Pini Group

Pini Group


Grono, GR 31.188 Follower:innen

Smart Engineering


We are a community of talented individuals specializing in the design and management of complex engineering. With global know-how and local best practices, our multidisciplinary Teams develop smart, cost-effective and sustainable solutions for: Infrastructure & Transportation Urban & Cities Energy & Environment Digital & Innovation We’re the preferred choice for complex projects. Transforming ideas into reality, we tackle the unconventional and attempt the audacious. Working in several languages and on five continents, we create value engineering for future generations. Our mission: Make it happen Our vision: A global community of talent Our value: Respect #pinigroup #smartengineering #joinus

1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Grono, GR
Tunnels, Construction sites, Railways, Highways, Buildings, Bridges, Creativity, Energy, Mobility und Environment


Beschäftigte von Pini Group


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    31.188 Follower:innen

    Inauguration of Shimla's New Tunnel: a step Forward for regional mobility and safety 🇮🇳 The opening of the new road tunnel parallel to the old Dhalli Tunnel is a crucial solution to alleviate traffic congestion and enhance safety in Shimla. This project addresses the growing population and tourist influx, increasing transit capacity and reducing travel times. With a two-lane tunnel, connectivity will improve, and road congestion will decrease, benefiting both residents and the many tourists traveling through Shimla to popular destinations like Kufri and Naldehra. Additionally, the project creates significant job opportunities and promotes greater social interaction in the region. The construction process faced significant challenges, including the need for coordination among various stakeholders and managing risks for buildings located above the tunnel. The project was successfully completed using advanced mechanical excavation methods and state-of-the-art monitoring systems. It not only passed structural tests but also demonstrated stability during heavy rains, ensuring the continuous safety of surrounding structures. This new infrastructure marks a significant improvement in Shimla's urban mobility and infrastructural resilience. #pinigroup #smartengineering #joinus

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  • Unternehmensseite von Pini Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Autostrada N13: riapertura in tempi record della carreggiata nord-sud tra Soazza e Lostallo I recenti avvenimenti legati al maltempo nel Moesano hanno dimostrato, una volta ancora, la rilevanza sistemica delle infrastrutture di trasporto. L’improvvisa interruzione dell’autostrada N13 ha infatti comportato importanti disagi al complesso delle vie di comunicazioni che attraversano l’arco alpino. Pini Group è stata coinvolta immediatamente nelle attività di progettazione e direzione lavori contribuendo, in collaborazione con tutti gli altri attori impegnati sul cantiere, a ripristinare in soli 10 giorni la carreggiata nord-sud, permettendo la ripresa del traffico veicolare. Continuano nel frattempo i lavori per riportare il fiume Moesa nel suo alveo originale, e il ripristino della carreggiata sud-nord. #pinigroup #smartengineering #joinus

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  • Unternehmensseite von Pini Group anzeigen, Grafik

    31.188 Follower:innen

    Bike to Work Challenge 2024 – wir waren dabei! Die Bike to Work Challenge ist eine schweizweite Aktion, bei der Unternehmen ihre Mitarbeitenden dazu motivieren, den Arbeitsweg möglichst oft mit dem Velo zurückzulegen, um damit einen Beitrag zur eigenen Gesundheit und zum Umweltschutz zu leisten. Während der zweimonatigen Challenge sammelten fleissige 18 Teilnehmer der Pini Gruppe ganze 6’164 Velokilometer. Das wechselhafte Wetter in den beiden Monaten Mai und Juni hielt die Teilnehmer nicht davon ab, an 68% der Tage den Arbeitsweg mit dem Velo zu meistern. An diesen insgesamt 395 Velotagen haben wir nicht nur für unsere Gesundheit und unser Wohlbefinden Gutes getan, sondern auch für die Umwelt. So haben wir im Vergleich zum Autofahren ganze 888 kg an CO2 eingespart. Grund genug, nächstes Jahr wieder teilzunehmen! Wir freuen uns darauf! #pinigroup #smartengineering #joinus

