Visit Carlo's Official Website for a splendid time!


Images du film d'animation ICARE



 Sortie du film ICARE le 30 mars en France!


Au Vitriol



Au Vitriol

Réalisé avec ma chère amie Sonia:

Monsieur Poilu

J'ai fait une série de Comic Strips qui raconte la vie de Mr Poilu, retraité nudiste et bon-vivant. Ils sont visibles ici:



Voici le teaser du projet de long-métrage d'animation ICARE sur lequel je bosse depuis presque 2 ans...
Top à la vachette!!!



Excerpts of some hand and folding animation I did last fall with Swordfish in San Francisco.


WURST in der Berlinale

Im Februar geht's um die Wurst!

Die Wurst ist bei der Offiziellen Auswahl der Berlinale 2015 dabei, und läuft in der Section Kulinarisches Kino im Martin Gropius Bau in Berlin am 11. Februar.
Anschliessend gibt's auch was zu futtern! Wie geschmackvoll!

Ausserdem ist der Film auch in Brüssel zu sehen im ANIMA Film Festival.
(Update : WURST won the Audience Award at the festival ANIMA in Brussels!)

Ex Libris

Une petite commande de Eliette et de Mike pour personnaliser leurs quelque 20 000 livres.
L'amour de la Grêce et du bon vin l'auront emporté!


WURST - the film

WURST is online! Please enjoy the torments of a little Weisswurst in her desperate search for sophistication. Big thanks to the Rockstar Isabelle Andrivet, my favorite pianist Cedric Kennel and the deft sewing hands of Guillaume Chartier.

Click here for more pics and Making Of


New Website

Introducing mon nouveau site web avec des icones interactives et tout! 


Oeil de Links

Emission de Canal qui parcourt le net à la recherche de pépites artistiques, Oeil de Links est consacrée cette semaine à la stop motion. La variété de techniques et d'esthétiques présentées est étonnante, la réalisation de l'émission est top, et les saucisses de WURST sont heureuses d'en faire partie!


Making Of WURST

More clips and compositing from WURST. T-Bone Steak and Surfer Chicken to the Rescue!


Making Of WURST

For more info on the film and making of pics, here is a link to the official WURST blog.



Pieces Mortelles

Une affiche réalisée pour le spectacle de la compagnie
D-Boussole qui a adapté
des pièces délicieusement macabres du dramaturge Israelien Hanokh Levin.



Furtiva Lagrima will play at the 63rd Berlin Film Festival as part of the Culinary Cinema program. Probably the most fitting selection the film was ever presented in!


The fish is online!

You can view the film in HD on vimeo



Le film Una Furtiva Lagrima sera en competition internationale au Festival
du Court-Metrage a Clermont-Ferrand. 


Forum des Images

Si vous passez au Carrefour du cinema d'animation cette semaine, vous pourrez y voir Una Furtiva Lagrima dans la selection Musique et Son

Le 24 novembre a 21h30 au Forum des Images a Paris.


Animation Show of Shows

Its is an honour for me to have my film featured in this year's Animation Show of Shows. Screenings are happening at many major Animation Studios and Schools in the US in the next few weeks.
I won't be able to make it to most of them, but San Francisco, Berkeley, Pixar, PDI and ILM should be covered!


Ottawa 2012

I'm flying to Ottawa tonight to attend this curious animation festival for the first time. The singing fish should fit right in with the depressing and morbidly strange films the event is famous for.


I did this poster for the film. Seems quite simple and easy, took me fucking 2 weeks to settle on design and font ;)


Extracto de Lagrima

Here is a sneak peak of the film.


Annecy 2012

To help my agonizing fish compete in Annecy this year, I created a website for the film Una furtiva Lagrima. Wish him luck!


Una Furtiva Lagrima

Here are a few screenshots of a stop motion film I have been working on for the last 6 months. It is almost finished!


Tango for Jansjo

     I shot this film in my apartment in San Francisco last month. The idea came to my mind while wandering around the local IKEA store trying to find the exit! And the incredibly slick and stylish JANSJO Desklamp instantly attracted me, her slick design makes her arrogant and haughty like a proud goose! Thus a new character was born, and the melodrama could unfold! Special thanks to Maya Cárdenas and Cédric Kennel, for a lot of laughs on our spanish brainstorm!


Coming soon

My new stop motion short. Should be finished next week!


I did this poster for a high school theater show. The play SALINA by Laurent Gaudé is terrific!


35mm Scratch Animation

I stumbled upon this Film Scratch Animation that I did with 6 other students back in School. We'd scratch and paint directly on the photographic filmreel, synching it to the beautiful Piano music by Gonzales. My segment is the one using old footage from a Brigitte Bardot film.


Ken and Barbie on Vacation

Last Summer I worked on the next Pixar Short starring Ken and Barbie, released with Cars2 this year. In the following clip that Disney put online as a trailer, I animated everything but the last shot. Enjoy!


For Sock's Sake

Here are some pics explaining my work process on FOR SOCK'S SAKE, which I just finished in Calarts, California. I shot the clothes separately in stop motion with a digital still camera on green screen, and comped them together in my drawn Backgrounds.


CGI animal walks

With standard animal models, I did the animation on Maya software in my 3rd year at Gobelins.


Clay figure, wooden doll and Aardman Studios puppet with iron armature and latex foam body, all animation and designs by myself. Facilities provided by the Bristol School of Animation. Shot with a video camera and edited with Stop Motion Pro software.


Trailer for the Annecy Animation Festival 2007, in collaboration with Antonin Herveet, Sophia Chevrier and Cecile Francoia. The animations are hand-drawn, then coloured in Photoshop and composited in After Effects. Here is a sample of my animation work on this film: