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  1. The author’s poorly disguised fetish
  2. The author’s proudly displayed fetish
  3. The author’s fetish you’re pretty sure they don’t realise they have
  4. The author’s fetish which they’re firmly convinced everyone has and is just pretending otherwise
  5. The author’s non-sexual special interest which just sounds like a fetish because of their habitually unfortunate phrasing
  6. The fetish the author is making a well-meaning effort to cater to in spite of clearly not understanding it themselves
  7. The author’s fetish that never quite makes it into the text because they keep getting sidetracked by the requisite worldbuilding
  8. The author’s utterly pedestrian sexual preference which the text treats like a bizarre fetish because they’ve got shit to work through
  9. The author’s seemingly innocuous recurring trope they’re going to have a personal revelation about ten years down the road
  10. The author’s fetish you missed on a first reading because it’s so far out of pocket, it never occurred to you that you could sexualise that

41,785 notes

via David J Prokopetz
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    The author's poorly disguised fetish... ...The author's...
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