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Tobacco Directory

This directory lists the tobacco product manufacturers, with brand families and brand names, that have provided current and accurate certifications to the District of Columbia in accordance with DC Official Code § 7-1801.02 (2001) and the Tobacco Product Manufacturer Reserve Fund Complementary Procedures Act of 2004 ("Act"). Only cigarettes or "roll-your-own" tobacco belonging to brand families listed in this directory may be stamped, offered, or possessed for sale in the District of Columbia.

Any cigarettes or "roll-your-own" tobacco that have been sold, offered or possessed for sale, or imported for personal consumption in the District of Columbia while not included in this directory will be deemed contraband and subject to seizure and forfeiture as provided in section 7(b) of the Act.

It is unlawful to affix a stamp to a package or other container of cigarettes of a tobacco product manufacturer or brand family not included in this directory or to sell, offer, or possess for sale, or import for personal consumption in the District of Columbia, cigarettes or "roll-your-own" tobacco of a tobacco product manufacturer or brand family not included in this directory.

This directory is effective September 20, 2004. It will be updated as necessary to add or remove tobacco product manufacturers or brands to keep the directory in conformity with the requirements of the Act.

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