Create rules for Risk Analytics

This document describes the major elements of the new YARA-L syntax features for Risk Analytics. For more information about YARA-L, see YARA-L 2.0 Language Syntax.

YARA-L Metrics functions

Google Security Operations supports a number of metrics functions, which can aggregate large amounts of historical data.

The metrics function can only be used in the outcome section. All of the example function calls assume usage in a multi-event rule.

All rules that use the metrics function are automatically categorized as multi-event rules, even if they don't have a match section and use only one event variable. This means that they will count against multi-event rule quota.

Function parameters

The metrics functions can be used for rules that perform entity behavioral analytics.

For example, the following rule tells you the maximum number of daily bytes a specific IP address has sent in the past month. The specific IP address is represented by a placeholder variable, $ip in this example. For more information about placeholder variables, see Variable declarations.

$max_bytes_per_day = max(metrics.network_bytes_outbound(
    period:1d, window:30d,

Due to the large number of arguments used in these functions, they use named parameters, which can be specified in any order. The parameters are as follows:


The length of time over which individual log events are combined into a single observation. The only values allowed are 1h and 1d.


The length of time over which individual observations are aggregated into a single value, such as the average and the maximum. The allowed values for window are based on the period of the metric. The valid mapping is as follows:

period:1h : window:today

period:1d : window:30d

For example, the following rule tells you the greatest number of failed authentication attempts seen for a specific user (Alice) in a given day, over the last 30 days:

$user = "alice"
$max_fail = max(metrics.auth_attempts_fail(
    period:1d, window:30d,

A combination of hourly and daily metrics can be used for first-seen types of detections. For example, the following rule tells you whether this is the first time a user has logged into this application:

    $e.metadata.event_type = "USER_LOGIN"
    $e.security_result.action = "ALLOW"
    $userid = $
    $app = $
    // find events from now - 4h ago, which is the recommended look-back period
    $userid, $app over 4h
    // check hourly analytics until daily analytics are available
    $first_seen_today = max(metrics.auth_attempts_success(
        period:1h, window:today, metric:first_seen, agg:max,
        target.user.userid:$userid, target.application:$app))
    $first_seen_monthly = max(metrics.auth_attempts_success(
        period:1d, window:30d, metric:first_seen, agg:max,
        target.user.userid:$userid, target.application:$app))
    $e and ($first_seen_today = 0) and ($first_seen_monthly = 0)


Within each period, each observation has a number of metrics associated with it. One of these must be selected for aggregation over the entire window. Five metric types are supported:

event_count_sum—Number of unique log events within each period.

first_seen—First seen timestamp of a matching log event within each period.

last_seen—Last seen timestamp of a matching log event within each period.

value_sum—Represents the sum of the number of bytes in all the log events combined within the period. You can only use this value for metrics functions with bytes in the name.

num_unique_filter_values—Metric that is not pre-computed by Google Security Operations but can be computed during rule execution. See Count unique metrics for more details and requirements.


Which aggregation is applied to the metric. Aggregations are applied over the entire window (e.g. the highest daily value over the past 30 days). The allowed values are:

avg—Average value per period. This is a statistical mean, which does not include values of zero.

max—Greatest value per period.

min—Smallest value per period.

num_metric_periods—Number of periods within the time window that had a non-zero metric value.

stddev—Standard deviation of the value per period. This is a statistical standard deviation which does not include zero values.

sum—Sum of each value per period, over the entire window.

