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Hello! I was wondering if this game is kid-friendly? I’m looking for take-home writing activities for my struggling students for this year and don’t have the $ to purchase all the options to review.  Thanks.

I need a community copy! So bad!

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Another amazing game created by a favorite designer of mine. I love the map and locations in this: packed full of ideas for compelling NPCs and adventure seeds.

Thank you so much, Brian! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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Absolutely great game! Concise and action-packed, love it

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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Hey, just finished reading the book - it's great, I love it. I'll write a review later on today, but I have a (small) question. In the section about advancement, it says:

"Subtract the MP spent from your total score, but do not change the Total value on your playbook."

Why? To give a general idea of how far the character has come?

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Thank you so much!

Yes, the main reason for now is that. I've considered "retirement" rules (reaching a threshold would allow you to return to the spirit realm with your calling fulfilled), but decided to leave it for future consideration. :)

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I see, that is interesting!