Mover Plastic Free Sportswear

Mover Plastic Free Sportswear

Herstellung von Sportartikeln

Nothing Beats Nature.


Engineered in Switzerland, Made in Europe. Carefully designed to perform and to be plastic-free, down to the tiniest details. Mover is reimagining the future of Sportswear. Nature, art, and design lie at the centre of our DNA. This is the thread that runs through everything — our constant inspiration. We are building the most compelling and genuinely sustainable next-generation outdoor and sportswear brand. Ultimately, we want to prove that the comfort and properties of natural fibres can outperform synthetic materials, even in the most demanding sporting environments. Activate memories and leave no trace behind.

Herstellung von Sportartikeln
2–10 Beschäftigte
plastic free, merino wool, sportswear, outerwear, outdoor, natural fibers, organic cotton und sports


Beschäftigte von Mover Plastic Free Sportswear


  • Unternehmensseite von Mover Plastic Free Sportswear anzeigen, Grafik

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    In one of the latest episodes of "Forever Chemicals" by Meg Carney, leading outdoor brands like KEEN, Outdoor Research or Fjällräven share their struggles and successes in eliminating PFAS from their products. These "forever chemicals" are found everywhere—from pizza boxes to cosmetics—and pose serious health and environmental risks. Despite the challenges, intentional, science-backed efforts are paving the way for a safer future. This episode delves into the hidden complexities of #PFAS contamination and the stringent measures needed to ensure products are genuinely PFAS-free. Listen to industry experts discuss the path forward and how we can all contribute to a cleaner, healthier world. 🔗 Tune in to the full episode just here #PFASFree #OutdoorIndustry

    ‎Forever Chemicals: 8. Are PFAS-Free Products Possible? on Apple Podcasts

    ‎Forever Chemicals: 8. Are PFAS-Free Products Possible? on Apple Podcasts

  • Unternehmensseite von Mover Plastic Free Sportswear anzeigen, Grafik

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    Tomorrow, Switzerland will embark on a night of adventure with #SwissHikingNight and #InternationalMoonDay. It's the perfect opportunity to explore the nocturnal beauty of Swiss landscapes. To inspire your journey, we’re sharing two of our team's favorite hikes near Lausanne: 🥾 Niremont: Traverse the gentle hills and pre-Alps of Canton de Fribourg as the sun sets. At the summit, enjoy a traditional smoky fondue that only the locals can offer. 🥾 Siviez: Venture to Valais for a whimsical night hike. Walk through the alpine pastures of Tortin and Siviez at sunset, and savor a snack while soaking in the unique atmosphere of the mountains by night. Check out more nocturnal hiking opportunities here 👇🏽

    Swiss Hiking Night

    Swiss Hiking Night

  • Unternehmensseite von Mover Plastic Free Sportswear anzeigen, Grafik

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    Plastic Soup Foundation recently attended the #FutureFabricsExpo in London by The Sustainable Angle, showcasing #plastic-free alternatives and solutions. Founder Maria Westerbos led a panel discussion on the harmful impact of materials like nylon and the chemicals used in their production. Right now, 70% of all clothing produced is made with plastic derived from oil, consuming 50 billion kilos of oil annually. This makes the clothing industry one of the biggest polluters of the planet, with disastrous effects on both the environment and human health. Check out their post for the key takeaways and learn more about the solutions discussed: 👉🏼 Consume Less: A significant reduction in consumer purchases can impact the fast fashion model. 👉🏼 Government Action: Regulatory interventions and making companies accountable for their pollution through Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). 👉🏼 System Change: Collaborating with textile innovators to ensure materials are tested for toxins and their long-term impacts.

    Unternehmensseite von Plastic Soup Foundation anzeigen, Grafik

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    Right now, 70% of all the clothing produced is made with plastic, from oil; consuming 50bn kilos of oil annually. You might not expect it, but this makes the clothing industry one of the biggest polluters of the planet. The negative environmental impact is enormous, but it is also disastrous for human health. Plastic Soup Foundation travelled to the Future of Fabrics Expo in London to talk about plastic free alternatives and solutions, proving that it can be done as 10.000 new materials were presented at the expo. Our Founder Maria Westerbos led a panel discussion about the future of plastic free fashion, called ‘Clothes that don’t make us sick: solutions to the problem of plastics’. The panel discussed research which showed that nylon, in particular, can be detrimental to our lungs. It's not the fibre itself that's the primary culprit, but the chemicals that it is made with. These chemicals can clog our veins: they are heavily polluted with synthetic fibres and plastics, our Founder pointed out. The solutions? - Consuming less. The panel acknowledged that the current fast fashion business model is unlikely to change until consumer behaviour shifts dramatically, but even a 30% reduction in consumer purchases can have a significant impact. - Government action in terms of regulatory interventions as well as making the companies pay for their pollution. Extended Producer Responsibiliy (EPR) could make sure that producing plastic clothes is no longer the cheapest option. - System change within the industry. Materials should be tested for toxins and their long term impact before they are allowed to be used, but also they need to collaborate more with textile innovators to facilitate new research and thus the possibility of plastic free clothing. Our ‘Life is Plastic’ video was also played on a loop on the floor, highlighting the negative effects of plastic microfibers on human health. Interested in the future of fashion? Read about it here: Want a wardrobe that doesn’t make you sick? Download our fashion guide: You can also find our ‘Life is Plastic’ video here:



  • Unternehmensseite von Mover Plastic Free Sportswear anzeigen, Grafik

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    The #weekend is approaching, and it's the perfect time to reconnect with #nature. 🌿 Did you know that spending time in outdoors can reduce stress and anxiety, boost your mood, and even increase your creativity? Research shows that nature exposure also makes us kinder and more generous. We are passionate about supporting your #activelifestyle with our plastic-free sportswear. Embrace the outdoors this weekend and experience the benefits firsthand!  👉🏼 Read the full article to learn more  #nothingbeatsnature #plasticfree #sustainableliving

    How Nature Can Make You Kinder, Happier, and More Creative

    How Nature Can Make You Kinder, Happier, and More Creative

  • Unternehmensseite von Mover Plastic Free Sportswear anzeigen, Grafik

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    Have you ever thought about the carbon footprint of your fashion purchases? 💭As we become more conscious of our food and air miles, it's time to consider our #fashionmiles too. British Vogue's latest article highlights the unseen impact of #shipping our garments globally, especially from the rise of ultra-fast fashion and on-demand consumer culture, revealing the hidden carbon #emissions tied to our favorite brands. Some highlights: ✨ VEJA's bold move to ban air transportation for its trainers significantly reduced their emissions, showcasing the power of mindful logistics. ✨ Similarly, Reformation's shift away from air freight and Maggie Marilyn's regional supply chains demonstrate how brands are rethinking their operations to minimize environmental impact. From our side, Mover is dedicated to reducing transportation emissions by sourcing and producing all our sportswear in #Portugal to serve our European market. Our commitment to sustainability extends to our shipping practices, where we also focus on regional areas to ensure our shipments travel the least miles possible. In the future, we aim to be as close as possible with our production and transport routes to our customer as possible. As eco-conscious consumers, supporting brands that prioritise #sustainability across all aspects of their supply chain is crucial.

    Should We Be Tracking Our Fashion Air Miles?

    Should We Be Tracking Our Fashion Air Miles?

  • Mover Plastic Free Sportswear hat dies direkt geteilt

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    #Switzerland, much like the rest of Central Europe has gone through an interminable downpour since the beginning of summer. Events like these will happen more often and require a great deal of questioning to mitigate and adapt consistently. We live in strange times when unpredictable forces are set in motion and challenge conventionality. This status quo is precisely what we aim to rewrite with the support of our fellow Movers. From #lifestyle and #sports to #environmentalism, we approach every topic from an interconnected perspective, with critical minds, nonetheless hopeful. It's a good time to highlight one of our team's favorite article, written by Roland Born, a true Mover, which becomes more relevant with each new reading.

    Climate Change

    Climate Change

  • Unternehmensseite von Mover Plastic Free Sportswear anzeigen, Grafik

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    #Switzerland, much like the rest of Central Europe has gone through an interminable downpour since the beginning of summer. Events like these will happen more often and require a great deal of questioning to mitigate and adapt consistently. We live in strange times when unpredictable forces are set in motion and challenge conventionality. This status quo is precisely what we aim to rewrite with the support of our fellow Movers. From #lifestyle and #sports to #environmentalism, we approach every topic from an interconnected perspective, with critical minds, nonetheless hopeful. It's a good time to highlight one of our team's favorite article, written by Roland Born, a true Mover, which becomes more relevant with each new reading.

    Climate Change

    Climate Change

  • Unternehmensseite von Mover Plastic Free Sportswear anzeigen, Grafik

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    Let's explore the future of fashion and sport clothes materials: How can we scale next-gen innovations effectively? Accelerating next-gen material innovations in fashion requires strategic actions. According to a new report by Sustainabelle Advisory Services, supported by Kering and the Laudes Foundation, three key strategies stand out: 👉🏼 Focus on alignment and standardization through industry cooperation and transparency – Open-source resources and forming industry trade associations (e.g., The Woolmark Company) can provide clarity and enable action. 👉🏼 Optimize R&D through supplier partnerships and shared resources – Leveraging supplier knowledge and facilities can shorten timelines, improve results, and achieve faster economies of scale. 👉🏼 Confront funding challenges with catalytic funding opportunities – Lobbying for government support, developing pre-collaborative R&D funding from brands, and initiating prizes/competitions can increase public and private funding opportunities. Implementing these strategies can drive the adoption of sustainable materials, making initiatives like Mover Plastic Free Sportswear a reality. Read more about the findings here:

    Resources | Sustainabelle

    Resources | Sustainabelle

  • Unternehmensseite von Mover Plastic Free Sportswear anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌿 Plastic-Free Spotlight: NFW - Nothing But Nutrients Our journey towards embracing natural, plastic-free materials positions us in an exciting ecosystem, which includes NFW, a trailblazer founded by Luke Haverhals. Their revolutionary materials, such as Clarus®, Mirum®, and Pliant®, redefine what’s possible in textiles and leather alternatives. They’ve already worked with established and upcoming brands, including Ralph Lauren, BMW Group, UNLESS Collective, and PURIFIED FOOTWEAR. NFW's mission aligns with our commitment to the future and nature, making them a perfect partner in the future. We look forward to one day integrating their solutions into our collections to redefine sportswear. 👕👚 Follow them to discover the future of sustainable materials and join us in leading the charge towards a plastic-free world and replacing synthetics. #PlasticFree #Sustainability #Innovation #Clarus #Mirum #Pliant #Textiles #MaterialsScience #NFW #NothingBeatsNature

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