For example, the following rule tells you the average number of failed authentication attempts seen for a specific user (Alice) in any given day over the last 30 days:

$user = "alice"
$avg_fail = max(metrics.auth_attempts_fail(
        period:1d, window:30d,

The following rule tells you how many successful authentications a specific user had over the last 30 days:

$total_success = max(metrics.auth_attempts_success(
        period:1d, window:30d,

The following rule tells you whether a specific user successfully logged in at least once over the last 30 days:

$days_success = max(metrics.auth_attempts_success(
        period:1d, window:30d,

The following rule tells you the first or last time a specific user logged in successfully:

$first_seen = max(metrics.auth_attempts_success(
        period:1d, window:30d,
$last_seen = max(metrics.auth_attempts_success(
        period:1d, window:30d,

The following rule tells you the maximum number of bytes sent by a user in any given day over the last 30 days:

$max_daily_bytes = max(metrics.network_bytes_outbound(
        period:1d, window:30d,


Filters allow filtering metrics before aggregation by a value in the pre-computed metric (see values in Metric). Filters can be any valid events expression (a single line in the event section) which does not contain any event fields or placeholders. The only variables that can be included in this condition are metric types.

The following rule includes only metrics where value_sum > 10 AND event_count_sum > 2:

$max_bytes_per_day = max(metrics.network_bytes_outbound(
    period:1d, window:30d,
    filter:value_sum > 10 AND event_count_sum > 2
Valid examples of filters
filter:value_sum > 10 AND event_count_sum != 5
filter:event_count_sum = 100 OR event_count_sum > 1000
filter:timestamp.get_day_of_week(first_seen) = 3
Invalid examples of filters
// No placeholders in filter expressions.
filter:value_sum > $ph

// No event fields in filter expressions.
filter:event_count_sum   $e.field > 10

// No event fields in filter expressions.
filter:timestamp.subtract(first_seen, $e.metadata.timestamp)

UDM fields

Metrics are filtered by 1, 2, or 3 UDM fields, depending on the function. For more information, see Functions.

The following types of UDM fields are used for metrics functions:

  • Dimensions—(Required) Different combinations are listed in this documentation. You cannot join a metric with a default value ("" for string and 0 for int).
  • Namespaces—(Optional) You can only use namespaces for entities that you specify in dimensions. For example, if you use principal.asset.hostname filter, you can use a principal.namespace filter as well. If you don't include a namespace filter, the data across all namespaces is aggregated together. You can use a default value as a namespace filter.

Window calculations

Google Security Operations calculates metrics using either a daily or hourly metric window.

Daily windows

All daily windows, such as 30d, are determined the same way. Google Security Operations uses the latest available metrics data that has been generated that does not overlap with the rule time range. Calculation of the daily metrics can take up to 6 hours to complete and doesn't start until the end of the day in UTC. Metrics data for the day before will be available at or before 6:00 UTC each day.

For example, for a rule that is running over event data from 2023-10-31 4:00 UTC to 2023-10-31 7:00 UTC, the daily metrics for 2023-10-31 will likely have been generated, so the metric calculation will use the data from 2023-10-01 to 2023-10-30 (inclusive). Whereas for a rule that is running over event data from 2023-10-31 1:00 UTC to 2023-10-31 3:00 UTC, the daily metrics for 2023-10-30 will likely not have been generated, so the metric calculation will use the data from 2023-09-30 to 2023-10-29 (inclusive).

Hourly today window

The hourly metric window is calculated very differently from the window for daily metrics. The hourly metric window of today is not a static size like the 30d window for daily metrics. The hourly metrics window today fills in as much data as possible between the end of the daily window and the start of the rule time window.

For example, for a rule that is running over event data from 2023-10-31 4:00:00 UTC to 2023-10-31 7:00:00 UTC, the daily metric calculation will use the data from 2023-10-01 to 2023-10-30 (inclusive) and the hourly metric window will use data from 2023-10-31 00:00:00 UTC to 2023-10-31 4:00:00 UTC.

Count Unique Metrics

There is a special type of metric num_unique_filter_values that is not pre-computed by Google Security Operations and is instead computed during a rule execution. This is done by aggregating over an existing dimension in a pre-computed metric. For example, the metric daily total count of distinct countries that a user attempted to authenticate in can be derived from the pre-computed auth_attempts_total metrics on the dimensions target.user.userid and principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region by performing a count unique aggregation over the latter dimension.

