I first started on Bulbapedia with a name called "Piplup.", This was unfortunately banned as it was too close to a blacklisted name. I decided to go for "ポッチャマ" instead as other languages' Pokémon names are allowed.
To date this will be my 21st edit as I am now able to create my userpage. After it has been published I will have made 16 mainspace edits, 4 talk page edits and 1 userspace edit (which is this very edit).
I quite like Pokémon but I absolutely despise:
The Psyduck Stops Here!
I watched this episode recently and I hated it for the following reasons:
- Ash, Brock and Dawn could have tried taking out the Psyduck after they were beaten the first time.
- Ash could have offered the Psyduck a home at Professor Oak's lab, thus avoiding the Muk altogether.
- Three Psyduck were blocking the path Ash and his friends wanted to use, but they were not guarding any of the other places from where threats could appear.
- Three Psyduck are easily able to take out so many Pokémon, but apparently eight Psyduck could not take out three Muk. Wouldn't taking out the Muk be a better strategy than assuming extreme prejudice and trying to murder anyone who gets within a few meters.
- Why didn't the Psyduck with eggs just hide in the forest rather than draw attention to themselves by getting other Psyduck to try to murder anyone who wishes to pass.
- How come the Psyduck were blocking one path, but threats could approach from a different direction, and apparently left the Psyduck with eggs vulnerable to an attack, from somewhere else.
- Ash, Brock and Dawn evict the Muk from lake Psyduck, but that is unethical the Psyduck do not legally own the land, the Muk should have just as much right to live there as the Psyduck. Do they not know number one rule leave nature alone.
- Dawn believes that the Psyduck can live out their days in peace. Is Dawn an idiot any nearby Pokémon could evict the Psyduck from the lake again. Or alternatively a Pokémon trainer could catch them, and store them in PokéBalls for the rest of eternity.
- If I were any one of Ash or his friends I would've killed the Psyduck and served them with hoisin sauce. Mmm crispy "Psyduckling(s)"
But the absolute worse thing about the episode
- HYPOCRISY, the Psyduck commit attempted murder arguably making them even worse than the Muk. The Psyduck obviously didn't like it that the Muk claimed ownership of lake Psyduck but the Psyduck were claiming ownership of the entire path, oh, I see it's wrong that the Muk took the lake but it's okay for the Psyduck to claim ownership of an entire path and to try and murder with extreme prejudice.
What horrible evil, attempted murdering hypocrites. The Psyduck should've been killed and eaten and the "Psyducklings" (yes apparently you do add an "s" to make it plural even though it's just a Pokémon name with an extra suffix) should've been made to watch and then eaten themselves. This would've been a good thing as those attempting murderers could never try murder again.