The ML.HOLIDAY_INFO function

This document describes the ML.HOLIDAY_INFO function, which you can use to return the list of holidays being modeled by an ARIMA_PLUS or ARIMA_PLUS_XREG time series forecasting model. The function returns the list of holidays only if it detects a holiday effect in the model. Otherwise, the function returns an empty result set.


ML.HOLIDAY_INFO(MODEL `project_id.dataset.model`)


ML.HOLIDAY_INFO takes the following arguments:

  • project_id: Your project ID.
  • dataset: The BigQuery dataset that contains the model.
  • model: The name of the model.


ML.HOLIDAY_INFO returns the following columns:

  • region: a STRING value that identifies the holiday region.
  • holiday_name: a STRING value that identifies the holiday.
  • primary_date: a DATE value that identifies the date the holiday falls on.
  • preholiday_days: an INT64 value that identifies the start of the holiday window around the holiday that was taken into account when modeling.
  • postholiday_days: an INT64 value that identifies the end of the holiday window around the holiday that was taken into account when modeling.


The following example returns the results for a model that uses a custom holiday:

ML.HOLIDAY_INFO(MODEL `mydataset.arima_model`);

The output looks similar to the following:

 ----------------------- -------------- ----------------- ------------------ 
| region | holiday_name | primary_date | preholiday_days | postholiday_days |
 -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ 
| US     | Members day  | 2001-10-21   | 3               | 1                |
 ----------------------- -------------- ----------------- ------------------ 
| US     | Members day  | 2002-10-22   | 3               | 1                |
 ----------------------- -------------- ----------------- ------------------ 
| US     | Members day  | 2003-10-21   | 3               | 1                |
 ----------------------- -------------- ----------------- ------------------ 
| US     | Members day  | 2004-10-23   | 3               | 1                |
 ----------------------- -------------- ----------------- ------------------ 

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