reservations for this future reservation request.
  • START_TIME: the start time of the reservation period as an RFC 3339 timestamp, which must be formatted as follows:


    Replace the following:

    • YYYY-MM-DD: a data formatted as a 4-digit year, 2-digit month, and a 2-digit day of the month, separated by hyphens (-).

    • HH:MM:SS: a time formatted as a 2-digit hour using a 24-hour time, 2-digit minutes, and 2-digit seconds, separated by colons (:).

    • OFFSET: the time zone formatted as an offset of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For example, to use the Pacific Standard Time (PST), specify -08:00. Alternatively, to use no offset, specify Z.

    The start time can't be later than one year from the date and time at which you submit a future reservation request for review. To have sufficient time to optionally cancel, delete, or modify a future reservation request after it's approved and before it enters its lock time, specify a recommended value for the start time.

  • END_TIME: the end time of the reservation period formatted as an RFC 3339 timestamp. The reservation period must last at least 24 hours. Alternatively, you can replace the --end-time flag with the --duration=END_DURATION flag. Replace END_DURATION with the duration of the reservation period in seconds. For example, specify 1209600 for 1,209,600 seconds (14 days).

    To increase the likelihood that Google Cloud approves a future reservation request after submitting it for review, specify a recommended minimum duration.

  • TOTAL_COUNT: the total count of VMs that you want reserved.

  • ZONE: the zone in which to reserve resources.

For example, suppose that you want to create a draft future reservation request named fr-02 in zone us-central1-a with the following properties:

  • A reservation period that starts at midnight on November 10, 2024 UTC, and ends at midnight on December 10, 2024 UTC.

  • A total count of 80 VMs.

  • An N2 predefined machine type with 4 vCPUs.
  • The auto-delete option enabled. The auto-created reservations are deleted at the end of the reservation period.
  • The future reservation request is shared with project-1 and project-2.

To create fr-02, run the following command:

gcloud beta compute future-reservations create fr-02 \
    --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
    --machine-type=n2-standard-4 \
    --share-setting=projects \
    --share-with=project-1,project-2 \
    --start-time=2024-11-10T00:00:00Z \
    --end-time=2024-12-10T00:00:00Z \
    --total-count=80 \

Optionally, you can do one or more of the following:

  • To attach GPUs to your reserved N1 VMs, include the --accelerator flag.

    gcloud beta compute future-reservations create FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
        --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
        --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE \
        --share-setting=projects \
        --share-with=CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS \
        --start-time=START_TIME \
        --end-time=END_TIME \
        --total-count=TOTAL_COUNT \

    Replace the following:

    • NUMBER_OF_ACCELERATORS: the number of GPUs to add per reserved VM.

    • ACCELERATOR_TYPE: a supported GPU model for N1 VMs. To prevent errors, ensure that your chosen GPU model is available in the zone where you're creating the future reservation request.

  • To delete the auto-created reservations after the end time of the reservation period, select one of the following methods:

    • To delete the auto-created reservations at a specific date and time after the end time of the reservation period, include the --auto-created-reservations-delete-time flag.

      gcloud beta compute future-reservations create FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
          --auto-created-reservations-delete-time=AUTO_CREATED_RESERVATIONS_DELETE_TIME \
          --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
          --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE \
          --share-setting=projects \
          --share-with=CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS \
          --start-time=START_TIME \
          --end-time=END_TIME \
          --total-count=TOTAL_COUNT \

      Replace AUTO_CREATED_RESERVATIONS_DELETE_TIME with a date and time formatted as an RFC 3339 timestamp.

    • To delete the auto-created reservations after a specific duration after the end time of the reservation period, include the --auto-created-reservations-duration flag.

      gcloud beta compute future-reservations create FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
          --auto-created-reservations-duration=DURATION_BEFORE_DELETE \
          --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
          --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE \
          --share-setting=projects \
          --share-with=CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS \
          --start-time=START_TIME \
          --end-time=END_TIME \
          --total-count=TOTAL_COUNT \

      Replace DURATION_BEFORE_DELETE with a duration in days, hours, minutes or seconds. For example, specify 30m for 30 minutes, or 1d2h3m4s for one day, two hours, three minutes, and four seconds.

  • To disable the auto-delete option for the auto-created reservations, replace the --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations flag with the --no-auto-delete-auto-created-reservations flag.

    gcloud beta compute future-reservations create FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
        --no-auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
        --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE \
        --share-setting=projects \
        --share-with=CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS \
        --start-time=START_TIME \
        --end-time=END_TIME \
        --total-count=TOTAL_COUNT \
  • To add one or more Local SSD disks to each reserved VM, include one or more --local-ssd flags. You can specify up to 24 Local SSD disks. Each Local SSD disk is 375 GB.