The following example rule counts unique metrics:

$outcome_variable = max(metrics.auth_attempts_total(
    period: 1d,
    window: 30d,
    // This metric type indicates any filter with a wildcard value should be
    // aggregated over each day to produce a new metric on-the-fly.
    metric: num_unique_filter_values,
    agg: max,
    target.user.userid: $userid,
    // Filter whose value should be counted over each day to produce the
    // num_unique_filter_values metric.
    principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region: *

This feature has the following limitation:

  • Computing unique metrics count can only be aggregated over a 1 filter dimension. This is indicated by using the wildcard token * as the filter value.


This section includes documentation on the specific metrics functions supported by Google Security Operations.

Alert Events

metics.alert_event_name_count precomputes historical values for UDM events that have a non-zero value for alerts with a number of alerts generated in Google Workspace received_bytes and makes that field available as value_sum.

The full list of UDM fields available as filters

  • principal.asset.asset_id, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.email_addresses, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.asset_id, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.employee_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.asset_id, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.product_object_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.asset_id, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.userid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.asset_id, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.windows_sid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.asset_id, principal.process.file.full_path, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.asset_id, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.email_addresses, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.asset_id, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.employee_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.asset_id, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.product_object_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.asset_id, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.userid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.asset_id, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.windows_sid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.asset_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.hostname, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.email_addresses, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.hostname, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.employee_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.hostname, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.product_object_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.hostname, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.userid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.hostname, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.windows_sid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.hostname, principal.process.file.full_path, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.hostname, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.email_addresses, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.hostname, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.employee_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.hostname, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.product_object_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.hostname, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.userid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.hostname, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.windows_sid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.hostname, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.ip, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.email_addresses, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.ip, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.employee_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.ip, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.product_object_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.ip, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.userid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.ip, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.windows_sid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.ip, principal.process.file.full_path, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.ip, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.email_addresses, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.ip, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.employee_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.ip, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.product_object_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.ip, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.userid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.ip, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.windows_sid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.ip, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.mac, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.email_addresses, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.mac, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.employee_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.mac, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.product_object_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.mac, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.userid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.mac, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.windows_sid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.mac, principal.process.file.full_path, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.mac, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.email_addresses, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.mac, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.employee_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.mac, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.product_object_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.mac, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.userid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.mac, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.windows_sid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.mac, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.email_addresses, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.employee_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.product_object_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.userid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, principal.process.file.full_path, principal.user.windows_sid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, principal.process.file.full_path, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.email_addresses, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.employee_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.product_object_id, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.userid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, principal.process.file.sha256, principal.user.windows_sid, security_result.rule_name
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, security_result.rule_name

Authentication Attempts

metrics.auth_attempts_total precomputes historical values for UDM events with a USER_LOGIN event type.

metrics.auth_attempts_success further requires that the event had at least one SecurityResult.Action of ALLOW.

metrics.auth_attempts_fail requires instead that none of the SecurityResult.Actions were ALLOW.

