
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (“CZI”) believes in a future for everyone. As we engage directly in our communities, we must work from a shared place of trust. We know that our communities care deeply about how information is collected, used, and shared, and so do we.

The protection of student data is a critical priority for our education projects. Our privacy principles for our Education Initiative can be found here.

In our science work, openness and accessibility to data are driving principles. Our privacy principles for our Science Initiative can be found here.

CZI also commits to a “privacy and security by design” engineering approach to all technology products that we build or operate. That means we will design our products to align with our privacy principles and with security in mind from day one.

Please take some time to get to know our principles and practices. This is important, so we’ve tried to keep it as straightforward as possible. Of course, as humanity’s challenges change and evolve, so will the work of our initiatives. But our commitments to protecting data and privacy will remain.

The Privacy Notice for our website ( and related services can be found here.

Questions? Contact us at [email protected].