    For example, to specify two Local SSD disks when creating a draft future reservation request, include two --local-ssd flags as follows:

    gcloud beta compute future-reservations create FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
        --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
        --local-ssd=size=375,interface=INTERFACE_1 \
        --local-ssd=size=375,interface=INTERFACE_2 \
        --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE \
        --share-setting=projects \
        --share-with=CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS \
        --start-time=START_TIME \
        --end-time=END_TIME \
        --total-count=TOTAL_COUNT \

    Replace INTERFACE_1 and INTERFACE_2 with the type of interface you want the Local SSD disk to use as follows:

    Make sure that the machine type you specify for the reserved VMs supports the chosen disk interfaces. Otherwise, creating the future reservation request fails. For more information, see how to choose a disk interface.

  • To have the reserved VMs use a specific minimum CPU platform instead of the zone's default CPU platform, include the --min-cpu-platform flag.

    gcloud beta compute future-reservations create FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
        --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
        --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE \
        --min-cpu-platform="MIN_CPU_PLATFORM" \
        --share-setting=projects \
        --share-with=CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS \
        --start-time=START_TIME \
        --end-time=END_TIME \
        --total-count=TOTAL_COUNT \

    Replace MIN_CPU_PLATFORM with a minimum CPU platform. To make sure that a CPU platform is available in the zone where you're reserving resources, view the available CPU platforms by zone.

  • To specify a name prefix for the auto-created reservations, include the --name-prefix flag.

    gcloud beta compute future-reservations create FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
        --auto-delete-auto-created-reservations \
        --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE \
        --name-prefix=NAME_PREFIX \
        --share-setting=projects \
        --share-with=CONSUMER_PROJECT_IDS \
        --start-time=START_TIME \
        --end-time=END_TIME \
        --total-count=TOTAL_COUNT \

    Replace NAME_PREFIX with the name prefix for each auto-created reservation. To help you identify the auto-created reservations for this future reservation request, Google Cloud recommends to specify a unique name prefix.


To create a shared future reservation request by specifying properties directly, make a POST request to the beta.futureReservations.insert method.

To create a draft future reservation request by specifying properties directly without including any optional fields, make a POST request as follows:


  "autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations": AUTO_DELETE_AUTO_CREATED_RESERVATIONS,
  "shareSettings": {
    "projects": [
    "shareType": "SPECIFIC_PROJECTS"
  "specificSkuProperties": { 
    "instanceProperties": {
      "machineType": "MACHINE_TYPE"
    "totalCount": TOTAL_COUNT
  "timeWindow": {
    "startTime": "START_TIME",
    "endTime": "END_TIME"

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project in which you want to reserve resources.

  • ZONE: the zone in which to reserve resources.

  • AUTO_DELETE_AUTO_CREATED_RESERVATIONS: if you set this field to true, then Compute Engine automatically deletes the auto-created reservations for this future reservation within two hours from the end time of reservation period. If you want to attach your auto-created reservations to a commitment, then set this field to false.

  • CONSUMER_PROJECT_ID_1 and CONSUMER_PROJECT_ID_2: the IDs of projects that this future reservation request can be shared with. You can specify up to 100 projects. These projects must be in the same organization as the project where the future reservation request is created (the owner project). Don't specify the owner project. By default, it's already allowed to consume the auto-created reservations for this future reservation request.
  • TOTAL_COUNT: the total count of VMs that you want reserved.

  • START_TIME: the start time of the reservation period as an RFC 3339 timestamp, which must be formatted as follows:


    Replace the following:

    • YYYY-MM-DD: a data formatted as a 4-digit year, 2-digit month, and a 2-digit day of the month, separated by hyphens (-).

    • HH:MM:SS: a time formatted as a 2-digit hour using a 24-hour time, 2-digit minutes, and 2-digit seconds, separated by colons (:).

    • OFFSET: the time zone formatted as an offset of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For example, to use the Pacific Standard Time (PST), specify -08:00. Alternatively, to use no offset, specify Z.

    The start time can't be later than one year from the date and time at which you submit a future reservation request for review. To have sufficient time to optionally cancel, delete, or modify a future reservation request after it's approved and before it enters its lock time, specify a recommended value for the start time.

