Announcement of upcoming pricing changes for custom machine types

This document provides detailed information about the announcement regarding custom machine type pricing for Compute Engine. The document contains information about the following changes to on-demand pricing, commitment pricing, and SKUs for virtual machine (VM) instances that use custom machine types:

  • Starting February 1, 2024, the on-demand prices of N1, N2, and N2D custom machine types will change.

  • Starting February 1, 2024, the on-demand prices and SKUs of E2 and G2 custom machine types will change.

  • Starting May 1, 2024, you will be charged a premium on the prices of your 1-year and 3-year commitments if you use them for VMs of custom machine types. Additionally, new premium SKUs will be introduced for these custom machine types.

For information about the exact changes that are being introduced, see the What is changing? section in this document.

For current pricing information, see the VM instance pricing page.

What are custom machine types?

Predefined machine types offer a variety of vCPU counts with a fixed amount of memory. With custom machine types, you can customize the number of vCPUs and the amount of memory for your VM when the available predefined machines aren't optimal for your workload. In some scenarios, you can save 50% or more on your costs, compared to the predefined machine types at other public cloud providers, by configuring an optimal VM for your workload on Google Cloud. Learn more about how to create VMs with a custom machine type.

What is changing?

To ensure the consistent application of a 5% price premium charge on the prices for all custom machine types over the predefined shapes in the same machine series, Google Cloud is introducing changes to the prices and SKUs of Compute Engine custom machine types. These changes will apply to both on-demand and committed use discount (CUD) usage. To ensure the consistent application of the 5% premium across all regions for all custom machine type VMs, Google Cloud is doing the following for custom machine types:

  • On-demand usage: Google Cloud is correcting the on-demand prices of Compute Engine SKUs. The premium amount had previously been unevenly applied across regions. Google Cloud is also introducing new on-demand SKUs for certain custom machine types.

  • CUD usage: Google Cloud is introducing a 5% premium charge over the 1-year and 3-year commitment prices. Google Cloud is also introducing CUD premium SKUs that will be used to charge the 5% premium.

The following table explains in detail about how these price and SKU changes impact your custom machine type usage:

Usage type Impacted custom machine types Price impact SKU impact Where to find updated SKUs and prices
On-demand usage N1, N2, and N2D The on-demand prices will change and will reflect a consistent 5% premium over the prices for predefined machine types from the same machine series.. The on-demand SKUs will remain the same. For the exact changes in prices, see Mapping old prices to new prices for N1, N2, and N2D SKUs.
On-demand usage E2 and G2

The on-demand prices will change.

The new prices will reflect a consistent 5% premium over the prices for predefined machine types from the same machine series.

The on-demand SKUs will change.

There will be new SKUs for E2 and G2 custom machine types. Compute Engine will continue to use the old SKUs to charge the predefined machine types.

For the exact changes in SKUs and their prices, see Mapping old SKUs to new SKUs for E2 and G2 SKUs.
CUD usage All custom machine types The 1-year and 3-year commitment prices will remain the same. However, when you use your commitments to run VMs of custom machine types, Compute Engine charges a 5% premium over the commitment prices for predefined machine types from the same machine series.

The 1-year and 3-year commitment SKUs will remain the same. However, there will be a new CUD premium SKU for each region of each machine series that offers custom machine types.

Compute Engine uses these new SKUs to charge the CUD premium over your 1-year and 3-year commitment prices. When you use your commitments to run VMs of custom machine types, Compute Engine automatically applies the corresponding CUD premium SKU to your bill.

For the full list of new SKUs and their exact prices, see New CUD premium SKUs for all custom machine types

When will this change take effect?

The changes will take effect on the following dates:

  • For all affected on-demand prices and SKUs, the changes will take effect starting on February 1, 2024 at 12 AM US and Canadian Pacific Time (UTC-8).

  • For all affected commitment prices and SKUs, the changes will take effect starting on May 1, 2024 at 12 AM US and Canadian Pacific Time (UTC-7).

Why is this change taking place?

This pricing change is being introduced for the following reasons:

  1. To clearly communicate the cost of custom machine types to customers and eliminate the existing confusions that surround the pricing. This change will make pricing consistent, clear, and transparent.
  2. To support the rising costs involved in maintaining custom machine types of different shapes. This change will ensure that the pricing model allows Google Cloud to continue offering custom machine types in the future.

What resources will this change affect?

This section of the announcement document talks about the resources that will be affected by this change.

What VM families will this change apply to?

The on-demand price change and commitment price increase will apply to all VM families that provide custom machine types. As of January 29, 2024, this list includes the following:

  • N1 custom machine types
  • N2 custom machine types
  • N2D custom machine types
  • E2 custom machine types
  • G2 custom machine types

The introduction of new SKUs will apply to the following VM families:

  • New on-demand SKUs for E2 and G2 custom machine types
  • New CUD premium SKUs for N1, N2, N2D, E2, and G2 custom machine types

Will this update affect the prices for Spot VMs?

The price and SKU changes outlined in this document apply only to on-demand and CUD resource usage. However, Spot prices are typically subject to monthly changes based on supply and demand.

Who will be affected?

This change will affect Google Cloud customers in the following ways:

New customers

You will be impacted in the following way:

  • If you are a new Google Cloud customer as of February 1, 2024 or later, Compute Engine will charge you the updated on-demand prices for your custom machine types.

  • If you are a new Google Cloud customer as of May 1, 2024 or later, Compute Engine will charge you the CUD premium over the commitment prices for your custom machine types.

Customers with negotiated contract rates for on-demand SKUs

If you have a negotiated contract rate with Google Cloud, with a fixed price or a fixed discount, that was locked in on a date before February 1, 2024, then your fixed rates will still apply. You won't be subject to the new on-demand pricing for the duration of your contract.

Customers with negotiated contract rates for commitment SKUs

If you have a negotiated contract rate with Google Cloud, with a fixed price or a fixed discount, that was locked in on a date before January 29, 2024, then your fixed rates will still apply after May 1, 2024. You won't be subject to the new CUD premium on your commitments for the duration of your contract. Renewal of your contract doesn't change your lock-in date and your fixed rates continue to apply.

Customers with existing commitments

This change won't impact the prices of any N1, N2, N2D, E2, or G2 commitments that you purchased before January 29, 2024. However, if you purchase commitments after this date and use them to run custom machine type VMs, then Compute Engine will charge you in the following way:

  • Before May 1, 2024: by using the prevailing 1-year and 3-year commitment prices.
  • Starting May 1, 2024: by applying the CUD premium over your 1-year and 3-year commitment prices.
Customers with Spot VMs

This pricing change doesn't apply to your Spot VMs that belong to custom machine types. However, note that Spot prices are still subject to monthly changes based on supply and demand.

All other customers

If you use custom machine types, Compute Engine will charge you using the following:

  • The updated on-demand prices starting from February 1, 2024
  • The CUD premium in addition to your commitment prices starting from May 1, 2024

How will this change affect your bills?

This section of the announcement document talks about the potential impact on your bill.

How large will the impact to your bill be?

You can estimate the impact on your bill by doing the following:

Despite the increase in your bill amount, the savings that you can realize with custom machine types will typically still be more advantageous than sizing up to the next predefined shape in the same machine series. In addition, for many on-demand SKUs, a premium of close to 5% is already being applied, so the prices for those SKUs may not change at all or will change minimally.

Will this change impact your previous bills?

No, this change won't affect any of your previous bills. Compute Engine won't charge you retroactively for your usage prior to this change.

What do you have to do?

There is no action required on your part for the pricing changes to go into effect.

If you use SKU IDs for any reporting related to on-demand usage for E2 and G2 custom machine types, ensure that you update those IDs with the new SKU IDs for E2 and G2 custom machine types that are listed in this document. The old SKUs will continue to be used to charge predefined machine types while the new SKUs will be used for custom machine types.

If you use SKU IDs for any reporting related to CUD usage for custom machine types, ensure that you also include the new CUD Premium SKU IDs that are listed in this document.

Supporting resources

Use the following resources to better understand the impact of this pricing update:

Mapping old SKUs to new SKUs for E2 and G2 series

The following table compares the old and new SKUs of E2 and G2 machine series for on-demand usage. These changes will take effect on February 1, 2024 at 12 AM US and Canadian Pacific Time (UTC-8). The table also displays the on-demand prices (also known as list prices) for the new SKUs. The new E2 and G2 SKUs with the updated prices will be used for their custom machine types and the old SKUs will continue to be used for their predefined machine types. For detailed information about the SKUs, see the Google Cloud SKUs page.

