Cartier for Nature

Cartier for Nature

Gemeinnützige Organisationen

Meyrin, Geneva 2.795 Follower:innen

A philanthropic initiative of Cartier to conserve & restore biodiversity & ecosystems for the benefit of people & nature


Cartier founded Cartier for Nature in 2020 to help address the ongoing biodiversity crisis and drive positive change beyond the scope of its corporate sustainability commitments. Cartier for Nature complements the Maison’s philanthropic actions in the fields of human development, women’s empowerment and the arts and culture. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, Cartier for Nature is governed by Swiss law and operates under the supervision of the Federal Supervisory Board for Foundations of the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs in Bern. Cartier for Nature is funded by Cartier but operates in full independence from its commercial interests. Cartier for Nature makes grants to non-profit organisations and social enterprises to support biodiversity conservation and restoration initiatives designed for impact at scale.

Gemeinnützige Organisationen
2–10 Beschäftigte
Meyrin, Geneva
grant-making, nature conservation, ecosystem conservation, species conservation, nature, environment und philanthropy


Beschäftigte von Cartier for Nature


  • Unternehmensseite von Cartier for Nature anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌿 Happy International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem! 🌿 Madagascar’s #mangroves, known as “blue forests,” are not just breathtaking landscapes, but crucial lifelines. They teem with marine life, sustain thousands of livelihoods, shield communities from storms, and play a vital role in carbon storage, benefiting both wildlife and people alike. Yet, these precious ecosystems are at risk. Deforestation and over-fishing have already destroyed or degraded over 20% of Madagascar's mangroves since 1990, triggering erosion and releasing stored carbon into the air. To commemorate this day we’d like to spotlight our partner organisation Blue Ventures, which empowers communities along the west coast of Madagascar to govern mangroves and associated fisheries effectively, manage them sustainably, and preserve them for future generations. Photos by Garth Cripps / Blue Ventures.

    • Aerial view of a mangrove ecosystem in Madagascar.
    • An underwater image of a mangrove forest in Madagascar, teeming with life.
    • A Vezo fisherwoman in Madagascar.
  • Unternehmensseite von Cartier for Nature anzeigen, Grafik

    2.795 Follower:innen

    🐎 🐂 🌲 🦅 Take a journey to the Iberian Highlands and discover how a comeback of wild nature is breathing new life into a landscape that was once largely forgotten. This beautiful short documentary by Emmanuel Rondeau highlights how our partners Rewilding Europe and Fundación Española de Renaturalización - Rewilding Spain bring back lost species such as wild Przewalski's horses and work with local authorities, organisations and people to revitalize the region's ecosystems and economy. #Rewilding

  • Unternehmensseite von Cartier for Nature anzeigen, Grafik

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    📽 🐎 🌿 Coming soon: Breathing New Life into the Iberian Highlands. This Tuesday 23 July at 5pm CEST, a new documentary film about the efforts of our partners Rewilding Europe and Fundación Española de Renaturalización - Rewilding Spain to revitalize Spain's Iberian Highlands will premiere online. The film takes viewers on a journey this once-forgotten corner of Spain and shows how rewilding is transforming lives and ecosystems. Learn more about this work here on Rewilding Europe's website, and stay tuned for the link to the film tomorrow.

    New documentary showcases rewilding’s power to revitalise | Rewilding Europe

    New documentary showcases rewilding’s power to revitalise | Rewilding Europe

  • Unternehmensseite von Cartier for Nature anzeigen, Grafik

    2.795 Follower:innen

    Follow the team of our partner, Wildlife Conservation Society Mongolia, on their recent field trip to survey populations of the Mongolian gazelle across almost half the country!

    Unternehmensseite von Wildlife Conservation Society Mongolia anzeigen, Grafik

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    We're thrilled to share a glimpse into our recent Mongolian gazelle population survey in Eastern Mongolia! This vital work will inform our collective conservation efforts in crucial ways: • Identifying key wildlife refuges for gazelles • Supporting their adaptation to a changing climate ☀️❄️ • Ensuring functional connectivity across their vast range By understanding population trends, we can develop targeted strategies to protect Mongolian gazelles! This incredible field survey, covering almost half of Mongolia, was undertaken in partnership with WWF Mongolia, Institute of Biology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, and National University of Mongolia, as part of the More Step project. #MongolianGazelle #ConservationScience #MoreStepProject