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  • Unternehmensseite von Pini Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Iniziati i lavori per il risanamento della strada del Passo del San Gottardo   Le attività legate al mandato N2P EP GPS Süd consistono nel risanamento di opere stradali, infrastrutture e manufatti (tra cui: ponti, viadotti, sottopassi, tombini, muri, gallerie e opere di premunizione), nella tratta compresa tra le rampe di accesso all’autostrada N2 di Airolo ed il Passo del San Gottardo, a 2'106 metri d’altezza. Un contesto particolarmente complesso, nel cuore delle Alpi svizzere, che permetterà di poter lavorare esclusivamente durante l’arco estivo. Il termine di questo importante cantiere è previsto per il 2032, ed il risultato finale permetterà di poter garantire la viabilità lungo questa nevralgica via di comunicazione in tutta sicurezza anche nei decenni a seguire.   Il Consorzio Passolungo, del quale Pini Group è attiva in qualità di capofila, sarà operativo come Direzione Generale Lavori e come Direzione Locale Lavori.   #pinigroup #smartengineering #joinus

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  • Unternehmensseite von Pini Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Une patte de Saint-Bernard géante au cœur des Alpes valaisannes🇨🇭   En forme de patte de chien, le Musée Barryland de Martigny sera l'élément central du parc thématique dédié à la race du Saint-Bernard.   La réalisation de sa géométrie complexe est possible grâce à l'utilisation de la maquette 3D et à la coordination BIM du Groupe Pini.   Les murs courbes en béton apparent seront recouverts d'une coupole sphérique en bois, une idée innovante qui a permis à notre Groupe de remporter le concours pour ce projet.   #pinigroup #smartengineering #joinus

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  • Unternehmensseite von Pini Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Pini Group USA is excited to be part of the North American Tunneling Conference this year 🇺🇸 We’re eager to share and learn from our colleagues, so come see us in Nashville (June 23-26). Take in a session to get a glimpse into our speakers’ specialties, and visit Booth 720 to meet the whole team.   Francesc Rich Innovative Design Bénédicte Robert Design of Underground Spaces Roberto Schuerch Underground Project Risk Elisa Comis TBM Technology Enrico De Panicis Digital Technology Martino Scialpi, PMP, CCM Underground Project Delivery   #pinigroup #smartengineering #joinus

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  • Unternehmensseite von Pini Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Pini4Innovation | Structural Health Monitoring Continuous infrastructure monitoring is becoming increasingly important in the construction and maintenance of strategic civil works. Pini Group addresses this challenge with innovative sensors and a fully integrated data management platform. Managing all monitoring data on a single web platform allows information measured by different sensors to be correlated and interpreted more easily. This approach provides an effective decision-making tool for monitoring the actual health of the infrastructure and ensuring its safety. #pinigroup #smartengineering #joinus

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  • Unternehmensseite von Pini Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    What do the Kentucky Derby, Muhammad Ali, Slugger Baseball Bats, and Pini Group USA have in common? They all call Louisville home! Pini Group USA 🇺🇸 is happy to announce the opening of its first Kentucky office. In addition to these famous attributes, Louisville boasts an array of unique infrastructure projects—both in its past and on the horizon. Thanks for the warm welcome, Louisville! We are excited to be a part of modern engineering in the city’s future. Almost as excited as we are for Derby next year... #pinigroup #smartengineering #joinus

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  • Unternehmensseite von Pini Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Pini Group è lieta di sponsorizzare la XIII edizione dell’Incontro Annuale dei Giovani Ingegneri Geotecnici (IAGIG) che si terrà presso il Politecnico di Torino il 7 e 8 giugno 2024. Inteso a favorire la discussione di argomenti inerenti l’ingegneria Geotecnica in ambito professionale e accademico, l’evento vedrà coinvolta una folta rappresentanza di collaboratori Pini nell’esposizione di interessanti tematiche e progetti.   #pinigroup #smartengineering #joinus

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