Old SKU ID Old SKU description New SKU ID New SKU description New SKU list price
CF4E-A0C7-E3BF E2 Instance Core running in Americas 61C6-6F89-DCF4 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Americas 0.0229022
92C8-7C92-6AEF E2 Instance Core running in APAC F1F0-D469-8A46 E2 Custom Instance Core running in APAC 0.0265182
CB05-9728-E731 E2 Instance Core running in Berlin 5A42-DED0-260E E2 Custom Instance Core running in Berlin 0.0352693
2B10-8ED1-31C6 E2 Instance Core running in Columbus EB78-61A0-4A07 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Columbus 0.0229022
066E-621A-A1F0 E2 Instance Core running in Dallas A17D-9B4B-3EA8 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Dallas 0.0270246
8179-70FE-C2F1 E2 Instance Core running in Dammam 6780-8A5C-2BBE E2 Custom Instance Core running in Dammam 0.0366435
210D-FDFA-448C E2 Instance Core running in Delhi E4A0-2D5F-084A E2 Custom Instance Core running in Delhi 0.0275093
B021-1B88-44FF E2 Instance Core running in Doha 2EE7-DB6C-8B79 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Doha 0.0278261
9FE0-8F60-A9F0 E2 Instance Core running in EMEA 41D8-1BCA-04D7 E2 Custom Instance Core running in EMEA 0.0251930
0981-D144-B18E E2 Instance Core running in Finland 1535-9220-60D8 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Finland 0.0252170
C921-088E-792A E2 Instance Core running in Frankfurt E075-1B11-D9CC E2 Custom Instance Core running in Frankfurt 0.0295089
4111-7FF1-D50A E2 Instance Core running in Hong Kong 1F19-67C7-6259 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Hong Kong 0.0320454
41F4-F6BE-4AF2 E2 Instance Core running in Israel B8A5-7015-C90D E2 Custom Instance Core running in Israel 0.0251924
621C-41D1-4D05 E2 Instance Core running in Jakarta 3D91-3C71-3551 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Jakarta 0.0307977
EAED-8A05-843B E2 Instance Core running in Japan 8F43-1E25-3209 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Japan 0.0294277
DC64-21B2-0622 E2 Instance Core running in Johannesburg 868F-5971-152F E2 Custom Instance Core running in Johannesburg 0.0299560
A084-A7CD-D375 E2 Instance Core running in Las Vegas 6517-7D1E-8E0F E2 Custom Instance Core running in Las Vegas 0.0257958
0F2A-2FA8-3F6A E2 Instance Core running in London AB81-BB10-23C3 E2 Custom Instance Core running in London 0.0295089
00FD-B743-831B E2 Instance Core running in Los Angeles 383D-13D7-41BE E2 Custom Instance Core running in Los Angeles 0.0275093
A01C-8201-12AB E2 Instance Core running in Madrid EC8E-058C-B204 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Madrid 0.0270249
3871-2725-BC3D E2 Instance Core running in Melbourne A0B4-7640-BD70 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Melbourne 0.0324982
20B9-2A8D-4BFA E2 Instance Core running in Milan 8110-905B-B25C E2 Custom Instance Core running in Milan 0.0265671
F362-BA10-04D7 E2 Instance Core running in Montreal 99B7-0215-987F E2 Custom Instance Core running in Montreal 0.0252141
DFC1-04D4-B4A1 E2 Instance Core running in Mumbai 55F6-6BA6-1CC5 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Mumbai 0.0275093
012A-5DBB-1352 E2 Instance Core running in Netherlands 9495-1F5E-995B E2 Custom Instance Core running in Netherlands 0.0252141
A126-1AD8-408B E2 Instance Core running in Osaka F723-4D34-9E07 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Osaka 0.0294277
0034-652F-8BC9 E2 Instance Core running in Paris B619-0511-D5AC E2 Custom Instance Core running in Paris 0.0265671
4722-1DF4-2BB8 E2 Instance Core running in Salt Lake City DF99-3D89-DC6E E2 Custom Instance Core running in Salt Lake City 0.0275093
ABB2-1186-100F E2 Instance Core running in Santiago 04BA-94C0-B61C E2 Custom Instance Core running in Santiago 0.0327501
0442-C445-D66A E2 Instance Core running in Sao Paulo B583-9669-C300 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Sao Paulo 0.0363554
9304-94C4-2117 E2 Instance Core running in Seoul F10F-0364-8D62 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Seoul 0.0294277
7102-B9AA-2ACF E2 Instance Core running in Singapore 3619-8579-8AA5 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Singapore 0.0282548
9819-4AB8-1A87 E2 Instance Core running in Sydney 9444-ED37-A0F8 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Sydney 0.0324982
FD61-2026-F53C E2 Instance Core running in Toronto 7602-2494-12D8 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Toronto 0.0252141
FA2B-A1AC-F5D0 E2 Instance Core running in Turin 2535-4D92-EEF8 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Turin 0.0295438
D5C5-E209-22D3 E2 Instance Core running in Virginia DBE9-C639-5D42 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Virginia 0.0257958
955B-B00E-ED15 E2 Instance Core running in Warsaw 0FBC-88AA-1326 E2 Custom Instance Core running in Warsaw 0.0295089
CCEF-2733-ADEB E2 Instance Core running in Zurich 38D9-0D65-ED0E E2 Custom Instance Core running in Zurich 0.0320454
F449-33EC-A5EF E2 Instance Ram running in Americas 8D24-CB74-5E70 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Americas 0.0030697
FD4D-A383-8DAB E2 Instance Ram running in APAC 8CA7-5B88-D299 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in APAC 0.0035544
4126-F537-64DC E2 Instance Ram running in Berlin 4FC9-329E-DD06 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Berlin 0.0047273
5BEB-8229-1894 E2 Instance Ram running in Columbus 3B3C-B11D-AB55 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Columbus 0.0030697
45F6-3C6D-3FA6 E2 Instance Ram running in Dallas 0FF2-D7FF-45B9 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Dallas 0.0036223
8E93-7978-344C E2 Instance Ram running in Dammam 17FF-7417-13CB E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Dammam 0.0049115
0B33-C7D0-C5A9 E2 Instance Ram running in Delhi 9B29-4E63-CD5C E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Delhi 0.0036863
0999-F399-921D E2 Instance Ram running in Doha C8D4-85E8-9059 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Doha 0.0037297
F268-6CE7-AC16 E2 Instance Ram running in EMEA ECD0-014C-69E6 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in EMEA 0.0033769
779E-BED5-F31F E2 Instance Ram running in Finland A96C-E3F3-1FEE E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Finland 0.0033791
7D80-F9E4-6A44 E2 Instance Ram running in Frankfurt 779C-C26D-9379 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Frankfurt 0.0039543
8A68-3C47-7367 E2 Instance Ram running in Hong Kong 2EC1-279F-00CB E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Hong Kong 0.0042948
9876-7A20-67F0 E2 Instance Ram running in Israel 7969-4454-120B E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Israel 0.0033767
2526-CC04-D642 E2 Instance Ram running in Jakarta 5D50-95DC-DC58 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Jakarta 0.0041270
CB4B-B875-93B4 E2 Instance Ram running in Japan BEDB-6B58-4D4C E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Japan 0.0039261
545C-0B0B-55EE E2 Instance Ram running in Johannesburg 855D-C33E-F06B E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Johannesburg 0.0040152
060E-C97B-2CC6 E2 Instance Ram running in Las Vegas B2DF-94BA-50F8 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Las Vegas 0.0034566
5D70-7762-2DE7 E2 Instance Ram running in London C4A9-B857-9C7C E2 Custom Instance Ram running in London 0.0039543
7785-EEEA-EFBC E2 Instance Ram running in Los Angeles 0217-3F66-471E E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Los Angeles 0.0036870
EDF4-1ECA-4BD7 E2 Instance Ram running in Madrid 092E-6F3E-B850 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Madrid 0.0036225
4B8E-50FF-C280 E2 Instance Ram running in Melbourne D387-00F2-8856 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Melbourne 0.0043550
98C4-AD9B-3F32 E2 Instance Ram running in Milan 4EFC-CD18-32A0 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Milan 0.0035606
699E-FF84-4093 E2 Instance Ram running in Montreal 9291-3AA0-B0D8 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Montreal 0.0033791
90AB-A7A8-F873 E2 Instance Ram running in Mumbai 3387-C0E5-71C8 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Mumbai 0.0036863
D9EA-4FF0-E394 E2 Instance Ram running in Netherlands B1BC-108E-2AD9 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Netherlands 0.0033791
A5A3-A6E0-AEA8 E2 Instance Ram running in Osaka 295C-5708-4C87 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Osaka 0.0039261
6AE0-5081-89AF E2 Instance Ram running in Paris 973F-2C7F-C4AC E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Paris 0.0035606
329A-453B-3410 E2 Instance Ram running in Salt Lake City A998-D079-F3B6 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Salt Lake City 0.0036870
9D64-D4B3-E5D6 E2 Instance Ram running in Santiago 7F2A-6FB4-3F1E E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Santiago 0.0043897
C3E6-8086-831A E2 Instance Ram running in Sao Paulo 1BC8-F7A8-91B0 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Sao Paulo 0.0048723
D715-4E57-BAFB E2 Instance Ram running in Seoul B5E6-7318-DBF9 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Seoul 0.0039261
E277-7DC2-2C7D E2 Instance Ram running in Singapore 7F45-FC8B-2F18 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Singapore 0.0037862
F9E1-E6EF-86F3 E2 Instance Ram running in Sydney 7B6F-50ED-226C E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Sydney 0.0043550
A340-8EB8-CC38 E2 Instance Ram running in Toronto 4523-DE98-E801 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Toronto 0.0033791
20CA-4604-6C2F E2 Instance Ram running in Turin BDDC-C65A-2800 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Turin 0.0039599
6D24-3682-D284 E2 Instance Ram running in Virginia BFAB-B8CA-60A2 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Virginia 0.0034566
56D3-3D40-B0F6 E2 Instance Ram running in Warsaw DE0F-A915-3853 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Warsaw 0.0039543
9C82-E173-62D8 E2 Instance Ram running in Zurich 0CCF-5CF6-E756 E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Zurich 0.0042948