The full list of UDM fields available as filters

  • principal.asset.asset_id
  • principal.asset.asset_id, target.asset.asset_id
  • principal.asset.asset_id, target.asset.hostname
  • principal.asset.asset_id, target.asset.ip
  • principal.asset.asset_id, target.asset.mac
  • principal.asset.asset_id, target.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.asset.hostname
  • principal.asset.hostname, target.asset.asset_id
  • principal.asset.hostname, target.asset.hostname
  • principal.asset.hostname, target.asset.ip
  • principal.asset.hostname, target.asset.mac
  • principal.asset.hostname, target.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.asset.ip
  • principal.asset.ip, target.asset.asset_id
  • principal.asset.ip, target.asset.hostname
  • principal.asset.ip, target.asset.ip
  • principal.asset.ip, target.asset.mac
  • principal.asset.ip, target.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.asset.mac
  • principal.asset.mac, target.asset.asset_id
  • principal.asset.mac, target.asset.hostname
  • principal.asset.mac, target.asset.ip
  • principal.asset.mac, target.asset.mac
  • principal.asset.mac, target.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, target.asset.asset_id
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, target.asset.hostname
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, target.asset.ip
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, target.asset.mac
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, target.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.user.email_addresses
  • principal.user.email_addresses, target.asset.asset_id
  • principal.user.email_addresses, target.asset.hostname
  • principal.user.email_addresses, target.asset.ip
  • principal.user.email_addresses, target.asset.mac
  • principal.user.email_addresses, target.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.user.employee_id
  • principal.user.employee_id, target.asset.asset_id
  • principal.user.employee_id, target.asset.hostname
  • principal.user.employee_id, target.asset.ip
  • principal.user.employee_id, target.asset.mac
  • principal.user.employee_id, target.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.user.product_object_id
  • principal.user.product_object_id, target.asset.asset_id
  • principal.user.product_object_id, target.asset.hostname
  • principal.user.product_object_id, target.asset.ip
  • principal.user.product_object_id, target.asset.mac
  • principal.user.product_object_id, target.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.user.userid
  • principal.user.userid, target.asset.asset_id
  • principal.user.userid, target.asset.hostname
  • principal.user.userid, target.asset.ip
  • principal.user.userid, target.asset.mac
  • principal.user.userid, target.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.user.windows_sid
  • principal.user.windows_sid, target.asset.asset_id
  • principal.user.windows_sid, target.asset.hostname
  • principal.user.windows_sid, target.asset.ip
  • principal.user.windows_sid, target.asset.mac
  • principal.user.windows_sid, target.asset.product_object_id
  • target.application
  • target.user.email_addresses
  • target.user.email_addresses, network.tls.client.certificate.sha256
  • target.user.email_addresses, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • target.user.email_addresses,
  • target.user.email_addresses, target.application
  • target.user.employee_id
  • target.user.employee_id, network.tls.client.certificate.sha256
  • target.user.employee_id, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • target.user.employee_id,
  • target.user.employee_id, target.application
  • target.user.product_object_id
  • target.user.product_object_id, network.tls.client.certificate.sha256
  • target.user.product_object_id, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • target.user.product_object_id,
  • target.user.product_object_id, target.application
  • target.user.userid
  • target.user.userid, network.tls.client.certificate.sha256
  • target.user.userid, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • target.user.userid,
  • target.user.userid, target.application
  • target.user.windows_sid
  • target.user.windows_sid, network.tls.client.certificate.sha256
  • target.user.windows_sid, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • target.user.windows_sid,
  • target.user.windows_sid, target.application

metrics.auth_attempts_total has additional UDM fields available as filters

  • target.application, target.asset.asset_id
  • target.application, target.asset.hostname
  • target.application, target.asset.ip
  • target.application, target.asset.mac
  • target.application, target.asset.product_object_id

metrics.auth_attempts_success has additional UDM fields available as filters

  • network.http.user_agent
  • principal.asset.asset_id, metadata.event_type
  • principal.asset.hostname, metadata.event_type
  • principal.asset.ip, metadata.event_type
  • principal.asset.mac, metadata.event_type
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, metadata.event_type

DNS Bytes Outbound

metrics.dns_bytes_outbound precomputes historical values for UDM events where network.sent_bytes is greater than 0, and the target port is 53/udp, 53/tcp, or 3000/tcp. network.sent_bytes is available as value_sum.

