
We bottle and sell the beverages of The Coca-Cola Company exclusively in our 29 markets and partner with other beverage businesses to also sell their brands. With over 100 brands covering eight categories – sparkling, water, juices, ready-to-drink tea, energy, plant-based, premium spirits and coffee, we help our customers delight consumers with the drink they want, when and where they want it, around the clock. These brands cater to a growing range of tastes with a wider choice of healthier options, premium products and increasingly sustainable packaging. Sustainability is integrated within every aspect of our business. It is fundamental to our business strategy, which aims to create and share value with all of our stakeholders. This defines how we run our business, carry out our activities and develop our relationships. In doing so, we foster an open and inclusive work environment with our 33,000 employees who share a passion for serving our customers and communities and building a more positive environmental impact.

Gastronomie und Getränkeservice
10.001 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von Coca-Cola HBC


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    One year ago, we started an exciting journey to enhance the skills and knowledge of our Key Account Managers. 💪🏼 Through lectures, workshops, and role-plays, we've elevated our understanding of #sales strategies, commercial policy, category management, customer centricity, logistics, finance, P&L, data insight analytics, and negotiation. 📈📚 Huge thanks to our colleagues - expert trainers, and over 100 dedicated participants for making this year extraordinary! The collaboration between Coca-Cola HBC and Bambi brought inspirational ideas and fresh perspectives.🤜🏼🤛🏼 Instead of just reading about our achievements, why not watch the video? 😉🎬 #KASalesAcademy #SalesCapability #KeyAccount #Learning #Sales

  • Unternehmensseite von Coca-Cola HBC anzeigen, Grafik

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    We’re celebrating World Danube Day 2024 and the vital role the river plays as it flows through Europe, including six of our Coca-Cola HBC markets. This year we joined The Living Danube Partnership (LDP) to help nature and communities thrive along the River Danube. We’re delighted to be collaborating with WWF-CEE, The Coca-Cola Foundation and Coca-Cola Europe on this initiative.  Together, we're taking action to promote good water stewardship and seek new opportunities for collective impact in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. Read more about our work: · The Living Danube Partnership:  · Mission 2025:  · Coca-Cola HBC joins The Living Danube Partnership | Coca-Cola HBC (    #CocaColaEurope #WaterReplenishment #Wetlands #WaterReplenishment WWF Central and Eastern Europe The Coca-Cola Company

    Profil von Jan Burger anzeigen, Grafik

    Senior Director, Climate & Water Sustainability Europe at The Coca-Cola Company

    Tomorrow is Danube Day – a celebration of a river that is a lifeline for the millions of Europeans who live along its banks. Along its 2,800 km journey from the Black Forest to the Black Sea, the Danube River connects ten countries. Since 2014, the WWF Central and Eastern Europe, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICDPR) and The Coca-Cola Foundation have partnered to help increase water and climate resilience in the Danube Basin. According to the WWF-CEE, by 2021 the Living Danube Partnership restored approximately 5,462 hectares of vital wetlands, rivers and floodplains, replenishing around 13.45 million cubic metres of water every year.  The WWF-CEE and The Coca-Cola Foundation recently announced the extension of the partnership for another 3 years, with additional support from Coca-Cola Europe and Coca-Cola HBC, using collective action and nature-based solutions to continue to build resilience for communities and improve watershed health across the Danube basin – helping address the interlinked challenges of climate change, biodiversity and water stewardship. #DanubeDay #NatureRestoration The Coca-Cola Company

  • Unternehmensseite von Coca-Cola HBC anzeigen, Grafik

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    For the trainees in the International Leadership Trainee Program (ILTP), the learning comes in many forms – formal education, peer-to-peer interactions, mentorship, and beyond. 📖🤝 But this program is also about personal growth. Take a look at what our trainees are sharing about themselves after only a couple of months. Their stories? Inspiring. 🌍✨ As we wrap up the recruitment for the second edition of the program, we can’t wait to onboard the new trainees in the months ahead 📈 #BringYourMagic #LeadershipDevelopment #CocaColaHBC #InternationalLeadership #CareerOpportunity #ApplyNow #ILTP24 #ILTP #CreatorsSquadILTP

  • Unternehmensseite von Coca-Cola HBC anzeigen, Grafik

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    We were once again confirmed as the world’s most sustainable beverage company by the 2023 Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) issued by S&P Global in February this year. Our colleague Maria Tzavelakou recently accepted a handcrafted trophy on our behalf to recognise our membership of S&P’s 2024 Sustainability Yearbook. She says: “I was truly honoured to represent the company in receiving this meaningful award!” The event honoured companies that have earned their place in the 2024 Sustainability Yearbook or are celebrating the milestone of 25 years of participation in S&P’s Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). Our sustainability journey continues. We remain dedicated to our goals and to being part of the solution to global sustainability challenges. Our image shows Maria Tzavelakou, Senior Corporate Counsel, with Robert Dornau, Head of Corporate Engagement for S&P Global. #SPGSustainable1Yearbook #Sustainability