672F-A750-21FA G2 Instance Core running in Belgium 1A13-0D36-2832 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Belgium 0.0288903
420E-205D-D471 G2 Instance Core running in Berlin F7E2-6715-7E69 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Berlin 0.0404059
A312-C1EC-7F1A G2 Instance Core running in Columbus 593A-B25E-D3CE G2 Custom Instance Core running in Columbus 0.0295514
B911-29A9-DC06 G2 Instance Core running in Dallas 2B1E-C79F-7887 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Dallas 0.0309604
C187-82F8-901A G2 Instance Core running in Dammam 42BF-9640-794C G2 Custom Instance Core running in Dammam 0.0419802
71B5-FFC0-9A4C G2 Instance Core running in Delhi 8E30-F9B3-9145 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Delhi 0.0315140
B7C7-1C09-2622 G2 Instance Core running in Doha B5AE-EFC6-102B G2 Custom Instance Core running in Doha 0.0318787
1625-E4D0-4A4C G2 Instance Core running in Finland D988-1188-58EA G2 Custom Instance Core running in Finland 0.0288903
AFF4-6DF9-A774 G2 Instance Core running in Frankfurt 705B-9AB4-304C G2 Custom Instance Core running in Frankfurt 0.0309220
DBC8-55B3-4F95 G2 Instance Core running in Hong Kong A68D-074B-631C G2 Custom Instance Core running in Hong Kong 0.0367038
D18E-3563-415F G2 Instance Core running in Iowa 7B15-0995-7995 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Iowa 0.0262376
4CA7-E0C4-0C8C G2 Instance Core running in Israel 8456-EC2F-8DDE G2 Custom Instance Core running in Israel 0.0288614
202D-852D-B17F G2 Instance Core running in Jakarta B72D-2211-B29C G2 Custom Instance Core running in Jakarta 0.0352817
07D3-2C12-0F51 G2 Instance Core running in Johannesburg 4D4F-129F-4A9E G2 Custom Instance Core running in Johannesburg 0.0343188
29FF-9F02-F5CE G2 Instance Core running in Las Vegas FA71-0945-EF47 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Las Vegas 0.0295514
77ED-4550-DE37 G2 Instance Core running in London A90B-DDAF-8CA5 G2 Custom Instance Core running in London 0.0298738
F81A-966F-28CD G2 Instance Core running in Los Angeles 8174-BF0E-56D7 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Los Angeles 0.0315403
45F3-AF59-6DDB G2 Instance Core running in Madrid B315-E16B-0DC5 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Madrid 0.0309604
F804-9965-A5CD G2 Instance Core running in Melbourne 5289-EC79-C50B G2 Custom Instance Core running in Melbourne 0.0340969
B5E2-D229-6609 G2 Instance Core running in Milan 9E70-2BD9-B059 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Milan 0.0304357
8B32-FE00-EC70 G2 Instance Core running in Montreal B4C0-697E-7142 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Montreal 0.0288903
A6EC-9503-C0CD G2 Instance Core running in Mumbai B62C-FEE7-191F G2 Custom Instance Core running in Mumbai 0.0273121
CB1A-E671-2608 G2 Instance Core running in Netherlands FCBE-3E5C-980B G2 Custom Instance Core running in Netherlands 0.0275771
2C24-1139-C808 G2 Instance Core running in Osaka AFD8-6B99-24AE G2 Custom Instance Core running in Osaka 0.0336944
BF7E-3506-0069 G2 Instance Core running in Paris F63D-B29D-489F G2 Custom Instance Core running in Paris 0.0304357
321F-5134-70E7 G2 Instance Core running in Salt Lake City 7E48-C610-4084 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Salt Lake City 0.0315403
31A5-5B93-00F1 G2 Instance Core running in Santiago 5F5F-DA56-037D G2 Custom Instance Core running in Santiago 0.0375198
FFFE-B3F4-43FB G2 Instance Core running in Sao Paulo 405A-BC78-CB96 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Sao Paulo 0.0416627
7704-213B-8EF9 G2 Instance Core running in Seoul BC09-6370-127E G2 Custom Instance Core running in Seoul 0.0336944
B5E8-8750-8D07 G2 Instance Core running in Singapore 5AF4-6297-38CF G2 Custom Instance Core running in Singapore 0.0323694
11B5-C378-FADD G2 Instance Core running in Sydney 1DAE-7151-82D9 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Sydney 0.0327855
60FF-EC3A-2E13 G2 Instance Core running in Taiwan D062-BC4F-3564 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Taiwan 0.0303805
ECDA-3E53-7A9E G2 Instance Core running in Tokyo 2A63-E5B8-B5A2 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Tokyo 0.0336944
EB8A-626D-B4BA G2 Instance Core running in Toronto 980F-143D-4FA4 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Toronto 0.0288903
B2A0-C219-087D G2 Instance Core running in Turin 8FF0-DA69-AB89 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Turin 0.0338465
CF07-A027-C390 G2 Instance Core running in Virginia F61F-05E0-2C94 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Virginia 0.0261517
612A-A70A-6408 G2 Instance Core running in Warsaw C2CA-78C2-50D8 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Warsaw 0.0338046
31E8-B339-85E4 G2 Instance Core running in Zurich 4469-839C-1321 G2 Custom Instance Core running in Zurich 0.0367038
FFD6-3A1B-6DD8 G2 Instance Ram running in Belgium BD11-038A-D3A4 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Belgium 0.0033846
0D35-6D76-3E7E G2 Instance Ram running in Berlin BEB6-6D9B-AC39 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Berlin 0.0047337
AD5C-91E0-93B5 G2 Instance Ram running in Columbus 2AF4-0720-2ABD G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Columbus 0.0034620
BAC8-4077-EA4B G2 Instance Ram running in Dallas 5B80-32C2-17CA G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Dallas 0.0036271
34D1-8204-459D G2 Instance Ram running in Dammam DA1A-0D1E-6471 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Dammam 0.0049181
ADE8-6FEA-2A44 G2 Instance Ram running in Delhi 3696-E4AC-9B1D G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Delhi 0.0036920
A85C-83CC-56E0 G2 Instance Ram running in Doha 241B-BE3E-2234 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Doha 0.0037347
92E1-F417-3A77 G2 Instance Ram running in Finland 7414-01B5-CFAC G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Finland 0.0033846
10AA-7064-F09F G2 Instance Ram running in Frankfurt 8962-7457-C4D5 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Frankfurt 0.0036226
F08F-3314-CA31 G2 Instance Ram running in Hong Kong 304F-8886-A996 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Hong Kong 0.0043000
F0A4-E3D3-33BD G2 Instance Ram running in Iowa BE2B-1D28-59BC G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Iowa 0.0030738
0C49-DF39-86CB G2 Instance Ram running in Israel BA56-A075-05B8 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Israel 0.0033812
DDEF-6D4F-64BB G2 Instance Ram running in Jakarta F4C9-4A6D-87E4 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Jakarta 0.0041334
C4F2-0856-E477 G2 Instance Ram running in Johannesburg D894-C133-9DC2 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Johannesburg 0.0040206
BB7E-DDF7-ACB4 G2 Instance Ram running in Las Vegas CAB1-ED39-C618 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Las Vegas 0.0034620
8BA2-0597-AEB3 G2 Instance Ram running in London 86F8-C004-DEDA G2 Custom Instance Ram running in London 0.0034998
E560-4373-83C8 G2 Instance Ram running in Los Angeles D8AF-ADBA-2010 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Los Angeles 0.0036950
B142-E2C7-3C08 G2 Instance Ram running in Madrid 80D7-7F14-7A19 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Madrid 0.0036271
3528-14E4-552E G2 Instance Ram running in Melbourne 7D17-0F65-87ED G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Melbourne 0.0039946
3B15-B750-3425 G2 Instance Ram running in Milan 2775-E647-2F44 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Milan 0.0035656
F3D3-DAA6-C57A G2 Instance Ram running in Montreal 419C-8069-9B96 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Montreal 0.0033846
5C70-9568-3192 G2 Instance Ram running in Mumbai 4BEC-44A7-E1FB G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Mumbai 0.0031997
8BFF-12ED-8AD9 G2 Instance Ram running in Netherlands 42C4-E1BD-0FC4 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Netherlands 0.0032307
A231-A0A3-91D3 G2 Instance Ram running in Osaka 3C7E-60DC-F354 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Osaka 0.0039474
C9B8-8F6F-ABC0 G2 Instance Ram running in Paris 40BB-8B2E-5E4C G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Paris 0.0035656
D79F-7937-D293 G2 Instance Ram running in Salt Lake City 14C8-B3B0-3BFF G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Salt Lake City 0.0036950
3BA2-3F0C-0176 G2 Instance Ram running in Santiago 271B-7200-8FF7 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Santiago 0.0043956
5E0C-12DA-5B3F G2 Instance Ram running in Sao Paulo 361F-A1FE-379E G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Sao Paulo 0.0048809
00B1-E347-5D28 G2 Instance Ram running in Seoul 1196-7AF5-BC35 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Seoul 0.0039474
1930-29C0-2AFB G2 Instance Ram running in Singapore 31C2-3815-7DB3 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Singapore 0.0037922
8B91-F732-4BB7 G2 Instance Ram running in Sydney 3BB0-C348-9D27 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Sydney 0.0038409
3F9F-441A-EA47 G2 Instance Ram running in Taiwan 3C5E-2475-3AEB G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Taiwan 0.0035592
68F1-6598-F513 G2 Instance Ram running in Tokyo 8865-31E7-C9C9 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Tokyo 0.0039474
D539-3FC2-6283 G2 Instance Ram running in Toronto 94BD-3E27-FEB7 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Toronto 0.0033846
F9E4-D994-159A G2 Instance Ram running in Turin 1F19-A0C8-64CC G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Turin 0.0039652
A15F-B56F-97FE G2 Instance Ram running in Virginia 3BE4-2117-040E G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Virginia 0.0030638
76BC-9F66-2D0D G2 Instance Ram running in Warsaw 9F10-0405-4A67 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Warsaw 0.0039603
621A-366D-7D71 G2 Instance Ram running in Zurich C21C-4292-E590 G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Zurich 0.0043000

