

Technologie, Information und Internet

We're building the #1 Reusable Digital ID platform.


Dock’s Reusable Digital Identity platform enables companies to turn verified ID data into trusted Reusable Digital ID Credentials, instantly verify their authenticity and get paid when they are verified by third parties. The platform comprises an API, a Web App, an ID wallet and a dedicated blockchain. Dock has been a leader in decentralized digital identity technology since 2017 and trusted by organizations in diverse sectors, including healthcare, finance, and education.

Technologie, Information und Internet
11–50 Beschäftigte
blockchain, digital identity, privacy, reusable digital identity und zero-knowledge proofs


Beschäftigte von Dock


  • Dock hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Nick Lambert anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO at Dock Labs AG

    More than 250 people will join us online for Wednesday’s live event! If you haven’t registered, here’s your chance: I’m looking forward to speaking with Angelique McClendon, General Counsel at the Georgia Department of Driver Services, Carolyn Manis Sorensen, Founder at Skavi Dev and Lead for Secure Technology Alliance working group for mDL adoption in Banking & Financial Services, and Deepanker Saxena, Director of Product at Socure.

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  • Dock hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Nick Lambert anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO at Dock Labs AG

    Apple Wallet support for digital IDs is now available in 7 US states. After starting with Ohio and some other states, the functionality was rolled out to California and now to Hawaii. Anyone with an iPhone in these states can add their State ID or Driver's License to the wallet by: 1. Tapping the " " icon at the top right corner. 2. Selecting "Driver’s License" or "State ID". You can add it to both your iPhone and Apple Watch for convenience or only to the iPhone. Apple says that you can use this functionality to show proof of age or identity at businesses and venues, and travel with it at the TSA checkpoints that accept digital IDs (these include airports in major states like California, New York, Texas, etc). As far as I'm aware, this is only for IDs and driver's licenses. Apple Wallet doesn't allow passports yet. Looks like Google and others are playing catch-up! Image: 9to5mac

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  • Dock hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Elina Cadouri anzeigen, Grafik

    COO at Dock

    13 US states have already rolled out mobile driver's licenses (mDLs), and many more are testing the waters. Why the buzz? These government-issued digital IDs promise game-changing benefits: enhanced privacy, smoother online transactions, and a streamlined process for everything from opening a bank account to securing a loan. So, here's the real question: how will mDLs transform remote ID verification? We'll dive into this topic with three leaders in this space: Angelique McClendon, General Counsel at the Georgia Department of Driver Services, Carolyn Manis Sorensen, Founder at Skavi Dev and Lead for Secure Technology Alliance working group for mDL adoption in Banking & Financial Services, and Deepanker Saxena, Director of Product at Socure. Our own Nick Lambert will be the host and moderator. 🗓️ Date: October 2nd 🕒 Time: 9 am PT / 12 pm ET 📍 Location: Online Register now (it's free): We look forward to seeing you there!

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  • Dock hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Nick Lambert anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO at Dock Labs AG

    The Decentralized ID narrative has been focusing on the wrong thing and it's time to change that. Many in the space (ourselves included!) have made the error of focusing our marketing heavily on the technology instead of its benefits. > What blockchain is being used. > What cryptography protocol is in place. > How decentralized is the implementation. > etc ... Guess what? From all my conversations, the potential clients of these solutions don't care about any of this. People want to solve their problems which are usually linked to increasing their top or bottom line revenue. That's it! If you solve their problems, they don't care that much about the intricacies or how fancy our decentralized technology is. We must: 1. Communicate the benefits and the value they’ll receive, not the how. 2. Show demos and real world use cases for clarity. It's time to change our focus from the technology to the benefits of the technology.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Dock anzeigen, Grafik

    35.112 Follower:innen

    The first major update to eIDAS recently entered into force. We believe we will soon witness a race by ID companies to gain a first-mover advantage in a new digital identity marketplace. Here are 4 reasons why: Among other goals, the eIDAS 2 update incorporates the principles of decentralized ID technology into the regulation to help protect privacy and enhance data security in electronic transactions.   Specifically, it updates the standards for national IDs to include newer technologies such as Verifiable Credentials, establishes a framework for interoperable consumer ID wallets, and encourages the use of ID credentials in commercial transactions.    This regulation intends to empower 450 million citizens with interoperable ID wallets, each containing legal ID credentials issued directly by their national government.    How this impacts ID companies: 1. Rising demand for digital ID verification: As eIDAS mandates secure electronic transactions, businesses and platforms operating within the EU will inevitably need to adopt eIDAS-compliant digital identity verification solutions. 2. Less physical document verification: New digital ID formats are imminent, namely the government-issued identity credentials stored in wallets compliant with the EU's digital identity wallet framework. Companies will soon need and want to verify and consume this data from their end-customers. 3. Broader markets as a result of unified standards: eIDAS introduces standardized electronic identification across EU states. Once ID solution providers align with eIDAS requirements, their services automatically become relevant and applicable to all EU members and citizens, opening up a vast market. 4. A period of consolidation may ensue as organizations acquire new technological capabilities rather than the less risky path of building inhouse. As we stand at the cusp of a transformative era in digital identity, the question is not just about who will lead the race but how fast the ID industry will embrace this change to redefine trust and security in the digital world.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Dock anzeigen, Grafik