The full list of UDM fields available as filters

  • principal.asset.asset_id
  • principal.asset.asset_id, target.ip
  • principal.asset.hostname
  • principal.asset.hostname, target.ip
  • principal.asset.ip
  • principal.asset.ip, target.ip
  • principal.asset.mac
  • principal.asset.mac, target.ip
  • principal.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, target.ip
  • principal.user.email_addresses
  • principal.user.email_addresses, target.ip
  • principal.user.employee_id
  • principal.user.employee_id, target.ip
  • principal.user.product_object_id
  • principal.user.product_object_id, target.ip
  • principal.user.userid
  • principal.user.userid, target.ip
  • principal.user.windows_sid
  • principal.user.windows_sid, target.ip
  • target.ip

DNS Queries

metrics.dns_queries_total precomputes historical values for UDM events that have a value in

metrics.dns_queries_success further requires that the network.dns.response_code was 0 (NoError).

metrics.dns_queries_fail only considers events with a network.dns.response_code greater than 0.

The full list of UDM fields available as filters

  • principal.asset.asset_id
  • principal.asset.asset_id, network.dns_domain
  • principal.asset.asset_id, network.dns.questions.type
  • principal.asset.hostname
  • principal.asset.hostname, network.dns_domain
  • principal.asset.hostname, network.dns.questions.type
  • principal.asset.ip
  • principal.asset.ip, network.dns_domain
  • principal.asset.ip, network.dns.questions.type
  • principal.asset.mac
  • principal.asset.mac, network.dns_domain
  • principal.asset.mac, network.dns.questions.type
  • principal.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, network.dns_domain
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, network.dns.questions.type
  • principal.user.email_addresses
  • principal.user.email_addresses, network.dns_domain
  • principal.user.email_addresses, network.dns.questions.type
  • principal.user.employee_id
  • principal.user.employee_id, network.dns_domain
  • principal.user.employee_id, network.dns.questions.type
  • principal.user.product_object_id
  • principal.user.product_object_id, network.dns_domain
  • principal.user.product_object_id, network.dns.questions.type
  • principal.user.userid
  • principal.user.userid, network.dns_domain
  • principal.user.userid, network.dns.questions.type
  • principal.user.windows_sid
  • principal.user.windows_sid, network.dns_domain
  • principal.user.windows_sid, network.dns.questions.type

File Executions

metrics.file_executions_total precomputes historical values for UDM events with a PROCESS_LAUNCH event type.

metrics.file_executions_success further requires that the event had at least one SecurityResult.Action of ALLOW.

metrics.file_executions_fail instead requires that none of the SecurityResult.Actions were ALLOW.

The full list of UDM fields available as filters

  • metadata.event_type, principal.process.file.sha256
  • metadata.event_type, principal.asset.asset_id, principal.process.file.sha256
  • metadata.event_type, principal.asset.hostname, principal.process.file.sha256
  • metadata.event_type, principal.asset.ip, principal.process.file.sha256
  • metadata.event_type, principal.asset.mac, principal.process.file.sha256
  • metadata.event_type, principal.asset.product_object_id, principal.process.file.sha256
  • metadata.event_type, principal.user.email_addresses, principal.process.file.sha256
  • metadata.event_type, principal.user.employee_id, principal.process.file.sha256
  • metadata.event_type, principal.user.product_object_id, principal.process.file.sha256
  • metadata.event_type, principal.user.userid, principal.process.file.sha256
  • metadata.event_type, principal.user.windows_sid, principal.process.file.sha256

HTTP Queries

metrics.http_queries_total precomputes historical values for UDM events that have a value in network.http.method.

metrics.http_queries_success further requires that network.http.response_code is less than 400.

metrics.http_queries_fail only considers events with a network.http.response_code is less than or equal to 400.