Mapping old prices to new prices for N1, N2, and N2D series

The following table compares the old and new on-demand prices (or list prices) for N1, N2, and N2D custom machine types. These changes will take effect on February 1, 2024 at 12 AM US and Canadian Pacific Time (UTC-8). For detailed information about the SKUs, see the Google Cloud SKUs page.

SKU ID SKU description Old list price New list price
ACBC-6999-A1C4 Custom Instance Core running in Americas 0.0331740 0.0331916
AD5A-163C-B46D Custom Instance Core running in APAC 0.0384100 0.0384321
EBF6-52E6-6B93 Custom Instance Core running in Berlin 0.0510880 0.0511150
3AF0-0FC8-64D6 Custom Instance Core running in Columbus 0.0331740 0.0331916
CF3C-9726-4283 Custom Instance Core running in Dallas 0.0391453 0.0391660
FF60-E92F-35DB Custom Instance Core running in Dammam 0.0530784 0.0531065
EA0B-E301-56C5 Custom Instance Core running in Delhi 0.0398088 0.0398685
E5E7-3F6F-3C23 Custom Instance Core running in Doha 0.0403064 0.0403277
606D-D514-8E64 Custom Instance Core running in EMEA 0.0364890 0.0365117
68E9-E852-F624 Custom Instance Core running in Finland 0.0348020 0.0365463
47BE-44D0-C86F Custom Instance Core running in Frankfurt 0.0406920 0.0427665
4F6F-42CB-DEB6 Custom Instance Core running in Hong Kong 0.0442310 0.0464426
D962-9ABB-6389 Custom Instance Core running in Israel 0.0364914 0.0365107
F296-7177-913D Custom Instance Core running in Jakarta 0.0425056 0.0446344
DEA0-DBFB-BAB4 Custom Instance Core running in Japan 0.0406180 0.0426489
60F1-9944-4B48 Custom Instance Core running in Johannesburg 0.0433916 0.0434146
829C-1D7A-6108 Custom Instance Core running in Las Vegas 0.0373640 0.0373853
201A-CE43-C161 Custom Instance Core running in London 0.0406900 0.0427665
2037-B859-1728 Custom Instance Core running in Los Angeles 0.0379700 0.0398685
A7CE-4D25-DE95 Custom Instance Core running in Madrid 0.0391453 0.0391660
5BB6-9832-5811 Custom Instance Core running in Melbourne 0.0471071 0.0470988
E00B-CBB3-1864 Custom Instance Core running in Milan 0.0384818 0.0385022
78F8-6D1D-AA67 Custom Instance Core running in Montreal 0.0348020 0.0365421
9544-CFBE-3F3F Custom Instance Core running in Mumbai 0.0379660 0.0398685
F052-0029-BECD Custom Instance Core running in Netherlands 0.0348020 0.0365421
E4B1-A889-8192 Custom Instance Core running in Osaka 0.0406180 0.0426489
DE43-21F1-A4D0 Custom Instance Core running in Paris 0.0384818 0.0385022
6F37-7D45-DD1E Custom Instance Core running in Salt Lake City 0.0379700 0.0398685
C182-0C7C-8D2E Custom Instance Core running in Santiago 0.0474388 0.0474639
E4B6-CD20-6438 Custom Instance Core running in Sao Paulo 0.0501900 0.0526890
00F6-BFEA-8A67 Custom Instance Core running in Seoul 0.0406180 0.0426489
0A28-6329-2B56 Custom Instance Core running in Singapore 0.0389960 0.0409490
B560-AF92-C8D2 Custom Instance Core running in Sydney 0.0448800 0.0470988
E366-0409-790A Custom Instance Core running in Toronto 0.0364914 0.0365421
41AC-1628-BF81 Custom Instance Core running in Turin 0.0427945 0.0428171
5B11-C3DF-56CB Custom Instance Core running in Virginia 0.0373640 0.0373853
76F7-C3FC-E954 Custom Instance Core running in Warsaw 0.0406920 0.0427665
6301-E865-C5F5 Custom Instance Core running in Zurich 0.0442310 0.0464426
51E2-59BD-7A6E Custom Instance Ram running in Americas 0.0044460 0.0044489
2C62-87C2-6676 Custom Instance Ram running in APAC 0.0051500 0.0051513
412A-562C-ABD8 Custom Instance Ram running in Berlin 0.0068468 0.0068512
BA22-6F9D-E49E Custom Instance Ram running in Columbus 0.0044460 0.0044489
276E-569E-A006 Custom Instance Ram running in Dallas 0.0052463 0.0052496
0177-6401-4E6A Custom Instance Ram running in Dammam 0.0071136 0.0071182
17BF-5750-DD75 Custom Instance Ram running in Delhi 0.0053352 0.0053424
77EF-A9B0-B451 Custom Instance Ram running in Doha 0.0054019 0.0054054
0F35-41DB-4950 Custom Instance Ram running in EMEA 0.0048920 0.0048941
4C2C-416E-C448 Custom Instance Ram running in Finland 0.0046640 0.0048972
6971-C36E-2B52 Custom Instance Ram running in Frankfurt 0.0054530 0.0057309
D93C-AF72-8A40 Custom Instance Ram running in Hong Kong 0.0059280 0.0062244
B741-8DC3-76DF Custom Instance Ram running in Israel 0.0048906 0.0048937
1F22-A0B8-F505 Custom Instance Ram running in Jakarta 0.0056963 0.0059812
84B7-7FE3-1329 Custom Instance Ram running in Japan 0.0054180 0.0056900
EE14-97CB-4205 Custom Instance Ram running in Johannesburg 0.0058154 0.0058191
4CDD-4E82-7B74 Custom Instance Ram running in Las Vegas 0.0050080 0.0050096
7B74-5AE0-3F99 Custom Instance Ram running in London 0.0054500 0.0057309
B371-4493-0816 Custom Instance Ram running in Los Angeles 0.0050890 0.0053435
725E-1E36-D64B Custom Instance Ram running in Madrid 0.0052463 0.0052496
595E-31A4-927E Custom Instance Ram running in Melbourne 0.0063133 0.0063116
6763-2A9A-5BB4 Custom Instance Ram running in Milan 0.0051574 0.0051607
EBD0-6FAD-1A64 Custom Instance Ram running in Montreal 0.0046640 0.0048972
1FD0-7EA0-91ED Custom Instance Ram running in Mumbai 0.0050880 0.0053424
874F-A8D5-0916 Custom Instance Ram running in Netherlands 0.0046640 0.0048972
50C6-870C-5C47 Custom Instance Ram running in Osaka 0.0054180 0.0056900
D8A3-D708-2866 Custom Instance Ram running in Paris 0.0051574 0.0051607
48D5-743F-47DE Custom Instance Ram running in Salt Lake City 0.0050890 0.0053435
34AF-2333-9C9B Custom Instance Ram running in Santiago 0.0063578 0.0063619
A0B9-8027-D832 Custom Instance Ram running in Sao Paulo 0.0067290 0.0070613
0C00-D1BB-1424 Custom Instance Ram running in Seoul 0.0054180 0.0056900
7A71-9CF7-E88F Custom Instance Ram running in Singapore 0.0052260 0.0054873
190B-1F63-1A57 Custom Instance Ram running in Sydney 0.0060100 0.0063116
EF99-61F6-F5D6 Custom Instance Ram running in Toronto 0.0048906 0.0048972
EA40-DEA9-242B Custom Instance Ram running in Turin 0.0057353 0.0057390
81CA-E30A-62DE Custom Instance Ram running in Virginia 0.0050080 0.0050096
EE8C-8C3B-96EE Custom Instance Ram running in Warsaw 0.0054530 0.0057309
4D06-A8A0-31AB Custom Instance Ram running in Zurich 0.0059280 0.0062244
3E94-1AB5-33F5 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Americas 0.0331740 0.0331916
A48D-90EC-00EC N2 Custom Instance Core running in APAC 0.0384100 0.0384321
2647-F9BF-BAC5 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Berlin 0.0510880 0.0511150
06A6-75A1-B68C N2 Custom Instance Core running in Columbus 0.0331740 0.0331916
A556-79B4-6EF5 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Dallas 0.0391453 0.0391660
6A26-753A-9449 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Dammam 0.0530784 0.0531065
AD5D-95DE-BD1B N2 Custom Instance Core running in Delhi 0.0398088 0.0398685
D6CF-C0DA-8FCC N2 Custom Instance Core running in Doha 0.0403064 0.0403277
0976-7487-062C N2 Custom Instance Core running in EMEA 0.0364890 0.0365117
038E-428B-6479 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Finland 0.0348020 0.0365463
C836-3D4C-F874 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Frankfurt 0.0406920 0.0427665
5B72-95CA-B29A N2 Custom Instance Core running in Hong Kong 0.0442310 0.0464426
16B8-C368-B5D6 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Israel 0.0364914 0.0365107
2EB0-5403-B893 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Jakarta 0.0446090 0.0446344
3C79-46FF-0C0A N2 Custom Instance Core running in Japan 0.0406180 0.0426489
2DC2-2DB0-925E N2 Custom Instance Core running in Johannesburg 0.0433916 0.0434146
880D-C64E-B27A N2 Custom Instance Core running in Las Vegas 0.0373640 0.0373832
6924-2ADC-063A N2 Custom Instance Core running in London 0.0406900 0.0427665
39D2-E298-5C3E N2 Custom Instance Core running in Los Angeles 0.0379700 0.0398685
277B-B3D2-0923 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Madrid 0.0391453 0.0391660
0736-BFB2-B4FD N2 Custom Instance Core running in Melbourne 0.0471071 0.0470988
0B58-50EB-721F N2 Custom Instance Core running in Milan 0.0384818 0.0385022
B4CA-178A-4909 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Montreal 0.0348020 0.0365421
FC69-4A67-C34D N2 Custom Instance Core running in Mumbai 0.0379660 0.0398685
DA9A-6614-3548 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Netherlands 0.0348020 0.0365421
E891-CC68-96D1 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Osaka 0.0426020 0.0426248
FD64-0479-B501 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Paris 0.0384818 0.0385022
2F7D-94FD-735C N2 Custom Instance Core running in Salt Lake City 0.0379700 0.0398685
B77B-EB0D-C9DB N2 Custom Instance Core running in Santiago 0.0474388 0.0474639
391C-E3D4-4D3A N2 Custom Instance Core running in Sao Paulo 0.0501900 0.0526890
6F2A-8ADB-88C3 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Seoul 0.0426020 0.0426248
D432-F64C-0F60 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Singapore 0.0389960 0.0409490
CACB-AC79-18A4 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Sydney 0.0448800 0.0470988
EEF4-F364-6FBD N2 Custom Instance Core running in Toronto 0.0364914 0.0365421
113F-F2F9-8B09 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Turin 0.0427945 0.0428171
0B2D-BDE1-6668 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Virginia 0.0373640 0.0373853
E22C-E9CF-D326 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Warsaw 0.0406920 0.0427665
9C19-672A-2011 N2 Custom Instance Core running in Zurich 0.0464070 0.0464321
5304-5146-9088 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Americas 0.0044460 0.0044489
ACE4-4FE6-641C N2 Custom Instance Ram running in APAC 0.0051500 0.0051513
D837-3A75-8F61 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Berlin 0.0068468 0.0068512
034D-E8B5-A072 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Columbus 0.0044460 0.0044489
96D6-3C56-D45B N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Dallas 0.0052463 0.0052496
4210-10B7-07DC N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Dammam 0.0071136 0.0071182
F961-9D5F-4383 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Delhi 0.0053352 0.0053424
0947-78AB-0B89 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Doha 0.0054019 0.0054054
CA5F-A13B-29EA N2 Custom Instance Ram running in EMEA 0.0048920 0.0048941