  • END_TIME: the end time of the reservation period formatted as an RFC 3339 timestamp. The reservation period must last at least 24 hours. Alternatively, you can replace the endTime field with the duration field to specify a specific duration from the start time of the reservation period:

    "duration": {
      "seconds": END_DURATION

    Replace END_DURATION with a duration in seconds. For example, specify 1209600 for 1,209,600 seconds (14 days).

    To increase the likelihood that Google Cloud approves a future reservation request after you submit it for review, specify one of the recommended values for your reservation period.

For example, suppose that you want to create a draft future reservation request named fr-02 in zone us-central1-a with the following properties:

  • A reservation period that starts at midnight on November 10, 2024 UTC, and ends at midnight on December 10, 2024 UTC.

  • A total count of 80 VMs.

  • An N2 predefined machine type with 4 vCPUs.
  • The auto-delete option enabled. The auto-created reservations are deleted at the end of the reservation period.
  • The future reservation request is shared with project-1 and project-2.

To create fr-02, make a POST request as follows:


  "autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations": true,
  "name": "fr-02",
  "specificSkuProperties": { 
    "instanceProperties": {
      "machineType": "n2-standard-4"
    "totalCount": 80
  "shareSettings": {
    "projects": [
    "shareType": "SPECIFIC_PROJECTS"
  "timeWindow": {
    "startTime": "2024-11-10T00:00:00Z",
    "endTime": "2024-12-10T00:00:00Z"

Optionally, you can do one or more of the following:

  • To specify a name prefix for the auto-created reservations, include the namePrefix field.

      "autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations": AUTO_DELETE_AUTO_CREATED_RESERVATIONS,
      "namePrefix": "NAME_PREFIX",
      "shareSettings": {
        "projects": [
        "shareType": "SPECIFIC_PROJECTS"
      "specificSkuProperties": { 
        "instanceProperties": {
          "machineType": "MACHINE_TYPE"
        "totalCount": TOTAL_COUNT
      "timeWindow": {
        "startTime": "START_TIME",
        "endTime": "END_TIME"

    Replace NAME_PREFIX with the name prefix for each auto-created reservation. To help you identify the auto-created reservations for this future reservation request, Google Cloud recommends to specify a unique name prefix.

  • To attach GPUs to your reserved N1 VMs, include the guestAccelerators field.

      "autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations": AUTO_DELETE_AUTO_CREATED_RESERVATIONS,
      "shareSettings": {
        "projects": [
        "shareType": "SPECIFIC_PROJECTS"
      "specificSkuProperties": {
        "instanceProperties": {
          "guestAccelerators": [
              "acceleratorCount": NUMBER_OF_ACCELERATORS,
              "acceleratorType": "ACCELERATOR_TYPE"
          "machineType": "MACHINE_TYPE"
        "totalCount": TOTAL_COUNT
      "timeWindow": {
        "startTime": "START_TIME",
        "endTime": "END_TIME"

    Replace the following:

    • NUMBER_OF_ACCELERATORS: the number of GPUs to add per reserved VM.

    • ACCELERATOR_TYPE: a supported GPU model for N1 VMs. To prevent errors, ensure that your chosen GPU model is available in the zone where you're creating the future reservation request.

  • To add one or more Local SSD disks to each reserved VM, include the localSsds field. You can specify up to 24 Local SSD disks. Each Local SSD disk is 375 GB.

    For example, to specify two Local SSD disks when creating a draft future reservation request, make a POST request as follows:

      "autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations": AUTO_DELETE_AUTO_CREATED_RESERVATIONS,
      "shareSettings": {
        "projects": [
        "shareType": "SPECIFIC_PROJECTS"
      "specificSkuProperties": {
        "instanceProperties": {
          "localSsds": [
              "diskSizeGb": "375",
              "interface": "INTERFACE_1"
              "diskSizeGb": "375",
              "interface": "INTERFACE_2"
          "machineType": "MACHINE_TYPE"
        "totalCount": TOTAL_COUNT
      "timeWindow": {
        "startTime": "START_TIME",
        "endTime": "END_TIME"

    Replace INTERFACE_1 and INTERFACE_2 with the type of interface you want the Local SSD disks to use:

    Ensure that the machine type you specify for the reserved VMs supports the chosen disk interfaces. Otherwise, creating the future reservation request fails. For more information, see how to choose a disk interface.

  • To have the reserved VMs use a specific minimum CPU platform instead of the zone's default CPU platform, include the minCpuPlatform.

