Configure scheduled snapshots

Cloud Composer 1 | Cloud Composer 2 | Cloud Composer 3

This page explains how to configure your environment to save snapshots on a schedule.

For more information about how environment snapshots work and how to save snapshots manually, see Save and load snapshots.

How scheduled snapshots work

When you enable scheduled snapshots, Cloud Composer periodically saves snapshots of your environment to a Cloud Storage bucket.

If you create snapshots manually, Cloud Composer saves snapshots in the environment's bucket by default. For scheduled snapshots, we recommend to save snapshots in a separate bucket. This way, you can set up permissions and a lifecycle configuration for this bucket. One bucket can hold snapshots from several environments, and you can also create buckets that are redundant across regions.

Before you begin

  • For more information about snapshot requirements and limitations, see Save and load snapshots.

  • Cloud Composer supports scheduled snapshots in 2.0.32 and later versions. Environment snapshots are supported in 2.0.9 and later versions.

Create a bucket for scheduled snapshots

Create a bucket for scheduled snapshots. Consider how you want to use environment snapshots. If it is a part of your disaster recovery plan, then use a bucket that is redundant across regions or a bucket in a different region, so you have access to the data even in case of a full regional outage. Otherwise, a bucket in the same region as the environment might be more suitable, and in this case you reduce the costs of transferring data between regions.

Configure permissions for the bucket

Configure the following permissions:

  • The service account of your environment must have read and write permissions for this bucket. For example, the Storage Object Admin role has such permissions.

  • User accounts do not need any additional permissions for the bucket to load snapshots from it, unless you want to view the contents of the bucket from Google Cloud console. In this case a user account must have read permission on the bucket.

Set a lifecycle configuration for the bucket

To save storage costs, you can configure a rule that deletes environment snapshots after a certain period of time.

For example, to automatically delete snapshots older than 30 days:

  1. Set a lifecycle configuration for the bucket.
  2. Specify the Delete object action.
  3. Select Age and 30 days as the condition.

Enable a snapshot schedule for your environment


  1. In Google Cloud console, go to the Environments page.

    Go to Environments

  2. In the list of environments, click the name of your environment. The Environment details page opens.

  3. Go to the Environment configuration tab.

  4. In Recovery configuration > Snapshot schedule, click Edit. The Snapshot schedule pane opens.

  5. In the Snapshot schedule pane, select Create snapshots periodically, according to the specified schedule.

  6. In the Schedule frequency drop-down list, select daily, weekly, or custom period for snapshots.

    You can specify a custom schedule with the unix-cron format. For example, to save snapshots every 30 minutes, specify */30 * * * *.

  7. In the Snapshot location field, select the bucket folder where you want to save snapshots.


Update your environment configuration. The following arguments define parameters for scheduled snapshots:

  • --enable-scheduled-snapshot-creation enables scheduled snapshots.
  • --snapshot-location specifies a bucket folder where you want to save snapshots.
  • --snapshot-creation-schedule specifies how often environment snapshots must be taken, in the unix-cron format. For example, to create a snapshot every 30 minutes, specify */30 * * * *.

  • --snapshot-schedule-timezone defines a time zone for the schedule. This value is a time offset and does not take into account daylight saving time changes. Valid values are from UTC-12 to UTC 12. Examples: UTC, UTC-01, UTC 03.

gcloud beta composer environments update ENVIRONMENT_NAME \
    --location LOCATION \
    --enable-scheduled-snapshot-creation \
    --snapshot-location "gs://SNAPSHOTS_FOLDER" \
    --snapshot-creation-schedule "CRON_EXPRESSION" \
    --snapshot-schedule-timezone "TIME_ZONE"


  • ENVIRONMENT_NAME with the name of the environment.
  • LOCATION with the region where the environment is located.
  • SNAPSHOTS_FOLDER with the URI of a bucket folder where to save the snapshot.
  • CRON_EXPRESSION with the schedule, in the unix-cron format.
  • TIME_ZONE with a time zone for the schedule.

Example (every day at 4:00, UTC 01):

gcloud beta composer environments update example-environment \
    --location us-central1 \
    --enable-scheduled-snapshot-creation \
    --snapshot-location "gs://example-bucket/environment_snapshots" \
    --snapshot-creation-schedule "0 4 * * *" \
    --snapshot-schedule-timezone "UTC 01"


Construct an environments.patch API request.

In this request:

  1. In the updateMask parameter, specify the config.recoveryConfig.scheduledSnapshotsConfig mask to replace the existing scheduled snapshots configuration.