595E-74E5-DABD N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Finland 0.0046640 0.0048972
837D-1134-9F72 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Frankfurt 0.0054530 0.0057309
159F-AB01-4F9C N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Hong Kong 0.0059280 0.0062244
AABE-3818-B87B N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Israel 0.0048906 0.0048937
8128-3483-7333 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Jakarta 0.0059790 0.0059812
F68A-05BC-1EE9 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Japan 0.0054180 0.0056900
634C-B735-3E12 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Johannesburg 0.0058154 0.0058191
7691-78AA-E288 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Las Vegas 0.0050080 0.0050096
3A49-05F0-7CF0 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in London 0.0054500 0.0057309
70E7-9889-C9EC N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Los Angeles 0.0050890 0.0053435
B9A1-ED2E-87B8 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Madrid 0.0052463 0.0052496
3E23-9FB5-5BE0 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Melbourne 0.0063133 0.0063116
D68C-640D-68BA N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Milan 0.0051574 0.0051607
FAD2-8331-1006 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Montreal 0.0046640 0.0048972
88AC-E248-BFC6 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Mumbai 0.0050880 0.0053424
C1AD-7471-F6C1 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Netherlands 0.0046640 0.0048972
F6A3-5FF6-F21E N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Osaka 0.0057100 0.0057131
BC94-0B24-FAE5 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Paris 0.0051574 0.0051607
B909-FCCF-B2F9 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Salt Lake City 0.0050890 0.0053435
B74D-E53E-CB05 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Santiago 0.0063578 0.0063619
C76B-0D36-2457 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Sao Paulo 0.0067290 0.0070613
2CCC-E20A-06DE N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Seoul 0.0057100 0.0057131
1F19-9175-5B89 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Singapore 0.0052260 0.0054873
12C4-F201-DA07 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Sydney 0.0060100 0.0063116
1E49-E90F-92F9 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Toronto 0.0048906 0.0048972
4DE0-8A37-05B6 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Turin 0.0057353 0.0057390
A996-8018-FA18 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Virginia 0.0050080 0.0050096
D2CE-FD05-CEC2 N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Warsaw 0.0054530 0.0057309
A43B-CA38-009A N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Zurich 0.0062200 0.0062234
55FE-5117-DF8B N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Americas 0.0288770 0.0288771
AE97-3760-ECCC N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in APAC 0.0334360 0.0334362
ADD9-A5B9-8FA9 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Berlin 0.0444706 0.0444707
76D6-D2DE-EFFA N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Columbus 0.0288770 0.0288771
FA52-64A8-04DA N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Dallas 0.0340749 0.0340750
CC8D-EBE1-3364 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Dammam 0.0462032 0.0462034
C7AE-4A32-32AB N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Delhi 0.0346860 0.0346857
F16E-5BD0-A1E7 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Doha 0.0350856 0.0350857
6672-F702-DDC4 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in EMEA 0.0317650 0.0317657
AD11-3DC6-E076 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Finland 0.0317950 0.0317951
4BD7-1A01-048A N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Frankfurt 0.0372070 0.0372068
9669-248F-CE45 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Hong Kong 0.0404050 0.0404051
FA92-F0A9-2158 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Israel 0.0317647 0.0317648
2F99-211F-C567 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Jakarta 0.0388317 0.0388317
6C99-977D-2500 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Japan 0.0371050 0.0371049
7693-1EF9-B6A1 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Johannesburg 0.0377711 0.0377713
8ACA-B986-2E54 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Las Vegas 0.0325250 0.0325248
CB66-DAAE-8837 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in London 0.0372070 0.0372068
01FE-1823-247B N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Los Angeles 0.0346860 0.0346857
FED1-B3A4-C434 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Madrid 0.0340749 0.0340750
1A77-D337-E793 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Melbourne 0.0409760 0.0409763
3073-3750-EFF0 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Milan 0.0334973 0.0334974
5108-9DAD-44E9 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Montreal 0.0317920 0.0317919
665E-E4CD-1D74 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Mumbai 0.0190590 0.0190586
675D-892B-446A N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Netherlands 0.0317920 0.0317919
8B64-9CD1-2EA7 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Osaka 0.0370840 0.0370839
E7CF-E368-B379 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Paris 0.0334973 0.0334974
C87C-9C22-51BE N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Salt Lake City 0.0346860 0.0346857
20EA-3D53-8590 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Santiago 0.0412941 0.0412943
BA32-D484-6243 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Sao Paulo 0.0458390 0.0458399
275F-34D4-FDFD N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Seoul 0.0370840 0.0370839
FDBB-84BE-0AF7 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Singapore 0.0356260 0.0356255
8556-A774-DEC2 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Sydney 0.0409760 0.0409763
D50E-3221-4EEC N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Toronto 0.0317920 0.0317919
2F7E-E422-9BC0 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Turin 0.0372513 0.0372515
115C-7108-8B9E N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Virginia 0.0325250 0.0325248
AE9F-20D5-91BA N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Warsaw 0.0372070 0.0372068
8FDA-012F-7B65 N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Zurich 0.0403960 0.0403967
CED4-7119-A546 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Americas 0.0038700 0.0038703
65A9-01F9-3FB2 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in APAC 0.0044820 0.0044814
1B8B-A937-37D7 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Berlin 0.0059598 0.0059603
C4A9-EB2B-626D N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Columbus 0.0038700 0.0038703
31D1-3C96-3913 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Dallas 0.0045666 0.0045670
BD34-11BF-9DC4 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Dammam 0.0061920 0.0061925
E0F4-268A-2316 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Delhi 0.0046490 0.0046484
EF64-5EC9-ACC6 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Doha 0.0047021 0.0047024
3914-87EF-A9CA N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in EMEA 0.0042580 0.0042578
E958-DC4F-A16B N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Finland 0.0042610 0.0042609
89BC-9DB5-3AB6 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Frankfurt 0.0049860 0.0049854
4E3E-640F-F228 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Hong Kong 0.0054150 0.0054149
9932-0DC6-DFFA N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Israel 0.0042570 0.0042573
374F-4D56-58C0 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Jakarta 0.0052040 0.0052040
D484-8C81-94CA N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Japan 0.0049500 0.0049508
7866-0AD5-B78D N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Johannesburg 0.0050620 0.0050624
BAB5-46F3-C9B8 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Las Vegas 0.0043580 0.0043586
B1CB-59AC-0785 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in London 0.0049860 0.0049854
1781-1A20-1DD7 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Los Angeles 0.0046490 0.0046484
E9B2-4079-92D2 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Madrid 0.0045666 0.0045670
F57D-3E8B-E7AD N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Melbourne 0.0054910 0.0054915
2ABE-B865-878B N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Milan 0.0044892 0.0044895
BFDA-E726-2761 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Montreal 0.0042610 0.0042609
60E6-333B-57BE N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Mumbai 0.0025540 0.0025547
377F-267F-8F7F N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Netherlands 0.0042610 0.0042609
F787-522B-80EB N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Osaka 0.0049700 0.0049707
27F2-8847-8993 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Paris 0.0044892 0.0044895
EE37-2679-BDEA N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Salt Lake City 0.0046490 0.0046484
49B5-AD7B-C95F N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Santiago 0.0055341 0.0055345
1C2E-D456-0B92 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Sao Paulo 0.0061430 0.0061436
3860-1A51-6AC0 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Seoul 0.0049700 0.0049707
4CBB-9DAF-2D6E N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Singapore 0.0047740 0.0047744
3F85-10A4-440C N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Sydney 0.0054910 0.0054915
4823-FD0B-55AF N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Toronto 0.0042610 0.0042609
9248-7517-49CF N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Turin 0.0049923 0.0049927
5719-5C5A-9EAB N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Virginia 0.0043580 0.0043586
6BD0-613F-5874 N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Warsaw 0.0049860 0.0049854
07C7-3B6C-C92A N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Zurich 0.0054140 0.0054138