  • Unternehmensseite von Cartier for Nature anzeigen, Grafik

    2.795 Follower:innen

    Communities in parts of South Africa and Zambia have traditionally used wild leopard skins as regalia in their cultural and religious festivals. Today, with African leopard populations under increasing pressure from habitat loss and conflicts with people, this practice has become an added threat to the species' survival. Working with local community organisations and churches, our partner PANTHERA has found an innovative solution to this problem: replacing real wild leopard skins with synthetic alternatives, produced locally in women-led tailoring centres. As a result of this initiative, the use of authentic wild cat skins for ceremonies has decreased by more than 50% in their two main partner communities, and leopard populations in the regions appear to have stabilised 🐆 🐾. Read more on our website:

  • Unternehmensseite von Cartier for Nature anzeigen, Grafik

    2.795 Follower:innen

    We are thrilled to present Cartier for Nature’s latest Annual Report. It highlights the work of our 25 partner organisations, whose efforts to conserve and restore nature provide inspiration and hope in the face of the challenges humanity is confronted with. The report introduces new partners that joined our portfolio during the last 12 months (incl. BirdLife International, Fauna & Flora , Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco, Global Diversity Foundation, GORONGOSA RESTORATION PROJECT, #IRDNC and Wildlife Conservation Society Mongolia). It also takes you on a journey to some of our longer-standing partners and sheds light on their impact on people and nature – from #Soralo, which empowers Maasai herders to continue managing their ancestral land sustainably and coexist with wildlife, to Planet Indonesia, whose work helps local communities in Borneo push back against deforestation and wildlife loss. Read the full report on our website:

  • Unternehmensseite von Cartier for Nature anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are proud to share our latest Annual Report, highlighting the work of our partners for a thriving earth that will continue to inspire and nurture us. Follow the link in Cartier's post to read the full report.

    Unternehmensseite von Cartier anzeigen, Grafik

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    The Maison is pleased to share Cartier for Nature’s new Annual Report. Created in 2020, this initiative embodies Cartier’s commitment to protecting, restoring, and sustainably managing local ecosystems and biodiversity. Today, Cartier for Nature collaborates with 25 leading non-profit organizations worldwide. As an illustration of joint efforts, this year's report reveals encouraging results. Among them, in Borneo, Planet Indonesia’s initiatives to secure land rights for local communities have slowed down deforestation in its partner villages and led to an increase in the populations of threatened birds. In Northern Australia, indigenous-led savanna burning projects coordinated by The Nature Conservancy have prevented over a million tons of carbon emissions in just one year. Discover more about Cartier for Nature’s partners in the full report:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Cartier for Nature anzeigen, Grafik

    2.795 Follower:innen

    After decades of deforestation, #Ethiopia’s once abundant forests have mostly been reduced to small, scattered fragments around the country’s thousands of Ethiopian Orthodox Churches. While these Church Forests are considered sacred, some of them are degenerating due to fuel wood cutting and overgrazing, with a consequent loss of genetic diversity. Amid ongoing conflict and hardship in the country, local nonprofit organisation #ORDA Ethiopia continues to work with local communities to #protect and #regenerate these remaining #churchforests in Amhara province, with the aim of connecting them and eventually using them as the starting points for larger-scale reforestation of the surrounding landscape 🌳🌳🌳🌳 . Find more about their inspiring #conservation work on our website:

  • Unternehmensseite von Cartier for Nature anzeigen, Grafik

    2.795 Follower:innen

    🦒 It's #WorldGiraffeDay! 🦒 According to estimates, there are around 117,000 giraffes left in the world today. While this may seem like a fairly large number, these iconic animals are under threat. Their habitat continues to shrink as open range land is converted to farms, developed or fenced off. Scientists fear that populations may have dropped by as much as 30 to 40% in the last 30 years alone. Several of our partners work with local communities in Eastern and Southern Africa to conserve prime giraffe areas - including #SORALO in Kenya, Honeyguide Foundation in Tanzania, It's Wild! Foods by COMACO in Zambia and #IRDNC in Namibia. Their work offers a beacon of hope and a path towards a sustainable future where people and wildlife can coexist and thrive. Photo by Ben Buckland / Cartier for Nature.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Cartier for Nature anzeigen, Grafik

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    #Kenya’s South Rift region is home to 300,000 #Maasai pastoralists as well as large populations of lions, cheetahs, wild dogs and elephants. Traditionally, the Maasai used to manage this shared landscape communally and sustainably - but as human populations grow and cultural norms erode, more and more of their land is sold and fenced off, blocking migratory corridors, shrinking the habitat available to wildlife and restricting the mobility of the remaining traditional pastoralists. Our partner organisation #SORALO was established by a group of local Maasai to halt this fragmentation of rangelands and preserve their unique culture of coexistence. The organisation works to secure communities’ collective tenure over their natural resources, work with them on reaching consensus over their use, and establish community-led wildlife conservation areas across the region to ensure that people and wildlife can continue to thrive side by side. Learn more on our website: Images by Ben Buckland for Cartier for Nature.

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