Herstellung von Bauteilen für die Luft- und Raumfahrt

Bioggio, (TI) 341 Follower:innen

Pushing forward the limits of rad-hard RF electronics


Saphyrion is a privately owned research and development company with a focus on both semiconductor and board level designs, as well as software development. The head office is in Lugano,in southern Switzerland. Its highly educated staff, coming from major universities like ETH, EPFL, USI and Polytechnic Institute of Milan, masters a wide range of expertises in space sciences, IT, geodesy and telecoms. The business of Saphyrion is centered on high quality high value designs with a specialization in the data communication field. Saphyrion is recognized as the leading manufacturer in Europe of radiation hardened ASICs used in space GNSS receivers. Owing to their miniaturized design, the chips of the SY10XX series, available off-the-shelf, have been adopted in space missions where the reduction of volume payload is mandatory, and represent the only viable solution to provide GNSS localization capability in mini- and micro-satellites. The chipsets developed for GNSS receiver can be easily used also in RF front-ends for other types of instruments and communications equipments. At present, 60 GNSS receivers or other payloads based on Saphyrion ASICs are successfully flying, and new releases are planned for upcoming missions. Saphyrion is a reliable source for the most important Space Agencies worldwide, and its proprietary know-how enables customer to modify commercial semiconductor manufacturing processes and to provide them with radiation resistance characteristics, thus enabling to start independent production of rad-hard components. In the last year, Saphyrion has also addressed local positioning systems, developing architectures based on ultra-wideband transmission (UWB) to provide indoor localization with precision in the 10-20 cm. range. The company participates to ESA and European FP projects, and welcomes proposal of partnership for the presentation of H2020 applications. To know more, visit our website or LINKEDIN Showcase pages!

Herstellung von Bauteilen für die Luft- und Raumfahrt
2–10 Beschäftigte
Bioggio, (TI)
Rad-hard ASICs for space GNSS receivers, Custom design of rad-hard RF/analog signal chipset and boards, Advanced R&D projects (ESA, FP7, H2020) und Local positioning systems (LPS) based on UWB


Beschäftigte von SAPHYRION SAGL


  • Unternehmensseite von SAPHYRION SAGL anzeigen, Grafik

    341 Follower:innen

    WE ARE HIRING! Join as an IC designer SAPHYRION Sagl, a forefront Swiss player in the field of rad-hard space electronics, and send your projects into orbit (and beyond). Our company is actively looking for an experienced IC designer willing to enter a highly qualified team deeply involved in the development of complex and sometimes "world-first" chips for space borne instrumentation . If you have a strong background in this area, look at the vacancy notice! Vacancy notice:

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