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    Unternehmensseite von La Stampa anzeigen, Grafik

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    Un traguardo che testimonia la costanza, la serietà e la trasparenza dell’impegno per un futuro sostenibile. "Celebriamo insieme il mondo di domani" è il Rapporto di Sostenibilità pubblicato da Coca-Cola HBC Italia, un’edizione speciale che celebra i progressi e le conquiste degli ultimi vent'anni dell’azienda. Un percorso di sostenibilità che prosegue con oltre 3,3 milioni di euro di investimenti per il 2024 in ambiti quali salute e sicurezza, efficienza idrica ed energetica e circolarità degli imballaggi, destinati in buona parte allo stabilimento di Roccaforte di Mondovì, cuore di Lurisia, brand di acque minerali premium e bibite. Maggiori informazioni: #sostenibilità #economia #energia #adv

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  • Unternehmensseite von Coca-Cola HBC anzeigen, Grafik

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    "Producing millions of litres a day is a big challenge in itself", says Ivana Silná, Production Manager at our Prague plant. "But when you’re putting in a new line on the same factory floor for another 850,000 bottles a day, you really need everyone to work together – to bring the best of who we are and what we can do individually into a super-charged team". Find out how Ivana tapped into our 'we mindset' to lead her team to success. #WomenOfCCHBC #togetherness #oneteam #CocaColaHBC

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      For World Refill Day 2024, we’re spotlighting our innovative work in Austria to expand reusable packaging and minimise the amount of packaging we produce.     For the first time in Coca-Cola HBC, we’re producing 400ml returnable, resealable glass bottles so consumers can enjoy our drinks on the go or at home.     To produce the bottles, we use a high-speed, water and energy efficient, returnable glass bottling line at our Edelstal plant. This €12 million investment was co-funded by the European Union NextGenerationEU and is part of our plan to achieve net zero emissions across our entire value chain by 2040.    We continue to innovate in sustainable packaging. Reusable packaging plays a critical role in reducing waste and our carbon footprint.    #NetZeroBy40 #CircularEconomy #Sustainability #Partnership  

  • Unternehmensseite von Coca-Cola HBC anzeigen, Grafik

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    Prošlogodišnji susret na istom ovom mestu nas je ujedinio u zajedničkoj misiji da podržimo i osnažimo koleginice koje su odlučile da grade svoje karijere u prodaji. Ove godine uradili smo sve isto – samo u većem broju. 💪🏼 Zahvaljujući zajedničkim naporima u rušenju stereotipa i predrasuda, naša zajednica koleginica Bussines Developerki je danas veća u odnosu na prošlu godinu. Na najboljoj kafi u gradu razmenili smo iskustva sa našim Regionalnim Menadžerima prodaje Maja Kraljevic i Nenad Veličković i prodiskutovali o izazovima u profesiji kojom tradicionalno dominiraju muškarci. Bilo je reči o razvoju karijere, motivaciji, biznisu, ambicijama i očekivanjima. Sadržajan susret sa kog smo poneli brojne utiske i planove za budućnost. 🥰 Dopada nam se ova nova tradicija isto koliko i činjenica da nam je iz susreta u susret neophodna stolica više. 🤗❤️ #Prodaja #Sales #BusinessDeveloper #DEI #career #FMCG

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  • Unternehmensseite von Coca-Cola HBC anzeigen, Grafik

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    Vrh je kad si prepoznat kao VRH poslodavac!🙌🏼🏆 Infostud je i ove godine sproveo #TalentX istraživanje poslodavaca u Srbiji u kom je preko 10000 ispitanika dalo svoje viđenje stanja na tržištu rada. 🗣️ Od 100 kompanija koje su anketirani istakli kao najpoželjnije poslodavce, nama je pripala čast da ponesemo nagradu za 🥇 mesto. 🎉 A ono zbog čega smo poleteli kao mehurići tek otvorene flašice Koce jeste to što smo, prema mišljenju mladih, i dalje na prvom mestu! 🥇 Naredni ciklus istraživanja održaće se za dve godine tokom kojih imamo obavezu da ne izneverimo očekivanja i da opravdamo #vrhposlodavac reputaciju. Hvala na poverenju i gledamo se na vrhu!🔝🚀

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  • Coca-Cola HBC hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von La Stampa anzeigen, Grafik

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    Un documento che rappresenta non solo un bilancio dei risultati raggiunti, ma anche un impegno concreto per il futuro. Coca-Cola HBC Italia ha pubblicato “Celebriamo insieme il mondo di domani”, il suo 20° Rapporto di Sostenibilità, nel quale l’azienda ha rendicontato i progressi in ambiti come l'economia circolare dei packaging, l'abbattimento delle emissioni, la valorizzazione del personale e il legame con le comunità locali. Il percorso di innovazione continua con oltre 70 milioni di euro di investimenti annunciati in Italia per il 2024. Maggiori informazioni su: #sostenibilità #economia #comunità #adv

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