New CUD premium SKUs for all custom machine types

The following table lists the new CUD premium SKUs that will be used to charge your CUD usage for N1, N2, N2D, E2 and G2 custom machine types. The 1-year and 3-year commitment SKUs and prices remain the same for these machine series. However, when you use your commitments to run VMs of custom machine types, Compute Engine uses the corresponding CUD premium SKU to charge the 5% premium. This premium charge is denoted by the list price of the SKU. This change will take effect starting May 1, 2024 at 12 AM US and Canadian Pacific Time (UTC-7). For detailed information about the SKUs, see the Google Cloud SKUs page.

SKU ID SKU description SKU list price
3AA2-D295-2C03 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Americas 0.0007113
DE76-9193-D701 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Johannesburg 0.0009303
737F-68C8-A6AA Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Taiwan 0.0008236
2EEB-C328-1227 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Hong Kong 0.0009950
865D-A25A-33BA Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Osaka 0.0009134
7650-026D-AA54 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Seoul 0.0009134
2154-8A9B-3304 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Mumbai 0.0007397
AB9D-4C57-1DA2 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Delhi 0.0008543
DD1F-C5FB-E9BE Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Jakarta 0.0009564
C424-0E6C-2EC2 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Sydney 0.0008891
3890-1723-2AD8 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Melbourne 0.0009246
244D-301F-99D3 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Belgium 0.0007832
D8F6-E0BD-B53F Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Warsaw 0.0009164
5584-18C5-2ABF Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Finland 0.0007832
1894-2CE1-CF0B Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Madrid 0.0008393
4871-AAEC-C835 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Berlin 0.0010953
3CC2-94D9-B493 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Turin 0.0009175
1E92-8377-DDCF Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in London 0.0008108
A15E-F62E-ED46 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Frankfurt 0.0008393
67DD-14E7-420C Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Netherlands 0.0007468
F15F-FE2E-6B80 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Zurich 0.0009950
4260-0C7A-5E20 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Milan 0.0008251
00ED-9B21-DDD2 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Paris 0.0008251
9FC9-D3B2-7B08 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Tokyo 0.0009134
07CC-C5E2-1B20 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Doha 0.0008642
B15C-A617-7E31 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Dammam 0.0011380
AC29-6300-05BE Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Israel 0.0007824
3C8A-15EC-B611 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Montreal 0.0007832
2F02-6D75-0C4F Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Toronto 0.0007832
AF02-036F-2B64 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Singapore 0.0008775
C21B-D0A8-7979 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Sao Paulo 0.0011294
6FAC-49C1-B0D8 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Santiago 0.0010171
C71E-C4EF-9D82 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Columbus 0.0008011
98B7-0215-BCE3 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Dallas 0.0008393
B37F-27A0-9107 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Los Angeles 0.0008550
597F-F204-9069 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Salt Lake City 0.0008550
9A75-8E5A-B330 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Las Vegas 0.0008011
9900-A9AB-F658 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Core running in Virginia 0.0007113
135E-FEE8-C94D Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Americas 0.0000954
662A-2E30-C89B Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Johannesburg 0.0001247
5D33-55A8-1333 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Taiwan 0.0001104
4E93-0EFD-D677 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Hong Kong 0.0001334
32F8-0CBD-36E4 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Osaka 0.0001224
7F09-9E62-763C Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Seoul 0.0001224
DFA5-02E2-86B5 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Mumbai 0.0000992
12B0-D8B6-36E3 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Delhi 0.0001145
A660-1DB6-E532 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Jakarta 0.0001282
4E11-2F7F-4D52 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Sydney 0.0001192
CF0A-1CA7-DDF0 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Melbourne 0.0001240
CD72-EC22-D8E2 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Belgium 0.0001050
78D6-1685-4E3A Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Warsaw 0.0001228
F8B8-8FCD-1615 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Finland 0.0001050
535F-8934-D53D Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Madrid 0.0001125
391D-38FB-F68F Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Berlin 0.0001468
50EF-A5C5-7080 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Turin 0.0001230
8BDA-8017-8B4F Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in London 0.0001087
BB4F-DA6F-53B4 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Frankfurt 0.0001125
235A-86DD-414C Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Netherlands 0.0001001
7B9E-9FFB-3BE9 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Zurich 0.0001334
8D34-32EB-2D97 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Milan 0.0001106
1DDA-9BE7-187E Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Paris 0.0001106
0E04-1FCA-C280 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Tokyo 0.0001224
A1F1-BE03-B217 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Doha 0.0001159
8707-D581-5724 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Dammam 0.0001526
95E0-F2DB-0DD3 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Israel 0.0001049
BA77-88B5-E11A Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Montreal 0.0001050
C8D8-7CB9-0DE4 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Toronto 0.0001050
5B05-A722-0AD0 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Singapore 0.0001176
BBF5-7F1F-360E Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Sao Paulo 0.0001514
1963-20AE-23F2 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Santiago 0.0001364
529F-8904-C7FC Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Columbus 0.0001074
6367-57F0-CE13 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Dallas 0.0001125
B767-B17B-C769 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Los Angeles 0.0001146
C3EA-F24B-E9D6 Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Salt Lake City 0.0001146
8EF6-8FF5-542E Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Las Vegas 0.0001074
AB69-1743-2B5D Committed Use Discount Premium for Custom Instance Ram running in Virginia 0.0000954
3DEC-176C-6A76 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Americas 0.0004908
E587-D0EB-370B Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Johannesburg 0.0006419
27E5-4D47-8B3E Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Taiwan 0.0005683
3924-5BDC-48E0 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Hong Kong 0.0006865
327C-05AF-1178 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Osaka 0.0006302
1A9F-F4F2-532F Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Seoul 0.0006302
5A72-5541-2CFA Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Mumbai 0.0005104
F258-30D9-F461 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Delhi 0.0005895
59D1-1D55-F8BC Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Jakarta 0.0006599
177A-57AA-5D33 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Sydney 0.0006135
D9FF-43F1-490F Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Melbourne 0.0006380
C5DB-C868-7DC3 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Belgium 0.0005404
8773-421B-C4F5 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Warsaw 0.0006323
A9B2-1658-44D9 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Finland 0.0005404
70EC-D8D4-C4EF Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Madrid 0.0005791
607B-54AD-F1B6 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Berlin 0.0007558
BB88-3D3B-D2D1 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Turin 0.0006331
F579-E629-DA02 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in London 0.0005595
B6C7-1DF0-063B Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Frankfurt 0.0005791
C701-D834-8B03 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Netherlands 0.0005153
672F-AD00-351A Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Zurich 0.0006865
6D67-811A-754D Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Milan 0.0005693
0D5B-6B9E-C8E4 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Paris 0.0005693
B6D8-8497-AF7F Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Tokyo 0.0006302
E972-C005-C18B Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Doha 0.0005963
84FB-2037-0AF3 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Dammam 0.0007852
B0BF-6CF6-9A70 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Israel 0.0005398
6FD8-B305-137E Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Montreal 0.0005404
34D8-79D1-B090 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Toronto 0.0005404
23EC-E9EB-E903 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Singapore 0.0006055
5474-F081-13DB Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Sao Paulo 0.0007793
C3FA-448A-33B8 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Santiago 0.0007018
79A2-5B16-13CD Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Columbus 0.0005527
CBE8-610A-1FAD Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Dallas 0.0005791
A528-CFF6-28B3 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Los Angeles 0.0005899
0095-D4CF-A85B Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Salt Lake City 0.0005899
9845-742D-5A87 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Las Vegas 0.0005527
1960-8465-49A3 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Core running in Virginia 0.0004908
E5AD-6DC8-026D Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Americas 0.0000658
304E-4E85-0875 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Johannesburg 0.0000860
9C63-4FD3-7A02 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Taiwan 0.0000762
7ABD-11C3-E236 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Hong Kong 0.0000920
6D72-2207-C2A5 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Osaka 0.0000845
0F10-998F-5316 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Seoul 0.0000845
DAAD-9545-F374 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Mumbai 0.0000684
