

Herstellung von Bahnfahrzeugen und Fahrzeugteilen

Bussnang, TG 99.159 Follower:innen

At Stadler, we are driven every day to do everything we can for the world's best rail vehicles.


Stadler baut seit über 80 Jahren Züge. Der Anbieter von Mobilitätslösungen im Schienenfahrzeugbau, Service und Signaltechnik hat seinen Hauptsitz im ostschweizerischen Bussnang. An mehreren Produktions- und Engineering-Standorten sowie über 80 Servicestandorten arbeiten über 14 000 Mitarbeitende. Das Unternehmen ist sich seiner gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung für zukunftsfähige Mobilität bewusst und steht daher für innovative, nachhaltige und langlebige Qualitätsprodukte. Die Produktpalette im Bereich der Vollbahnen und des Stadtverkehrs umfasst Highspeed-Züge, Intercity-Züge, Regio- und S-Bahnen, U-Bahnen, Tram-Trains und Trams. Überdies stellt Stadler Streckenlokomotiven, Rangierlokomotiven und Reisezugwagen her. Stadler ist der weltweit führende Hersteller von Zahnradbahnfahrzeugen.

Herstellung von Bahnfahrzeugen und Fahrzeugteilen
10.001 Beschäftigte
Bussnang, TG
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Regio- und S-Bahnzüge, Highspeed-Züge, Strecken- und Rangierlokomotiven, Strassen- und Stadtbahnen, Zahnradbahnen, Service und Maintenance, Tailor Made Fahrzeuge, Lokomotiven, Signaltechnik, Signalling, Revision, Modernisierung, Reparatur und Full Service


Beschäftigte von Stadler


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    99.159 Follower:innen

    Stadler enhances comfort, efficiency and safety on Masovia’s rails   The Polish railway operator Koleje Mazowieckie - KM sp. z o.o. (KM) and Stadler have signed a framework agreement that includes the supply of up to 50 state-of-the-art FLIRT electric multiple unit trains and their maintenance for 18 years. The new trains will expand the rolling stock fleet of KM and boost the comfort and safety of travel from Warsaw to Masovian cities and towns. The investment will be co-financed with EU funds.   Thanks to our modern and reliable FLIRT vehicles, Masovia will discover a new aspect of rail transport: travellers will be able to reach every corner of the region more quickly and comfortably.   We are happy to have marked another important milestone in our partnership with KM. The new order brings added value to the region and the industry. Read more about the agreement in our media release: #Stadler #StadlerFLIRT #EnhaningMobility #EnhancingSafety

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  • Unternehmensseite von Stadler anzeigen, Grafik

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    Stadler at Rail Live, UK We’re thrilled to be at Rail Live, this time with a Class 93 tri-mode for Rail Operations Group (ROG (Assets)). We’re at stand E6, so come and see it for yourself and call in for a chat with our specialists about any of our products and services. The Class 93 is a project of firsts. It’s the first tri-mode locomotive to run in the UK and the first tri-mode locomotive that Stadler’s ever built. It will promote modal shift from road to rail, demonstrating our commitment to green technology and the de-carbonisation of our villages, town and cities.   #Stadler #ROG(Assets) #Stadlerlocomotives #Stadlertrimodes #Greentechnology

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  • Unternehmensseite von Stadler anzeigen, Grafik

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    Stadler showcases Class 93 locomotive at Rail Live UK Only a week to go till Stadler and Rail Operations Group (ROG (Assets)) display the Class 93 locomotive at Rail Live at Long Marston in the beautiful English countryside. Come to see it for yourself and meet our staff to learn more about this trailblazing new product. The Class 93 is Stadler’s first ever tri-mode locomotive, demonstrating our commitment to green technology and reducing carbon emissions. It is also the first tri-mode locomotive to operate in the UK. Sign up now:   #Stadler #ROG(Assets) #RailLive #Stadlerlocomotives #Stadlertrimodes #GreenTechnology

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  • Unternehmensseite von Stadler anzeigen, Grafik

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    Welcome to Rail Business Days 2024! The international railway fair RAIL BUSINESS DAYS in Ostrava, Czechia, has just open its doors and our Stadler team look forward to welcoming guests and partecipating in thought-provoking discussions. Visit us at our booth A09. Don‘t miss two important appointments: the Czech-Polish conference on partnerships between Stadler companies, with focus on Central Europe on Wednesday, 12 June at 11 a.m.. And the official presentation of our FLIRT electric-multiple-unit train for Serbian Railways.   The whole process behind the vehicles – from the engineering to the authorisation management – was undertaken by our Stadler team in Prague, where Stadler has been active for over 14 years. Come to see the new FLIRT train for Serbia on track K12 on Wedsneday, 12 June at 2:30 p.m. #StadlerFLIRT #RailBusinessDays #EnhancingMobility

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  • Unternehmensseite von Stadler anzeigen, Grafik

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    Stadler SMILE now on Zurich-Frankfurt route Our SMILE made its first planned journey on the Zurich-Frankfurt route in passenger service!   Stadler is cooperating with SBB CFF FFS and Deutsche Bahn to offer more direct connections between Germany and Switzerland. With its level boarding, spacious interior and 405 comfortable seats, the modern Giruno, Stadler’s SMILE high-speed trains, is now operating between Zurich and Frankfurt. And that’s not all: the journey is planned to be extended to Milan, Italy, from September, once the construction work in the Gotthard tunnel will be completed.   It’s incredible to witness how far we’ve come and it fills us with pride to know that with our very well-received products we’re enhancing mobility.   #StadlerSMILE #GiurnoTrains #Cross-borderTravel #BetterMobility

