Centmin Mod LEMP Reviews

This reviews page will list any Centmin Mod LEMP stack discovered reviews and tutorials that have been posted by Centmin Mod LEMP web stack users. If you have found a review or tutorial or have your own Centmin Mod LEMP stack review or tutorial you want listed, please post in the Centmin Mod User Tutorials & Guides forum a new thread for the review or tutorial and it will be reviewed and once approved will be posted on this web page.

Centmin Mod 1.2.3-eva2000.08 & newer releeases


  1. How To Install Centmin Mod on Centos 7.5
  2. How to install Centmin Mod with Let’s Encrypt and CloudFlare
  3. How to Install WordPress on CentOS with Centmin Mod
  4. Nginx: Complete Install Nginx Stack Under 15 Minutes On CentOS
  5. How To Setup Your First LEMP Stack with Centmin Mod (Linux, Nginx, MariaDB/MySQL, PHP)


  1. Cara Instan Membangun Web Server Nginx dengan CentminMod
  2. How to install: Cara install CentminMod – Servernesia
  3. Adding website: Menambahkan website pada Centminmod – Servernesia
  4. Make use of WordPress autoinstall: Instalasi WordPress pada CentminMod – Servernesia


  1. CentMin Mod para Instalar y configurar un stack LEMP


  1. Centmin Mod LEMP Web Stack
  2. [Centminmod] – Giới thiệu
  3. [Centminmod] – Cài đặt Centminmod
  4. [Centminmod] – Thêm domain vào máy chủ
  5. [Centminmod] – Cài WordPress và cấu hình

Centmin Mod 1.2.3-eva2000.07 & older releeases


  1. Centmin Mod – A Shell Script To Automatically Deploy LEMP Stack In CentOS by Unixmen.com
  2. Complete Install Nginx Stack Under 15 Minutes On Centos by servermom.org
  3. Install Centmin Mod on a CentOS 6 VPS by rosehosting.com
  4. How To Install Centmin Mod on CentOS by idroot.net
  5. How to install Centmin Mod on VPS Centos by seounion.net


  1. Centminmod and WordPress (8 part series in Vietnamese) by thachpham.com