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whenever a liberal blames disney homophobia on china I blow up another AO3 datacentre

damm my stepdad is really homophobic. must be catering to the nefarious Chinese

it’s an absurd conspiracy. i use douban (like chinese letterboxd) to follow film reviews and there’s absolutely no lack of gayness in what’s released in china. like, moonlight was released in chinese theatres? and you can go on douban and find chinese gay people talking about all sorts of lgbt films? they’re not being censored. it’s all right there online.

people also like to point out some disney films doing poorly in china as a mark against them. but most westerners probably haven’t even heard of ne zha at all despite it being china’s most successful animated film, and they definitely haven’t heard about 30,000 miles from chang'an despite it being one of the best animated films i’ve ever seen.

it’s actually not that strange that disney isn’t always a huge hit in china. like, chinese films rarely get western attention, so why are you expecting western films to get so much chinese attention? especially when we all know disney’s been spamming out a crazy amount of pointless remakes lately?

but yeah anyway my top chinese film recommendation is angels wear white by vivian qu and everyone should watch it.









This meme is inescapable on French insta so I’m posting it here for all to enjoy

Always reblog flash debate

on it boss

reminder that the presenter says “oh, shut up” not “can it”

Native French speaker here. “Ta gueule” is actually more like “shut the fuck up” in terms of level of disrespect

also worth noting is that the “are you happy” is the correct gender

a screenshot of tags which read as follows: the trans man gets the correct pronouns but he also gets the formal you (vous) while the guy he tells to shut the fuck up gets the informal (ta as the possessive of the informal tu). this is a concise put down the likes of which we simply cannot achieve in English.ALT

@petitfarron @terresdebrume














(via File Photo)

WTF are those obelisks on the right?…

Tasty obelisk fries..

“It’s digestible” has got to be the laziest goal I’ve ever seen achieved by a food product.

“It’s digestible”

“It’s digestible” is pertinent!! Okay, for those of you who haven’t researched Crisco for writing fic about gay sex in the mid-late 60s:

The first-edition of The Joy of Gay Sex, published in 1977, declared, “Vegetable shortening may be the best lubricant, since it is not only greasy but also digestible”[4] Such a statement perhaps gives new meaning to the companies boastful declarations that “Its digestible” and “Crisco has been making life in the kitchen more delicious for years.”  Similarly, in the 1978 sex manual The Advocate Guide to Gay Health, Crisco even earned an entry in the book’s index.  Discussions of the shortening’s use as an anal lubricant indicate its popularity, with statements such as: “The lubricant, typically the cultic Crisco, must be copious.”[5]  In fact, Crisco was so synonomus with gay sex that discos and bars around the world took on the name, such as Crisco Disco in New York City, which was one of the premiere clubs during the 1970s and early 1980s.  Other clubs or bathhouses, such as Club Z in Seattle, even featured murals with Crisco.  Thus, Crisco was conversely also one of many things that led to the formation of gay identities during the 20th century.

from this essay:

The more you know! :D

I have learned a new thing today.

Love this post for so many reasons but most especially because this is from all the way back in 2012 and and yet not a single blog in this thread is deactivated

I enjoy that not only does this have a link to an actual source, but the link still fucking works.

but @rhea314 you didnt include a picture of the crisco disco! AND MY GOD THE DJ BOOTH WAS A GIANT CRISCO CAN!


Go dance and get fisted. Fucking iconic.

Love the gay history, but i just wanna correct that the “it’s digestible” in the gay stuff was a reference to crisco’s tagline it had been using since 1911, the actual meaning of its digestible is because it’s main competition came from “enhanced” lards which were rendered pig fat mixed with non food thickeners that literally did not digest and caused people to basically just shit out pig cream, since crisco was veggie based the body digested it along with the food

And in case you were still wondering, @mudwerks.. Tuna Croquettes


This post is the opposite of net zero information. Not only did I learn several new facts about gay history but also we rounded our way back to the original question of the tag line and the mini obelisks.

It’s a net profit of information. 12/10 post

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