4FDD-6C68-4B2C Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Delhi 0.0000790
DA2A-D223-488D Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Jakarta 0.0000885
51FB-F94C-7A7C Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Sydney 0.0000822
C628-6E66-EBB9 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Melbourne 0.0000855
9D3D-82BF-4506 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Belgium 0.0000724
E34F-84A9-6A0E Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Warsaw 0.0000848
1210-B483-3291 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Finland 0.0000724
2DBE-FBC7-B18F Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Madrid 0.0000776
71E4-F3D1-33E3 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Berlin 0.0001013
9C5C-F403-7BA6 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Turin 0.0000849
329D-FC15-402F Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in London 0.0000750
552E-56FD-B16B Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Frankfurt 0.0000776
FD6C-1A5A-A3EE Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Netherlands 0.0000691
9F7B-CBCF-4A81 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Zurich 0.0000920
C6BF-20ED-873D Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Milan 0.0000763
6262-A027-84B8 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Paris 0.0000763
A585-C541-F220 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Tokyo 0.0000845
24F6-7869-5915 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Doha 0.0000799
9053-E73E-EB71 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Dammam 0.0001052
CA19-7BFE-3473 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Israel 0.0000724
073E-150B-485D Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Montreal 0.0000724
ECA4-1159-9E65 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Toronto 0.0000724
B080-77C8-5D94 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Singapore 0.0000812
4607-8E53-5755 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Sao Paulo 0.0001045
99F2-D31F-96A5 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Santiago 0.0000941
0208-98B8-657F Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Columbus 0.0000741
C3FB-3EC7-0B1D Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Dallas 0.0000776
EDF1-5448-47B4 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Los Angeles 0.0000791
72DA-B040-AF58 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Salt Lake City 0.0000791
6313-027C-BA50 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Las Vegas 0.0000741
3F02-B312-2CF4 Committed Use Discount Premium for E2 Custom Instance Ram running in Virginia 0.0000658
E379-5FA6-D201 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Americas 0.0005622
7C98-5D40-BAFE Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Johannesburg 0.0007354
5B69-10FD-EB95 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Taiwan 0.0006510
DE6B-DFA7-90E8 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Hong Kong 0.0007865
CB6B-1C29-0565 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Osaka 0.0007220
A281-7670-8C47 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Seoul 0.0007220
1E9D-0AB8-B5AE Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Mumbai 0.0005847
4E12-0D5D-4BE3 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Delhi 0.0006753
A688-76C3-0D1E Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Jakarta 0.0007560
C22D-D770-9A04 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Sydney 0.0007028
5777-B869-FCE9 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Melbourne 0.0007309
F820-230C-D479 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Belgium 0.0006191
069A-FD6F-E538 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Warsaw 0.0007244
CB1F-E160-84C0 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Finland 0.0006191
B70F-D652-3A69 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Madrid 0.0006634
9F30-499B-6065 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Berlin 0.0008658
E656-ADEB-FDDC Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Turin 0.0007253
2DC6-1831-A0FD Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in London 0.0006409
6593-666A-1627 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Frankfurt 0.0006634
FF5C-6178-13D2 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Netherlands 0.0005903
CD75-15CC-0544 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Zurich 0.0007865
62AA-BEA1-C449 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Milan 0.0006522
CF08-D140-2881 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Paris 0.0006522
EF8C-DB07-668F Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Tokyo 0.0007220
F49C-53B6-184F Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Doha 0.0006831
1364-F797-D5EF Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Dammam 0.0008996
2D27-A9D5-31DC Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Israel 0.0006185
8ED2-40CD-26F4 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Montreal 0.0006191
2D95-2B36-ECA2 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Toronto 0.0006191
6599-CFBA-6EBB Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Singapore 0.0006936
3B79-A146-0CFC Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Sao Paulo 0.0008928
BB81-785E-5DDA Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Santiago 0.0008040
CB26-3E6A-6193 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Columbus 0.0006332
2EF3-6697-583A Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Dallas 0.0006634
F89B-FB5C-B362 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Los Angeles 0.0006759
E0F0-5F6A-6434 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Salt Lake City 0.0006759
34A5-9B3D-D2F1 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Las Vegas 0.0006332
CBCD-8891-3020 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Core running in Virginia 0.0005622
6457-373E-7C4C Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Americas 0.0000659
2617-F166-8FE3 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Johannesburg 0.0000862
DCBA-113F-FD07 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Taiwan 0.0000763
15FC-235C-D26C Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Hong Kong 0.0000921
A9A7-8FB3-552F Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Osaka 0.0000846
A868-A8CF-159E Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Seoul 0.0000846
998C-1BA9-1CD4 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Mumbai 0.0000685
FE25-086C-721D Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Delhi 0.0000791
30FF-FF63-699A Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Jakarta 0.0000886
DB58-C24D-18B0 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Sydney 0.0000823
5E79-CCCA-C54B Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Melbourne 0.0000856
8CB1-B18F-6DD3 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Belgium 0.0000725
565B-44A4-08EA Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Warsaw 0.0000849
0D51-FCC2-85AA Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Finland 0.0000725
1260-5BC5-14F9 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Madrid 0.0000777
003A-F138-D619 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Berlin 0.0001014
79F9-5461-83F2 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Turin 0.0000850
E63D-D521-AB3F Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in London 0.0000751
7CBF-5EFE-43F6 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Frankfurt 0.0000777
1E8E-6B5A-2EB1 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Netherlands 0.0000692
D78E-976C-9875 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Zurich 0.0000921
2E7F-AC2E-0B1C Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Milan 0.0000764
C52D-C5EB-B9DE Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Paris 0.0000764
F32A-3603-659D Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Tokyo 0.0000846
6E1C-EE2B-125D Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Doha 0.0000800
C7A2-0C3B-A321 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Dammam 0.0001054
C308-6D8A-5A93 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Israel 0.0000725
4F59-0D80-40BC Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Montreal 0.0000725
5C1C-A330-382D Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Toronto 0.0000725
BC76-9ADD-BE88 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Singapore 0.0000813
C2E4-60F9-2FFF Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Sao Paulo 0.0001046
43DC-9D20-AE96 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Santiago 0.0000942
8783-07BB-B0AA Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Columbus 0.0000742
8810-6397-2158 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Dallas 0.0000777
E14B-6C68-352A Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Los Angeles 0.0000792
2361-D100-7730 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Salt Lake City 0.0000792
EB58-AF7D-1551 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Las Vegas 0.0000742
213D-633F-17C0 Committed Use Discount Premium for G2 Custom Instance Ram running in Virginia 0.0000659
A243-259E-C94D Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Americas 0.0007113
84FF-5864-BDBB Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Johannesburg 0.0009303
1CA9-3C15-EF8C Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Taiwan 0.0008236
E6AC-5FE6-EE82 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Hong Kong 0.0009950
D45A-3A78-FF21 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Osaka 0.0009134
FEA9-F223-82BC Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Seoul 0.0009134
B427-FD14-9876 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Mumbai 0.0007397
9002-9989-F50F Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Delhi 0.0008543
5FE1-18A3-D131 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Jakarta 0.0009564
7590-7C4A-C8D7 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Sydney 0.0008891
4330-121E-16C5 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Melbourne 0.0009246
A1BE-9400-48EF Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Belgium 0.0007832
C46B-FD65-2AB5 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Warsaw 0.0009164
D331-428C-9E2D Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Finland 0.0007832
8284-DE63-7AB8 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Madrid 0.0008393
407F-4B9F-D18F Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Berlin 0.0010953
A2E8-55DE-29F4 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Turin 0.0009175
B370-37EB-8234 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in London 0.0008108
742C-7F21-1418 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Frankfurt 0.0008393
83B5-D09B-269A Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Netherlands 0.0007468
5659-FDAB-462A Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Zurich 0.0009950
A822-2B06-3977 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Milan 0.0008251
6F6E-210D-9F14 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Paris 0.0008251