    35.112 Follower:innen

    💡 𝐔𝐩𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭: 13 US states have already rolled out mobile digital driver's licenses (mDLs), and many more are testing the waters. Why the buzz? These government-issued digital IDs promise game-changing benefits: enhanced privacy, smoother online transactions, and a streamlined process for everything from opening a bank account to securing a loan. So, here's the real question: how will mDLs transform remote ID verification? Join this FREE 1-hour live panel and: 🎯 Learn how digital ID credentials issued by trusted state agencies will impact online identity verification. 📊 Discover how mDLs will impact ID verification processes. 💬 Get your questions answered in a live Q&A. Ready to get ahead of the curve? Let's break down how mDLs will be the key to a more secure and seamless digital future. 👥 Meet The Panelists ▶ Angelique McClendon, General Counsel at the Georgia Department of Driver Services ▶ Carolyn Manis Sorensen, Founder at Skavi Dev and Lead for Secure Technology Alliance working group for mDL adoption in Banking & Financial Services ▶ Deepanker Saxena, Director of Product at Socure ▶ Host: Nick Lambert, CEO at Dock 📅 Don’t Miss Out October 2nd - 5 pm BST / 9 am PT Location: Online

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  • Dock hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Nick Lambert anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO at Dock Labs AG

    The classic chicken and egg problem: Verifiers need someone to generate high-quality credentials for them to consume, and Issuers need Verifiers willing to consume them. How do you kickstart this? In the past, a lack of ways for organizations to generate revenue from verifiable credentials (VCs) has significantly constrained the adoption of this technology. An incentive for Issuers to start issuing is a must for the widespread adoption of VCs. That's why we created a way for issuers to charge for the verification of their credentials in a privacy-preserving way. Clearly defined business models are now integrated into our Decentralized ID platform. > Issuers do the work of issuing ID credentials. > Verifiers pay to benefit from the verification of accurate and trusted data. > Issuers get rewarded for it. Plus, the user's privacy is preserved as the Issuer will not know who or what credential was verified. It's a simple solution that ensures the economic viability of a Digital ID ecosystem.

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  • Dock hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Nick Lambert anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO at Dock Labs AG

    Our next live event has a tremendous panel lined up! 13 US states have already rolled out mobile driver's licenses (mDLs), and many more are testing the waters. Why the buzz? These government-issued digital IDs promise game-changing benefits: enhanced privacy, smoother online transactions, and a streamlined process for everything from opening a bank account to securing a loan. But, does the reality live up to the promise, how will mDLs transform ID verification? We'll dive into this topic with three leaders in this space: Angelique McClendon, General Counsel at the Georgia Department of Driver Services, Carolyn Manis Sorensen, Founder at Skavi Dev and Lead for Secure Technology Alliance  working group for mDL adoption in Banking & Financial Services, and Arpitha G., Senior Product Manager at Socure. I’ll be your host and moderator. 🗓️ Date: October 2nd 🕒 Time: 5 pm BST / 9 am PT 📍 Location: Online Register now (it's free): I'm looking forward to seeing you there!

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  • Dock hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Nick Lambert anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO at Dock Labs AG

    The DC4EU (Digital Credentials For European Union) is another large-scale pilot to test the EUDI wallet. With eIDAS 2.0, the electronic attestation of attributes (EAA) in now a priority and this pilot will focus on both the Education and Social Security sectors: 1. Education for the issuance of educational credentials and professional qualifications. 2. Social Security field for the issuance of portable document A1 (PDA1) and the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).     The main objective is to test interoperability and scalability in the national domain and multiple cross-border contexts. Your university degree certificate or professional course certificate should be valid in both their origin country as well as in any other member state via the EUDI wallet. The DC4EU project will test Qualified Electronic Attestations of Attributes (QEAA), Electronic Attestations of Attributes (EAA) and credentials, as well as their national and cross-border functionalities in a pre-production environment and real-life use cases. Looking forward to seeing the early results from this pilot! Image: DC4EU’s website

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  • Dock hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Nick Lambert anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO at Dock Labs AG

    I was privileged to sit down with Kim Hamilton Duffy last week to tell my ‘identity story’ about how I became wrapped up in such an engaging and interesting industry.  We spoke about the future of decentralized identity, verifiable credentials, and more as part of Decentralized Identity Foundation's member spotlight series. Nice to be on the other side of the interview for a change, answering the questions definitely requires less prep! Thanks to Kim for taking the time and to everyone at DIF for all the great work they do. Check out the full interview to learn how Dock is shaping the next generation of identity solutions:

    Interview with Nick Lambert of Dock

    Interview with Nick Lambert of Dock

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