The ML.MIN_MAX_SCALER function

This document describes the ML.MIN_MAX_SCALER function, which lets you scale a numerical_expression to the range [0, 1]. Negative values are set to 0, and values above 1 are set to 1.

When used in the TRANSFORM clause, the range of [0,1] is automatically used in prediction, and predicted values outside that range are similarly capped.


ML.MIN_MAX_SCALER(numerical_expression) OVER()


ML.MIN_MAX_SCALER takes the following argument:

  • numerical_expression: the numerical expression to scale.


ML.MIN_MAX_SCALER returns a FLOAT64 value that represents the scaled numerical expression.


The following example scales a set of numerical expressions to values between 0 and 1:

  f, ML.MIN_MAX_SCALER(f) OVER() AS output
  UNNEST([1,2,3,4,5]) AS f;

The output looks similar to the following:

 --- -------- 
| f | output |
 --- -------- 
| 4 |   0.75 |
| 2 |   0.25 |
| 1 |    0.0 |
| 3 |    0.5 |
| 5 |    1.0 |
 --- -------- 

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