What Is Web Design?

Web design is the process of creating a website in a way that appeals to a target audience.

Written by Matthew Urwin
Published on Dec. 16, 2021
Web Design
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Brand Studio Logo
Trent Victor | Aug 11, 2022

Because web designers are focused on the user experience, they must ensure their website is simple and intuitive. This vision requires a knack for organizing visual elements, writing succinct code and adjusting to feedback. By following the principles of web design, teams can craft sites that stay true to their brands and the needs of their desired customers.

What are the main steps in web design?

  • Plotting goals and the design layout beforehand will help teams design a crisper, more clearly defined website.

A website is only as strong as the foundation it’s built upon, so designers should take the time to plot out the minutiae. Defining goals, target audiences, and general layouts is a crucial stage that teams can build off of. From there, creatives can brainstorm the text, colors, page structures, and other site details. By considering something as small as a contact form, teams can account for all variables and anticipate how elements will look in their final product. 

No matter how thorough designers are, there’s no such thing as a perfect site. That’s why teams deploy rounds of testing before publication and make adjustments after finalizing a website. Websites require constant tweaking to cater to the changing needs of consumers and to sharpen the rougher edges of the product. However, teams can deliver a more streamlined user experience by demonstrating patience as they follow the steps of planning a website

What skills do I need to be a web designer?

  • While web designers must understand how visual elements interact, they must also keep in mind how users interact with those elements.

A seasoned web designer will have a balanced background that features both technical expertise and a user-oriented mentality. Knowing how to work with colors, text, images, and other media is key for web design and development. To gain an even greater advantage, designers dabble in HTML, CSS and other coding languages. Those who know how to bring these factors together can create accessible websites that users will enjoy. 

Still, web design is not a solo profession. Designers must demonstrate an empathetic approach since the success of their sites hinges on the approval of consumers. Plus, designers often collaborate with team members to bring sites to fruition and improve them. With problem-solving and communication skills, designers are more likely to consider various perspectives and democratize the internet with user-friendly sites.

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