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  • Unternehmensseite von Stadler anzeigen, Grafik

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    Thank you very much, ÖBB, for your visit. It was a great pleasure to welcome you to St. Margrethen. We are proud to take mobility in Austria to the next level with our new state-of-the-art KISS double-decker trains and to offer passengers more space and comfort. Many thanks to ÖBB for their trust and excellent cooperation. #Stadler #ÖBB #StadlerKISS

    Profil von Andreas Matthä anzeigen, Grafik

    Vorstandsvorsitzender ÖBB Holding AG

    Ein Wochenende in der Schweiz, das hat was. Unser schönes Nachbarland ist immer eine (Bahn-) Reise wert. Für mich hat es sich besonders ausgezahlt. Konnte ich mich doch mit Peter Spuhler , Verwaltungsratspräsident von Stadler, im schweizerischen St. Margrethen über den Produktionsfortschritt für unsere neuen Doppelstockzüge - Cityjet und Railjet - überzeugen. Es ist immer wieder beindruckend, wenn man die einzelnen Produktionsschritte sieht und am Ende ein toller, moderner Zug steht. Die ÖBB investieren in den nächsten Jahren über 6 Mrd. Euro in 330 neue Züge. Dazu gehören auch die neuen Doppelstockzüge, die eben Stadler gerade für uns produzieren. Unsere Fahrgäste werden ab 2026 auf der Weststrecke von diesen neuen ÖBB Doppelstock Railjets profitieren. Mit 480 Sitzplätzen, breiten Türen für einen zügigen Ein- und Ausstieg sowie einer fantastischen Aussicht von oben kann man die vorbeiziehende Landschaft genießen. © Fotos: Stadler/kollektivoskar

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  • Unternehmensseite von Stadler anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are very pleased to be partner of Deep Tech Nation Switzerland and support its encouraging initiative. #Stadler #DeepTechNationSwitzerland #SwissInnovation

    Unternehmensseite von Deep Tech Nation Switzerland anzeigen, Grafik

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    ACTION NOT WORDS: The Deep Tech Nation Switzerland Foundation has been launched at the Swiss Economic Forum by Sabine Keller-Busse from UBS Switzerland and Christoph Aeschlimann from Swisscom. We have set three major goals: 1️⃣ Boost venture capital flow into Swiss start-ups and scale-ups to leverage innovation and empower ambitious companies. 2️⃣ Create an appealing environment for institutional and strategic investors, encouraging venture capital investment. 3️⃣ Establish Switzerland as the leading nation in deep tech. Over the next decade, we aim to mobilize CHF 50 billion in venture capital for Swiss deep tech start-ups and scale-ups, creating 100,000 jobs in the process. Let's shape the future together! More information: A big thank you to our current foundation partners who are already providing their support: Swisscom UBS Vaudoise Versicherungen SIX ROLEX Stadler Swiss Re SICPA Universität Zürich #DeeptechNation #SwissInnovation #VentureCapital #StartupEcosystem #SEF24

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  • Unternehmensseite von Stadler anzeigen, Grafik

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    Inspiring Ostrava at the Rail Business Days 2024 Stadler is pleased to exhibit also this year at the international railway fair RAIL BUSINESS DAYS in Ostrava, Czechia. From 11 to 13 June, come at our exhibition stand A09 and discuss the latest trends in the rail industry with us. We look forward to taking you on a journey through Stadler’s wide portfolio of cutting-edge products and services. Dive with us into our alternative solutions with green technologies. Speaking of environmentally-friendly products, don’t miss the showcase of our state-of-the-art FLIRT electric-multiple-unit train for Serbian Railways. On June 12, discover how the train will improve the regional transport throughout Serbia on track K12 at 2.30 p.m. #StadlerAtFairs #StadlerFLIRT #MobilityOfTheFuture #RailBusinessDays

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  • Unternehmensseite von Stadler anzeigen, Grafik

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    ETCS-equipped Stadler FLIRT trains debut in three countries! Stadler’s commitment and success in optimising the safety and efficiency of rail transport throughout Europe has been newly confirmed. Our first FLIRT trains with our ETCS GUARDIA signalling system has been approved to run immediately in Belgium as part of the three-country trains operated by the Dutch operator Arriva Group. This now enables cross-border operation of the vehicles and, for the first time, transfer-free operation between the metropolises of the "tri-border region" of Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. This is a major milestone and we are very proud to be realising this project, because not only are we extending the area of cross-border operation, but we are also bringing cost-effective solutions to meet the requirements of the growing demand for rail transport. Read more about the project: #StadlerSignalling #StadlerETCS #3CountryTrain #Arriva #FLIRT

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  • Unternehmensseite von Stadler anzeigen, Grafik

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    Bestseller FLIRT from Stadler enhances cross-border regional transport in France Following the first contract option for 286 FLIRT single-decker multiple units in the largest tender in Swiss railway history signed in 2022, SBB CFF FFS and Stadler have signed a further option for 33 new vehicles of the same type. From the end of 2030, the new trains will improve cross-border regional transport between Switzerland and France, enabling more efficient and faster direct connections every 30 minutes. We look forward to working with SBB to adapt cross-border regional transport to the requirements of an international economic area. Thanks to the reliability of the trains and the optimisation of the overall capacity, passengers will experience a higher level of efficiency and transport comfort. Know more about the new trains and their special features: #StadlerFLIRT #CrossBorderTransport #FLIRTEvo

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