      "autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations": AUTO_DELETE_AUTO_CREATED_RESERVATIONS,
      "shareSettings": {
        "projects": [
        "shareType": "SPECIFIC_PROJECTS"
      "specificSkuProperties": {
        "instanceProperties": {
          "machineType": "MACHINE_TYPE",
          "minCpuPlatform": "MINIMUM_CPU_PLATFORM"
        "totalCount": TOTAL_COUNT
      "timeWindow": {
        "startTime": "START_TIME",
        "endTime": "END_TIME"

    Replace MIN_CPU_PLATFORM with a minimum CPU platform. To ensure that a CPU platform is available in the zone where you're reserving resources, view the available CPU platforms by zone.

  • To delete the auto-created reservations after the end time of the reservation period, select one of the following methods:

    • To delete the auto-created reservations after a specific time after the end of your reservation period, set the autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations to true and include the autoCreatedReservationsDeleteTime field.

        "autoCreatedReservationsDeleteTime": "DELETE_TIME",
        "autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations": true,
        "name": "FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME",
        "shareSettings": {
          "projects": [
          "shareType": "SPECIFIC_PROJECTS"
        "specificSkuProperties": { 
          "instanceProperties": {
            "machineType": "MACHINE_TYPE"
          "totalCount": TOTAL_COUNT
        "timeWindow": {
          "startTime": "START_TIME",
          "endTime": "END_TIME"

      Replace DELETE_TIME with a date and time when Compute Engine deletes the auto-created reservations. The date and time must be formatted as an RFC 3339 timestamp.

    • To delete the auto-created reservations after a specific duration from the start time of the reservation period, set the autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations to true and include the autoCreatedReservationsDuration field.

        "autoCreatedReservationsDuration": {
          "seconds": "DURATION_BEFORE_DELETE"
        "autoDeleteAutoCreatedReservations": true,
        "name": "FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME",
        "shareSettings": {
          "projects": [
          "shareType": "SPECIFIC_PROJECTS"
        "specificSkuProperties": { 
          "instanceProperties": {
            "machineType": "MACHINE_TYPE"
          "totalCount": TOTAL_COUNT
        "timeWindow": {
          "startTime": "START_TIME",
          "endTime": "END_TIME"

      Replace DURATION_BEFORE_DELETE with a duration in seconds. For example, specify 604800 for 604,800 seconds (7 days).

After creating a draft future reservation request, you can determine the number of VMs that Compute Engine will provision for the request.

Submit a draft request

After a future reservation request is submitted, approved by Google Cloud, and past its lock time, you can delete the future reservation and its auto-created reservations only after the end of the future reservation's reservation period. Deleting an existing future reservation is useful if you need to create another future reservation with the same properties. Thus, before creating a future reservation request, make sure of the following:

  • Any existing reservations or future reservations in a project restrict the share settings of the future reservation requests that you can create. To ensure that you can successfully create a future reservation request, and your request doesn't cause issues in other projects you share future reservation requests or reservations with, see Restrictions.

  • You must commit to pay for the reserved resources that Compute Engine provisions for the entire reservation period, regardless if the auto-created reservations are consumed or not. For more information, see Billing.

If you want to modify one or more properties when submitting the draft future reservation request for review, then see Modify future reservation requests instead.

To submit a draft future reservation request to Google Cloud for review, select one of the following options:


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Reservations page.

    Go to Reservations

  2. Click the Future reservations tab.

  3. In the Name column, click the name of the future reservation request with a procurement status of Drafting.

    The Future reservations page with the details of the future reservation request opens.

  4. Click Edit draft.

    The page to update the draft future reservation request opens.

  5. To submit the draft future reservation request for review, click Submit.

The Reservation page opens. In the Status column of the future reservation request you've just submitted, the procurement status is set to Pending approval.


To submit a draft future reservation request for review, use the gcloud beta compute future-reservations update command with the --planning-status flag set to SUBMITTED.

gcloud beta compute future-reservations update FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME \
    --planning-status=SUBMITTED \

Replace the following:

  • FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME: the name of an existing draft future reservation request.

  • ZONE: the zone where the future reservation request is located.


To submit a draft future reservation request for review, make a PATCH request to the beta.futureReservations.update method. In the request body, include the planningStatus field and set it to SUBMITTED.


  "planningStatus": "SUBMITTED"

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project where the future reservation request is located.

  • ZONE: the zone where the future reservation request is located.

  • FUTURE_RESERVATION_NAME: the name of an existing draft future reservation request.

After you submit a draft future reservation request for review, you can do the following:


If you run into errors when creating a future reservation request, then see how to troubleshoot future reservation requests.

If you still encounter issues after troubleshooting, then contact your Technical Account Manager or the Sales Team.

What's next