The goal of the R package ‘pm4py’ is to provide a bridge between bupaR and the Python library PM4Py.


You can install the released CRAN version of pm4py with:

You can install the development version of pm4py from the dev branch with:


Then, automatically install the pm4py package in a virtual or Conda environment:

See the ‘reticulate’ documentation for more information on the available options or how to specify an existing Python environment:

PM4Py Version

To facilitate getting stable results and to reduce the number of regressions due to API changes in PM4Py, this package is built against a fixed PM4Py version that is defined in the file R/version.R. We also adopt the versioning schema of the PM4Py project for this R package. So, the R package version 1.1.19 will install the PM4Py version 1.1.19.

In case of fixes required to the R package itself, for example, for bugs or adopting new features, we will add a suffix -rev to the version to indicate the change. Of course, nothing prevents you from manually overriding the synchronisation between the PM4Py version and the R PM4Py package version using the parameter version as follows:

pm4py::install_pm4py(version = "1.2.7")