The full list of UDM fields available as filters

  • principal.asset.asset_id
  • principal.asset.asset_id, network.http.user_agent
  • principal.asset.hostname
  • principal.asset.hostname, network.http.user_agent
  • principal.asset.ip
  • principal.asset.ip, network.http.user_agent
  • principal.asset.mac
  • principal.asset.mac, network.http.user_agent
  • principal.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, network.http.user_agent
  • principal.user.email_addresses
  • principal.user.email_addresses, network.http.user_agent
  • principal.user.employee_id
  • principal.user.employee_id, network.http.user_agent
  • principal.user.product_object_id
  • principal.user.product_object_id, network.http.user_agent
  • principal.user.userid
  • principal.user.userid, network.http.user_agent
  • principal.user.windows_sid
  • principal.user.windows_sid, network.http.user_agent

Network Bytes

metrics.network_bytes_inbound precomputes historical values for UDM events that have a non-zero value for network.received_bytes, and makes that field available as value_sum.

metrics.network_bytes_outbound requires a non-zero value for network.sent_bytes, and makes that field available as value_sum.

metrics.network_bytes_total considers events that have a non-zero value for either network.received_bytes or network.sent_bytes (or both), and make the sum of those two fields available as value_sum.

The full list of UDM fields available as filters

  • principal.asset.asset_id
  • principal.asset.asset_id, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • principal.asset.asset_id, security_result.category
  • principal.asset.asset_id,
  • principal.asset.hostname
  • principal.asset.hostname, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • principal.asset.hostname, security_result.category
  • principal.asset.hostname,
  • principal.asset.ip
  • principal.asset.ip, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • principal.asset.ip, security_result.category
  • principal.asset.ip,
  • principal.asset.mac
  • principal.asset.mac, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • principal.asset.mac, security_result.category
  • principal.asset.mac,
  • principal.asset.product_object_id
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • principal.asset.product_object_id, security_result.category
  • principal.asset.product_object_id,
  • principal.user.email_addresses
  • principal.user.email_addresses, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • principal.user.email_addresses, security_result.category
  • principal.user.email_addresses,
  • principal.user.employee_id
  • principal.user.employee_id, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • principal.user.employee_id, security_result.category
  • principal.user.employee_id,
  • principal.user.product_object_id
  • principal.user.product_object_id, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • principal.user.product_object_id, security_result.category
  • principal.user.product_object_id,
  • principal.user.userid
  • principal.user.userid, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • principal.user.userid, security_result.category
  • principal.user.userid,
  • principal.user.windows_sid
  • principal.user.windows_sid, principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
  • principal.user.windows_sid, security_result.category
  • principal.user.windows_sid,

Resource Creation

metrics.resource_creation_total precomputes historical values for UDM events with a RESOURCE_CREATION event type.

metrics.resource_creation_success further requires that the event have at least one SecurityResult.Action of ALLOW.

The full list of UDM fields available as filters

  • target.user, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user, principal.ip, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user, target.application, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  •, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user,, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user,, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name

Resource Deletion

metrics.resource_deletion_success precomputes historical values for UDM events with a RESOURCE_DELETION event type and further requires that the event have at least one SecurityResult.Actions of ALLOW.

The full list of UDM fields available as filters

  • target.user, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user, principal.ip, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user, target.application, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  •, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user,, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user,, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name

Resource Read

metrics.resource_read_success precomputes historical values for UDM events with a RESOURCE_READ event type and further requires that the event have at least one SecurityResult.Action of ALLOW.

metrics.resource_read_fail instead requires that none of the SecurityResult.Actions are ALLOW.

The full list of UDM fields available as filters

  • target.user, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user, principal.ip, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user, target.application, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  •, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user,, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name
  • principal.user,, metadata.vendor_name, metadata.product_name


When creating YARA-L rules with metrics, be aware of the following limitations:

  • You cannot join a metric with a default value ("" for string and 0 for int).
  • Default values:
    • If there is no metric data that corresponds to an event, the returned value from the metrics function is 0.
    • If there is an event in the detection which has no metric data, using min to aggregate over the function might return 0.
    • To check whether there is data for an event, you can use the metrics num_metric_periods aggregation on that same event with the same filters.
  • Metrics functions can only be used in the outcome section.
  • Since metrics functions are only used in the outcome section, they must be aggregated just like any other value in rules with a match section.