0FE4-D7F9-FE2E Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Tokyo 0.0009134
192B-C83E-2611 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Doha 0.0008642
5706-3D45-24C8 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Dammam 0.0011380
3116-24E0-CFF7 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Israel 0.0007824
47C6-8018-B394 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Montreal 0.0007832
98B8-1838-51F4 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Toronto 0.0007832
A0A6-F9E8-C0C2 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Singapore 0.0008775
967F-0C38-66BB Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Sao Paulo 0.0011294
91D0-F920-8CCE Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Santiago 0.0010171
D9FD-A766-46C5 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Columbus 0.0008011
C588-F1E6-DBA6 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Dallas 0.0008393
B4C7-C1D4-F7B6 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Los Angeles 0.0008550
7EF0-D06D-E17C Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Salt Lake City 0.0008550
0C90-381C-A126 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Las Vegas 0.0008011
83E2-A39C-64F7 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Core running in Virginia 0.0007113
412E-1524-F841 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Americas 0.0000954
85C5-8902-CFCB Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Johannesburg 0.0001247
0BD8-684A-0439 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Taiwan 0.0001104
F21A-BAF1-A498 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Hong Kong 0.0001334
4F27-4FA9-2675 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Osaka 0.0001224
AEBC-A25C-A73C Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Seoul 0.0001224
643D-AE0D-2051 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Mumbai 0.0000992
04D6-A6C9-D640 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Delhi 0.0001145
2474-FEE2-1F3E Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Jakarta 0.0001282
9AF9-673D-EFC4 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Sydney 0.0001192
C7F8-8BB0-A9C1 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Melbourne 0.0001240
D143-1AAA-A7A7 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Belgium 0.0001050
C580-0FB9-7EC8 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Warsaw 0.0001228
D127-C321-8BBA Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Finland 0.0001050
524B-3B11-BBFF Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Madrid 0.0001125
C5B5-7F0F-35D4 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Berlin 0.0001468
1CF3-C93A-5F3E Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Turin 0.0001230
1F11-8AC8-9924 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in London 0.0001087
BA5A-1CFF-F00F Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Frankfurt 0.0001125
BFF9-D4CC-E04C Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Netherlands 0.0001001
A7F6-8918-C4DA Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Zurich 0.0001334
5D8D-460C-94EE Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Milan 0.0001106
F667-A1AE-028C Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Paris 0.0001106
EC24-3112-6045 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Tokyo 0.0001224
F05C-9433-BE2F Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Doha 0.0001159
909A-9941-61AA Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Dammam 0.0001526
34E2-30DC-CE74 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Israel 0.0001049
CE2D-3C44-D2F9 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Montreal 0.0001050
95A4-8EBC-FB84 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Toronto 0.0001050
5398-9E66-776E Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Singapore 0.0001176
90BF-4718-CC05 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Sao Paulo 0.0001514
779A-17C1-BBFA Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Santiago 0.0001364
D1B0-8A5C-A3F7 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Columbus 0.0001074
F09F-C576-BE92 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Dallas 0.0001125
0B81-161F-CF14 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Los Angeles 0.0001146
05DC-D53F-726A Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Salt Lake City 0.0001146
14A9-53CC-42F6 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Las Vegas 0.0001074
3552-7924-04CD Committed Use Discount Premium for N2 Custom Instance Ram running in Virginia 0.0000954
B276-BA9E-4DF2 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Americas 0.0006188
30CA-A4C9-98FA Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Johannesburg 0.0008094
35BD-02A9-8E81 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Taiwan 0.0007165
DDF5-01B3-BD3C Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Hong Kong 0.0008656
434C-ED3D-80E7 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Osaka 0.0007947
EBB2-1F8F-4462 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Seoul 0.0007947
A3B6-6AD0-1CA6 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Mumbai 0.0006436
363A-AD68-BDBB Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Delhi 0.0007432
F719-C026-7FC6 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Jakarta 0.0008321
F889-D8E3-4545 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Sydney 0.0007735
5BD3-B21C-70C0 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Melbourne 0.0008044
67CD-FD7D-FD04 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Belgium 0.0006814
4D2C-FA62-B234 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Warsaw 0.0007973
80AE-71B4-B92E Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Finland 0.0006814
7FBD-C77C-D1A4 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Madrid 0.0007302
6698-BAE8-737D Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Berlin 0.0009530
3099-320C-8EE6 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Turin 0.0007983
53ED-9897-2B4A Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in London 0.0007054
D2E7-E0A6-B818 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Frankfurt 0.0007302
80EC-5C55-9B7B Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Netherlands 0.0006497
7DE4-D3CD-5558 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Zurich 0.0008656
B2BD-6EA8-52C2 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Milan 0.0007178
6197-C309-E006 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Paris 0.0007178
442E-A97A-6B09 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Tokyo 0.0007947
D1E7-C580-B5D9 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Doha 0.0007518
6920-CA30-40BF Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Dammam 0.0009901
C1CE-8D8A-7CDB Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Israel 0.0006807
7174-1309-3AE7 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Montreal 0.0006814
0FBD-8863-37C8 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Toronto 0.0006814
263D-00EF-EB69 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Singapore 0.0007634
B38A-6228-60BA Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Sao Paulo 0.0009826
E1E6-39E9-2FC1 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Santiago 0.0008849
F311-75C9-0280 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Columbus 0.0006970
67AC-F349-011B Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Dallas 0.0007302
322D-3247-AD9E Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Los Angeles 0.0007439
5AF1-C6C9-C21D Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Salt Lake City 0.0007439
13A8-717D-A52D Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Las Vegas 0.0006970
8D73-9471-DA7A Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Core running in Virginia 0.0006188
AE88-AD5D-8643 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Americas 0.0000830
8E7F-EFEB-DAA2 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Johannesburg 0.0001085
419C-AA67-5F1C Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Taiwan 0.0000960
DC3E-B12D-59F3 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Hong Kong 0.0001160
6D7D-AE1F-2F0C Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Osaka 0.0001065
0F2B-1801-F1C6 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Seoul 0.0001065
8155-DD54-B1D0 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Mumbai 0.0000863
8D61-6288-20E1 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Delhi 0.0000996
A386-34DB-2196 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Jakarta 0.0001115
EE75-8D63-51B3 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Sydney 0.0001037
9DDB-0930-63CC Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Melbourne 0.0001078
B900-B767-2886 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Belgium 0.0000913
0DF0-F74F-B0B7 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Warsaw 0.0001069
68BB-4382-C2F4 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Finland 0.0000913
9EC4-A0D9-1A88 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Madrid 0.0000979
FA12-FCCD-7AA8 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Berlin 0.0001277
03DC-EAFA-7B08 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Turin 0.0001070
CC23-80BF-F5FF Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in London 0.0000946
4A3B-C7D8-31C2 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Frankfurt 0.0000979
2B58-DAC4-C37B Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Netherlands 0.0000871
D465-E136-6088 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Zurich 0.0001160
C840-28C5-7248 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Milan 0.0000962
5A28-2A5A-03F3 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Paris 0.0000962
6867-5505-4204 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Tokyo 0.0001065
DC7E-A724-862B Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Doha 0.0001008
592B-1559-B6DF Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Dammam 0.0001327
0053-EF13-409E Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Israel 0.0000912
D033-2EF8-241A Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Montreal 0.0000913
C37E-7FAA-D266 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Toronto 0.0000913
7048-4E48-B4E3 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Singapore 0.0001023
FE28-0D8B-B93E Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Sao Paulo 0.0001317
A0E1-3005-940C Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Santiago 0.0001186
ECDE-1B5C-D7B5 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Columbus 0.0000934
8EA3-1662-76CC Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Dallas 0.0000979
A76C-D8AD-D6CE Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Los Angeles 0.0000997
F7B0-64BA-BC30 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Salt Lake City 0.0000997
D45A-DF19-F7E6 Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Las Vegas 0.0000934
7835-5D89-FB4B Committed Use Discount Premium for N2D AMD Custom Instance Ram running in Virginia 0.0000830