  2. In the request body, specify the configuration for snapshots:

      "config": {
        "recoveryConfig": {
          "scheduledSnapshotsConfig": {
            "enabled": true,
            "snapshot_location": "gs://SNAPSHOTS_FOLDER",
            "snapshot_creation_schedule": "CRON_EXPRESSION",
            "time_zone": "TIME_ZONE"


    • SNAPSHOTS_FOLDER with the URI of a bucket folder where to save the snapshot.
    • CRON_EXPRESSION with the schedule, in the unix-cron format.

    • TIME_ZONE with a time zone for the schedule. This value is a time offset and does not take into account daylight saving time changes. Valid values are from UTC-12 to UTC 12. Examples: UTC, UTC-01, UTC 03.

    Example (every day at 4:00, UTC 01):

      // PATCH
      // locations/us-central1/environments/example-environment?updateMask=
      // config.recoveryConfig.scheduledSnapshotsConfig
          "config": {
            "recoveryConfig": {
              "scheduledSnapshotsConfig": {
                "enabled": true,
                "snapshot_location": "gs://example-bucket/environment_snapshots",
                "snapshot_creation_schedule": "0 4 * * *",
                "time_zone": "UTC 01"


The scheduled_snapshots_config in the recovery_config block defines parameters for scheduled snapshots:

  • enabled enables scheduled snapshots.
  • snapshot_location specifies a bucket folder where you want to save snapshots.
  • snapshot_creation_schedule specifies how often environment snapshots must be taken, in the unix-cron format. For example, to create a snapshot every 30 minutes, specify */30 * * * *.
resource "google_composer_environment" "example" {
  provider = google-beta
  region = "LOCATION"

  recovery_config {
    scheduled_snapshots_config {
      enabled = true
      snapshot_location = "gs://SNAPSHOTS_FOLDER"
      snapshot_creation_schedule = "CRON_EXPRESSION"
      time_zone = "TIME_ZONE"


  • SNAPSHOTS_FOLDER with the URI of a bucket folder where to save the snapshot.
  • CRON_EXPRESSION with the schedule, in the unix-cron format.

  • TIME_ZONE with a time zone for the schedule. This value is a time offset and does not take into account daylight saving time changes. Valid values are from UTC-12 to UTC 12. Examples: UTC, UTC-01, UTC 03.

Example (every day at 4:00, UTC 01):

resource "google_composer_environment" "example" {
  provider = google-beta
  name = "example-environment"
  region = "us-central1"

  recovery_config {
    scheduled_snapshots_config {
      enabled = true
      snapshot_location = "gs://example-bucket/environment_snapshots"
      snapshot_creation_schedule = "0 4 * * *"
      time_zone = "UTC 01"

Disable scheduled snapshots

If you disable scheduled snapshots, all existing snapshots that were already taken are not modified or removed. These snapshots remain in the location where they were saved.


  1. In Google Cloud console, go to the Environments page.

    Go to Environments

  2. In the list of environments, click the name of your environment. The Environment details page opens.

  3. Go to the Environment configuration tab.

  4. In Recovery configuration > Snapshot schedule, click Edit. The Snapshot schedule pane opens.

  5. In the Snapshot schedule pane, select Do not create snapshots automatically.


Update your environment configuration. The --disable-scheduled-snapshot-creation argument disables scheduled snapshots.

gcloud beta composer environments update ENVIRONMENT_NAME \
    --location LOCATION \


  • ENVIRONMENT_NAME with the name of the environment.
  • LOCATION with the region where the environment is located.


gcloud beta composer environments update example-environment \
    --location us-central1 \


Construct an environments.patch API request.

In this request:

  1. In the updateMask parameter, specify the config.recoveryConfig.scheduledSnapshotsConfig.enabled mask to replace the value of the enabled field.

  2. In the request body, specify the new value:

      "config": {
        "recoveryConfig": {
          "scheduledSnapshotsConfig": {
            "enabled": false


// locations/us-central1/environments/example-environment?updateMask=
// config.recoveryConfig.scheduledSnapshotsConfig.enabled
"config": {
  "recoveryConfig": {
    "scheduledSnapshotsConfig": {
      "enabled": false


To disable scheduled snapshots, set the enabled field in the scheduled_snapshots_config block to false:

resource "google_composer_environment" "example" {
  provider = google-beta
  region = "LOCATION"

  recovery_config {
    scheduled_snapshots_config {
      enabled = false


resource "google_composer_environment" "example" {
  provider = google-beta
  name = "example-environment"
  region = "us-central1"

  recovery_config {
    scheduled_snapshots_config {
      enabled = false
      // Other scheduled snapshots parameters

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