Create a custom dashboard

You can create a custom dashboard to provide specific insights into the data. You add tiles to the dashboard that display visualization charts, text, or buttons.

The following are options to create a custom dashboard:

After creating a custom dashboard, you maintain it under the Personal Dashboards section or the Shared Dashboards section of the left navigation. Personal Dashboards are visible to you only. Shared Dashboards are visible to all members of the team who can access dashboards in Google Security Operations.

When working with custom dashboards, you will often need to access the Dashboard actions and Tile actions menus.

  • To perform actions on a custom dashboard, open the Dashboard actions menu. The following image shows the menu location.

    Open dashboard actions menu

    Open dashboard actions menu

  • To perform actions on a tile, open the Tile actions menu. The following image shows the menu location.

    Open tile actions menu

    Open tile actions menu

Create a new empty dashboard

Use the following steps to create a new dashboard:

  1. Under the Personal Dashboards or Shared Dashboards section in the left navigation, click Add > Create New. A new blank dashboard appears.
  2. Click Edit Dashboard, and then enter a name for the dashboard.
  3. Next, you can add a tile to a dashboard.
  4. When you are done configuring the dashboard, click Save.

Copy an existing dashboard

Copying an existing dashboard can can save time if the original dashboard uses a data model and has visualizations that you want to use. You can copy an existing dashboard from the Default Dashboards, Personal Dashboards, or Shared Dashboards section of the left navigation.

Do the following to copy an existing dashboard:

  1. Choose a dashboard you want to copy, from either the Default Dashboards, Personal Dashboards, or Shared Dashboards section in the left navigation.
  2. Click Menu next to the dashboard name, and then select either Copy to Personal or Copy to Shared.

    This copies the dashboard to either the Personal Dashboards or Shared Dashboards section of the left navigation.

Next, you can edit the dashboard.

Edit a dashboard

  1. Go to Personal Dashboards or Shared Dashboards and select a dashboard.
  2. Click Dashboard actions > Edit dashboard.

Next, you can add a tile or edit an existing tile.

Add a tile to a dashboard

You can add a tile either of the following ways:

  • Create a new blank tile.
  • Duplicate an existing tile that exists on the dashboard.

You can select any of the following types of tile:

  • Visualization
  • Text
  • Markdown
  • Button

Create a new blank tile

To add a new blank tile to a dashboard, do the following:

  1. Open an existing dashboard to edit or create a new dashboard.
  2. In the dashboard edit dialog, click Add.
  3. Select the type of tile. Depending on the tile type you selected, you will see different configuration options.

Duplicate an existing tile

Do the following to duplicate a tile in the current dashboard. You can then edit the copy to use different fields, visualization, and filters.

  1. Open an existing dashboard to edit.
  2. Click Tile actions in the tile that you want to duplicate, and then click Duplicate tile. A new tile is created with the same Explore and custom fields as the original tile. You cannot change the Explore data model bound to the tile.
  3. Edit the tile to support a specific use case.
  4. Click Save.

Edit a tile

  1. Open an existing dashboard to edit.
  2. Identify the tile you want to edit, and then click Tile actions > Edit.
  3. Modify the tile to support a specific use case.
  4. Click Save.

What's next: