
Schaffhausen, SH 4.987 Follower:innen

End-to-end computer vision platform to build, deploy and operate AI vision applications.


We enable organizations worldwide to power computer vision. Viso Suite is the end-to-end computer vision platform to build, deploy, and operate computer vision from one place. Our technology makes computer vision development 10x faster, flexible, and future-proof. Best in Class No Code AI Vision: Viso Suite is an industry-agnostic, hardware-agnostic, high-performing, and scalable no-code/low-code cloud platform, providing a visual programming interface to build robust visual AI applications dramatically faster. All-in-One Suite of Software: Viso Suite is packed with all the tools needed to build, distribute, and operate professional visual AI solutions. Viso Suite seamlessly integrates Image Annotation, Application Building, Device Management, Deployment Center, Dashboard Builder, Access Management, Zero-Trust Security, etc. Move from POC to production without the need to integrate hardware, cameras, different ML platforms, algorithms, computer vision software, or infrastructure. Innovate much faster: With fully integrated tools that are ready out-of-the-box, you can expect Viso Suite to revolutionize how AI Vision technology is developed. Accelerate time-to-market by 10x with automated development and deployment. Expect drastically shorter development cycles, also after product launch. Unrivaled Scalability: Viso Suite offers unique technology allowing teams to scale a portfolio of applications without limits. The fully managed IoT infrastructure supports deploying and managing thousands of edge devices or virtual devices. Use powerful tools for remote debugging and troubleshooting of edge devices. In addition, Viso Suite is highly extensible and lets you add custom code, docker containers, or integrate with your BI tools and databases. Ease of use: Viso Suite is suitable for both vision experts and new developers with basic software/hardware knowledge. The model-driven architecture enables collaboration between business and technical teams.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Schaffhausen, SH
high tech, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Big Data, Internet of Things, computer vision, Deep Learning, deeplearning, edge ai, low-code, AI platform, AI software, computer vision applications, enterprise AI, end-to-end, AI und AI infrastructure


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  • Unternehmensseite von anzeigen, Grafik

    4.987 Follower:innen

    How to determine if your organization requires a computer vision tool 🔧 or computer vision infrastructure 🏢: 1️⃣ What is the Scale of Your Computer Vision Projects? 🔧 If your projects are relatively small and focused on specific tasks. 🏢 If you are handling large-scale projects that require managing extensive datasets, high-performance computing resources, and scalable solutions. 2️⃣ How Important are Flexibility and Customizability for Your Use Cases? 🔧 If you need pre-built solutions that can be quickly deployed with minimal customization. 🏢 If your use cases require extensive customization, integration with various enterprise systems, and the ability to extend functionalities. 3️⃣ What Are Your Data Management and Processing Needs? 🔧 If your data processing needs are straightforward and limited to basic image and video processing. 🏢 If you need sophisticated data management capabilities, including storage, retrieval, preprocessing pipelines, and version control. 4️⃣ How Critical Are Security and Compliance to Your Operations? 🔧 If your security and compliance requirements are standard and not overly stringent. 🏢 If you operate in a highly regulated industry or require robust security measures and compliance with industry standards. 5️⃣ What Level of Collaboration and Resource Management is Required? 🔧 If your team is small and does not require extensive collaboration tools, basic resource management, or version control. 🏢 If you have a large team that needs to collaborate on projects, share resources efficiently, and manage versions effectively. We developed Viso Suite infrastructure to support enterprise computer applications through development, deployment, management, scaling, and securing. Book a demo with our team of experts 🔗 #ComputerVisionInfrastructure #IndustryAutomation #VisoSuite

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  • Unternehmensseite von anzeigen, Grafik

    4.987 Follower:innen

    We've partnered with Intel Corporation to enhance the performance and scalability of computer vision applications across various industries. Intel’s powerful processors provide the necessary computational resources to efficiently deploy enterprise-grade AI applications built on Viso Suite. One of the most notable outcomes of the x Intel partnership is the delivery of robust solutions for edge computing. This is particularly beneficial for industries where real-time decision-making is everything. Ultimately, the collaboration between and Intel provides organizations with state-of-the-art tools needed for harnessing the full potential of computer vision 🔗 #VisoxIntel #ModelDeployment #IndustrySolutions x Intel: Pushing Computer Vision Forward at the Edge - x Intel: Pushing Computer Vision Forward at the Edge -

  • Unternehmensseite von anzeigen, Grafik

    4.987 Follower:innen

    Who uses Viso Suite? We're proud that our customers are early adopters of computer vision systems and some of the most innovative companies in the world. These organizations span a wide range of industries, each leveraging the powerful capabilities of Viso Suite to drive their AI and computer vision initiatives. Learn more about why DPD Group, PWC, Datwyler, and a2a chose Viso Suite infrastructure for their computer vision initiatives 🔗 #AISolutions #ComputerVisionInitiatives #IndustryInnovation



  • Unternehmensseite von anzeigen, Grafik

    4.987 Follower:innen

    Edge AI in computer vision significantly reduces latency by processing data directly on devices, thus making real-time decision-making possible in applications like autonomous driving and surveillance. This local processing minimizes the need for data transmission to centralized servers, minimizing response times and making applications more efficient and effective. By processing data locally, edge AI also reduces bandwidth usage and enhances privacy and security. Sensitive information stays on the device, mitigating cyber risks and adhering to privacy regulations. Operational reliability is another key benefit, as edge AI systems can function independently of network connectivity. This ensures consistent performance in remote or unstable environments and reduces dependency on cloud-based services, leading to cost savings by minimizing cloud computing resource usage. Edge AI supports scalability by decentralizing processing across multiple devices, making it easier to expand AI applications without overwhelming central servers. This decentralized approach also optimizes energy usage, which is crucial for battery-powered devices. Learn more about the significance of edge AI in computer vision 🔗 #EdgeAI #EdgeComputing #ComputerVisionattheEdge

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  • Unternehmensseite von anzeigen, Grafik

    4.987 Follower:innen

    The 2024 Gartner Hype Cycle dropped in mid-June, placing computer vision just at the plateau of productivity. This indicates that the technology is maturing and becoming more widely adopted across industries. Additionally, the global market for computer vision is projected to reach $25.32 billion by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 7.8%. Moreover, companies that have implemented computer vision solutions report a 30% increase in operational efficiency on average. To learn more about computer vision's market presence and industry adoption, check out our blog 🔗 #ComputerVisionTechnology #GartnerHypeCycle #EdgeAI

    Gartner Hype Cycle on AI (2024) -

    Gartner Hype Cycle on AI (2024) -

  • Unternehmensseite von anzeigen, Grafik

    4.987 Follower:innen

    When evaluating computer vision solutions to your use case challenges, it is imperative to find a platform that checks all of your boxes. 💡 Does this platform allow you to manage the entire application lifecycle? 💡 What are the unique advantages this platform provides compared to alternatives? 💡 What enterprise capabilities does this platform offer? Check out the Viso Suite evaluation guide to help you determine the enterprise-grade platform to build, deploy, and scale your computer vision applications 🔗 #EnterpriseSolutions #ComputerVision #AIInfrastructure

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  • Unternehmensseite von anzeigen, Grafik

    4.987 Follower:innen

    Why do we say that Viso Suite is industry agnostic? We've built Viso Suite to be fully customizable, meaning that it adapts and grows with every business use case. Its flexibility ensures complete integration and scalability with existing tech stacks, allowing businesses across various sectors to effectively utilize AI-driven insights and automation. Also - Viso Suite is not just applicable across industries, but use cases as well. For example, in the construction industry, Viso Suite can monitor PPE wearing, track worker foot traffic, and measure distances between heavy machinery transported on site. Learn more about the benefits Viso Suite has to offer organizations across industry lines 🔗 #AISolutions #ComputerVisionSolutions #AppliedAI



  • Unternehmensseite von anzeigen, Grafik

    4.987 Follower:innen

    Manual crowd counting can prove to be inefficient and prone to human error. With computer vision systems, crowd counting and control can be performed automatically - eliminating the need for manual counting. The image below presents the view from a strategically placed camera. At sports events, cameras are strategically placed to ensure a complete view of the venue. This camera can detect around 75% of the subjects in the stadium, emphasizing the necessity of multiple cameras to complete the count. Automated crowd-counting helps ensure: ✅ Venue security and attendee safety ✅ Improved spectator experience ✅ Traffic and crowd flow management ✅ Regulatory compliance and reporting ✅ Operational efficiency How many attendees do you think the system was able to count from this view? Learn more about crowd counting 🔗 #CrowdManagement #SportsVenueSolutions #AISolutions

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  • Unternehmensseite von anzeigen, Grafik

    4.987 Follower:innen

    How will we know when we've achieved artificial superintelligence? While even the existence of artificial general intelligence (AGI) is a topic of debate, the concept of artificial superintelligence (ASI) is gaining traction, especially with the rapid integration of large language models (LLMs) into daily life. 🧠 But, the common consensus is that as of now, ASI still exists as a hypothetical. To learn more about what ASI is and could mean for the future of computer vision and deep learning, check out our blog 🔗 #ASI #ArtificialSuperintelligence #FutureofAI

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    Artificial Super Intelligence - Exploring the Frontier of AI -

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